Tournaments SM Grand Slam I - Ubers Open [Won by Rhmsitb]

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- This is a standard SM Ubers tournament.
- See the SM Ubers old gens hub for more information and resources, such as sample teams and viability rankings.
- This tournament is single elimination.
- Rounds will be best-of-3. Players may switch teams in between rounds and battles of the same set.
- Matches will be played on Pokémon Showdown or the SmogTours server.
- Replays must be saved and posted in the thread. Any match win reported without replays will not be counted. This is your only warning.
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here. A scheduling guide can be found here.
- This tournament is part of SM Grand Slam

Round 3
Mok3s  vs  Vxltarktimi
memedose46  vs  Maarck
abra xdd  vs  Rhmsitb
wssi  vs  Jojen
0.5Mirror  vs  ExguardiaN
leoperi99  vs  Oathkeeper
Dugtrio Is Broken  vs  Scizornite
emoxu9  vs  feen
Shivam_Z  vs  realaccountami?
Ainzcrad  vs  The Dovahneer
entrocefalo  vs  Abele01
Pokemh  vs  Lana
ZeroKitss  vs  LpZ
Monai  vs  8truc
MZ  vs  Falancies
Lizardu  vs  Pranjalsingh

Deadline for Round 3 is Sunday December 22th, 11:59 PM GMT -3.
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