Sand Tomb Scizor + HP Rock Volcarona
After watching the False Swipe Gaming video about Scizor, I discovered it learnt sand tomb, and it was a viable option on it, thanks to its technician ability. So I wanted to make a team based around it, and here it is.
Teambuilding Process
So I started off with the main star of the show,

(of course). Quick sidenote,

is one of my most favourite Pokemon to use competitively. Its simple yet effective. (It's among the ranks of


Afterwards, I added a natural partner for

, that being


's moves of Bullet Punch and Sand Tomb helped remove many mons that would've walled

, like


, while

can remove mons that wall

, like


. It was a nice combo of two very threatening mons.
Even though these two could handle a majority of the meta well, I still wanted security on troublesome mons, speed control, and a way to hit dragon types super-effectively. So

was my choice. HP Ice to deal with

s and

s that could be troublesome.
At this point I wanted to cover defensive holes as well as good priority. As I had no resistances for fire, ground and water moves (

looked very scary), I chose

. Fire Punch to be extra safe around

s. (While writing this I realise that


is probably enough, but better safe than sorry.)
Afterwards, I wanted an electric immunity, hazards and a rock immunity. So

. Need I say more?
Finally, I just needed to patch up a few more weaknesses and add a knock off user, as well as pivoting. I considered using

, but it had to pivoting, so I settled on

. With an assault vest, it can eat some hits before hitting back. It also sets up more hazards!
I was happy with this team, and this has become one of my most favourite teams I have built. Each member pulls their weight, and nothing feels too scummy. Just right for me.
The Team

Scizor-Mega (F) @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 248 HP / 100 Atk / 28 SpD / 132 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Sand Tomb
The main star of the show!

is an excellent mon, one of my most favourite aspects of it is being able to deal with

with ease. Swords Dance is to boost up its stats to deal serious damage with Bullet Punch and Sand Tomb. Roost for longevity. I don't know what the EVs are, I just got it from the Smogon Dex.
You may be wondering "W
hy Sand tomb? Knock Off or Close Combat would be better." But
NO. Here's why:
a. Sand Tomb deals with fire types that think would be switch-ins, like

s, opposing

s and

b. Sand Tomb gives a trapping effect, so

counters can do nothing but slowly get taken down. Mons like


are prime victims for Sand Tomb.
c. No one expects Sand Tomb, so there's a surprise factor.

Volcarona (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- Bug Buzz
The partner in crime,

is the second teammate! Being one of my most favourite mons,

doesn't disappoint. In fact, it excels.
Most of this set is rather simple to explain. Evs to make the most out of

, quiver dance should be obvious, Bug Buzz for strong STAB (also deals with

), and flamethrower for another strong STAB. This team doesn't really desire

getting extra boosts, so I went for the stronger option. Tera Water is for defensive purposes.
However, you may be asking "
Okay, Sand Tomb was weird enough, but HP ROCK? Giga Drain or HP Ground would surely be better..." BUT YOU WOULD STILL BE WRONG! Here's why:
a. I don't need HP Ground, as

already has sand tomb. Also,



all have a way to deal with fire types, so HP Ground is rather redundant
b. Giga Drain is also rather redundant, as STAB Bug Buzz is basically just as strong as a super effective Giga Drain, so I'm not missing much, except for dealing with

and recovery, but I don't really desire that as well.
c. Some of my least favourite mons to deal with offensively is


. And a +1 HP Rock OHKOS even specially defensive

with a little chip. As a bonus, it hits


in rain for supper effective damage! This

set even helped me defeat a rain team. That's right. Beating a rain team with a fire type.

is no longer the match-up moth, it's
THE moth.
d. But why not Tera Blast Rock? Well, two reasons! Number one, I like the security hidden power gives so that I can use tera flexibly. Number two, I like the defensive benefits tera water gives. Once, I won one game thanks to using tera in front of an


Tapu Koko @ Choice Specs
Ability: Electric Surge
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- U-turn

is a rather neat mon. This pokemon isn't too flashy, just deals with mons that may trouble the buggy duo. This includes mons like






, and many others. I know it also hits the aforementioned flying types for super effective damage, but

is frail and can't switch in on much. So abuse the system and let
them switch into

! Tera Ice to boost HP Ice just in case. U-Turn to not get stifled by ground types.



by removing counters like



and many more.

Dragonite (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch

is also another neat mon. Just dragon dances and cleans up with e-speeds. Tera Normal because what else would an e-speed user would use, and earthquake + fire punch for coverage. To be honest, I think Fire Punch should be replaced, as the three mentioned teammates all deal with what fire punch has to deal with (




, etc.), but meh.

Great Tusk @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Spinner
- Headlong Rush
Ah! The always so helpful

! One of the best forms of role-compression in a ground type since

! Yeah, no need to explain much. Rocks for hazards, spin for removal, and ice spinner + headlong rush for attacking moves. Tera Fire is in a pinch to help against mons like

s and opposing


Samurott-Hisui (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aqua Cutter
- Knock Off
- Ceaseless Edge
- Flip Turn
Ever since I used

in a bulky balance team in OU alongside


, it has become one of my most used mons in my team. Just because it's so neat! I like to say that this is the most honest pokemon ever (competitively speaking). Nothing is too outstanding except for one move in its arsenal. It just has usable stats, great moves to work with, a nice ability, and a nice typing. Might be my most favourite pokemon (competitively speaking).
Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked.

provides nice utility + patches up weaknesses. Aqua Cutter instead of Razor Shell as it doesn't make contact. Knock Off to make stall easier to deal and just deal with mons better in general, ceaseless is mandatory on

, and flip turn for a nice pivot. I must say,

is one of the many victims of 4 move slot syndrome. I really wanted to fit priority + Sacred Sword, but I couldn't. Assault Vest because I wanted to tank special attacks moderately well. It switches in well against



and even

. Tera Poison covers its weaknesses.
So there's the team. Rather simple.
Threat List
You know how I said that I don't desire having Giga Drain to hit

? Yeah, that's a bit of a lie. The most reliable way that I face rain teams is first remove

with priority from


, then lure the usual

that rain teams carry. Then I qd

. At +2,

can one shot a lot of common rain mons with a combo of HP Rock + Bug Buzz, as well as outspeed most other swift swim mons. If they rain team doesn't have

, or they have a combo of


, I'm toast.
Not a bad match-up, just rather annoying. Fake Out + U-Turn shenanigans are just annoying general.
Yeah, a boosted

is kinda impossible to deal with. Just save your tera on

, and hope it's not too strong enough to OHKO through the resist.
Surprisingly difficult to deal with. A nasty combo of will-o-wisp and strong STABs of High Jump Kick + Pyro Ball is nasty.


hate. getting burned, but it's almost a necessity.
Pokepaste + Final Thoughts
I also have an alternate version of this team with a few minor changes.

has boots instead of specs, and

has a scarf instead of an assault vest. It also has sacred sword instead of knock off (not a good idea). I dislike the alternate team.
Alternate PokePaste:
Here are a few changes that you can make.

can have fire punch replaced with something else, like roost/ice spinner. It can also have a jolly nature. You can make

Tera Grass for a better rain match-up, as well as investing most EVs in HP instead of attack, for more bulk. You can also change the genders of the Pokemon. They're all female as I'm usually play OU, and all mons are female to avoid Cute Charm

. But

is less common in NatDex OU.
I like the team! I was planning to write this when I got higher on the ladder, but I'm hovering around the 1470s ELO range, so... here it is. I'm open to changes (
EXCEPT for Sand Tomb and HP Rock.) Thank you for reading it! Have a nice day!