OU Shuckle


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QC: Gary, p2, Colonel M
GP: lotiasite, Haund

Shuckle's niche in OU comes from its access to Sticky Web; however, Shuckle faces heavy competition as a Sticky Web setter in OU from Smeargle, which is more self-sufficient due to its greater utility options in Magic Coat, Spore, and Taunt, allowing it to prevent hazard removal, as well as Skill Swap to bypass Mega Sableye's Magic Bounce. Despite this competition, Shuckle carves a niche through its ability to reliably bypass several common stops to the Sticky Web playstyle. Because Shuckle has Sturdy, it can safely hold a Mental Herb rather than being forced to run a Focus Sash, which allows it to lead against potential Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up Sticky Web reliably. Along with Sturdy, Shuckle has incredible natural bulk, allowing it to lead against Fake Out users such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham. Encore helps to alleviate some of Shuckle's passivity, preventing it from becoming setup bait. Unfortunately, Shuckle is unable to prevent hazard removal on its own. It is completely reliant on teammates able to punish Defog and prevent Rapid Spin.

name: Sticky Web Setter
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Encore
move 4: Rock Tomb / Infestation / Toxic
item: Mental Herb
ability: Sturdy
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Sticky Web slows down opposing grounded Pokemon and is the most important move Shuckle has to support its teammates. Stealth Rock provides chip damage on foes, breaking Focus Sashes and Sturdy as well as helping Shuckle's teammates secure KOs. Encore prevents Shuckle from being setup bait and can be used to provide teammates with free switches in. Rock Tomb slows down foes unaffected by Sticky Web and is most often used against the foe that's on the field when Sticky Web is first set. Infestation gets nice chip damage and can prevent the opponent from making a double switch, ensuring Shuckle's teammates safer switches in. Toxic provides chip damage against foes and further hampers setup sweepers when used in conjunction with Encore. Knock Off can be used to strip foes of important items like Choice Scarf, but it has the side effect of weakening Knock Off for Shuckle's teammates.

Set Details

Sturdy is used to avoid OHKOs from extremely powerful attacks like Hydro Pump from Choice Specs Keldeo and Choice Specs Greninja, Crabhammer from Choice Band Crawdaunt, and Steam Eruption from Choice Specs Volcanion. Mental Herb cures Shuckle of effects like Taunt and Encore a single time, allowing it to set up Sticky Web in the face of Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up both Sticky Web and Stealth Rock against Encore Mega Lopunny. 252 HP EVs maximize Shuckle's bulk—248 HP EVs could be used to minimize the hazard damage Shuckle takes, but Shuckle will most often be used as a lead, and its HP stat is so low in comparison to its other defensive stats that every point of investment makes a noticeable difference. The remaining defensive investment strikes a balance in odds between common physical and special attackers. 88 Special Defense EVs ensure that Choice Specs Tapu Lele has to lock itself into a Psychic-type move to reliably 2HKO Shuckle, giving Dark-type teammates an opportunity to take advantage of it as setup fodder. 168 Defense EVs with a Relaxed nature minimize the chance that Choice Band Zygarde can 2HKO Shuckle with Outrage. 0 Speed IVs along with the Relaxed nature let Shuckle underspeed all Pokemon for when it is matched against Trick Room teams, allowing it to freely use Encore and reliably set up Stealth Rock against the archetype. This does not negatively impact Shuckle, as its base 5 Speed means that it will naturally be outsped by almost every Pokemon regardless of nature or IV.

Usage Tips

Usually, lead with Shuckle. Don't lead Shuckle against teams that have sleep inducers, such as Smeargle and Amoonguss, or Mega Sableye—Mega Sableye will most likely be the first Pokemon the opponent sends out, so lead with a teammate able to heavily pressure it. Unless the opponent has Bisharp or Serperior, it's usually best to set Sticky Web up first. If they do, ensure Shuckle's team can handle those boosted Pokemon before setting them up. If the opponent has numerous Flying-type or levitating Pokemon, it may be a good idea to focus on setting up Stealth Rock rather than Sticky Web. Use Encore against foes that are likely to set up or those that are unable to 2HKO Shuckle when unboosted. In addition, use Encore against hazard removers if they are sent out as leads, as they are unlikely to use Rapid Spin or Defog on the very first turn. Utilize aggressive switching to dissuade hazard removal. If the opponent has solid hazard removal options, try to save Shuckle for when it may be needed later in a match.

