Gen 6 Slowbro (Done)


With excellent defensive stats alongside a solid Water / Psychic typing, Slowbro is an excellent choice for taking on threats such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Medicham. With recovery moves like Slack Off and Rest plus a fantastic ability in Regenerator, Slowbro is very easy to keep healthy and use as an all-around defensive pivot. Its very wide offensive and support movepool lets it take on various foes comfortably. When Mega Evolved, Slowbro gets a boost from base 110 Defense to base 180 Defense, which further increases its ability to take on physical attackers. Mega Slowbro also gets the ability Shell Armor, which makes it immune to critical hits; this pairs very well with its access to boosting moves like Calm Mind, which makes it a very viable bulky sweeper.

Despite all this, Slowbro's typing renders it weak to common Knock Off and Pursuit users like Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Its typing also makes it vulnerable to both U-turn and Volt Switch, making it very easy to gain momentum off of. Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense also makes it vulnerable to special attackers such as Mega Manectric, Serperior, and Gengar. Lastly, Slowbro fears status moves that can put it on a timer, like Toxic, and moves like Taunt that can stop it from recovering health or inflicting its own status.

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Ice Beam / Fire Blast
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP/ 176 Def / 80 SpD


Scald is a reliable, spammable STAB move with a chance to cripple a large range of Pokemon such as Metagross, Excadrill, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slack Off allows Slowbro to stay healthy and, when combined with Regenerator, makes it increasingly hard to wear down. Thunder Wave is a reliable method of stopping Speed-boosting Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, while also slowing foes down in general so that teammates can revenge kill them. Ice Beam reliably hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Gliscor while also hitting Dragon-types that resist Scald like Latios and Mega Altaria. Ice Beam also can hit Grass-types like Serperior, preventing it from using Substitute, and physically defensive Tangrowth, which otherwise could throw out moves like Sleep Powder, Knock Off, and Giga Drain. Fire Blast is also an option to immediately damage Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory.

Set Details

The given EV spread allows Slowbro to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock while still maximizing its physical bulk to deal with Pokemon like Mega Medicham that lack Thunder Punch, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Metagross. Leftovers and Regenerator enhance Slowbro's ability to stay healthy. Alternatively, Rocky Helmet is also a solid item to chip down foes like Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Medicham.

Usage Tips

Use this set as a defensive pivot. Slowbro can KO or cripple setup Pokemon like Swords Dance Gliscor and Swords Dance Mega Scizor with Ice Beam, Fire Blast, or Scald. Spam status-inflicting moves like Scald and Thunder Wave as the foe switches out to cripple its teammates. Rocky Helmet can be used to wear down physical attackers and put them in range of Slowbro's teammates. Make sure to scout for status moves from common status users like Clefable, Heatran, and Amoonguss to ensure Slowbro's survivability.

Team Options

Slowbro fits well on bulkier playstyles like balance, bulky offense, and stall. It is able to act as the team's physical wall and its countermeasure to strong Fighting-types. Pokemon that can assist Slowbro with dealing with Electric-types like Rotom-W, Grass-types like Serperior, Ghost-types like Gengar, Dark-types like Tyranitar, and Dragon-types like Latios and Latias are mandatory. Magic Guard Clefable is a great partner because its mixed bulk and Fairy typing allow it to handle threats like Mega Gyarados, Latios, and Rotom-W. It also can absorb the status moves that Slowbro does not want to take. Tyranitar can eliminate Ghost-types, Latios, and Latias for Slowbro with Pursuit while also dealing with threats like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Thundurus with Stone Edge. Choice Scarf Magnezone plays a similar role as Tyranitar in the sense that it can trap Pokemon that annoy Slowbro, such as Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor, while also offensively checking Mega Medicham, Starmie, Thundurus, and Mega Charizard Y. It also provides momentum with Volt Switch. Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss can face off against the Grass- and Electric-types Slowbro struggles with, like Serperior and Rotom-W, while also appreciating Slowbro's ability to take on Fire-types. Other partners include special sponges like Tornadus-T and Gliscor; Tornadus-T forms a nice Regenerator core with Slowbro, while Gliscor is able to absorb and scout for status moves. Excadrill can check certain Electric-types as well as Fairy-types like Clefable and Mega Altaria. It also can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin, which Slowbro appreciates.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Scald
move 3: Slack Off
move 4: Psyshock / Rest / Flamethrower
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD


Calm Mind boosts Mega Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense as well as its Special Attack, making it very hard to KO after a few boosts. The rise in Special Attack goes well with Mega Slowbro's impressive base 130 Special Attack, giving it a solid offensive presence that complements its defenses. Scald is Mega Slowbro's best STAB move. Psyshock helps deal with other Calm Mind users like Clefable and Suicune while also hitting Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, and Keldeo. Rest is less reliable than Slack Off, but it removes status, most notably Toxic. Flamethrower is also an option, as it helps take out Mega Scizor and, more importantly, Ferrothorn, which otherwise hard walls Mega Slowbro.

Set Details

With a 70 point boost in base Defense after Mega Evolving, Slowbro can throw more EVs into Special Defense while still acting as a reliable physical wall. When Mega-Evolved, Slowbro avoids the 2HKO from Knock Off from Dark-types like Bisharp and Weavile as well as Choice Scarf Tyranitar's Crunch. The Special Defense investment makes it easier to take on threats like Choice Specs Latios, and it lets Mega Slowbro use Slack Off on Mega Charizard Y's Solar Beam to stall out its Drought turns.

Usage Tips

An important thing to keep in mind is how Slowbro loses Regenerator after Mega Evolving. Try to maximize the healing that Slowbro gets from it beforehand. You should not Mega Evolve Slowbro unless it needs the extra physical defense to check a specific threat or you plan to set up and win. Set up on Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Excadrill, Mega Metagross, and Keldeo that can't break Mega Slowbro. If you are not running Rest, make sure to scout for status moves like Toxic from Mega Lopunny and Excadrill while also being careful about potential coverage moves like Hidden Power Grass from Keldeo.

Team Options

Mega Slowbro belongs to bulky team archetypes like stall and balance, meaning Pokemon that naturally appear on these teams pair well with it. Gliscor can take on special hits for Mega Slowbro and is immune to Electric-type attacks that Mega Slowbro hates. Assault Vest Tornadus-T can also sponge special hits and forms a nice Regenerator core with Mega Slowbro. Clefable forms a fantastic Calm Mind core with Mega Slowbro, being able to absorb and scout out status moves like Will-O-Wisp and Toxic. Latios can fit on most teams, help Mega Slowbro deal with Electric-types, and remove entry hazards for it. Excadrill can also deal with Electric-types and remove entry hazards, but it also checks Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable that annoy Mega Slowbro.

name: Offensive Tank
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Ice Beam / Psychic
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 136 SpA / 124 SpD


Scald is a very spammable STAB move because of its chance to burn foes, whittling down and crippling switch-ins. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move to keep Mega Slowbro healthy. Fire Blast hits Steel-types, including Ferrothorn, Scizor, Bisharp, and Magnezone, and Grass-types like Amoonguss, Serperior, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Ground-types like Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T as well as Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria that shrug off Scald and Fire Blast. Psychic is a strong STAB move that can be used to hit a variety of Pokemon such as Keldeo, Rotom-W, Alomomola, Azumarill, Amoonguss, and Mega Venusaur. Grass Knot is also an option to hit other Water-types such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Mega Gyarados, Suicune, and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro.

Set Details

136 EVs into Special Attack with a Modest nature give Mega Slowbro's Fire Blast a 75% chance to OHKO physically defensive Tangrowth with 48 Special Defense EVs. It also guarantees the OHKO on Tangrowth with no Special Defense investment after Stealth Rock and OHKOes standard Ferrothorn and Magnezone after Stealth Rock. Ice Beam will always OHKO Gliscor and Thundurus after Stealth Rock while also 2HKOing Flying-types like Zapdos with full HP investment and Assault Vest Tornadus-T. Maximum HP investment with the rest of the EVs dumped into Special Defense helps Mega Slowbro take special attacks from the likes of Latios, Keldeo, Leftovers Thundurus, and Choice Scarf Magnezone. This spread can also survive two hits of standard Rotom-W's Volt Switch.

Usage Tips

Offensive tank Mega Slowbro usually wants to Mega Evolve right away to take advantage of the huge jump in Special Attack and, to a lesser extent, the jump in physical bulk. Mega Slowbro typically should be using Scald to land chip damage and potential burns on its foes, but it is also recommended to try to predict switch-ins and hit them with the appropriate coverage moves. For example, you would want to hit Latios on the switch with Ice Beam, Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, and Rotom-W with Psychic. This set is best used by tanking a lot of attacks while dishing out a lot of damage and healing when appropriate.

