ORAS OU SlowTank


Team Preview:
I wanted to make a team using Mega-Slowbro and it's crazy new defenses.
-I started off with mega-slowbro because its one of the megas I'm most excited for in ORAS
-Then taking into account its weakness to grass and electric I decided to make goodra my special tank because it resists both. It also takes neutral damage from dark, ghost, and bug.
-Then I decided to throw in Magnezone and sort of a bulky, special hitter.
-At this point I noticed I still had no hazards and no way to get rid of them so I decided to use a supportive Mandibuzz
-Arcanine was next up to add some priority, and a hard hitter attacker to the team.
-Lastly Breloom to get a fighting type on the team to take care of some of the teams threats.

Mega-Slowbro @ Slowbronite
Nature: Bold
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
-Calm Mind
-Slack Off
Slowbro is my main tank for the team, I invested fully into defense because calm mind allows its special to defense to get very high aswell. It has insane bulk and serves as a great switch in to resist most moves super affective on Arcanine and Breloom.

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Nature: Calm
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpD / 16 Spe
-Draco Meteor
-Fire Blast
-Sludge Bomb
Goodra is my special attack, calm and assault vest gives goodra insane bulk. Special Ice and dragon attacks barley touch Goodra with special defenses this high and it can easily strike back hard with its big type coverage. Sap Sipper also makes it a great switch in to defend slowbro.

Magnezone @ Air Ballon
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
-Magnet Rise
-Hp Fire
-Flash Cannon
I decided to go with the steel killing set for magezone. Magnet Pull with hp Fire will dominate steel types and using the air ballon with magnet rise will stop mag's big ground weakness. Even though steel isn't a huge threat to my team it is certainly a very threatening wall worth having an answer to. Mag's stab t-bolts and flash cannon deal with the threat of flying, rock, ice and fairy types which are huge threats to arcane and breloom.

Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 108 SpD / 16 Spe
-Foul Play
Mandibuzz is taking on the support role of the team. Defog helps to eliminate all hazards (especially since I have none). Its defensive mix helps it take a variety of hits so it can roost back and toxic stall out some of my teams threats. Foul play was used to take advantage of Mandibuzz'z weak offensive stats.

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 176 Spe
-Flare Blitz
-Morning Sun
-Close Combat
Arcanine is my main physical attacker and sweeper. Arcanine can do heavy damage with it's life orb and I also went with morning sun to heal off some of the life orb/ flare blitz damage. It also it one of my only sources of priority moves which could turn out big towards the end of a battle, or to help dwindle down opponents.

Breloom @ Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Mach Punch
-Bullet Seed
Breelom is my revenge killer, a 2nd source of priority ie. Mach Punch, can use spore to put poke's to sleep and protect to potentially stall out a trick room or a toxic from Mandibuzz.

The Main goal is pretty much to wall and then switch into breloom and arcanine to sweep mop up. Thanks for the suggestions, I'm somewhat new to team making so not to sure how this turned out, I haven't given the team much testing in battle. I'm very open to all suggestions, Thanks- Mega Torkoal
A couple of nitpicks for your team.
1. Goodra does not need 252 SpD with an Assault Vest. Doing so hinders its ability to actually hit anything hard enough. Try this set:
Goodra @ Assault Vest
252 HP/248 SpA/8 SpD
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Sludge Bomb
Muddy Water

This EV spread allows it to tap into its massive SpA to pose a threat to different situations. Goodra is not a wall by any means, rather a special pivot. Its lack of recovery means it will eventually die.

2. Mega Slowbro does not need maximum defense at all. You're hindering it in that sense. I think a CroBro set is nice here.
Slowbro @ Slowbroite
Shell Armor
252 HP/240 SpD/16 Def
Slack Off/Rest
Psyshock/Sleep Talk
Calm Mind

This set will allow it to live much longer. Its base 180 defense needs to go near uninvested, opening up longevity opportunities. RestTalk is great since without Regenerator MegaBro is as good as doomed for Toxic, but Psyshock makes for a great STAB. It's really your call.

3. This team doesn't seem well equipped for the trials that the OU metagame puts on it. Yes you have Slowbro, but once its down or weakened it's fodder for the horribly offensive sweepers like Landorus, MegaMence, MegaGross, Mega Swampert (in rain, of course), Azumarill. Mega Lati@s could possibly go over the bulk of your team once Goodra is down. Lots of things to consider. I'd like to avoid changing your entire team, but here are some options over your current choices.

instead of Breloom:
Weavile @ Life Orb/Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Def
Ice Shard
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick

While Breloom is great for Spore, its ineffectiveness against a good amount of offensive threats (bar Heatran, but Breloom faces an uphill battle from incoming STAB) will come to show greatly. Weavile is an excellent revenge counter to MegaMence and Landorus, as well as Garchomp, Lati@s and a few others. Banded Ice Shard hits hard and guarantees a revenge kill, and Knock Off is absolutely essential. I'm sure there are other options but this will do a lot better than your Breloom.

instead of Arcanine:
Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Rough Skin
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpA
Stealth Rock
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Fire Blast

Your team lacking stealth rocks means that Beedrill, Pinsir, Mence, Lando, Zard, Talon and a plethora of other mons come in for free and do whatever. Garchomp is a great offensive lead and can double as a late game cleaner due to its sheer power. Having crucial resistances to Volt Switch from Rotom, Zapdos and Thundurus, as well as Stone Edge from Lando and TTar means that he can find a nice little spot on the team. You sacrifice "recovery" with this over Arcanine, but Arcanine is very slow and possesses only a relevant Fairy resistance, and cannot set hazards.

instead of Mandibuzz:

Zapdos @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpA OR 252 HP/168 Def/68 Spa/20 Spe
Thunderbolt/Volt Switch
Heat Wave/U-Turn


Skarmory @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk
Brave Bird

Both of these guys are great for your team. Keeping the excellent flying switch-in, Zapdos can be a good Fighting/Electric/Water/Flying/Steel switch in, while Skarmory is good against Flying/Ice/Grass/Normal/Dragon/Fairy. It depends on what you're looking for. Skarmory is more defensive than Zapdos, but Zapdos can hit pretty hard in return. Both of these will do better than your current Mandibuzz because of their more versatile resistances.

Magnezone is fine, but a Rotom-W or Thundurus may do its job a bit better. It can currently trap and kill Metagross and Ferrothorn, both relevant pokemon right now. It's your call. You do not have to take my suggestions if they change your team too much, but it's just stuff I thought would benefit you.