With the start of Series 8 literally being an hour prior to writing this post, and the start of both the Scramble and Dodrio Cup, it seems as fitting a time as ever to release some sample teams to hopefully get you on right track during the new series! The purpose of this thread is not just to compile the best possible teams, but a wide variety of different teams from different sources (be that from user submission, tours, or notable ladder teams).
As always, users are encouraged to post teams they have found success with or just enjoy playing with whether that be on Sword and Shield or on Showdown. That being said: Please only post your teams if they adhere to the following guidelines
- Provide a brief explanation of the team (not asking for full reports, just a general idea of how your team works)
- Provide at least one replay, or some other source of evidence that shows the team is of a good caliber (this can be your in-game or Showdown ranking)
- Provide your import/Rental code for the team
https://pokepast.es/6379cfaeaa9fe2a5 by Raineko
This has been a super popular core from even before the start of Series 8, and played like this or in a similar way by numerous players in X9 League. With so many restricted Pokemon to choose from, Zacian-Crowned has always seemed like a top tier threat and one of the go-to Pokemon for the format. The idea behind this team is to act as a bulky offense team with Zacian's raw unbridled power, and using Lapras' G-Max Resonance to set Aurora Veil and using the double Intimidate core of Landorus-T and Incineroar to punish physical attackers that the opponent may have. Amoonguss serves as sort of a glue to this team, adequately resisting Electric type attacks for Lapras, providing Spore and Rage Powder support, and healing up the team with Pollen Puff. Zapdos serves to improve the Groudon and Sun matchups with Safety Goggles ignoring Sleep Powder, as well as hitting two of the primary Sun attackers (Venusaur and Charizard) for super effective damage.
https://pokepast.es/e38602f188c59483 by Raineko
This team pays homage to the classic core: TopMoth (Hitmontop + Volcarona) as well as one of the premier restricted Pokemon that loves to Dynamax in Dialga. Dialga has immense power, with a 150BP Max Wyrmwind being fired off of an insane 150SpA stat. Hitmontop is here to provide Intimidate as well as support in Fake Out, Wide Guard and Feint to break opposing Protect. Volcarona in particular loves having Fake Out and Wide Guard support next to it, essentially ignoring spread moves that would otherwise hinder it such as Water Spout, Origin Pulse, Rock Slide and Snarl, which can allow it to click Quiver Dance and increase its damage output. Glastrier, while obviously not the same as Calyrex-Ice, is still a really solid pick for Trick Room teams that doesn't take up the restricted slot. Assault Vest here is improving its already good bulk, allowing it a bit of longevity on the field and letting it abuse Trick Room for as long as possible. Porygon2 is a secondary Trick Room setter to Dialga, with Recover for longevity, Shadow Ball to keep pokemon such as Calyrex-Shadow in check, and Tri Attack as a fairly decent STAB. Grimmsnarl binds everything together: Fake Tears allows most of this team to do even more damage to the opponents, Screens improves the teams already good bulk, and Spirit Break further adds to the damage reduction theme.
https://pokepast.es/20e2ea2713a72d63 by zeefable
Calyrex-S possesses plenty of amazing qualities to make it a great Pokemon to build around: insanely high offensive stats, a proven strong STAB combination, and the ability to further boost itself with both Nasty Plot and As One. Choosing the supporting cast was quite simple. With two redirectors and two Intimidate users, Calyrex-S very often finds itself in position to setup game winning sweeps. SD Landorus-T is quite good at clearing the board of Incineroar, while Regieleki is excellent for putting pressure on both Yveltal and Moltres-G while also providing Speed control in its insanely fast Electroweb. Its ability to outpace Choice Scarf Kyogre rounds out the team quite nicely, making it a very strong goodstuffs offense.
https://pokepast.es/33271519936b3f13 by zeefable
This team was built around the core of Solgaleo and Spectrier that saw some success in the first major Series 8 tournament, the X9 league. Zee chose to use Zapdos and Fake Tears Grimmsnarl to add some special attacking power to the team, and Safety Goggles is very helpful against TornOgre teams. Choice Banded Rillaboom is a very effective Pokemon to have in the back, as its powerful Grassy Glides can quickly end games. Porygon2 is a fringe pick that offers more Speed control and is very effective in the Calyrex-S matchup. In general, you want to go Zapdos mode into Sun and Rain teams, and Dynamax Solgaleo into everything else.
https://pokepast.es/34623a3c0ebd3d79 by Raineko
https://pokepast.es/5e88f01a1d8ea7a8 by GeniusVGC (you can find him https://twitter.com/GeniusVGC https://twitter.com/GeniusGraphics_ here)
This has been another very popular core since before Series 8 started, also being played by several players on the ladder and in the X9 League. The idea is to setup Tailwind with Tornadus, allowing Choice Specs Kyogre to deal immense damage with Water Spout in the rain. Tornadus also uses Taunt in order to stop opposing Wide Guard, Tailwind, Trick Room and so on. Kyogre runs Scald in slot 2 as to avoid being completely disabled by a Pokemon with Wide Guard. Amoonguss benefits from the rain cutting down its Fire weakness, as well as providing generally good support in Spore and Rage Powder, along with Clear Smog to reset any stat changes the opponent might have (for example from Weakness Policy). Regieleki loves being in the rain, being able to fire off 100% accurate Magnet-boosted Thunders against threats such as opposing Kyogre and Yveltal. Incineroar provides Snarl, Parting Shot, Fake Out and Intimidate support to the team, allowing you to reduce the opponents damage output to mitigate as much damage from your heavy hitters. Kartana is another Pokemon that loves the rain, with the Fire weakness being neutered slightly. This is responsible for helping out against Pokemon such as opposing Kyogre, Xerneas and Grimmsnarl with its STABs, as well as providing Max Airstream off of Aerial Ace and Sacred Sword being able to break through more defensive walls such as Dialga and Stakataka that might be boosting their defense via Max Steelspike.
https://pokepast.es/40f22d1d379fb4d4 by Raineko
The alternative weather core of the format, Groudon + Venusaur + Charizard provides immense breaking potential and speed thanks to the raw strength of Groudon, Charizard's Solar Power and Venusaur's Chlorophyll. Charizard has proven itself to be an absolutely insane offensive Pokemon, with its G-Max Wildfire hitting for a minimum of 79% on Dynamax Dialga as well as hitting basically every Fire or Flying weak Pokemon extremely well - usually enough to OHKO. Dragon Pulse provides a way to 2HKO Dynamax Palkia with Max Wyrmwind. Venusaur can serve as a fast offensive Pokemon with Sleep Powder utility. G-Max Vine Lash is still a great move, and offers a consistent way to break through opposing Groudon and Kyogre. Regieleki comes in to provide a fast offensive Electric type to take down Flying types such as Yveltal and Ho-Oh. Grimmsnarl sets Screens to help the team's bulk, which helps Groudon setup Swords Dance far easier. It also provides Fake Tears to further improve the team's damage output, and Spirit Break as further damage reduction as well as a strong STAB. Togekiss is a standard utility Pokemon, with Follow Me for redirection and Yawn and Helping Hand to further help the team out.
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