I'm sorry, but this thread is for simple questions, the multitude of reasons for Pluffle being the best CAP are far too intricate and complex, you should try the metagame discussion thread instead.Why is Pluffle the best CAP Mon in the tier?
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with a defensive/support Kitsunoh, but Colossoil can rarely, if ever, afford to run Pursuit so I don't really think it's worth worrying about this set specifically. Instead of Colossoil, Mega Tyranitar, Weavile, and Tyranitar are much more viable Pursuit trappers within the current metagame, so it'd make more sense to prepare for those.How might one prepare a defensive/support Kitsunoh for pursuit Colossoil? I was thinking iron defense, but guts makes Colossoil strong enough to break through. I was hoping to use something like skill swap or gastro acid, but unfortunately it does not get any such move.
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with a defensive/support Kitsunoh, but Colossoil can rarely, if ever, afford to run Pursuit so I don't really think it's worth worrying about this set specifically. Instead of Colossoil, Mega Tyranitar, Weavile, and Tyranitar are much more viable Pursuit trappers within the current metagame, so it'd make more sense to prepare for those.
Right now the metagame seems fairly similar to OU in terms of team structure, many of the Pokemon which are good there are good here still and like OU, balance seems to be king.What's the metagame looking like with Dynamax gone?
(Looks like we might finally have a generation that's simple enough for me to play! I look forward to coming back!)
What does Diglett do differently from Dugtrio to warrant getting ranked?
Does the recent ban on Dracovish in OU extend to CAP as well?
Is there any CAP Pokemon that are considered sweepers? Asking that because from what I've seen, most of CAP Pokemon focus more on utility than sweeping, might have been wrong about the former though.
Is there any CAP Pokemon that are considered sweepers? Asking that because from what I've seen, most of CAP Pokemon focus more on utility than sweeping, might have been wrong about the former though.
Volkraken is an Analytic wallbreaker, not a sweeper.Yes they are one example is volkraken which in rain can do a lot of damage and sweep allmost everything using specs
Yes. Its typing is just that bad that no Ability or movepool could save it. The idea was to be a "true Ground-type switch-in", but being weak to Rock moves really doesn't help that. Its stats were designed under the assumption it would be a decent wall, and thus it is outclassed as a Webs lead too. As a spinner it is a joke, and as a Rock setter it loses to every hazard remover.Is part of Snaelstrom’s lack of viability the fact it’s over-reliant on Poison Heal recovery and thus cannot run Heavy-Duty Boots as a result to mitigate its Stealth Rock weakness?
While the main CAP site is a bit out of date, you can find the basic information on all the CAP Pokemon on Smogon's main strategy dex: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/formats/cap/hello I have a question hopeful this is the right place but i notice the created a pokemon section of the smogon dotcom ionly updated to kerfluffyle, can anyone tell me where i can find the infromation on the latest create a pokemon after that ? and some suggested uses and movesets for them and if they are viable and good ? i was recentyl called a stupid noob for using voodoom on the pokemons showdown and i do not want to repeated my mistake... thank you much in advance...
Nothing. It's unviable. Zarude is completely walled by Tomohawk, and struggles to make meaningful progress against Pokemon like Astrolotl and Mandibuzz to name a few. It's not worth using and has no effect on the VR.Okay, what to do with the tier list now that Zarude is out and about?