National Dex skarmory defensive [QC:2/2]

Physical Wall (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Spikes
- Roost


Skarmory's excellent bulk giving it a favorable matchup against physical attackers and ability to wear down foes with Spikes grant it an important role on balance teams. Iron Defense + Body Press allows Skarmory to beat physical setup sweepers, like Garchomp and Iron Boulder, and potentially clean late-game. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokemon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters. Furthermore, Tera Dragon allows Skarmory to win duels against Pokemon that it cannot usually handle, like Ogerpon-W and Urshifu-R, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire-type and Electric-type attacks from Pokemon like Gouging Fire without Dragon-type STAB moves,Fire Punch Ursaluna, and Iron Hands. Rocky Helmet punishes pivoting moves like U-turn from Pokemon like Landorus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Rillaboom, further weakening them over time and reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and entry hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duels against IronPress variants of Zamazenta. The 64 EVs in Speed allow Skarmory to outspeed threats such as Ursaluna and defensive Heatran. Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensively oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional Defense to provide a reliable physical wall in defensive cores. Mega Tyranitar and Clefable , can set up Stealth Rock and capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots and other items with Knock Off from foes like Zamazenta and Ferrothorn. Additionally, to counterbalance Skarmory's vulnerability to special attackers such as Volcarona and Tapu Koko, pairing it with special walls like Galarian Slowking, Ting-Lu, and Heatran is essential. In return, Skarmory offers an invaluable check to Pokemon like Rillaboom and Landorus-T and applies pressure with its Spikes

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[SET] defensive
name: skarmory
move 1: iron defense
move 2: roost
move 3: body press
move 4: spikes
item: rocky helmet
ability: sturdy
nature: bold
tera type: dragon
evs: 252HP 188 Def 64 Speed 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe the given spread was missing 4 evs

Skarmory's role as an anti-setup Pokémon is pivotal, leveraging its exceptional bulk and defensive typing to effectively counter prevalent offensive physical threats in the tier, including Ogerpon-Wellspring waterpon mu is iffy, you always run the risk of encore and are at the mercy of cudgel crits esp if u dont commit tera, chomp or msciz feel more appropriate, Great Tusk, Iron Boulder, and Dragonite. Its formidable Defense stat and access to moves like Body Press enable Skarmory to dominate physical confrontations. this is redundant with the previous sentence Additionally, its ability to restore health with Roost ensures longevity recovery on a fat mon is self explanitory, while laying down Spikes gradually wears down opposing threats. Furthermore, Tera Dragon enhances Skarmory's ability to handle Pokémon like Ogerpon and Urshifu, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire and Electric attacks add one or two examples for each of these. The inclusion of the Rocky Helmet punishes opponents on forced switches like U-turn, add a couple examples further weakening enemies over time, reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duel against Iron Defense Body Press variants of Zamazenta. Furthermore, its natural typing allows it to easily tank attacks from Pokémon like Rillaboom and Landorus. this feels very out of place down here, examples are fine but they should be either in the introduction or in the teammates that benefit from skarm section [The synergy between Skarmory's Iron Defense and Body Press combo allows it to transition into a formidable late-game sweeper, capitalizing on its exceptional bulk and offensive potential. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokémon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters typically present against such strategies.] Move the stuff in brackets up to right below the spikes section, all explanations on moves should be together The EV spread is here to maximize Skarmory's physical bulk, with 64 EVs allocated in Speed allowing it to outspeed allows Skarmory to outspeed since the spread is just speed till a benchmark and dump into defense only the speed needs an explanation threats such as Ursluna and defensive Heatran.Skarmory's presence significantly benefits teammates such as Gliscor and Meowscarada, who can capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off add a couple examples. Additionally, to counterbalance its vulnerability to Special Defense, Skarmory benefits from teammates like Galarian Slowking or Clodsire skarm is a stall mon so chans/bliss are worth mentioning here too, capable of absorbing special hits and providing additional defensive support. Skarmory also offers invaluable physical checks and applies pressure with its spikes. Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensive-oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional defense to provide a reliable physical wall on defensive core. Additionally, its integration into teams prioritizing hazard stacking underscores its value, thanks to its proficiency in setting up entry hazards. [Given the threats posed by Pokémon like Volcarona or Tapu Koko, defensive Pokémon such as Galarian Slowking or Clodsire make excellent teammates for Skarmory.] this section in brackets should be merged with the previous mention of gking and clod Furthermore, due to its lack of pivoting moves instead of Corviknight inability to maintain momentum, Skarmory benefits from partners like rotom wash or alomomola alo is fine but washtom is not good on stall, smth like torn or zap is better, who can serve as effective pivots.

