name: Unaware Wall
move 1: Torch Song
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex / Earth Power
move 4: Slack Off
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Unaware
nature: Bold
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
tera type: Fairy / Water
- Will-O-Wisp cripples common Skeledirge switch-ins such as Toxapex and Ting-Lu, and it also forces out Koraidon.
- Hex, in conjuction with Will-O-Wisp, helps Skeledirge beat foes that otherwise wouldn't take much damage from its attacks, such as Toxapex and Alomomola.
- Earth Power hits Pokemon that would wall Skeledirge completely, such as Garganacl, while still hitting Toxapex hard. Earth Power also hits Tera Fire Koraidon, which can potentially beat Skeledirge one-on-one if Torch Song is its only attacking move, as Hex without a status condition does not always break Koraidon's Substitute with a Torch Song boost.
- Skeledirge is best suited for bulky offense and stall teams alike, as those styles of teams specifically appreciate its walling capabilities. For example, it can wall non-Stomping Tantrum Koraidon, Choice Specs Iron Valiant, and non-Earthquake Slither Wing.
- Tera Fairy helps Skeledirge check Pokemon that would otherwise overwhelm it, such as Koraidon locked into Outrage and Chien-Pao locked into Crunch. Tera Water is also an option to check Palafin and rain teams, and it retains Skeledirge's Fire resistance.
- Pokemon that appreciate walls like Ting-Lu and Toxapex being burned make for great partners, like Miraidon and Kingambit. Other Koraidon and Chien-Pao checks such as Toxapex and Great Tusk make for great partners too, as Skeledirge appreciates not being the only check to them. Lastly, Blissey walls Iron Bundle and Miraidon for Skeledirge, and in return Skeledirge checks Koraidon.
- Written by: [[corvere, 306317]]
- Quality checked by: [[Lasen, 273339], [Fc, 511624]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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