Team Options

Since Shuckle has trouble preventing hazard removal, Pokemon able to punish Defog and block Rapid Spin are appreciated. Bisharp gets a +2 Attack boost off of Defog thanks to its ability Defiant, making it a great partner. Serperior, particularly a SubSeed variant, is another option in this regard, as Contrary causes Defog to give it an evasion boost. Thundurus is another possible teammate that applies great pressure to common hazard removers like Skarmory, Mantine, and Tapu Fini. Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon on the Sticky Web playstyle and additionally can act as a spinblocker in a pinch. Zygarde is another staple for Sticky Web teams—it greatly appreciates the ability to outspeed grounded checks like Greninja. Many wallbreakers such as Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Bulu appreciate the pseudo-Speed boost that Sticky Web provides. Faster Pokemon such as Greninja can handle most Choice Scarf users and do great against offense once Sticky Web is set. Since Shuckle is dead weight versus Mega Sableye, partners able to handle both Mega Sableye and the stall teams it often finds itself on are a must—Tapu Lele and Choice Specs Keldeo are great in this regard.

Other Options

Shuckle does not have many viable other options in OU. It could hold a Lum Berry or Chesto Berry to prevent it from falling victim to sleep in the hopes that most Taunt users would be wary of Mental Herb; however, most Taunt users are undeterred and will be attempting to use Taunt on Shuckle twice to prevent both entry hazards from being set.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye bounces back Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Encore, and Toxic, and it has no trouble switching into Shuckle due to Shuckle's pathetic offenses.

**Defiant and Contrary Users**: Bisharp gains a +2 Attack boost off of Sticky Web thanks to Defiant and is able to overcome the Speed drop thanks to Sucker Punch. Serperior takes advantage of Sticky Web to boost its Speed with Contrary, causing it to be a serious threat to most Sticky Web teams.

**Sleep Inducers**: Since Shuckle lacks Magic Coat and Taunt, it is unable to prevent sleep and has trouble leading against Pokemon like Smeargle, Amoonguss, and the rare Breloom.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: While Shuckle is often paired with Pokemon able to prevent or take advantage of entry hazard removal, such removal can still pose a problem to Shuckle's teammates' ability to perform effectively.
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I would definitely stress how Shuckle faces heavy competition from Smeargle in general, just because Smeargle has the added advantage of other utility in Magic Coat + Spore as well as Skill Swap vs Mega Sab teams, so it's overall more self-sufficient.

Shuckle can use Contrary along with Shell Smash to boost both of its defensive stats, but it is outclassed in this gimmick by Cosmic Power users like Clefable that can use Stored Power to avoid being too passive. This ends up being an ineffective gimmick that fails to be successful against most teams.

Remove this from OO, because Shuckle has literally no business running anything else but the moveset that is already provided.

QC 1/3
I would definitely stress how Shuckle faces heavy competition from Smeargle in general, just because Smeargle has the added advantage of other utility in Magic Coat + Spore as well as Skill Swap vs Mega Sab teams, so it's overall more self-sufficient.

Remove this from OO, because Shuckle has literally no business running anything else but the moveset that is already provided.
QC 1/3
Implemented, ready for QC 2
hi, gp 1/2

Shuckle's niche in OU comes from its access to Sticky Web;(sc) however, Shuckle faces heavy competition as a Sticky Web setter in OU from Smeargle, as Smeargle is more self-sufficient due to its greater utility options in Magic Coat, Spore, and Taunt, allowing it to prevent hazard removal, as well as Skill Swap to bypass Mega Sableye's Magic Bounce. Despite this competition, Shuckle carves a niche through its ability to reliably bypass several common stops to the Sticky Web playstyle. Because Shuckle has Sturdy, it can safely hold a Mental Herb rather than being forced to run a Focus Sash, which This allows it to lead against potential Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up Sticky Web. Along with Sturdy, Shuckle has incredible natural bulk, allowing it to lead against Fake Out users such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham. Encore helps to alleviate some of Shuckle's passivity, preventing it from becoming setup bait. Unfortunately, Shuckle is unable to prevent hazard removal on its own. It is completely reliant on teammates able to punish Defog and prevent Rapid Spin.