Team Options

Offensive Tank Mega Slowbro fits best on balance and bulky offense builds. Pokemon that are able to deal with Electric- and Grass-types such as Mega Manectric, Thundurus, and Serperior are greatly appreciated. Teammates like specially defensive Heatran and Clefable work just fine. Good checks to Dark-types like Mega Gyarados and Tyranitar, such as Keldeo, are very helpful as well. Pokemon that can remove entry hazards like Latios and Excadrill help Mega Slowbro stay healthy and out of range of certain 2HKOs, like Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump. Additionally, both Latios and Excadrill help with the Electric-type issue, with Excadrill also being able to deal with Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable.

Other Options

When not using the defensive set, Toxic is significantly less useful than Thunder Wave, as it cannot hit Mega Metagross, Ferrothorn, or Amoonguss and is less immediately crippling to offensive threats like Mega Pinsir. It is still viable, though, to wear down foes like Rotom-W, Zapdos, and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro. Due to Slowbro's low Speed and fantastic defensive stats, it is a viable option as a Trick Room setter. Sleep Talk is viable on Rest Mega Slowbro so that it won't be idle for two turns and has a chance to use either Scald or Calm Mind.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Mega Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Serperior can soak up almost any of Slowbro's moves while dealing a lot of damage back. The majority of them, however, do not appreciate being hit by Ice Beam, burned by Scald, or paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types, including Rotom-W, Thundurus, and Magnezone, can deal a large amount of damage to Slowbro. However, the majority of them do not appreciate switching into Scald too many times.

**Dragon-types**: If Slowbro lacks Ice Beam, Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria can easily switch in and shrug off any damage, especially if they carry Roost. Latios can soak up almost any hit, recover the damage with Roost, and threaten Slowbro back with Draco Meteor. Mega Altaria full-on counters Slowbro, as it resists Scald and does not care about status if it carries Facade or Refresh. This lets Mega Altaria freely set up on Slowbro, needing only two Dragon Dances to outspeed it when paralyzed.

**Status**: If Slowbro lacks Rest or a teammate that can clear status, Toxic poison and burn put it on a timer, forcing it to recover more often then it wants to as Toxic damage increases.

**Taunt**: When Mega Evolved, Slowbro relies on Slack Off and Rest to heal, meaning Taunt users like Gliscor and Heatran are able to stop Mega Slowbro from recovering or setting up Calm Mind. This makes it more vulnerable to Pokemon that it would normally switch into like Thunder Punch Mega Metagross and Mega Medicham. Taunt also prevents regular Slowbro from healing outside of Regenerator and spreading status through moves like Thunder Wave.

**Super Effective Attacks and Residual Damage**: Dark-types like Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Hydreigon, Crawdaunt, and Weavile all threaten Slowbro. Ghost-types like Gengar and Jellicent can also prove to be problematic, as Shadow Ball from Gengar does a lot of damage, and Jellicent can absorb Scald and Taunt and potentially burn Slowbro with its own Scald. Bug-types, including Mega Heracross, Volcarona, and Mega Scizor, can deal a lot of damage to or outright KO Slowbro as well. A lot of Pokemon that Slowbro can typically check can also run a super effective coverage move to hit it, such as Thunder Punch from Mega Metagross, Hidden Power Bug or Grass from Choice Specs Keldeo, and Thunder Punch from Mega Medicham. A lot of moves mentioned here become less threatening when Slowbro is Mega Evolved, as Pokemon like Choice Band Weavile, Thunder Punch Mega Metagross, and Thunder Punch Mega Medicham cannot 2HKO it anymore. However, do keep in mind that Mega Slowbro loses Regenerator after Mega Evolving; this makes residual damage very troublesome, as it has to constantly stay at a high enough health percentage to avoid being 2HKOed as it switches into these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[ez, 233669]]
- Quality checked by: [[jonfilch, 472436], [Savouras, 409438]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732], [Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:
I would remove psyshock and calm mind. Psyshock is pretty bad in general and definitely outclassed by ice/flame/toxic/twave. Calm Mind is imo even worse on regular and should only be used on mega. I would also mention flamethrower toxic and protect all of which are good options. Flame does actual damage to ferro/bisharp/scizor/meta rather than just try to cheese them with burn.
Team options

I would definitely mention torn as since they pack then regen core and torn stomachs special moves while slowbro stomachs physical moves. Excadrill is also a great partner checking clefable, altaria, and electrics whilst removing spikes that annoy slowbro. Gliscor also pairs well with slowbro.

Calm Mind
Slack Off shouldn’t be a slash since it’s always used, if you run Rest slowbro you run it with slack off. Scrap iron defense i don’t think that ever has, or ever will see tournament usage because it’s just bad lol. I’d also consider slashing Flamethrower alongside rest and psyshock.

Set Detail
Looks good, i would mention running speed to creep amoonguss if you’re using Flame/Psyshock.

Usage Tips
Just a little nitpicky but Keldeo’s are HP Grass not HP Electric

Team Options
You didn’t really mention much here, Mega Slowbro pairs well with a lot of pokemon seen on many teams. Clefable forms a great CM core with it. Tornadus forms a regen core it. Ferrothorn sets up spikes and can spread paralysis. Magnezone is a great partner trapping its best counter in ferrothorn and checking Clefable. Gliscor is great on BO. Latios can soften up the opposing team and remove hazards. It’s a very splashable pokemon and can fit on lots of teams

Checks and Counters

I would mention that altaria is a full on counter to slowbro considering when parad it outspeeds after only 2 dragon dances meaning you will need multiple paras. And scald won’t beat it because they all run heal bell/refresh.

Super Effective Coverage: Once again it’s nitpicky but Keldeo’s are HP Grass not Bug/Electric. I’d change this section to just strong attacks/residual damage. Tyranitar, Weavile, Medicham, Metagross, and Scizor (non-bug bite) don’t actually 2hko mega slowbro even with coverage moves. But when you factor in minor chip damage/burn + rocks slowbro is pressured very easily by these pokemon. I would also mention that Slowbro needs to be around full health when rocks are up to actively check Keldeo considering how much pump does.

Now i know you mentioned it in other options but personally i’d have made a whole separate set for the 3 atks Mega Slowbro set. (this is optional, since i haven't discussed it with the rest of the QC team)

Tag me when you fixed these and i’ll give you your QC
Looks good ez, i would give you the qc but we (qc team) all consensually agreed that 3atks should be listed as a third set. sorry for the inconvenience lol, just tag me again when this gets updated :blobthumbsup:
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In the Overview i wouldnt mention Keldeo or id mention it last, Slowbro has usage on being a backup check to Keldeo especially in a meta like this were many teams rely on soft checkin it but it does the job very poorly and a solid team shouldnt rely on Slowbro for checkin Specs Keldeo. Instead you could mention something like Mega Metagross first which is something not many pokes check as well as slowbro does.

In the Overview section again when you are talkin about its typing you could mention its weakness to both electric and bug types which allows pokemons like Landorus-T and Electrics to gain alot of momentum versus it.

For the Defensive set i would like all these options mentioned

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Ice Beam / Fire Blast / Psyshock
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Calm Mind

In the Moves section where you talk about scald first line you could mention two or three more examples,
Metagross Excadrill Bisharp you rely on Scald to deal with those.

Ice Beam is the most common 3rd move for Slowbro allowin it from being Gliscor food to beat it while also hitting the other two x4 weak to ice ground types hard Landorus-T and Garchomp who often try to trade HP vs Slowbro to get up Rocks or even Toxic for its teammates to potentially break through Slowbro.
Ice Beam also hits Dragon types like Latios and Mega Altaria making them think twice about switchin on Slowbro to drop specs dracos or setup DDs in its face. Last thing Ice Beam does is hitting Grass types
quite hard especially Serperior and Physdef Tangrowth that otherwise would be able to Substitute setup in its face or throw Sleep Powders, Knock offs and Giga Drains left and right in the case of Tangrowth.

Fire Blast is an immediate damage dealing option for pokemons like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Magnezone and Skarmory which allows many partners to have easier time with those pokemons low. Few examples are Psychic types like Latios and Mega Zam, Steel types like Metagross, Excadrill and Bisharp and ofc dark types like Weavile and Scarf Tyranitar all appreciate Fire Blast Slowbro luring and immediately putting them in range of their attacks.

It is worth mentioning that both Ice Beam and Fire Blast as third options dont go with Calm Mind for last move, instead one of the Status Utility moves should be picked as Calm Mind goes only with Psyshock.

With that said Psyshock is the last third move option as it allows Slowbro to immediately hit Specs Keldeo and Amoonguss hard while also having excellent usage with Calm Mind for 4th move making Slowbro a threat that is used early / mid to defend and check common pokes and be a solid win condition in endgame like we have seen with other relevant pokemons in the meta CM Clefable and SD Mega Scizor doing the exact same thing.
The special atk and spdef boost is also very key as it allows slowbro instead of being a Volcarona food to be able to sponge / regenerate its Bug Buzz and drop a strong +1 Scald dealing with 85% of Volcaronas HP making it alot easier to revenge kill with a form of priority in the back.
So those 2 always go together which leaves Thunder Wave and Toxic last.

