National Dex Scarf Samurott Hisui


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OMPL Champion
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ceaseless Edge
move 2: Razor Shell / Aqua Cutter
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Flip Turn / Sacred Sword
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Sharpness
nature: Jolly
tera type: Water / Dark / Poison
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Hisuian Samurott is a great wallbreaker that can also set Spikes with Ceaseless Edge, allowing the team to make progress easier. Razor Shell is a strong, Sharpness-boosted STAB move, while Knock Off allows Hisuian Samurott to remove items, especially Heavy-Duty Boots users like Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Alomomola. Flip Turn allows for pivoting while doing decent STAB damage. Sacred Sword allows Hisuian Samurott to 2HKO Ferrothorn and OHKO Mega Lopunny, Darkrai, and Mega Tyranitar. Tera Water increases the power of Razor Shell, letting it 2HKO defensive Zapdos and OHKO Mega Medicham most of the time. Tera Dark allows Hisuian Samurott to OHKO Galarian Slowking and Tapu Lele. Tera Poison provides a resistance to Fighting-type coverage from Pokemon like Iron Boulder and Mega Lopunny, Fairy-type coverage from Pokemon like Tapu Lele and Iron Valiant, and U-turn from foes such as Landorus-T and Mega Lopunny. Wallbreakers such as Tapu Lele, Darkrai, and Urshifu-R appreciate Hisuian Samurott's ability to chip foes with Ceaseless Edge. Other Spikes setters like Ferrothorn and Gliscor are able to run different moves, as Hisuian Samurott can set Spikes itself. Hisuian Samurott is very frail, and it can have trouble switching in safely, so have pivots that can help with this, such as Landorus-T, Corviknight, Tapu Koko, and Alomomola. Despite using Choice Scarf, Hisuian Samurott is outsped and OHKOed by Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, Booster Energy Iron Valiant and Iron Boulder, and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R, so checks to these like Heatran, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Zapdos help a lot.

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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ceaseless Edge
move 2: Razor Shell / Aqua Cutter slighly lower damage output but no contact is v good for helmet and zap/volc
252 Atk Sharpness Tera Water Samurott-Hisui Razor Shell vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Medicham-Mega: 246-290 (94.2 - 111.1%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Sharpness Tera Water Samurott-Hisui Aqua Cutter vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Medicham-Mega: 230-272 (88.1 - 104.2%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
both are guaranteed after a spike
252 Atk Sharpness Tera Water Samurott-Hisui Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zapdos: 172-204 (44.7 - 53.1%) -- 26.6% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Sharpness Tera Water Samurott-Hisui Aqua Cutter vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zapdos: 162-192 (42.1 - 50%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO
worse odds but if u click razor shell twice there's a very good chance that u get paralyzed and atp the mon is just dead

move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Flip Turn / Sacred Sword
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Sharpness
nature: Jolly
tera type: Water / Dark / Fairy / Poison poison does p much everything that fairy does but also flips the fairy weakness, don't really see the point in fairy
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe does the 4 def > 4 spdef do anything? if it does u should clarify in a small section, if not just leave it as is