name: Sticky Web Setter
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Encore
move 4: Rock Tomb / Infestation / Toxic
item: Mental Herb
ability: Sturdy
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Sticky Web slows down opposing grounded Pokemon and is the most important move Shuckle has to support its teammates. Stealth Rock provides chip damage on foes, breaking Focus Sashes and Sturdy as well as helping Shuckle's teammates secure KOs. Encore prevents Shuckle from being setup bait and can be used to provide teammates with free switch-ins switches in. Rock Tomb slows down foes unaffected by Sticky Web and is most often used against the foe that's on the field when Sticky Web is first set. Infestation gets nice chip damage and can prevent the opponent from making a double switch, ensuring Shuckle's teammates safer switch-ins switches in. Toxic provides chip damage against foes and further hampers setup sweepers when used in conjunction with Encore. Knock Off can be used to strip foes of important items like Choice Scarf, but it has the side effect of weakening Knock Off for Shuckle's teammates.

Set Details

Sturdy is used to avoid OHKOs from extremely powerful attacks like Hydro Pump from Choice Specs Keldeo and Choice Specs Greninja, Crabhammer from Choice Band Crawdaunt, and Steam Eruption from Choice Specs Volcanion. Mental Herb cures Shuckle of effects like Taunt and Encore a single time, allowing it to set up Sticky Web in the face of Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up both Sticky Web and Stealth Rock against Encore Mega Lopunny. 252 HP EVs maximize Shuckle's bulk—248 HP EVs could be used to minimize the hazard damage Shuckle takes, but Shuckle will most often be used as a lead, and its HP stat is so low in comparison to its other defensive stats that every point of investment makes a noticeable difference. The remaining defensive investment strikes a balance in odds between common physical and special attackers. 88 Special Defense EVs ensure that Choice Specs Tapu Lele has to lock itself into a Psychic-type move to reliably 2HKO Shuckle, giving Dark-type teammates an opportunity to take advantage of it as setup fodder. 168 Defense EVs with a Relaxed nature minimize the chance that Choice Band Zygarde can 2HKO Shuckle with Outrage. 0 Speed IVs along with the Relaxed nature let Shuckle underspeed all Pokemon for when it is matched against Trick Room teams, allowing it to freely use Encore and reliably set up Stealth Rock against the archetype. This does not negatively impact Shuckle, as its base 5 Speed means that it will naturally be outsped by almost every Pokemon regardless of nature or IV.

Usage Tips

Usually, lead with Shuckle. Don't lead Shuckle against teams that have sleep inducers, such as Smeargle and Amoonguss, or Mega Sableye—Mega Sableye will most likely be the first Pokemon the opponent sends out, so lead with a teammate able to heavily pressure it. Unless the opponent has Bisharp or Serperior, it's usually best to set Sticky Web up first. If they do, ensure Shuckle's team can handle those boosted Pokemon before setting them up. If the opponent has numerous Flying-type or levitating Pokemon, it may be a good idea to focus on setting up Stealth Rock rather than Sticky Web. Use Encore against foes that are likely to setup set up or those that are unable to 2HKO Shuckle when unboosted. In addition, use Encore against hazard removers if they are sent out as leads, as they are unlikely to use Rapid Spin or Defog on the very first turn. Utilize aggressive switching to dissuade hazard removal. If the opponent has solid hazard removal options, try to save Shuckle for when it may be needed later in a match.

Team Options

Since Shuckle has trouble preventing hazard removal, Pokemon able to punish Defog and block Rapid Spin are appreciated. Bisharp gets a +2 Attack boost off of Defog thanks to its ability Defiant, making it a great partner. Serperior, particulary particularly a SubSeed variant, is another option in this regard, as Contrary causes Defog to give it an Evasion evasion boost. Thundurus is another possible teammate that applies great pressure to common hazard removers like Skarmory, Mantine, and Tapu Fini. Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon on the Sticky Web playstyle and additionally can act as a spinblocker in a pinch. Zygarde is another staple for Sticky Web teams—it greatly appreciates the ability to outspeed grounded checks like Greninja. Many wallbreakers such as Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Bulu appreciate the psuedo pseudo-Speed boost that Sticky Web provides. Faster Pokemon such as Greninja can handle most Choice Scarf users and do great against offense once Sticky Web is set. Since Shuckle is dead weight versus Mega Sableye, partners able to handle both Mega Sableye and the stall teams it often finds itself on are a must—Tapu Lele and Choice Specs Keldeo are great in this regard.