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[SET] defensive
name: skarmory
move 1: iron defense
move 2: roost
move 3: body press
move 4: spikes
item: rocky helmet
ability: sturdy
nature: bold
tera type: dragon

evs: 252HP 192 Def 64 Speed

Physical Wall (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Spikes

- Roost

please change the set to look like this

Skarmory's role as an anti-setup Pokémon is pivotal, leveraging its exceptional bulk and defensive typing to effectively counter prevalent offensive physical threats in the tier, including Mega scizor, Great Tusk, Iron Boulder, and Dragonite. this line definitely gasses up skarm way too much. the focus here should be that skarm having a good mu into many physical attackers lets it spike up reliably and fill an important role on fat teams. Additionally, laying down Spikes gradually wears down opposing threats. this is a rlly general statement, it's important but shouldn't be here + should be expanded on The synergy between Skarmory's Iron Defense and Body Press combo allows it to transition into a formidable late-game sweeper, capitalizing on its exceptional bulk and offensive potential. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokémon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters typically present against such strategies idefpress is a good combination because it lets you actually 1v1 physical attackers and not consistently flop; you need to highlight this a lot more and mention sweeping as a side benefit bc skarm will rarely ever sweep games on its own Furthermore, Tera Dragon enhances Skarmory's ability to handle Pokémon like Ogerpon and Urshifu, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire and Electric attacks of pokemon like gougin fire without dragon stab, and fire punch ursaluna or iron hands for electrics attack . this sentence makes it sound like you already handle them fairly well, but ogerpon and urshifu both win if they sd before tera; reword to avoid giving that impression. The inclusion of the Rocky Helmet punishes opponents on forced switches like U-turn likes landorus lopunny and rillaboom further weakening enemies over time, reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duel against Iron Defense Body Press variants of Zamazenta. The EV 64 EVs in speed allows Skarmory to outspeed threats such as Ursluna and defensive Heatran. Skarmory's presence significantly benefits teammates such as Gliscor and Meowscarada, who can capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots with Knock Off of commun skarmory check like slowking-galar, zapdos, moltres meow is really not that good and its best 4th moveslot beats zap + molt sucks as well; i'd rather mention stuff like clef and ttar here, since they can stack hazards alongside skarm + both of them knock items from mons reliant on them for longevity like ferro, heatran, zama, etc Additionally, to counterbalance its vulnerability to Special Defense against pokemon like Volcarona and Tapu Koko, Skarmory benefits from teammates like Galarian Slowking Clodsire and blissey , skarm has no place on these teams when glisc / clod + corv already provide spikes and similar defensive profiles. mention other special walls like ting lu / heatran capable of absorbing special hits and providing additional defensive support. In return Skarmory offers invaluable physical checks of pokemon like rillaboom and landorus and applies pressure with its spikes. Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensive-oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional defense to provide a reliable physical wall on defensive core. Additionally, its integration into teams prioritizing hazard stacking underscores its value, thanks to its proficiency in setting up entry hazards. Furthermore, due to its inability to maintain momentum, Skarmory benefits from partners like zapdos, or alomomola , who can serve as effective pivots. the mention of skarm being good on balance teams should be moved right after the mention of rocky helmet and before the initial mention of teammates. also, skarm is rlly not gonna care about pivots even if it's a general momentum sink; it only rlly cares about mons that can handle whatever comes in to abuse its inability to maintain momentum, which you already mentioned

