Smogoff Secret Santa idea (somone claim this because i really dont want to run this)

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morbidly a beast
is a Contributor to Smogon
Works just like Secret Santa in the tiers but this time instead of teams you request someone to make a thread. its gotta follow the rules though. Im on mobile rn so I cant like post all the rules right now but like if anyone wants to legit do this PM me or something and we can work out an OP and you can just take my idea.

Remember its a secret Santa thread so like you should definitely put some effort into what thread request you received also its gotta follow Smogon policy duh.
hi I'd like a thread where you can ask a community member a bunch of questions. we could call it a 'watering hole' or a 'potable water reserve' or something. maybe make the text of the thread itself a joke or something.

either that or another teddiursa related tier list thread.

cool idea tho. maybe you could expand it beyond threads because the teddiursa tier list thread request is inevitable. make it so that you just request something and people fulfill it in the most humorous way possible, whether that be a ms paint drawing or a thread or a reply or a vocaroo
I cooked up an OP! Posting a thread about a secret santa in the first 2 weeks of November is a bit too into the Christmas spirit, but whatever. If people like this OP I'll post it on December 10th or 15th or something.

I think that it would be more entertaining and more interactive a thread if the format was that anyone can request and anyone can fulfill whenever they want, rather than a request before x date and a gift before y date. I know that kind of defeats the point of a secret santa but whatever.
I'm also down to run the secret santa with the normal format where people type 'in' and I keep track of it in excel or whatever. Anyone reading this can just tell me if they think that the live format is stupid, and if enough people dislike it I'll switch to the normal one.

Also, I'd appreciate it if anyone reading this gave me some feedback if they have a modification to the rules or a way to make the OP funnier/better. Maybe I can get someone from Smeargle's studio to make something for the OP of this thread, or I'll just steal from a secret santa on another part of the site.

Finally, I'm not sure if I need mod approval or whatever to do this since it's an event thing. If the mods are not down for this just tell me, its no problem. I don't have site powers so I can't force any mods who try to deny this to have the custom title 'ebenezer scrooge' or 'the grinch'.

Thread Title: Smogoff Secret Santa

Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Dubai's national day, Jay-Z's birthday. There are a whole lot of celebrations in December, and here in Smogoff we might as well celebrate with a Secret Santa.

Secret Santa is an event in which the members of a community anonymously exchange gifts between themselves. Normally, this would be time restricted, but in the pursuit of a greater happiness this thread is going to run a bit differently.

Post a request for anything you want in this thread, and if you see any requests that you think you can fulfill then fulfill them in any way you see fit!

In the spirit of Smogoff, there will be no rules, but you must follow Smogon site rules, and there will be a few guidelines you should try to stay within.

1) Have fun! Try to keep your requests and fulfillments humorous or creative. This thread is just intended to be entertaining, and it's really only meant to let people have a good time.

2) Take this thread at face value! I know that the internet is full of irony and post-modernist humor or whatever, but in this thread just try to have fun making stuff and receiving stuff. Actually creating something is quite nice, and doing a meaningless good deed is corny but fulfilling.

3) Good requests! This means something that's possible to fulfill digitally, and a request that isn't so vague that there's nowhere to go but also a request that isn't so specific that the fulfiller doesn't have room to put their own spin on it. Creativity is best in situations where the constraints are present but not too restrictive.

4) Good fulfillments! This is in two ways:
  • Make your own stuff! Just linking some topical youtube video without doing anything of your own is a very boring way to fulfill a request. Also, plagiarizing stuff is super boring. Don't do it!
  • Put some effort in. This doesn't have to be 80 hours of work, but we don't want the thread to be too full of MS Paint drawings that took a maximum of 30 seconds. Also, keep in mind that you can fulfill the request in whatever medium you want, whether that be 3D modelling, building pokemon teams, making a thread, or singing a song. Be creative!

5) There are no restrictions on requesting or fulfilling. Multiple people can fulfill one request, and you can request or fulfill as many times as you want (within reason).

Basically, just use your common sense, have a good time, and stay relaxed.

Yea, go ahead and take this if you want to run this. Just like credit me for the idea or something Idk. Ask phoopes or something first. like someone who mods or whatever

EDIT: you may want to have people post thread ideas in the thread and then Assign the Thread idea that someone posts to another user in Private so it's secret. Also, One thread per person should be a rule. I used to run a lot of the Metagame Secret Santa's once upon a time so from my experience, it's a lot more fun this way. May also want to set a thread idea deadline so that people have a hard deadline to come up with Ideas. We don't people posting after the deadline.
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