Other Options

Shuckle does not have many viable other options in OU. It could hold a Lum Berry or Chesto Berry to prevent it from falling victim to sleep in the hopes that most Taunt users would be wary of Mental Herb; however, most Taunt users are undeterred and will be attempting to use Taunt on Shuckle twice to prevent both entry hazards from being set.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye bounces back Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Encore, and Toxic, and it has no trouble switching into Shuckle due to Shuckle's pathetic offenses.

**Defiant and Contrary Users**: Bisharp gains a +2 Attack boost off of Sticky Web thanks to Defiant and is able to overcome the Speed drop thanks to Sucker Punch. Serperior takes advantage of Sticky Web to boost its Speed with Contrary, causing it to be a serious threat to most Sticky Web teams.

**Sleep Inducers**: Since Shuckle lacks Magic Coat or and Taunt, it is unable to prevent sleep and has trouble leading against Pokemon like Smeargle, Amoonguss, and the rare Breloom.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: While Shuckle is often paired with Pokemon able to prevent or take advantage of entry hazard removal, such removal can still pose a problem to Shuckle's teammates' ability to perform effectively.
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hi, gp 1/2

Shuckle's niche in OU comes from its access to Sticky Web;(sc) however, Shuckle faces heavy competition as a Sticky Web setter in OU from Smeargle, as Smeargle is more self-sufficient due to its greater utility options in Magic Coat, Spore, and Taunt, allowing it to prevent hazard removal, as well as Skill Swap to bypass Mega Sableye's Magic Bounce. Despite this competition, Shuckle carves a niche through its ability to reliably bypass several common stops to the Sticky Web playstyle. Because Shuckle has Sturdy, it can safely hold a Mental Herb rather than being forced to run a Focus Sash, which This allows it to lead against potential Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up Sticky Web. Along with Sturdy, Shuckle has incredible natural bulk, allowing it to lead against Fake Out users such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham. Encore helps to alleviate some of Shuckle's passivity, preventing it from becoming setup bait. Unfortunately, Shuckle is unable to prevent hazard removal on its own. It is completely reliant on teammates able to punish Defog and prevent Rapid Spin.

name: Sticky Web Setter
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Encore
move 4: Rock Tomb / Infestation / Toxic
item: Mental Herb
ability: Sturdy
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Sticky Web slows down opposing grounded Pokemon and is the most important move Shuckle has to support its teammates. Stealth Rock provides chip damage on foes, breaking Focus Sashes and Sturdy as well as helping Shuckle's teammates secure KOs. Encore prevents Shuckle from being setup bait and can be used to provide teammates with free switch-ins switches in. Rock Tomb slows down foes unaffected by Sticky Web and is most often used against the foe that's on the field when Sticky Web is first set. Infestation gets nice chip damage and can prevent the opponent from making a double switch, ensuring Shuckle's teammates safer switch-ins switches in. Toxic provides chip damage against foes and further hampers setup sweepers when used in conjunction with Encore. Knock Off can be used to strip foes of important items like Choice Scarf, but it has the side effect of weakening Knock Off for Shuckle's teammates.

Set Details

Sturdy is used to avoid OHKOs from extremely powerful attacks like Hydro Pump from Choice Specs Keldeo and Choice Specs Greninja, Crabhammer from Choice Band Crawdaunt, and Steam Eruption from Choice Specs Volcanion. Mental Herb cures Shuckle of effects like Taunt and Encore a single time, allowing it to set up Sticky Web in the face of Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up both Sticky Web and Stealth Rock against Encore Mega Lopunny. 252 HP EVs maximize Shuckle's bulk—248 HP EVs could be used to minimize the hazard damage Shuckle takes, but Shuckle will most often be used as a lead, and its HP stat is so low in comparison to its other defensive stats that every point of investment makes a noticeable difference. The remaining defensive investment strikes a balance in odds between common physical and special attackers. 88 Special Defense EVs ensure that Choice Specs Tapu Lele has to lock itself into a Psychic-type move to reliably 2HKO Shuckle, giving Dark-type teammates an opportunity to take advantage of it as setup fodder. 168 Defense EVs with a Relaxed nature minimize the chance that Choice Band Zygarde can 2HKO Shuckle with Outrage. 0 Speed IVs along with the Relaxed nature let Shuckle underspeed all Pokemon for when it is matched against Trick Room teams, allowing it to freely use Encore and reliably set up Stealth Rock against the archetype. This does not negatively impact Shuckle, as its base 5 Speed means that it will naturally be outsped by almost every Pokemon regardless of nature or IV.

