AAA SD --> BONK --> Protect --> BONK (Tinted Lens Tinkaton) DONE

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(Tinted Lens) Tinkaton (F) @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Metal Coat
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Thunder Wave

Tinted Lens Tinkaton is a solid physical wallbreaker that provides utility while using Tinted Lens to bypass resistances to Gigaton Hammer, turning the tables on defensive Quaquaval and Corviknight, activating teammates like Choice Band Chien-Pao that are hindered by these Pokemon. Metal Coat can be considered as it grants Tinkaton a boosting option for Gigaton Hammer without recoil, granting good odds of OHKOing frailer offensive Pokemon like Ceruledge and Magic Guard Quaquaval after minor chip. Swords Dance allows Tinkaton to more effectively wallbreak, Knock Off is excellent utility that cripples switch-ins like Magic Guard Heatran and Volcanion while annoying switch-ins like Corviknight and Iron Treads, Stealth Rock allows it to act as an offensive entry hazard setter, Protect allows it to gain more Leftovers recovery on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn, and Thunder Wave cripples setup sweepers that may try to capitalize on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn. Tinkaton appreciates slow pivots like Corviknight and Meloetta that can live a hit and pivot in Tinkaton safely. Tinkaton also appreciates faster teammates that make up for its lackluster Speed like Roaring Moon and Hisuian Electrode. Entry hazard setters like Garchomp and Ting-Lu pair well with Tinkaton, as it forces numerous switches and removes Heavy-Duty Boots.

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[Tinted Lens] Tinkaton (F) @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Metal Coat
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Thunder Wave

Tinted Lens Tinkaton is a solid physical breaker acts as an excellent setup sweeper and cleaner that provides utility while using Tinted Lens to bypass resistances to Gigaton Hammer, turning the tables on Defensive Quaquaval and Corviknight Calling Tinkaton a "Sweeper" is a bit misleading, it mostly is paving through holes against the stuff you mentioned for other stuff to clean since it has a middling speed tier if it wanted to clean itself. Metal Coat can be considered as it grants Tinkaton a boosting option for Gigaton Hammer without recoil. Swords Dance allows Tinkaton to more effectively wallbreak mediate bypass its low base attack stat, Knock Off is excellent utility that cripples switch-ins like Magic Guard Heatran and Volcanion Corv and Treads really hate Knock off too, Stealth Rock allows it to act as an offensive entry hazard setter, Protect allows it to gain more Leftovers recovery on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn and Thunder Wave cripples setup sweepers that may try to capitalize on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn. Tinkaton appreciates slow pivots like Corviknight and Meloetta that can live a hit and pivot in Tinkaton safely. Tinkaton also appreciates faster teammates that make up for its lackluster speed like Roaring Moon and Hisuian Electrode. I would also mention Garchomp or Ting-Lu as good teammates since they can lay down entry hazards, cause Tinkaton needs all the residual chip it can get.

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Lot of things to edit, add them and I'll look over again before giving a QC stamp
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[Tinted Lens] Tinkaton (F) @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Metal Coat
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Thunder Wave

Tinted Lens Tinkaton is a solid physical breaker acts as an excellent setup sweeper and cleaner that provides utility while using Tinted Lens to bypass resistances to Gigaton Hammer, turning the tables on Defensive Quaquaval and Corviknight Calling Tinkaton a "Sweeper" is a bit misleading, it mostly is paving through holes against the stuff you mentioned for other stuff to clean since it has a middling speed tier if it wanted to clean itself. Metal Coat can be considered as it grants Tinkaton a boosting option for Gigaton Hammer without recoil. Swords Dance allows Tinkaton to more effectively wallbreak mediate bypass its low base attack stat, Knock Off is excellent utility that cripples switch-ins like Magic Guard Heatran and Volcanion Corv and Treads really hate Knock off too, Stealth Rock allows it to act as an offensive entry hazard setter, Protect allows it to gain more Leftovers recovery on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn and Thunder Wave cripples setup sweepers that may try to capitalize on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn. Tinkaton appreciates slow pivots like Corviknight and Meloetta that can live a hit and pivot in Tinkaton safely. Tinkaton also appreciates faster teammates that make up for its lackluster speed like Roaring Moon and Hisuian Electrode. I would also mention Garchomp or Ting-Lu as good teammates since they can lay down entry hazards, cause Tinkaton needs all the residual chip it can get.

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Lot of things to edit, add them and I'll look over again before giving a QC stamp
looks good to me.

QC 1/2

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(Tinted Lens) these should be parenthesis, not brackets Tinkaton (F) @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Metal Coat
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Thunder Wave

Tinted Lens Tinkaton is a solid physical wallbreaker that provides utility while using Tinted Lens to bypass resistances to Gigaton Hammer, turning the tables on Defensive Quaquaval and Corviknight, activating teammates like Choice Band Chien-Pao that are hindered by these Pokemon. Metal Coat can be considered as it grants Tinkaton a boosting option for Gigaton Hammer without recoil. either mention relevant KOs, or delete this sentence Swords Dance allows Tinkaton to more effectively wallbreak, Knock Off is excellent utility that cripples switch-ins like Magic Guard Heatran and Volcanion while annoying switch-ins like Corviknight and Iron Treads, Stealth Rock allows it to act as an offensive entry hazard setter, Protect allows it to gain more Leftovers recovery on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn and Thunder Wave cripples setup sweepers that may try to capitalize on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn. Tinkaton appreciates slow pivots like Corviknight and Meloetta that can live a hit and pivot in Tinkaton safely. Tinkaton also appreciates faster teammates that make up for its lackluster speed like Roaring Moon and Hisuian Electrode. Entry hazard setters like Garchomp and Ting-Lu pair well with Tinkaton as they set entry hazards which Tinkaton greatly appreciates for extra chip that allows it to wear down counters like Hippowdon. Tinkaton, as it forces numerous switches and removes Heavy-Duty Boots.

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QC 2/2!

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(Tinted Lens) (Tinkaton (F)) parenthesis in wrong place @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Metal Coat
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Thunder Wave

Tinted Lens Tinkaton is a solid physical wallbreaker that provides utility while using Tinted Lens to bypass resistances to Gigaton Hammer, turning the tables on defensive lower case Quaquaval and Corviknight, activating teammates like Choice Band Chien-Pao that are hindered by these Pokemon. Metal Coat can be considered as it grants Tinkaton a boosting option for Gigaton Hammer without recoil, granting good odds of OHKOing frailer offensive Pokemon like Ceruledge and Magic Guard Quaquaval after minor chip. Swords Dance allows Tinkaton to more effectively wallbreak, Knock Off is excellent utility that cripples switch-ins like Magic Guard Heatran and Volcanion while annoying switch-ins like Corviknight and Iron Treads, Stealth Rock allows it to act as an offensive entry hazard setter, Protect allows it to gain more Leftovers recovery on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn, comma and Thunder Wave cripples setup sweepers that may try to capitalize on Gigaton Hammer's cooldown turn. Tinkaton appreciates slow pivots like Corviknight and Meloetta that can live a hit and pivot in Tinkaton safely. Tinkaton also appreciates faster teammates that make up for its lackluster Speed upper case like Roaring Moon and Hisuian Electrode. Entry hazard setters like Garchomp and Ting-Lu pair well with Tinkaton, as it forces numerous switches and removes Heavy-Duty Boots.

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GP 1/1!


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