NOC Secret Hitler Mafia - Signups

Dead by Daylight

posthumous forgiveness
is a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
This game was approved by Celever.
Screenshot 2025-02-09 153602.png

Secret Hitler Mafia
hosted by DBD and Celever
No outside contact, open setup

NOVEMBER 1929. From the Chancellor of Germany's desk.
Can you stop Hitler's rise to power? Can you take over the government? Can you see it all burn down?
Sign up today and make your mark on history.
Setup is in this Google doc.
Follow all NOC mafia rules, please.
About this Game
This game is designed for 22 players.
Please use the format
"Vote: player" for all votes.
A tied vote will lead to no player being voted.
"No vote" is a valid option in this game.
VOLO / MYLO will be announced.
Hammer is active - >50% of the playerlist voting a player will instantly end the voting phase.

Spielerliste [Player List]
1. CrreamyKitty
2. Blazade [low prio]
3. des121
4. thechickening
5. Munchy_Axolotls
6. pulsar512b
7. StupidFlandrs48
8. Carl The Turtle [low prio]
9. AngryPidgeon
10. Evie

Ersatz [Subs]
1. a fairy
2. wisteriapurple

Last edited:
In (low priority).

Mental health is bad and it's my understanding that I took a spot away from a newbie in the last NOC so I don't want to do that again. If you are a newbie reading this please sign up if the game fills up, it's really okay and I'm happy to bow out.

That said 22 players is a lot so I'll get the ball rolling.
A Chancellor is nominated by the randomly-selected President and voted on. 5 pieces of legislation are sent to the President, who picks 4 pieces of legislation to send to the chancellor. Note: There will be a higher chance of Fascist legislation being sent to the President. The Chancellor then picks 2 policies out of the 4 sent to them. The alliance of these policies will be shown and mod-confirmed.
How is the president determined? Is it actually just completely random every time we reach this phase? And they nominate someone else to be Chancellor which is then voted on? If that is the case, what happens if the vote fails for Chancellor?
Legislation is just binary either liberal or fascist, right? The legislation sent to the President is randomly determined by the mod? If so, what are the specific odds of each legislation being L or F?
How is the president determined? Is it actually just completely random every time we reach this phase? And they nominate someone else to be Chancellor which is then voted on? If that is the case, what happens if the vote fails for Chancellor?
Legislation is just binary either liberal or fascist, right? The legislation sent to the President is randomly determined by the mod? If so, what are the specific odds of each legislation being L or F?
Yes, it is random. If the chancellor vote fails, the president must nominate another chancellor.

Legislation is binary. It is randomly determined. The odds are 2/3 for a Fascist policy to be drawn - a wheel will be spun to determine what policies are shown to the president.