If you want to post in the Proposal - RBY Sleep Cause Should Be Cart Accurate (and other gens should consider it too) thread in Policy Review but do not have a badge, you may post here.
well... i seeyou cant use items in a link battle
I've seen this exact response nearly word for word plenty of times if your gonna bother responding actually respond don't just say "players say this" yes I know they say that why not tell me why they say that. Also do you actually want progress on this topic because you were the first one to respond even though your response was really really pointless. I know you like to push for cart accuracy but you also like to push others patience.almost every decent player will tell you sleep is healthy for the game
almost every decent player will tell you sleep is healthy for the game
Now that's actually a fair post but I kinda disagree because sleep is so dominating and luck based that I feel like having more unique lines at the beginning of the match doesn't matter as much as not getting plowed by starmie having a one turn wake near the end of the match. I get the point but that's just not enough to say sleep is worth keeping around when it creates hax city.having sleep enables far more interesting lines, without sleep the lines just go click paralysis -> go hitter -> kill stuff
IMO Sleep is extremely crucial to making progress in RBY. That's why banning Sleep is not really on the table.4 Ban sleep. In theory this should satisfy the majority of players, the competitive players get a more balanced game and the cartridge purists get a more accurate sleep clause. This would be quite a move to make but there is recent precedent with bw and sv banning sleep. I know some people will disagree and there is a genuine argument that banning sleep is not within the scope of this thread but this is another one of those "seize the opportunity while you have it" moments.