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i'd like another check before stamping this
Physical Wall (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Spikes
- Roost


Thanks to its excellent physical bulk, Skarmory has a favorable matchup against physically-oriented Pokémon, granting it an important role in balance teams compositions. Additionally, laying down Spikes gradually wears down opposing threats. The synergy between Skarmory's Iron Defense and Body Press combo allows it to to win its duel against physical pokemon that would like to set up itself like garchomp, and iron boulder but can also transition it into a formidable it's not that good late-game sweeper, capitalizing on its exceptional bulk and offensive potential. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokémon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters Furthermore, Tera dragon allows skarmory to win a his duel against pokemon that it he cannot usually handle like Ogerpon and Urshifu, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire and Electric attacks of pokemon like gouging fire without dragon stab, and fire punch ursaluna or iron hands for electrics attack .. The inclusion of the Rocky Helmet punishes opponents on forced switches like U-turn likes landorus lopunny and rillaboom further weakening enemies over time, reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duel against Iron Defense Body Press variants of Zamazenta. The EV 64 EVs in speed allows Skarmory to outspeed threats such as Ursluna and defensive Heatran. Skarmory's presence significantly benefits teammates such as Gliscor Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensive-oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional defense to provide a reliable physical wall on defensive core. Additionally, its integration into teams prioritizing hazard stacking underscores its value, thanks to its proficiency in setting up entry hazards Mega Tyranitar tyranitar or clefable who can set up Stealth Rock and capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots and item with Knock Off of commun skarmory check like zamazenta and ferrotorn Additionally, to counterbalance its vulnerability to special attackers Special Defense against pokemon like Volcarona and Tapu Koko, Skarmory benefits from teammates like Galarian Slowking, tinglu and heatran capable of absorbing special hits and providing additional defensive support. In return Skarmory offers invaluable physical checks of pokemon like rillaboom and landorus and applies pressure with its spikes.

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2/2, make sure to look through the Spelling and Grammar Standards to make gp's job easier, bc a lot of stuff is a bit incoherent
Add, Remove, Comment, AC = add comma, (AP) = add period, (RC) = remove comma
Physical Wall (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Spikes
- Roost


Thanks to its excellent physical bulk, Skarmory has a favorable matchup against physically oriented Pokémon Pokemon, granting it an important role in balanced team compositions. Additionally, laying down Spikes gradually wears down opposing threats. The synergy between Skarmory's Iron Defense and + Body Press combo allows it to win its duel against beat physical Pokémon Pokemon that would like to set up themselves, like Garchomp and Iron Boulder.(AP),(RC) but IronPress Skarmory can also transition it into a late-game sweeper, capitalizing on its exceptional bulk and offensive potential. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokémon Pokemon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters. Furthermore, Tera Dragon allows Skarmory to win duels against Pokémon Pokemon that it cannot usually handle, like Ogrepon Ogerpon (If you mean water ogerpon, change this to Ogerpon-W. I added -R to urshifu because the base form is banned) and Urshifu-R, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire and Electric attacks from Pokémon Pokemon like Gouging Fire without Dragon STAB moves,(AC) and Fire Punch Ursaluna, or and Iron Hands for Electric attacks. The inclusion of the Rocky Helmet punishes opponents on forced switches, like U-turn from Pokémon Pokemon like Landorus-T, Lopunny(change this to "Mega Lopunny" unless you really mean base forme lopunny), and Rillaboom, further weakening enemies over time and reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duels against Iron Defense Body Press IronPress variants of Zamazenta. The 64 EVs in Speed allow Skarmory to outspeed threats such as Ursaluna and defensive Heatran. Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensive-oriented defensively oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional defense to provide a reliable physical wall in defensive cores. Additionally, its integration into teams prioritizing hazard stacking underscores its value, thanks to its proficiency in setting up entry hazards. Mega Tyranitar or and Clefable, who can set up Stealth Rock, capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots and other items with Knock Off from common Skarmory checks like Zamazenta and Ferrothorn. Additionally, to counterbalance its vulnerability to Special Attackers special attackers such as Volcarona and Tapu Koko, Skarmory benefits from teammates like Galarian Slowking, Tinglu Ting-Lu, and Heatran, (AC) that are capable of absorbing special hits and providing additional defensive support. In return, Skarmory offers invaluable physical checks against Pokémon Pokemon like Rillaboom and Landorus-T and applies pressure with its Spikes.

