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What ev spread does Skeldirge use? And is Iron Vailant better as a physical or special attacker and what set does it run?
What ev spread does Skeldirge use? And is Iron Vailant better as a physical or special attacker and what set does it run?

Usually a variant like this:
Skeledirge @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
- Torch Song
- Will-O-Wisp
- Slack Off
- Shadow Ball

Iron Valiant is usually running as a special attacker, then most commonly as a mixed attacker, I rarely see purely a physical attacking set. The set usually looks like this:

:iron valiant:
Iron Valiant @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Moonblast
- Close Combat
- Thunderbolt
- Psyshock

Also you can see other sets being ran by looking at:
I see people enjoying kingambit, but what about Bisharp now being able to use evolite? It has 10 less power of kingambit, but 20 more speed, and with evolite it gains a masive defensive boost. I feel like that should be great, but i dont see people talking about it.

Also, is baton pass still banned here?
I see people enjoying kingambit, but what about Bisharp now being able to use evolite? It has 10 less power of kingambit, but 20 more speed, and with evolite it gains a masive defensive boost. I feel like that should be great, but i dont see people talking about it.
Keep in mind that with Eviolite, Bisharp is relinquishing what could be a boosting item like Blackglasses as Kingambit would use, or Leftovers/HDB with Spikes vulnerability which narrows the bulk comparison.
Keep in mind that with Eviolite, Bisharp is relinquishing what could be a boosting item like Blackglasses as Kingambit would use, or Leftovers/HDB with Spikes vulnerability which narrows the bulk comparison.

Yeah that is true. Didnt think of that. I just liked the idea of beimg very tanky while still hitting hard. But i guess you just become something in-between? Can it be made to work or is it just better to use kingambit? I like both pokemon honestly lol

Edit: i feel stupid for not noticing that there was a bisharp thread made. Being on mobile i missed it in a quick look
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What are good Valiant checks besides Clod, Volc, Dirge, and Ghold?

Depending on the set, It can Psyshock Clod, Shadow Ball Dirge and Gholdengo...Volc is a pretty solid check. It's super versatile with the different moves it can run. I would say if it's the basic mixed set:
Iron Valiant @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Moonblast
- Close Combat
- Thunderbolt
- Psyshock

Scizor is a very solid check, it can switch into anything aside Tera Type Fire (Tera Blast) or Fire Punch (Which it runs neither 95% of the time). Bullet Punch 2HKOs with no EVs, and with Choice Band or Tera Type Steel (Max Attack) it will OHKO easy.
With the news that Cinderace will be released in a little over a week, and probably more releases to come before Pokemon Home, is there a plan on how to make new analysis threads of the new additions? i.e opening back up the reservation thread once a new pokemon releases or something
With the news that Cinderace will be released in a little over a week, and probably more releases to come before Pokemon Home, is there a plan on how to make new analysis threads of the new additions? i.e opening back up the reservation thread once a new pokemon releases or something
I'm not an OU QC Member, however, discussion on analyses has already been sparked upon because of Terastallizing. If analyses were to start up now, and Terastallizing was to be banned after January 1st, then these analyses that have been written would be archived immediately. The fact about Terastallizing is that it's controversial, and there hasn't been a strong one-sided opinion towards either side of the spectrum. Therefore, it's safe to assume that whatever the result of this suspect, that OU Analyses should start up after, as the suspect will show the opinion on the matter and whether it stays in the meta or goes. After that, there's less of a risk of these analyses becoming redundant.
True exept I’ve been seeing a lot of Tera fighting chi Yu with Tera blast fighting blissey is the only true counter
it runs tera fire by far the most and tera fairy behind that, but ofc with tera there are a ton of possibilities to evade counterplay like most offensive pokemon rn