  • Hisuian Samurott is a great wallbreaker that can also set Spikes with Ceaseless Edge, allowing the team to make progress easier. Razor Shell is a strong, Sharpness-boosted STAB move that hits foes like Gliscor, Landorus-T, Garganacl, Heatran, and Great Tusk u don't really need justification to run a stab move. add something here for fluidity, like "move, whereas..." Knock Off allows you to remove items, especially Heavy Duty Boots users like Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Alomomola. Flip Turn allows for pivoting, while doing decent STAB damage. Sacred Sword allows you to 2HKO Ferrothorn and OHKO Mega Lopunny and Mega Tyranitar. darkrai deserves a mention here, prob more relevant than mtar since it's more likely to stay in on a hisamu but you could mention both iyw Tera Water increases the power of Razor Shell, letting you 2HKO defensive Zapdos and OHKO Mega Medicham most of the time. Tera Dark allows you to OHKO Galarian Slowking and Tapu Lele as well as making Hisuian Samurott neutral to Raging Bolt's Thunderclap still a guaranteed 2hko, at +1 its a guaranteed ohko after a spike/rocks + u only do around 40 depending on the spread. Tera Fairy also provides a neutrality to Raging Bolt's Electric-type moves, as well as a resistance to both Fighting-type coverage from Pokemon like Iron Boulder, Zamazenta zama walls hisamu, id sets get to +5 for free, howl sets get to +2 for free and cb sets 2hko through the resist, and Mega Lopunny, and U-turn from foes such as Landorus-T and Mega Lopunny. Wallbreakers such as Tapu Lele, Darkrai, and Urshifu-R appreciate Hisuian Samurott's ability to chip foes with Ceaseless Edge. Other Spikes setters like Ferrothorn and Gliscor are able to run different moves as Hisuian Samurott can set Spikes itself. Hisuian Samurott is very frail, and can have trouble switching in safely, so have pivots that can help with this such as Landorus-T, Corviknight, and Mega Scizor uturn msciz is self sabotage, alo or koko are 1000x more relevant. Despite using Choice Scarf, Hisuian Samurott is vulnerable to being outsped and OHKOed by Booster Energy Iron Valiant, Booster Energy Iron Boulder, and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, Booster Energy Iron Valiant and Iron Boulder, as well as Choice Scarf Urshifu-R added lele bc it's the best scarfer in the tier and reorganized a bit, so checks to these like Heatran, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Zapdos help a lot.
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yeah looks good for the most part, only a small section to change
Tera Fairy also provides a neutrality to Raging Bolt's Electric-type moves, as well as a resistance to both Fighting-type coverage from Pokemon like Iron Boulder, and Mega Lopunny, and U-turn from foes such as Landorus-T and Mega Lopunny.
forgot to bold this before, change tera fairy to tera poison, nuke bolt mention, same reasoning as before, and add a mention of fairy resist

other than that, it's a 1/1
GP 1/1
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Ceaseless Edge
move 2: Razor Shell / Aqua Cutter
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Flip Turn / Sacred Sword
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Sharpness
nature: Jolly
tera type: Water / Dark / Poison
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD SpDef / 252 Spe

Hisuian Samurott is a great wallbreaker that can also set Spikes with Ceaseless Edge, allowing the team to make progress easier. Razor Shell is a strong, Sharpness-boosted STAB move, while Knock Off allows Hisuian Samurott you to remove items, especially Heavy-Duty add hyphen Boots users like Tornadus-T, Zapdos, and Alomomola. Flip Turn allows for pivoting (rc) while doing decent STAB damage. Sacred Sword allows Hisuian Samurott you to 2HKO Ferrothorn and OHKO Mega Lopunny, Darkrai, and Mega Tyranitar. Tera Water increases the power of Razor Shell, letting it you 2HKO defensive Zapdos and OHKO Mega Medicham most of the time. Tera Dark allows Hisuian Samurott you to OHKO Galarian Slowking and Tapu Lele. Tera Poison provides a resistance to Fighting-type coverage from Pokemon like Iron Boulder (rc) and Mega Lopunny, Fairy-type coverage from Pokemon like Tapu Lele and Iron Valiant, added a space here and U-turn from foes such as Landorus-T and Mega Lopunny. Wallbreakers such as Tapu Lele, Darkrai, and Urshifu-R appreciate Hisuian Samurott's ability to chip foes with Ceaseless Edge. Other Spikes setters like Ferrothorn and Gliscor are able to run different moves, (ac) as Hisuian Samurott can set Spikes itself. Hisuian Samurott is very frail, and it can have trouble switching in safely, so have pivots that can help with this, (ac) such as Landorus-T, Corviknight, Tapu Koko, and Alomomola. Despite using Choice Scarf, Hisuian Samurott is vulnerable to being outsped and OHKOed by Choice Scarf Tapu Lele, Booster Energy Iron Valiant and Iron Boulder, and as well as Choice Scarf Urshifu-R, so checks to these like Heatran, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Zapdos help a lot.

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