Tournament Same Duos Cup [Won by RoyalReloaded]

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lol, k
is a Programmeris a Forum Moderatoris a Battle Simulator Moderator
Hosted by mathfreak231 (Mathy on PS!) and HugeNoobLmao (Pika Sup on PS!)
Approved by Isaiah

Welcome to the first ever Same Duos Cup! Same Duo is a game where you and your opponent bring the same two species of Pokemon to a Double Battle. Teambuilding mindgames shall ensue in this fun minigame, now with a best-of-three twist!

This is a single elimination tournament where each week the hosts will name three pairs of Pokemon. You will make a 2v2 Doubles team for each pair and battle your opponent with each against the same pair. The best of three will advance to the next round.

The Pokemon chosen each round won't always be confined to the [Gen 8] 2v2 Doubles format -- you might see Uber level Pokemon as well! Apart from the species, the [Gen 8] 2v2 Doubles banlist applies for the first two pairs -- the third pair will be played in an old gen.

  1. Schedule a time to play using Smogon profile comments.
  2. When it's time to battle, use !roll 3 to determine which duo to play first, or mutually decide with your opponent.
  3. The loser of the first game chooses which duo to play next.
  4. Best of 3 is the victor!
Matches must be played on Pokemon Showdown. You must upload and post replays when claiming wins. Follow all applicable Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, including but not limited to rules against ghosting, timer/disconnect clauses, and activity calls. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to DM me or my co-host HugeNoobLmao.

If you missed signups but still want to join, you can reply with "in as sub" for a chance to replace an inactive player. Subs will be accepted until Wednesday, September 21 at 11:59 UTC-5.

Round 1

Duo 1:
:kommo-o: Kommo-o and :slowking: Slowking (:slowking-galar: Slowking-G is also allowed)
Duo 2: :dragonite: Dragonite and :walrein: Walrein
Duo 3 (Gen 5): :arcanine: Arcanine and :gyarados: Gyarados (You must battle in [Gen 5] Doubles OU following this banlist)

torterraxx  vs  Fluore
vs P3lican
 vs  RoyalReloaded
greenandgrey77  vs  martinvtran
Fleeting Memories  vs  LeoShaw
Mr.Bossaru vs Undefeated Alt
Drifting  vs  ihbst
 vs  MTB
jeffdaboss  vs  MultiPokemon
 vs  mrextrazy
 vs  ETJX
sundays.n_sundaes  vs  Mxrs

The deadline for this round is Sunday, September 25 at 11:59 UTC-5. Good luck to all!
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Subbing out the 2 players who are most obviously inactive. New matchups:
Mr.Bossaru vs Undefeated Alt
Fragments vs P3lican
End of Round 1
sundays.n_sundaes won on activity. Also sorry I forgot the "PM" twice on my first post but seems people got the implication anyways

Round 2: Quarterfinals

Duo 1
: :regice: Regice and :starmie: Starmie
Duo 2: :lopunny: Loppunny and :hippowdon: Hippowdon
Duo 3 (Gen 7): :espeon: Espeon and :necrozma: Necrozma (you must fight in [Gen 7] Doubles OU following this banlist)

Dorron vs jeffdaboss
sundays.n_sundaes vs martinvtran
Undefeated Alt vs Fragments
vs Fluore
mrextrazy vs LeoShaw
vs RoyalReloaded

The deadline for this round is Sunday, October 2 at 11:59 PM UTC-5. GL!
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