Twave is the main 4th move on Slowbro allowin it to punish a variaty of Pokemons that otherwise could potentially stay in versus it and play the risk game of getting burnt or not which is in their favour and could lead Slowbro losing the 1v1 or momentum when having to use Slack Offs. Talking about Mega Metagross, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Charizard X, Mega Pinsir and of course Mega Medicham.
Twave has usage versus bulkier Pokemons too as getting a twave versus opposing Slowbros, Clefable, bulky grass types and steels can prove very helpful for your offensive pokemons breaking them.
Twave however leads Slowbro to be food for pokemons like Rotom-W that dont fear anything from it other than a 30% Scald burn and they can potentially pivot and get alot of momentum / damage done to the Slowbro user which is how Toxic for last move started.

Toxic although it doesnt have usage versus as many pokes as Thunder Wave has like versus Ferrothorn, Amoonguss, Mega Metagross and offensive threats like Mega Pinsir that you would prefer yellow colour its still a very good option when your plan is weakening opposing bulky pokemons for your other pokemons in the team to blow. Few examples are against Garchomp, Slowbro, Zapdos and of course Rotom-Wash allowin partners like Mega Pinsir, Lopunny and Scizor be alot more effective.

Rocky Helmet is also a very viable item on Slowbro allowin it to get damage against Scarf Landorus-T, Metagross, Lopunny and Mega Medicham immediately just by switching / pivoting versus them.

In the Set Details i find 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 Spdef being the most viable Slowbro nowadays. 252 / 232 / 24 set is abit outdated as LO Latios isnt used much anymore and specs is alot more common. This also
helps aton more versus Specs Keldeo, it always lives Scarf Magnezone's Thunderbolt and its better in the CM Psyshock case versus Charizard Y and Volcarona.
It still maintains enough defense to be able to deal with non TPunch Mega Medicham, Lopunny and Mega Metagross aswell as sponge 2 hits against Powerwhip Ferrothorn making it possible to throw Fire Blast without risk or if you dont have it Scald Burn it / Twave.

In the Team Options at the first line the dark type that comes to my head first wouldnt be Mega Gyarados, you could mention it but i think Hydreigon, Weavile, Bisharp and Tyranitar should be threats mentioned. I like that you are talkin about Tyranitar as its not only able to trap Latios, Latias and the rare Gengar but also Charizard Y, Thundurus and can eat an atk from +1 Volcarona (those should be added). Id like to see Scarf Magnezone mentioned too as it does pressure offensively Medicham, Starmie, Thundurus and Charizard Y while also gaining momentum and trapping Ferrothorn for Slowbro. They also pair very well as Slowbro deals with all ground types especially Excadrill that would annoy Scarf Magnezone and with the Rocky Helmet Slowbro set they are able to weaken Mega Metagross insanly quick. It also has utility versus Clefable for Slowbro allowing aggresive doubles and predictions very easily.

For the Calm Mind set i would go with this:

Slowbro @ Slowbronite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Slack Off

Although the Speed might be helpful versus other base 30 pokemons mainly Amoonguss and Reuniclus id prefer the Main set for CM to be plain but with a mention below in the details that you can add Speed to have better matchup versus those two. It changes a couple of rolls and should be in players decision to add speed or not.
When it comes to Flamethrower i wouldnt add that on the main set either, it has use versus common grass and steel types but it loses many benefits your other options Psyshock and Rest have.
Instead it should be mentioned somewhere in the details too.

I dont like the Set Details at all, i find them very outdated talkin about Diggersby and Life Orb Latios.
Instead you could talk about more relevant sets and pokemons, how you 1v1 Char-Y by spamming Slack Offs till drought is off, Specs Latios, Excadrill and of course Dark types that rely on Knock off which doesnt 2ko Slowbro like Bisharp's Knock Off, Weavile and Scarf Tar's Crunch.

Checks and Counters again very outdated mentioning less relevant pokemons and sets in the meta. It has been years since there was any work done on Slowbro and things like Mega Manectric and Taunt Mega Gyarados arent used very much to deserve a mention. In General this section should be written again with metagame-pokemons in mind.

Id also like Tank Slowbro / 3 Atks Slowbro to be added as the third set.
The set is still very viable despite the fact its not as used as it used to be and that the EVs nowadays are different.

Overall great work at the begining, with the additions we mentioned added it will be ready to go.
I would like more work in the later sets, abit more detail, more relevant pokemons and sets mentioned and the 3 atks Slowbro added.
With all these added ill also QC your Slowbro analysis.

Looks good, few more changes and its good to go.

Toxic on Main Defensive set as / next to Twave with abit of info on why Twave is used more but what toxic does over it.

In Usage Tips of the Defensive set remove the Calm Mind mention and add something else.

In Team Options 2 changes:
Tyranitar can offensively support versus Charizard, Thundurus and Volcarona while also being able to pursuit trap them
Magnezone can also offensively threaten opposing offensive threats like Medicham, Thundurus, Char Y while providing momentum with volt switch
Its different from saying Soft Checkin.

On Calm Mind Slowbro fix the EVs to 252 HP now that you have the 4 speed mention below

Last the Tankbro / 3 Atks Slowbro EVs Spread is very outdated and we are working on providing you with a more relevant Spread for the set that works better in the current Meta.
Till then add the other finishing touches that im talkin above and as soon as we got the spread and information about it so you will not have to figure em out yourself we will comeback to ya so you can complete your Slowbro analysis

In the Usage Tips you first mention Toxic. This mention should be in the Moves section with more detail.
Toxic Slowbro is more beneficial versus opposing slowbros, rotom-wash and zapdos putting them on a timer for mainly physical damage-dealers to do work for example Scizor, Metagross, Sand Drill.

In the Usage Tips add detail about the set in depth. Saying that you use the Healing Move or the Healing ability as a tip to heal up your pokemon isnt a very good tip, instead you could talk about pivoting versus common hard hitters, preventing set up pokemons from boosting like SD Gliscor with Ice Beam, Mega Scizor from using SD with fire coverage / scald, Clefable with Twave and overall talk about its defensive utility. You can also mention how owing to Regenerator + Rocky Helmet you can use Slowbro to weaken key pokemons and be in range of your partners atks. Preventing Slowbro from getting status and scouting versus common status users like Clef, Heatran and Amoonguss is key when using it

All these should be mentioned on how to use Defensive Slowbro.

In the third set Tankbro / 3 atks Mega Slowbro in the Moves section do not talk about Dragonite as its almost unused in the tier in the dragons mention. Do not mention Grass knot either, Scald + Psychic hits the majority of the pokemons and those you dont hit or burn dont like Ice Beam and Fire Blast.

In the Set Details 136 (not 146) with modest nature has 75% Chance to OHKO Physdef 48 Spdef Tangrowth / Guaranteed Ohkoes after Rocks or against 0 Spdef Physdef Tangrowth, not dealing 75% of Tangrowth's HP with FBlast.
On Tankslowbro in the Team Options mention a status absorber, examples being Ferrothorn Clefable Gliscor but not Starmie as they dont have any synergy.

With those last changes added i will QC your analysis.
One of the most challenging things about Slowbro, particularly Mega Slowbro which I noticed you mentioned previously is speed creep. Those base 30 speed mons all can punish in various ways, whether its Amoonguss's Spore/Clear Smog, or setting up quicker than other Slowbro's/Reuniclus, and not to mention Quagsire will almost always force a switch if it has Toxic. The nice thing however when facing Quagsire, is it doesn't switchin safely to scald. The base Slowbro set doesn't really need to worry about speed creeping when it has access to T-Wave. Overall though, including the suggestions mentioned previously, I thought the analysis was well written. Great job!
AM Check :)
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC)/(RC)=Add/Remove Comma
(AP)/(RP)=Add/Remove Period
(AS)/(RS)=Add/Remove Semicolon
(AH)=Add Hyphen
(RN)=Remove Colon


With excellent defensive stats as well as a solid typing of Water / Psychic, Slowbro is an excellent choice for taking on threats such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-Therian, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Medicham. (spelling) With recovery moves like Slack Off and Rest plus a fantastic ability known as in Regenerator, it is very easy to keep Slowbro healthy and allow it to act Slowbro is very easy to keep healthy and use as an all-around defensive pivot. Its very wide offensive and support movepool lets it take on various foes comfortably. (feel free to change the specific wording, my point is putting this beside the other non-Mega-specific info) When Mega evolved, Mega-Evolved, Slowbro gets a boost from base 110 Defense to 180 Defense, which further increases its ability to take on physical attackers. Mega Slowbro also gets the ability Shell Armor, which makes it immune to critical hits(RP). This(AS); this pairs very well with Slowbro's its access to stat-boosting moves in like Calm Mind, which makes Mega Slowbro a very viable bulky sweeper. With such a wide offensive and support movepool, Slowbro is able to take on various foes comfortably.

Despite all this, Slowbro's typing renders it weak to common Knock Off and Pursuit users like Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slowbro's Water- and Psychic-typing makes Slowbro vulnerable to moves like typing also makes it vulnerable to both U-turn and Volt Switch(AC), making it very easy to gain momentum off of. Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense also makes it vulnerable to special attackers such as Mega Manectric, Serperior, and Gengar. Lastly, Slowbro fears status moves that can put Slowbro it on a timer(AC), like Toxic, (capitalization) or moves like Taunt that can stop Slowbro it from recovering health or inflicting its own status like Taunt.