Usage Tips

Usually, lead with Shuckle. Don't lead Shuckle against teams that have sleep inducers, such as Smeargle and Amoonguss, or Mega Sableye—Mega Sableye will most likely be the first Pokemon the opponent sends out, so lead with a teammate able to heavily pressure it. Unless the opponent has Bisharp or Serperior, it's usually best to set Sticky Web first. If they do, ensure Shuckle's team can handle those boosted Pokemon before setting them. If the opponent has numerous Flying-type or levitating Pokemon, it may be a good idea to focus on setting Stealth Rock rather than Sticky Web. Use Encore against foes that are likely to setup or that are unable to 2HKO Shuckle when unboosted. In addition, use Encore against hazard removers if they are sent out as leads, as they are unlikely to use Rapid Spin or Defog on the very first turn. Utilize aggressive switching to dissuade hazard removal. If the opponent has solid hazard removal options, try to save Shuckle for when it may be needed later in a match.

Team Options

Since Shuckle has trouble preventing hazard removal, Pokemon able to punish Defog and block Rapid Spin are appreciated. Bisharp gets a +2 Attack boost off of Defog thanks to its ability Defiant, making it a great partner. Serperior, particulary particularly a SubSeed variant, is another option in this regard, as Contrary causes Defog to give it an Evasion evasion boost. Thundurus is another possible teammate that applies great pressure to common hazard removers like Skarmory, Mantine, and Tapu Fini. Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon on the Sticky Web playstyle and additionally can act as a spinblocker in a pinch. Zygarde is another staple for Sticky Web teams—it greatly appreciates the ability to outspeed grounded checks like Greninja. Many wallbreakers such as Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Bulu appreciate the psuedo pseudo-Speed boost that Sticky Web provides. Faster Pokemon such as Greninja can handle most Choice Scarf users and do great against offense once Sticky Web is set. Since Shuckle is dead weight versus Mega Sableye, partners able to handle both Mega Sableye and the stall teams it often finds itself on are a must—Tapu Lele and Choice Specs Keldeo are great in this regard.

Other Options

Shuckle does not have many viable other options in OU. It could hold a Lum Berry or Chesto Berry to prevent it from falling victim to sleep in the hopes that most Taunt users would be wary of Mental Herb; however, most Taunt users are undeterred and will be attempting to use Taunt on Shuckle twice to prevent both entry hazards from being set.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye bounces back Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Encore, and Toxic, and it has no trouble switching into Shuckle due to Shuckle's pathetic offenses.

**Defiant and Contrary Users**: Bisharp gains a +2 Attack boost off of Sticky Web thanks to Defiant and is able to overcome the Speed drop thanks to Sucker Punch. Serperior takes advantage of Sticky Web to boost its Speed with Contrary, causing it to be a serious threat to most Sticky Web teams.

**Sleep Inducers**: Since Shuckle lacks Magic Coat or and Taunt, it is unable to prevent sleep and has trouble leading against Pokemon like Smeargle, Amoonguss, and the rare Breloom.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: While Shuckle is often paired with Pokemon able to prevent or take advantage of entry hazard removal, such removal can still pose a problem to Shuckle's teammates' ability to perform effectively.
Implemented, thank you!
Shuckle's niche in OU comes from its access to Sticky Web; however, Shuckle faces heavy competition as a Sticky Web setter in OU from Smeargle, as Smeargle which is more self-sufficient due to its greater utility options in Magic Coat, Spore, and Taunt, allowing it to prevent hazard removal, as well as Skill Swap to bypass Mega Sableye's Magic Bounce. Despite this competition, Shuckle carves a niche through its ability to reliably bypass several common stops to the Sticky Web playstyle. Because Shuckle has Sturdy, it can safely hold a Mental Herb rather than being forced to run a Focus Sash, which allows it to lead against potential Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up Sticky Web. Web reliably.(optional but i do think it adds completeness ) Along with Sturdy, Shuckle has incredible natural bulk, allowing it to lead against Fake Out users such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham. Encore helps to alleviate some of Shuckle's passivity, preventing it from becoming setup bait. Unfortunately, Shuckle is unable to prevent hazard removal on its own. It is completely reliant on teammates able to punish Defog and prevent Rapid Spin.