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no wait I'm not an official GP member lol just an am(amateur) checker
but I noticed you missed removing an "(AC)" and forgot a space after a comma here:

Furthermore, Tera Dragon allows Skarmory to win duels against Pokemon that it cannot usually handle, like Ogerpon-W and Urshifu-R, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire and Electric attacks from Pokemon like Gouging Fire without Dragon STAB moves,Fire Punch Ursaluna
GP 1/1
Physical Wall (Skarmory) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 Spe
Bold Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Spikes
- Roost


Skarmory's excellent bulk giving it a favorable matchup against physical attackers and ability to wear down foes with Spikes grant it an important role on balance teams. Thanks to its excellent physical bulk, Skarmory has a favorable matchup against physically oriented Pokemon, granting it an important role in balanced team compositions. Additionally, laying down Spikes gradually wears down opposing threats. The synergy between Skarmory's Iron Defense + Body Press allows Skarmory it to beat physical setup sweepers, physical Pokemon that would like to set up themselves, like Garchomp and Iron Boulder, (ac) and potentially clean late-game. IronPress Skarmory can also transition into a late-game sweeper, capitalizing on its exceptional bulk and offensive potential. This is particularly potent due to the lack of Ghost-type Pokemon in the tier, which diminishes the common checks and counters. Furthermore, Tera Dragon allows Skarmory to win duels against Pokemon that it cannot usually handle, like Ogerpon-W and Urshifu-R, while also mitigating its vulnerabilities to Fire- add hyphen and Electric-type attacks from Pokemon like Gouging Fire without Dragon-type STAB moves, Dragon STAB moves,Fire Punch Ursaluna, and Iron Hands. add period for Electric attacks. The inclusion of the Rocky Helmet punishes pivoting moves like opponents on forced switches, like U-turn from Pokemon like Landorus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Rillaboom, further weakening them enemies over time and reinforcing Skarmory's role as a defensive stalwart and entry hazard setter. Moreover, thanks to the Rocky Helmet, Skarmory wins its duels against IronPress variants of Zamazenta. The 64 EVs in Speed allow Skarmory to outspeed threats such as Ursaluna and defensive Heatran. Skarmory emerges as an ideal choice for defensively oriented teams, capitalizing on its exceptional Defense defense to provide a reliable physical wall in defensive cores. Additionally, its integration into teams prioritizing hazard stacking underscores its value, thanks to its proficiency in setting up entry hazards. this is a pretty bleh sentence that doesn't add much Mega Tyranitar and Clefable (rc) who can set up Stealth Rock (rc) and capitalize on its entry hazard support to apply pressure to opposing teams. In return, they can remove Heavy-Duty Boots and other items with Knock Off from foes common Skarmory checks ferro doesn't check skarm and zama is worse off too like Zamazenta and Ferrothorn. Additionally, to counterbalance Skarmory's its vulnerability to special attackers such as Volcarona and Tapu Koko, pairing it with special walls like Galarian Slowking, Ting-Lu, and Heatran is essential. Skarmory benefits from teammates like Galarian Slowking, Ting-Lu, and Heatran, (AC) that are capable of absorbing special hits and providing additional defensive support. In return, Skarmory offers an invaluable check to invaluable physical checks against Pokemon like Rillaboom and Landorus-T and applies pressure with its Spikes.

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if you have questions about this, please lmk on discord, yk where to find me. also credit adorluigi!

GP Team done