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Ice Beam / FIre Fire Blast
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP/ 176 Def / 80 Spd evs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD

(removed extra line above this) [SET COMMENTS]
Scald is a reliable, spammable STAB moves that also has a chance to burn to move with a chance to cripple a large range of Pokemon such as Metagross, Excadrill, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slack Off allows Slowbro to stay healthy and, when combined with Regenerator, makes it increasingly hard to wear down. Thunder Wave is a reliable method of stopping Speed-boosting (capitalization) Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, while also just slowing foes down in general so that teammates are able to can revenge kill. Ice Beam is in the last spot which acts as a reliable way to hit reliably hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Gliscor while also hitting Dragon-types that would otherwise resist Slowbro's Scalds like Latios(RC), and Mega Altaria. Ice Beam also can hit Grass-types like Serperior, preventing it from being able to using Substitute, and physically defensive (capitalization) Tangrowth, who which otherwise could throw out moves like Sleep Powders, Knock offs, Off, and Giga Drains. Fire Blast is also an option as its an immediate way of dealing damage toward steel types to immediately damage Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory.

Set Details

The given EV spread (capitalization) allows Slowbro to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro from Choice Specs Keldeo after Stealth Rocks Pump after Stealth Rock while still maximizing Slowbro's Physical Bulk to deal with Pokemons its physical bulk to deal with Pokemon like Mega Medicham (spelling) that lack Thunder-Punch, Thunder Punch, Mega Lopunny(AC), and Mega Metagross. Leftovers and Regenerator enhances Slowbro's ability to stay healthy and alive. (if there's a specific reason lefties help slowbro stay alive besides just restoring HP, you could replace with something like "stay healthy and outside of the range of KOs.") Alternatively, Rocky Helmet is also a solid item with its ability to chip down things like Scarf Landorus-Therian, foes like Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, Lopunny-Mega and Mega Medicam. Mega Lopunny, and Mega Medicham.

Usage Tips
Use this set as a defensive pivot. (capitalization) Slowbro can prevent set up Pokemons like Sword Dance Gliscor with Ice Beam or Scald and Fire Blast for Sword Dance Mega Scizor. KO or cripple setup Pokemon like Swords Dance Gliscor and Swords Dance Mega Scizor with Ice Beam, Fire Blast, or Scald. Spam Status status-inflicting moves like Scald and Thunder Wave as the opponent foe switches out to cripple their its teammates. Rocky Helmet can be used to wear down physical attackers to put them in range of Slowbro's teammates. Make sure to watch out for status moves and scout for status moves from common status users like Clefable, Heatran, and Amoonguss to ensure Slowbro's survivability.

Team Options
Slowbro fits well on bulkier playstyle teams playstyles like balance, bulky offense, or and stall. It is able to act as the team's physical wall as well as the team's its countermeasure to strong Fighting-types. Pokemons (spelling) that can assist Slowbro with dealing with Electric-types like Rotom-W, Grass-types (capitalization) like Serperior, Ghost-types (capitalization) like Gengar, Dark-types (capitalization) like Tyranitar, and Dragon-types like Latios and Latias are mandatory. Magic Guard Clefable is a great partner because its mixed bulk and Fairy typing allow it to handle things threats like the Mega Gyarados, (spelling) Latios, and Rotom-W. It also provides a good way to can absorb the status moves that Slowbro does not want to take. Tyranitar can help eliminate Ghost-Types Ghost-types, Latios, and Latias for Slowbro with Pursuit as well as Latios and Latias while also helping Slowbro deal dealing with threating things threats like Volcorana, Mega Charizard Y(AC), and Thundurus (spelling) with Stone Edge and Pursuit. Tyranitar can also soft check things like Mega Charizard Y, Thundurus, as well as Volcarona. Choice Scarf Magnezone also plays a similar role as Tyranitar in the sense that it is able to trap both can trap Pokemon that annoy Slowbro, here Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor who both annoy Slowbro(AC), while also offensively checking Medicam, Mega Medicham, Starmie, Thundurus, and Mega Charizard Y while also providing(AP). It also provides momentum with Volt Switch. Mega Venusuar or Amoongous Venusaur and Amoonguss can also help face off the grass and Electric-types Slowbros struggle face off against the Grass- and Electric-types Slowbro struggles with like Serperior and Rotom-W while also appreciating Slowbro's ability to take on Fire-types. Other partners include things that can sponge up special hits special sponges like Tornadus-Therian and Gliscor. Tornadus-Therian forms a nice Regenerator core with Slowbro while Gliscor is able to sponge up or absorb and scout for status (capitalization) moves. Excadrill can also help Slowbro check certain Electric-types as well as Fairy-types like Clefable and Mega Altaria. It also can also remove hazards like Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock for Slowbro appreciates.(AC), which Slowbro appreciates.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Scald
move 3: Slack Off
move 4: Psyshock (spelling) / Rest / Flamethrower
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
EVs: evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD


Calm Mind helps boost Slowbro's Mediocre boosts Mega Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense as well as its Special Attack, making Slowbro it very hard to kill after a few boosts. The raise in Special Attack goes well with Mega Slowbro's impressive base 130 Special Attack(RP). This gives Slowbro a solid offensive presence, which complements its defensive stats.(AC), giving it a solid offensive presence that complements its defenses. Scald is the best STAB water move Slowbro can run, which has a decent Base Power and the ability to burn its foes. Mega Slowbro's best STAB move. Psyshock helps you with dealing deal with other Calm Mind users like Clefable and Suicune(RC), as well as being able to hit while hitting Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, and Keldeo. Rest can help Slowbro remove status effects while also recovering Slowbro to full with the downside being Slowbro will be asleep for the next two turns. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move but can not remove status moves as Rest can. is less reliable than Slack Off, but removes status, especially Toxic. (I assume Toxic is the key here, but make sure that's right.) Flamethrower is also an option(AC), as it helps take out Mega Scizor but more importantly Ferrothorn(AC), which otherwise hard walls Mega Slowbro.

Set Detail:

Set Details
With a 70 base power boost in point boost in base Defense after Mega Evolving, (capitalization) Slowbro is allowed to can throw more EVs into Special Defense while still acting as a reliable physical (capitalization) wall. When Mega(AH)-Evolved, Slowbro now avoids 2HKOs from dark types avoids the 2HKO from Knock Off from Dark-types like Bisharp and Weavile's Knock Off as well as Choice Scarf Tyranitar's Crunch. The Special Defense Investments investment makes it easier to take on things like Specs Latios as well as giving Slowbro the ability to Spam Slack off on Mega Charizard's Y Solar Beam in the sun to stall out the Drought turns. Also, consider adding 4 Speed EVs to help outspeed other base 30 Speed Pokemons who do not have any Speed investment such as Amoonguss and Reuniclus. threats like Choice Specs Latios, and it lets Mega Slowbro use Slack Off on Mega Charizard Y's Solar Beam to stall out its Drought turns. (the last sentence is removed because analysis policy is to not speed creep uninvested Pokemon like this)

Usage Tips
An important thing to keep in mind is how Slowbro loses it's its Regenerator ability when Mega Evolved. after Mega Evolving. Try to maximize the healing that Slowbro can get in its base form. from it beforehand. You should not Mega Evolve Slowbro unless you need the extra Physical Defense it needs the extra physical defense to check a specific threat or if you plan to set up and win. Remove the counters or threats that can stop Mega Slowbro from setting up and winning. Set up on Pokemon(RC), such as Lopunny-Mega, Mega Lopunny, Excadrill, Mega Metagross, and Keldeo(RC), which that can't break Mega Slowbro. If you are not running Rest, make sure to scout for status moves like Toxic from Mega Lopunny and Excadrill while also being careful about the potential coverage moves like Hidden Power Grass from Keldeo.