name: Sticky Web Setter
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Encore
move 4: Rock Tomb / Infestation / Toxic
item: Mental Herb
ability: Sturdy
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Sticky Web slows down opposing grounded Pokemon and is the most important move Shuckle has to support its teammates. Stealth Rock provides chip damage on foes, breaking Focus Sashes and Sturdy as well as helping Shuckle's teammates secure KOs. Encore prevents Shuckle from being setup bait and can be used to provide teammates with free switches in. Rock Tomb slows down foes unaffected by Sticky Web and is most often used against the foe that's on the field when Sticky Web is first set. Infestation gets nice chip damage and can prevent the opponent from making a double switch, ensuring Shuckle's teammates safer switches in. Toxic provides chip damage against foes and further hampers setup sweepers when used in conjunction with Encore. Knock Off can be used to strip foes of important items like Choice Scarf, but it has the side effect of weakening Knock Off for Shuckle's teammates.

Set Details

Sturdy is used to avoid OHKOs from extremely powerful attacks like Hydro Pump from Choice Specs Keldeo and Choice Specs Greninja, Crabhammer from Choice Band Crawdaunt, and Steam Eruption from Choice Specs Volcanion. Mental Herb cures Shuckle of effects like Taunt and Encore a single time, allowing it to set up Sticky Web in the face of Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up both Sticky Web and Stealth Rock against Encore Mega Lopunny. 252 HP EVs maximize Shuckle's bulk—248 HP EVs could be used to minimize the hazard damage Shuckle takes, but Shuckle will most often be used as a lead, and its HP stat is so low in comparison to its other defensive stats that every point of investment makes a noticeable difference. The remaining defensive investment strikes a balance in odds between common physical and special attackers. 88 Special Defense EVs ensure that Choice Specs Tapu Lele has to lock itself into a Psychic-type move to reliably 2HKO Shuckle, giving Dark-type teammates an opportunity to take advantage of it as setup fodder. 168 Defense EVs with a Relaxed nature minimize the chance that Choice Band Zygarde can 2HKO Shuckle with Outrage. 0 Speed IVs along with the Relaxed nature let Shuckle underspeed all Pokemon for when it is matched against Trick Room teams, allowing it to freely use Encore and reliably set up Stealth Rock against the archetype. This does not negatively impact Shuckle, as its base 5 Speed means that it will naturally be outsped by almost every Pokemon regardless of nature or IV.

Usage Tips

Usually, lead with Shuckle. Don't lead Shuckle against teams that have sleep inducers, such as Smeargle and Amoonguss, or Mega Sableye—Mega Sableye will most likely be the first Pokemon the opponent sends out, so lead with a teammate able to heavily pressure it. Unless the opponent has Bisharp or Serperior, it's usually best to set Sticky Web up first. If they do, ensure Shuckle's team can handle those boosted Pokemon before setting them up. If the opponent has numerous Flying-type or levitating Pokemon, it may be a good idea to focus on setting up Stealth Rock rather than Sticky Web. Use Encore against foes that are likely to set up or those that are unable to 2HKO Shuckle when unboosted. In addition, use Encore against hazard removers if they are sent out as leads, as they are unlikely to use Rapid Spin or Defog on the very first turn. Utilize aggressive switching to dissuade hazard removal. If the opponent has solid hazard removal options, try to save Shuckle for when it may be needed later in a match.