Team Options
Mega Slowbro belongs to bulky teams on bulky team styles like stall and balance, (capitalization) meaning Pokemons (spelling) that naturally appear on bulkier teams pair well with Slowbro. Things like these teams pair well with it. Gliscor can take on special (capitalization) hits for Slowbro while also being Mega Slowbro and is immune to Electric-type attacks that Mega Slowbro hates. Assault Vest Tornadus-Therian can also sponge up special (capitalization) hits and can form forms a nice Regenerator core with Mega Slowbro. Clefable forms a fantastic Calm Mind Core with Slowbro and can core with Mega Slowbro, being able to absorb or scout out status moves like Burns or Toxics. like burn and Toxic. Latios can fit on most teams, help Slowbro helps Mega Slowbro deal with Electric-types while also removing hazards for Slowbro. (AC), and removes entry hazards for it. Excadrill can also deal with Electric-types and remove hazards as well with the added bonus of being able to check entry hazards(AC), but also checks Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable who annoy Slowbro. that annoy Mega Slowbro.

name: Offensive Tank
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Ice Beam / Psychic
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Modest
EVs: evs: 248 HP / 136 SpA / 120 SpD / 4 Spe (you should invest these EVs somewhere else; see my comments on Calm Mind Set Details)

(removed extra lines above here)


Scald is a very spammable STAB move because of its secondary effect of being able chance to burn foes, whittling down and crippling down switch-ins. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move keeping Mega Slowbro healthy and alive. to keep Mega Slowbro healthy. Fire Blast hits Steel-Types which include Steel-types, including Ferrothorn, Scizor, Bisharp, and Magnezones Magnezone(AC), as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss, Serperior, (spelling) and Breelooms. Breloom. Ice Beam hits Ground-types like Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T as well as Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria that shrug off Scald and Fire Blast. Psychic is a strong STAB move that can be used to hit a variety of Pokemons Pokemon(AC), such as Keldeo, Rotom-W, Alomomola, Azumarill, Amoonguss, and Mega Venusaur. Ice Beam can be used to hit Ground-types like Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-Therian. Ice Beam is also useful in hitting Dragon-types which otherwise would resist your Scald and Fire Blast easily, these dragons include Latios, and Mega Altaria. Grass Knot is also an option to allow Slowbro to hit other Water-types such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Mega Gyarados, Suicune as well as other Slowbros.(AC), and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro.

Set Details(RN):
136 SpA investment EVs in Special Attack with a Modest Nature has gives Mega Slowbro's Fire Blast (I assume, but make sure that's correct) a 75% Chance to OHKO Physdef 48 Spdef Tangrowth and is a guarantee chance to OHKO physically defensive Tangrowth with 48 Special Defense EVs. It also guarantees the OHKO on 0 Spdef Physically Defensive Tangrowth with no Special Defense investment after rocks(RC), while also OHKOing Stealth Rock and OHKOes standard Ferrothorn as well as Magnezone after Rocks. Stealth Rock. Ice Beam will always OHKO Gliscor as well as Thundurus after rocks Stealth Rock while also 2 shooting flying types 2HKOing Flying-types like Max HP Zapdos with full HP investment and Assault Vest Tornadus-Therian. 4 EVs are invested into speed to outspeed other base 30s that are not invested in speed such as Reuniclus and Amoonguss. (see note by EVs) Maximum HP investment with the rest of the EVs dumped into SpD helps Special Defense helps Mega Slowbro take special attacks from the likes of Latios, Keldeo, Leftovers (spelling) Thundurus, and Choice Scarf Magnezone. This spread can also live 2 Standard two standard Rotom-W volt switches as well. Volt Switches.

Usage Tips
Offensive Tank Mega Slowbro usually wants to Mega Evolve (capitalization) right away to take advantage of the huge 70 point jump in base Special Attack, and to a lesser extent (clarity) the jump in physical bulk(RC), but more importantly, it wants to gain the huge jump of 70 base Special Attack. Mega Slowbro typically wants to spam STAB scald should be using Scald (preventing whiplash with "but use coverage moves to predict too") to land chip damage and potential burns on its foes(RP). It is recommended to try to predict switches and hit them(AC), but it is also recommended to try to predict switches switch-ins and hit them with the appropriate coverage move. For example, you would want to hit Latios on the switch in with Ice Beam, Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, and Rotom-W with Psychic. This set is best used by tanking a lot of attacks while dishing out a lot of damage while and healing itself when appropriate.

Team Options
Offensive Tank Mega Slowbro fits best on a balance or bulky offense builds. Pokemons (spelling) that are able to deal with Electric- and Grass-types such as Mega Manectric, Thundurus, and (capitalization) Serperior are greatly appreciated. Things Teammates like specially defensive (capitalization) Heatran and Clefable would just work fine. Good checks to Dark-types like Mega Gyarados (spelling) and Tyranitar such as Keldeo are very helpful as well. Things Pokemon that can remove entry hazards like Latios and Excadrill help Mega Slowbro stay healthier healthy and staying out of range of certain 2HKOs(AC), like Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump. Additionally, both Latios and Excadrill can help with the Electric-type issue(AC), with Excadrill also being able to deal with Fairy-types (capitalization) like Mega Altaria and Clefable.

Other Options
Toxic, altough not as useful compared to Thunder-Wave in the sense that it cannot hit Mega Metagross, Ferrothorn, Amoonguss, Clefables and offensive threats like Mega Pinsir, is still a viable option over Thunder Wave to wear down things like Rotom-W, Zapdos and other Slowbros putting foes on a timer. When not using the defensive set, Toxic is significantly less useful than Thunder Wave, as it cannot hit Mega Metagross, Ferrothorn, or Amoonguss and is less immediately crippling to offensive threats like Mega Pinsir. It is still viable, though, to wear down foes like Rotom-W, Zapdos, and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro. (I add "significantly less useful" because I specified "when not using the defensive set", where it is slotted but still behind Toxic) Due to Slowbro's low-Speed Stat and fantastic tank stats, Slowbro low Speed and fantastic defensive stats, it is a viable option as a Trick Room setter. A viable option to run with the Rest set on Mega Slowbro is too also have Sleep Talk. This way, you Sleep Talk is viable on Rest Mega Slowbro so that it won't be idle for two turns and have has a chance to use either Scald or Calm Mind.

Checks and Counters
Grass-Types: Things **Grass-types**: Grass-types like Mega Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Serperior can soak up almost anything any of Slowbro's moves while dealing a lot of damage back. The majority of these Grass-Types them(AC), however, do not appreciate Ice Beam, being burned by Scald(AC), or being paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

Electric-Types: Electric-Type Pokemon, which includes **Electric-types**: Electric-type Pokemon, including Rotom-W, Thundurus, and Magnezones, (spelling) can deal with a large amount of damage towards Slowbro. However, the majority of them do not appreciate switching into Scald too many times.

Dragon-Types: **Dragon-types**: If Slowbro lacks Ice Beam, Dragon-types (capitalization) like Latios and Mega Altaria can easily switch in and shrug off any damage(AC), especially (make sure this is accurate picture of how dragons switch into bro) if they carry Roost. (capitalization) Latios can soak up almost any hit, roost off any damage, recover the damage with Roost, and threaten Slowbro back with a Draco Meteor. Mega Altaria full-on counters Slowbro(AC), as it resists (capitalization) Scald while also not caring for about status if it carries Facade or Recycle. Refresh. This means that Mega Altaria can freely set up on Slowbro, needing only two Dragon Dances to outspeed Slowbro if its it when paralyzed.

**Status**: If Slowbro lacks Rest or a teammate that can help Slowbro clear its status, toxic or burn inflicted onto Slowbro puts Toxic and burn put it on a timer forcing Slowbro(AC), forcing it to recover more often then wanted or forcing it to even switch out in fear of toxic killing it. as Toxic damage increases.

Taunt: When mega evolved, Slowbro uses Slack Off or Rest as its only reliable way on healing. Meaning **Taunt**: When Mega Evolved, Slowbro relies on Slack Off and Rest to heal, meaning Taunt users like Gliscor and Heatran are able to stop Mega Slowbro from Recovering or Calm Minding up. recovering or setting up Calm Mind. This makes Slowbro it more vulnerable to things Pokemon that it would normally switch into(AC), like Thunder Punch Mega Metagross and Mega Medicham. (spelling) Taunt also prevents regular Slowbro from healing outside of Regenerator as well as spreading status through moves like Thunder Wave.

Strong Attacks/Residual damage: Strong moves, usually super effective ones, can all threaten Slowbro. Dark-Types **Super Effective Attacks and Residual Damage**: Dark-types like Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, (spelling) Hydreigon, Crawdaunt, and Weavile all threaten Slowbro. Ghost-types (capitalization) like Gengar and Jellicient (spelling) can also prove to be problematic towards Slowbro(AC), as Shadow Ball from Gengar does a lot of damage, and Jellicient (spelling) can absorb the Scald, Taunt the Slowbro while also burning it. Bug-Types with their STAB bug moves can deal a lot of damage or outright kill Slowbro as well. Those Bug-types include Mega Heracross, Volcarona, and Mega Scizor. Scald and Taunt or burn Slowbro. Bug-types, including Mega Heracross, Volcarona, and Mega Scizor, can deal a lot of damage or outright KO Slowbro as well. A lot of Pokemons (spelling) that Slowbro typically check can also run a super effective coverage move to hit Slowbro. Those being it, such as Thunder Punch from Mega Metagross, Hidden Power Bug/Grass Bug or Grass from Choice Specs Keldeo, and Thunder Punch from Mega Medicham. (spelling) A lot of moves mentioned here become less threatening when Slowbro is Mega Evolved(AC), as things Pokemon like Choice Band Weavile, Thunder Punch Mega Metagross, and Thunder Punch Mega Medicham (spelling) cannot 2HKO you it anymore. However, do keep in mind that Mega Slowbro loses Regenerator and after Mega Evolving; this makes residual damage very troublesome, as it has to constantly stay at a high enough to Avoid the 2HKO on the switch in considering how much each of these pokemon actually does. health percentage to avoid being 2HKOed as it switches into these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[ez, ]]
- Quality checked by: [[jonfilch, ], [Savouras, ]]
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With excellent defensive stats as well as a solid typing of alongside a solid Water / Psychic typing, Slowbro is an excellent choice for taking on threats such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Medicham. With recovery moves like Slack Off and Rest plus a fantastic ability in Regenerator, Slowbro is very easy to keep and healthy and use as an all-around defensive pivot. Its very wide offensive and support movepool lets it take on various foes comfortably. When Mega Evolved, Slowbro gets a boost from base 110 Defense to base 180 Defense, which further increases its ability to take on physical attackers. Mega Slowbro also gets the ability Shell Armor, which makes it immune to critical hits; this pairs very well with it's its access to stat-boosting moves like Calm Mind, which makes Slowbro it a very viable bulky sweeper.

Despite all this, Slowbro's typing renders it weak to common Knock Off and Pursuit users like Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slowbro's Its typing also makes it vulnerable to both U-turn and Volt Switch, making it very easy to gain momentum off of. Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense also makes it vulnerable to special attackers such as Mega Manectric, Serperior, and Gengar. Lastly, Slowbro fears status moves that can put it on a timer, like Toxic, or and moves like Taunt that can stop it from recovering health or inflicting its own status.

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Ice Beam / Fire Blast
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP/ 176 Def / 80 SpD

Scald is a reliable, spammable STAB move with a chance to cripple a large range of Pokemon such as Metagross, Excadrill, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slack Off allows Slowbro to stay healthy and, when combined with Regenerator, makes it increasingly hard to wear down. Thunder Wave is a reliable method of stopping Speed-boosting Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, while also just slowing foes down in general so that teammates can revenge kill them. Ice Beam reliably hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Gliscor while also hitting Dragon-types that resist Slowbro's Scalds Scald like Latios and Mega Altaria. Ice Beam also can hit Grass-types like Serperior, preventing it from using Substitute, and physically defensive Tangrowth, which otherwise could throw out moves like Sleep Powder, Knock Off, and Giga Drain. Fire Blast is also an option to immediately damage Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory.

Set Details
The given EV spread allows Slowbro to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock while still maximizing its physical bulk to deal with Pokemon like Mega Medicham that lack Thunder Punch, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Metagross. Leftovers and Regenerator enhance Slowbro's ability to stay healthy. Alternatively, Rocky Helmet is also a solid item to chip down foes like Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Medicham.

Usage Tips
Use this set as a defensive pivot. Slowbro can KO or cripple setup Pokemon like Swords Dance Gliscor and Swords Dance Mega Scizor with Ice Beam, Fire Blast, or Scald. Spam status-inflicting moves like Scald and Thunder Wave as the foe switches out to cripple its teammates. Rocky Helmet can be used to wear down physical attackers to and put them in range of Slowbro's teammates. Make sure to scout for status moves from common status users like Clefable, Heatran, and Amoonguss to ensure Slowbro's survivability.

Team Options
Slowbro fits well on bulkier playstyles like balance, bulky offense, and stall. It is able to act as the team's physical wall as well as its countermeasure to strong Fighting-types. Pokemon that can assist Slowbro with dealing with Electric-types like Rotom-W, Grass-types like Serperior, Ghost-types like Gengar, Dark-types like Tyranitar, and Dragon-types like Latios and Latias are mandatory. Magic Guard Clefable is a great partner because its mixed bulk and Fairy typing allow it to handle threats like the Mega Gyarados, Latios, and Rotom-W. It also can absorb the status moves that Slowbro does not want to take. Tyranitar can eliminate Ghost-types, Latios, (AC) and Latias for Slowbro with Pursuit as well as while also dealing with threats like Volcorana Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Thundurus with Stone Edge and Pursuit (did you mean to mention pursuit here as well?). Choice Scarf Magnezone plays a similar role as Tyranitar in the sense that it can trap Pokemon that it can trap Pokemon that annoy Slowbro, here such as Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor, while also offensively checking Mega Medicham, Starmie, Thundurus, and Mega Charizard Y. It also provides momentum with Volt Switch. Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss can face off against the Grass- and Electric-types Slowbro (spacing) struggles with like Serperior and Rotom-W while also appreciating Slowbro's ability to take on Fire-types. Other partners include special sponges like Tornadus-T and Gliscor. Tornadus-T forms a nice Regenerator core with Slowbro, (AC) while Gliscor is able to absorb and scout for status moves. Excadrill can check certain Electric-types as well as Fairy-types like Clefable and Mega Altaria. It also can also remove Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock, (RC) remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin, (AC) which Slowbro appreciates.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Scald
move 3: Slack Off
move 4: Psyshock / Rest / Flamethrower
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD

Calm Mind boosts Mega Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense as well as its Special Attack, making it very hard to kill KO after a few boosts. The raise in Special Attack goes well with Mega Slowbro's impressive base 130 Special Attack, giving it a solid offensive presence that complements its defenses. Scald is Mega Slowbro's best STAB move. Psyshock helps deal with other Calm Mind users like Clefable and Suicune while also hitting Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, and Keldeo. Rest is less reliable than Slack Off, but it removes status, especially most notably Toxic. Flamethrower is also an option, as it helps take out Mega Scizor but and more importantly Ferrothorn, which otherwise hard walls Mega Slowbro.

Set Details
With a 70 point boost in base Defense after Mega Evolving, Slowbro can throw more EVs into Special Defense while still acting as a reliable physical wall. When Mega-Evolved (RH), Slowbro avoids the 2HKO from Knock Off from Dark-types like Bisharp and Weavile as well as Choice Scarf Tyranitar's Crunch. The Special Defense investment makes it easier to take on threats like Choice Specs Latios, and it lets Mega Slowbro use Slack Off on Mega Charizard Y's Solar Beam to stall out its Drought turns.

Usage Tips
An important thing to keep in mind is how Slowbro loses its Regenerator ability after Mega Evolving. Try to maximize the healing that Slowbro can get from it beforehand. You should not Mega Evolve Slowbro unless it needs the extra physical defense to check a specific threat or you plan to set up and win. Set up on Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Excadrill, Mega Metagross, and Keldeo that can't break Mega Slowbro. If you are not running Rest, make sure to scout for status moves like Toxic from Mega Lopunny and Excadrill while also being careful about potential coverage moves like Hidden Power Grass from Keldeo.

Team Options
Mega Slowbro belongs to bulky team styles archetypes like stall and balance, meaning Pokemon that naturally appear on these teams pair well with it. Gliscor can take on special hits for Mega Slowbro and is immune to Electric-type attacks that Mega Slowbro hates. Assault Vest Tornadus-T can also sponge up special hits and forms a nice Regenerator core with Mega Slowbro. Clefable forms a fantastic Calm Mind core with Mega Slowbro, being able to absorb or and scout out status moves like burn (replace this with a move that inflicts burn instead) and Toxic. Latios can fit on most teams, help Mega Slowbro deal with Electric-types, and removes entry hazards for it. Excadrill can also deal with Electric-types and remove entry hazards, but it can also checks Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable that annoy Mega Slowbro.

name: Offensive Tank
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Ice Beam / Psychic
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 136 SpA / 124 SpD

Scald is a very spammable STAB move because of its chance to burn foes, whittling down and crippling switch-ins. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move to keep Mega Slowbro healthy. Fire Blast hits Steel-types, including Ferrothorn, Scizor, Bisharp, and Magnezone, as well as Grass-types like Amoonguss, Serperior, and Breeloom Breloom. Ice Beam hits Ground-types like Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T as well as Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria that shrug off Scald and Fire Blast. Psychic is a strong STAB move that can be used to hit a variety of Pokemon, such as Keldeo, Rotom-W, Alomomola, Azumarill, Amoonguss, and Mega Venusaur. Grass Knot is also an option to hit other Water-types such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Mega Gyarados, and Suicune, as well as other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro.

Set Details
136 EVs into Special Attack with a Modest nature gives Mega Slowbro's Fire Blast a 75% chance to OHKO physically defensive Tangrowth with 48 Special Defense EVs. It also guarantees the OHKO on Tangrowth with no Special Defense investment after Stealth Rocks and OHKOes standard Ferrothorn as well as Magnezone after Stealth Rock. Ice Beam will always OHKO Gliscor as well as and Thundurus after Stealth Rocks while also 2HKOing Flying-types like Zapdos with full HP investment and Assault Vest Tornadus-Therian. Maximum HP investment with the rest of the EVs dumped into Special Defense helps Mega Slowbro take special attacks from the likes of Latios, Keldeo, Leftovers Thundurus, and Choice Scarf Magnezone. This spread can also live survive two hits of standard Rotom-W's Volt Switches.