Team Options

Since Shuckle has trouble preventing hazard removal, Pokemon able to punish Defog and block Rapid Spin are appreciated. Bisharp gets a +2 Attack boost off of Defog thanks to its ability Defiant, making it a great partner. Serperior, particularly a SubSeed variant, is another option in this regard, as Contrary causes Defog to give it an evasion boost. Thundurus is another possible teammate that applies great pressure to common hazard removers like Skarmory, Mantine, and Tapu Fini. Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon on the Sticky Web playstyle and additionally can act as a spinblocker in a pinch. Zygarde is another staple for Sticky Web teams—it greatly appreciates the ability to outspeed grounded checks like Greninja. Many wallbreakers such as Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Bulu appreciate the pseudo-Speed boost that Sticky Web provides. Faster Pokemon such as Greninja can handle most Choice Scarf users and do great against offense once Sticky Web is set. Since Shuckle is dead weight versus Mega Sableye, partners able to handle both Mega Sableye and the stall teams it often finds itself on are a must—Tapu Lele and Choice Specs Keldeo are great in this regard.

Other Options

Shuckle does not have many viable other options in OU. It could hold a Lum Berry or Chesto Berry to prevent it from falling victim to sleep in the hopes that most Taunt users would be wary of Mental Herb; however, most Taunt users are undeterred and will be attempting to use Taunt on Shuckle twice to prevent both entry hazards from being set.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye bounces back Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Encore, and Toxic, and it has no trouble switching into Shuckle due to Shuckle's pathetic offenses.

**Defiant and Contrary Users**: Bisharp gains a +2 Attack boost off of Sticky Web thanks to Defiant and is able to overcome the Speed drop thanks to Sucker Punch. Serperior takes advantage of Sticky Web to boost its Speed with Contrary, causing it to be a serious threat to most Sticky Web teams.

**Sleep Inducers**: Since Shuckle lacks Magic Coat and Taunt, it is unable to prevent sleep and has trouble leading against Pokemon like Smeargle, Amoonguss, and the rare Breloom.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: While Shuckle is often paired with Pokemon able to prevent or take advantage of entry hazard removal, such removal can still pose a problem to Shuckle's teammates' ability to perform effectively.
2/2 very well written
Shuckle's niche in OU comes from its access to Sticky Web; however, Shuckle faces heavy competition as a Sticky Web setter in OU from Smeargle, as Smeargle which is more self-sufficient due to its greater utility options in Magic Coat, Spore, and Taunt, allowing it to prevent hazard removal, as well as Skill Swap to bypass Mega Sableye's Magic Bounce. Despite this competition, Shuckle carves a niche through its ability to reliably bypass several common stops to the Sticky Web playstyle. Because Shuckle has Sturdy, it can safely hold a Mental Herb rather than being forced to run a Focus Sash, which allows it to lead against potential Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up Sticky Web. Web reliably.(optional but i do think it adds completeness ) Along with Sturdy, Shuckle has incredible natural bulk, allowing it to lead against Fake Out users such as Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham. Encore helps to alleviate some of Shuckle's passivity, preventing it from becoming setup bait. Unfortunately, Shuckle is unable to prevent hazard removal on its own. It is completely reliant on teammates able to punish Defog and prevent Rapid Spin.

name: Sticky Web Setter
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Encore
move 4: Rock Tomb / Infestation / Toxic
item: Mental Herb
ability: Sturdy
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Sticky Web slows down opposing grounded Pokemon and is the most important move Shuckle has to support its teammates. Stealth Rock provides chip damage on foes, breaking Focus Sashes and Sturdy as well as helping Shuckle's teammates secure KOs. Encore prevents Shuckle from being setup bait and can be used to provide teammates with free switches in. Rock Tomb slows down foes unaffected by Sticky Web and is most often used against the foe that's on the field when Sticky Web is first set. Infestation gets nice chip damage and can prevent the opponent from making a double switch, ensuring Shuckle's teammates safer switches in. Toxic provides chip damage against foes and further hampers setup sweepers when used in conjunction with Encore. Knock Off can be used to strip foes of important items like Choice Scarf, but it has the side effect of weakening Knock Off for Shuckle's teammates.