Usage Tips
Offensive tank Mega Slowbro usually wants to Mega Evolve right away to take advantage of the huge 70 points jump in base Special Attack, (RC) and, (AC) to a lesser extent, (AC) the jump in physical bulk. Mega Slowbro typically should be using Scald to land chip damage and potential burns on its foes, but it is also recommended to try to predict switch-ins and hit them with the appropriate coverage moves. (spacing) For example, you would want to hit Latios on the switch in with Ice Beam, Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, and Rotom-W with Psychic. This set is best used by tanking a lot of attacks while dishing out a lot of damage and healing itself when appropriate.

Team Options
Offensive tank Mega Slowbro fits best on balance or and bulky offense builds. Pokemon that are able to deal with Electric- and Grass-types such as Mega Manectric, Thundurus, and Serperior are greatly appreciated. Teammates like specially defensive Heatran and Clefable would just work fine. Good checks to Dark-types like Mega Gyarados and Tyranitar such as Keldeo are very helpful as well. Pokemon that can remove entry hazards like Latios and Excadrill help Mega Slowbro stay healthy and stay out of range of certain 2HKOs, (RC) like Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump. Additionally, both Latios and Excadrill help with the Electric-type issue, with Excadrill also being able to deal with Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable.

Other Options
When not using the defensive set, Toxic is significantly less useful than Thunder Wave, as it cannot hit Mega Metagross, Ferrothorn, or Amoonguss and is less immediately crippling to offensive threats like Mega Pinsir. (comma -> period) It is still viable, though, to wear down foes like Rotom-W, Zapdos, and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro. Due to Slowbro's low Speed and fantastic defensive stats, it is a viable option as a Trick Room setter. Sleep Talk is viable on Rest Mega Slowbro so that it won't be idle for two turns and has a chance to use either Scald or Calm Mind.

Checks and Counters
**Grass-types**: Grass-types like Mega Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Serperior can soak up almost any of Slowbro's moves while dealing a lot of damage back. The majority of them, however, do not appreciate being hit by Ice Beam, being burned by Scald, or being paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types Pokemon, including Rotom-W, Thundurus, and Magnezone, can deal a large amount of damage to Slowbro. However, the majority of them do not appreciate switching into Scald too many times.

**Dragon-types**: If Slowbro lacks Ice Beam, Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria can easily switch in and shrug off any damage, especially if they carry Roost. Latios can soak up almost any hit, recover the damage with Roost, and threaten Slowbro back with a Draco Meteor. Mega Altaria full-on counters Slowbro, as it resists Scald while also not caring and does not care about status if it carries Facade or Refresh. This means that Mega Altaria can freely set up on Slowbro, needing only two Dragon Dances to outspeed it when paralyzed.

**Status**: If Slowbro lacks Rest or a teammate that clear its can clear status, Toxic poison and burn put it on a timer, forcing it to recover more often then wanted even switch out it wants to as Toxic damage increases (idk what you're referring when you say "even switch out" so if that's important to the sentence i would clarify it more).

**Taunt**: When Mega Evolved, Slowbro relies on Slack Off and Rest to heal, meaning Taunt users like Gliscor and Heatran are able to stop Mega Slowbro from recovering or setting up Calm Mind. This makes it more vulnerable to Pokemon that it would normally switch into, (RC) like Thunder Punch Mega Metagross and Mega Medicham. Taunt also prevents regular Slowbro from healing outside of Regenerator as well as spreading status through moves like Thunder Wave.

**Super Effective Attacks and Residual Damage**: Dark-types like Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Hydreigon, Crawdaunt, and Weavile all threaten Slowbro. Ghost-types like Gengar and Jellicent can also prove to be problematic towards Slowbro, as Shadow Ball from Gengar does a lot of damage, and Jellicent can absorb Scald and Taunt or and potential burn Slowbro with its own Scald (clarity). Bug-types, including Mega Heracross, Volcarona, and Mega Scizor, can deal a lot of damage to or outright KO Slowbro as well. A lot of Pokemon that Slowbro can typically check can also run a super effective coverage move to hit it, such as Thunder Punch from Mega Metagross, Hidden Power Bug or Grass from Choice Specs Keldeo, and Thunder Punch from Mega Medicham. A lot of moves mentioned here become less threatening when Slowbro is Mega Evolved, as Pokemon like Choice Band Weavile, Thunder Punch Mega Metagross, and Thunder Punch Mega Medicham cannot 2HKO it anymore. However, do keep in mind that Mega Slowbro loses Regenerator after Mega Evolving; this makes residual damage very troublesome, as it has to constantly stay at a high enough health percentage to avoid being 2HKOed as it switches into these Pokemon.

[CREDITS] (fixed some spacing issues in this section)
- Written by: [[ez, 233669]]
- Quality checked by: [[jonfilch, 472436], [Savouras, 409438]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
1/2 :blobthumbsup:
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma
: Add Period


With excellent defensive stats alongside a solid Water / Psychic typing, Slowbro is an excellent choice for taking on threats such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Medicham. With recovery moves like Slack Off and Rest plus a fantastic ability in Regenerator, Slowbro is very easy to keep healthy and use as an all-around defensive pivot. Its very wide offensive and support movepool lets it take on various foes comfortably. When Mega Evolved, Slowbro gets a boost from base 110 Defense to base 180 Defense, which further increases its ability to take on physical attackers. Mega Slowbro also gets the ability Shell Armor, which makes it immune to critical hits; this pairs very well with its access to boosting moves like Calm Mind, which makes it a very viable bulky sweeper.

Despite all this, Slowbro's typing renders it weak to common Knock Off and Pursuit users like Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. (added missing space) Its typing also makes it vulnerable to both U-turn and Volt Switch, making it very easy to gain momentum off of. Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense also makes it vulnerable to special attackers such as Mega Manectric, Serperior, and Gengar. Lastly, Slowbro fears status moves that can put it on a timer, like Toxic, and moves like Taunt that can stop it from recovering health or inflicting its own status.

name: Defensive
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic
move 4: Ice Beam / Fire Blast
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP/ 176 Def / (removed extra space) 80 SpD

Scald is a reliable, spammable STAB move with a chance to cripple a large range of Pokemon such as Metagross, Excadrill, Bisharp, and Tyranitar. Slack Off allows Slowbro to stay healthy and, when combined with Regenerator, makes it increasingly hard to wear down. Thunder Wave is a reliable method of stopping Speed-boosting Pokemon, such as Mega Charizard X, while also slowing foes down in general so that teammates can revenge kill them. Ice Beam reliably hits Ground-types like Garchomp and Gliscor while also hitting Dragon-types that resist Scald like Latios and Mega Altaria. Ice Beam also can hit Grass-types like Serperior, preventing it from using Substitute, and physically defensive Tangrowth, which otherwise could throw out moves like Sleep Powder, Knock Off, and Giga Drain. Fire Blast is also an option to immediately damage Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, Magnezone, and Skarmory.

Set Details
The given EV spread allows Slowbro to avoid the 2HKO from Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock while still maximizing its physical bulk to deal with Pokemon like Mega Medicham that lack Thunder Punch, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Metagross. Leftovers and Regenerator enhance Slowbro's ability to stay healthy. Alternatively, Rocky Helmet is also a solid item to chip down foes like Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Mega Metagross, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Medicham.

Usage Tips
Use this set as a defensive pivot. Slowbro can KO or cripple setup Pokemon like Swords Dance Gliscor and Swords Dance Mega Scizor with Ice Beam, Fire Blast, or Scald. Spam status-inflicting moves like Scald and Thunder Wave as the foe switches out to cripple its teammates. Rocky Helmet can be used to wear down physical attackers and put them in range of Slowbro's teammates. Make sure to scout for status moves from common status users like Clefable, Heatran, and Amoonguss to ensure Slowbro's survivability.

Team Options
Slowbro fits well on bulkier playstyles like balance, bulky offense, and stall. It is able to act as the team's physical wall as well as and its countermeasure to strong Fighting-types. Pokemon that can assist Slowbro with dealing with Electric-types like Rotom-W, Grass-types like Serperior, Ghost-types like Gengar, Dark-types like Tyranitar, and Dragon-types like Latios and Latias are mandatory. Magic Guard Clefable is a great partner because its mixed bulk and Fairy typing allow it to handle threats like the Mega Gyarados, Latios, and Rotom-W. It also can absorb the status moves that Slowbro does not want to take. Tyranitar can eliminate Ghost-types, Latios, and Latias for Slowbro with Pursuit while also dealing with threats like Volcarona, Mega Charizard Y, and Thundurus with Stone Edge. Choice Scarf Magnezone plays a similar role as Tyranitar in the sense that it can trap Pokemon that annoy Slowbro, such as Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor, while also offensively checking Mega Medicham, Starmie, Thundurus, and Mega Charizard Y. It also provides momentum with Volt Switch. Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss can face off against the Grass- and Electric-types Slowbro struggles with (AC) like Serperior and Rotom-W (AC) while also appreciating Slowbro's ability to take on Fire-types. Other partners include special sponges like Tornadus-T and Gliscor; (replaced period with semicolon) Tornadus-T forms a nice Regenerator core with Slowbro, while Gliscor is able to absorb and scout for status moves. Excadrill can check certain Electric-types as well as Fairy-types like Clefable and Mega Altaria. It also can remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin, which Slowbro appreciates.

name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Scald
move 3: Slack Off
move 4: Psyshock / Rest / Flamethrower
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD

Calm Mind boosts Mega Slowbro's mediocre Special Defense as well as its Special Attack, making it very hard to KO after a few boosts. The raise rise in Special Attack goes well with Mega Slowbro's impressive base 130 Special Attack, giving it a solid offensive presence that complements its defenses. Scald is Mega Slowbro's best STAB move. Psyshock helps deal with other Calm Mind users like Clefable and Suicune while also hitting Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, and Keldeo. Rest is less reliable than Slack Off, but it removes status, most notably Toxic. Flamethrower is also an option, as it helps take out Mega Scizor and (AC) more importantly (AC) Ferrothorn, which otherwise hard walls Mega Slowbro.