Set Details

Sturdy is used to avoid OHKOs from extremely powerful attacks like Hydro Pump from Choice Specs Keldeo and Choice Specs Greninja, Crabhammer from Choice Band Crawdaunt, and Steam Eruption from Choice Specs Volcanion. Mental Herb cures Shuckle of effects like Taunt and Encore a single time, allowing it to set up Sticky Web in the face of Taunt users like Tapu Koko and set up both Sticky Web and Stealth Rock against Encore Mega Lopunny. 252 HP EVs maximize Shuckle's bulk—248 HP EVs could be used to minimize the hazard damage Shuckle takes, but Shuckle will most often be used as a lead, and its HP stat is so low in comparison to its other defensive stats that every point of investment makes a noticeable difference. The remaining defensive investment strikes a balance in odds between common physical and special attackers. 88 Special Defense EVs ensure that Choice Specs Tapu Lele has to lock itself into a Psychic-type move to reliably 2HKO Shuckle, giving Dark-type teammates an opportunity to take advantage of it as setup fodder. 168 Defense EVs with a Relaxed nature minimize the chance that Choice Band Zygarde can 2HKO Shuckle with Outrage. 0 Speed IVs along with the Relaxed nature let Shuckle underspeed all Pokemon for when it is matched against Trick Room teams, allowing it to freely use Encore and reliably set up Stealth Rock against the archetype. This does not negatively impact Shuckle, as its base 5 Speed means that it will naturally be outsped by almost every Pokemon regardless of nature or IV.

Usage Tips

Usually, lead with Shuckle. Don't lead Shuckle against teams that have sleep inducers, such as Smeargle and Amoonguss, or Mega Sableye—Mega Sableye will most likely be the first Pokemon the opponent sends out, so lead with a teammate able to heavily pressure it. Unless the opponent has Bisharp or Serperior, it's usually best to set Sticky Web up first. If they do, ensure Shuckle's team can handle those boosted Pokemon before setting them up. If the opponent has numerous Flying-type or levitating Pokemon, it may be a good idea to focus on setting up Stealth Rock rather than Sticky Web. Use Encore against foes that are likely to set up or those that are unable to 2HKO Shuckle when unboosted. In addition, use Encore against hazard removers if they are sent out as leads, as they are unlikely to use Rapid Spin or Defog on the very first turn. Utilize aggressive switching to dissuade hazard removal. If the opponent has solid hazard removal options, try to save Shuckle for when it may be needed later in a match.

Team Options

Since Shuckle has trouble preventing hazard removal, Pokemon able to punish Defog and block Rapid Spin are appreciated. Bisharp gets a +2 Attack boost off of Defog thanks to its ability Defiant, making it a great partner. Serperior, particularly a SubSeed variant, is another option in this regard, as Contrary causes Defog to give it an evasion boost. Thundurus is another possible teammate that applies great pressure to common hazard removers like Skarmory, Mantine, and Tapu Fini. Mimikyu is a fantastic Pokemon on the Sticky Web playstyle and additionally can act as a spinblocker in a pinch. Zygarde is another staple for Sticky Web teams—it greatly appreciates the ability to outspeed grounded checks like Greninja. Many wallbreakers such as Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Bulu appreciate the pseudo-Speed boost that Sticky Web provides. Faster Pokemon such as Greninja can handle most Choice Scarf users and do great against offense once Sticky Web is set. Since Shuckle is dead weight versus Mega Sableye, partners able to handle both Mega Sableye and the stall teams it often finds itself on are a must—Tapu Lele and Choice Specs Keldeo are great in this regard.

Other Options

Shuckle does not have many viable other options in OU. It could hold a Lum Berry or Chesto Berry to prevent it from falling victim to sleep in the hopes that most Taunt users would be wary of Mental Herb; however, most Taunt users are undeterred and will be attempting to use Taunt on Shuckle twice to prevent both entry hazards from being set.

Checks and Counters

**Mega Sableye**: Mega Sableye bounces back Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Encore, and Toxic, and it has no trouble switching into Shuckle due to Shuckle's pathetic offenses.

**Defiant and Contrary Users**: Bisharp gains a +2 Attack boost off of Sticky Web thanks to Defiant and is able to overcome the Speed drop thanks to Sucker Punch. Serperior takes advantage of Sticky Web to boost its Speed with Contrary, causing it to be a serious threat to most Sticky Web teams.

**Sleep Inducers**: Since Shuckle lacks Magic Coat and Taunt, it is unable to prevent sleep and has trouble leading against Pokemon like Smeargle, Amoonguss, and the rare Breloom.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: While Shuckle is often paired with Pokemon able to prevent or take advantage of entry hazard removal, such removal can still pose a problem to Shuckle's teammates' ability to perform effectively.
2/2 very well written
Implemented, thank you! Shuckle is complete