Set Details
With a 70 point boost in base Defense after Mega Evolving, Slowbro can throw more EVs into Special Defense while still acting as a reliable physical wall. When Mega-Evolved, Slowbro avoids the 2HKO from Knock Off from Dark-types like Bisharp and Weavile as well as Choice Scarf Tyranitar's Crunch. The Special Defense investment makes it easier to take on threats like Choice Specs Latios, and it lets Mega Slowbro use Slack Off on Mega Charizard Y's Solar Beam to stall out its Drought turns.

Usage Tips
An important thing to keep in mind is how Slowbro loses Regenerator after Mega Evolving. Try to maximize the healing that Slowbro can gets from it beforehand. You should not Mega Evolve Slowbro unless it needs the extra physical defense to check a specific threat or you plan to set up and win. Set up on Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Excadrill, Mega Metagross, and Keldeo that can't break Mega Slowbro. If you are not running Rest, make sure to scout for status moves like Toxic from Mega Lopunny and Excadrill while also being careful about potential coverage moves like Hidden Power Grass from Keldeo.

Team Options
Mega Slowbro belongs to bulky team archetypes like stall and balance, meaning Pokemon that naturally appear on these teams pair well with it. Gliscor can take on special hits for Mega Slowbro and is immune to Electric-type attacks that Mega Slowbro hates. Assault Vest Tornadus-T can also sponge up special hits and forms a nice Regenerator core with Mega Slowbro. Clefable forms a fantastic Calm Mind core with Mega Slowbro, being able to absorb and scout out status moves like Will-O-Wisp and Toxic. Latios can fit on most teams, help Mega Slowbro deal with Electric-types, and remove entry hazards for it. Excadrill can also deal with Electric-types and remove entry hazards, but it can also checks Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable that annoy Mega Slowbro.

name: Offensive Tank
move 1: Scald
move 2: Slack Off
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Ice Beam / Psychic
item: Slowbronite
ability: Regenerator
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 136 SpA / 124 SpD

Scald is a very spammable STAB move because of its chance to burn foes, whittling down and crippling switch-ins. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move to keep Mega Slowbro healthy. Fire Blast hits Steel-types, including Ferrothorn, Scizor, Bisharp, and Magnezone, as well as and Grass-types like Amoonguss, Serperior, and Breloom. Ice Beam hits Ground-types like Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T as well as Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria that shrug off Scald and Fire Blast. Psychic is a strong STAB move that can be used to hit a variety of Pokemon (RC) such as Keldeo, Rotom-W, Alomomola, Azumarill, Amoonguss, and Mega Venusaur. Grass Knot is also an option to hit other Water-types such as Keldeo, Azumarill, Mega Gyarados, and Suicune, as well as and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro.

Set Details
136 EVs into Special Attack with a Modest nature give Mega Slowbro's Fire Blast a 75% chance to OHKO physically defensive Tangrowth with 48 Special Defense EVs. It also guarantees the OHKO on Tangrowth with no Special Defense investment after Stealth Rock and OHKOes standard Ferrothorn as well as and Magnezone after Stealth Rock. Ice Beam will always OHKO Gliscor and Thundurus after Stealth Rock while also 2HKOing Flying-types like Zapdos with full HP investment and Assault Vest Tornadus-T (AP) Maximum HP investment with the rest of the EVs dumped into Special Defense helps Mega Slowbro take special attacks from the likes of Latios, Keldeo, Leftovers Thundurus, and Choice Scarf Magnezone. This spread can also survive two hits of standard Rotom-W's Volt Switch.

Usage Tips
Offensive tank Mega Slowbro usually wants to Mega Evolve right away to take advantage of the huge jump in Special Attack and, to a lesser extent, the jump in physical bulk. Mega Slowbro typically should be using Scald to land chip damage and potential burns on its foes, but it is also recommended to try to predict switch-ins and hit them with the appropriate coverage moves. For example, you would want to hit Latios on the switch with Ice Beam, Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, and Rotom-W with Psychic. This set is best used by tanking a lot of attacks while dishing out a lot of damage and healing when appropriate.

Team Options
Offensive Tank (capitalization) Mega Slowbro fits best on balance and bulky offense builds. Pokemon that are able to deal with Electric- and Grass-types such as Mega Manectric, Thundurus, and Serperior are greatly appreciated. Teammates like specially defensive Heatran and Clefable would just work just fine. Good checks to Dark-types like Mega Gyarados and Tyranitar (AC) such as Keldeo (AC) are very helpful as well. Pokemon that can remove entry hazards like Latios and Excadrill help Mega Slowbro stay healthy and out of range of certain 2HKOs (AC) like Choice Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump. Additionally, both Latios and Excadrill help with the Electric-type issue, with Excadrill also being able to deal with Fairy-types like Mega Altaria and Clefable.

Other Options
When not using the defensive set, Toxic is significantly less useful than Thunder Wave, as it cannot hit Mega Metagross, Ferrothorn, or Amoonguss and is less immediately crippling to offensive threats like Mega Pinsir. It is still viable, though, to wear down foes like Rotom-W, Zapdos, and other Slowbro or Mega Slowbro. Due to Slowbro's low Speed and fantastic defensive stats, it is a viable option as a Trick Room setter. Sleep Talk is viable on Rest Mega Slowbro so that it won't be idle for two turns and has a chance to use either Scald or Calm Mind.

Checks and Counters
**Grass-types**: (removed extra space) Grass-types like Mega Venusaur, Tangrowth, and Serperior can soak up almost any of Slowbro's moves while dealing a lot of damage back. The majority of them, however, do not appreciate being hit by Ice Beam, burned by Scald, or paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

**Electric-types**: Electric-types, including Rotom-W, Thundurus, and Magnezone, can deal a large amount of damage to Slowbro. However, the majority of them do not appreciate switching into Scald too many times.

**Dragon-types**: If Slowbro lacks Ice Beam, Dragon-types like Latios and Mega Altaria can easily switch in and shrug off any damage, especially if they carry Roost. Latios can soak up almost any hit, recover the damage with Roost, and threaten Slowbro back with Draco Meteor. Mega Altaria full-on counters Slowbro, as it resists Scald and does not care about status if it carries Facade or Refresh. This means that lets Mega Altaria can freely set up on Slowbro, needing only two Dragon Dances to outspeed it when paralyzed.

**Status**: If Slowbro lacks Rest or a teammate that can clear status, Toxic poison and burn put it on a timer, forcing it to recover more often then it wants to as Toxic damage increases.

**Taunt**: When Mega Evolved, Slowbro relies on Slack Off and Rest to heal, meaning Taunt users like Gliscor and Heatran are able to stop Mega Slowbro from recovering or setting up Calm Mind. This makes it more vulnerable to Pokemon that it would normally switch into like Thunder Punch Mega Metagross and Mega Medicham. Taunt also prevents regular Slowbro from healing outside of Regenerator as well as and spreading status through moves like Thunder Wave.

**Super Effective Attacks and Residual Damage**: Dark-types like Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados, Hydreigon, Crawdaunt, and Weavile all threaten Slowbro. Ghost-types like Gengar and Jellicent can also prove to be problematic towards Slowbro, as Shadow Ball from Gengar does a lot of damage, and Jellicent can absorb Scald and Taunt and potentially burn Slowbro with its own Scald. Bug-types, including Mega Heracross, Volcarona, and Mega Scizor, can deal a lot of damage to or outright KO Slowbro as well. A lot of Pokemon that Slowbro can typically check can also run a super effective coverage move to hit it, such as Thunder Punch from Mega Metagross, Hidden Power Bug or Grass from Choice Specs Keldeo, and Thunder Punch from Mega Medicham. A lot of moves mentioned here become less threatening when Slowbro is Mega Evolved, as Pokemon like Choice Band Weavile, Thunder Punch Mega Metagross, and Thunder Punch Mega Medicham cannot 2HKO it anymore. However, do keep in mind that Mega Slowbro loses Regenerator after Mega Evolving; this makes residual damage very troublesome, as it has to constantly stay at a high enough health percentage to avoid being 2HKOed as it switches into these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[ez, 233669]]
- Quality checked by: [[jonfilch, 472436], [Savouras, 409438]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732], [Finland, 517429]]

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