NU Salazzle


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Salazzle's access to useful utility moves and its great natural power and Speed make it a premier offensive Pokemon in NU. Despite having difficulty bypassing common Water-types, Salazzle is fantastic at luring in and crippling them with Toxic and Knock Off, which enables itself or teammates to deal with them later more easily. Additionally, Nasty Plot sets give Salazzle great power and the ability to bypass checks like Mudsdale and Guzzlord with boosted attacks. Salazzle also possesses a very convenient defensive typing, which helps it avoid being revenge killed by Golisopod's First Impression and take on Sylveon. Despite all of this, Salazzle is still vulnerable to being revenge killed by faster Pokemon like Inteleon, Choice Scarf Flygon, and Choice Scarf Mienshao. Furthermore, if Pokemon like Gastrodon and Mantine are paired with a cleric, then Salazzle can have great trouble making meaningful progress against them. Salazzle's bulk is also poor, which makes it difficult for Salazzle to make the most of its typing defensively.

name: Offensive
move 1: Flamethrower
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Knock Off / Nasty Plot
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Corrosion
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off is great for decreasing the longevity of switch-ins such as Gastrodon, Mantine, and Dragalge, as well as removing Flygon's Choice Scarf. Alternatively, Nasty Plot gives Salazzle a better chance to bypass checks such as Goodra, Guzzlord, and Diancie from higher amounts of HP. If using Nasty Plot, Fire Blast can be considered over Flamethrower for greater damage and a chance to 2HKO Mudsdale.

Salazzle's tendency to cripple defensive Water-types is greatly appreciated by cleaners like Flygon, Inteleon, and Shell Smash Blastoise, which may otherwise struggle to bypass such foes. Similarly, teammates like Rotom-C, Guzzlord, and Escavalier that heavily pressure Gastrodon and Vaporeon are helpful to have to get Salazzle in a position to clean more quickly. Salazzle struggles to bypass common Dragon-types like Guzzlord, Dragalge, and Tyrantrum, so checks like Sylveon, Copperajah, and Bronzong are necessary; Copperajah and Bronzong are both also great checks to Psychic-types like Celebi and Indeedee-F, and the latter also provides a crucial Ground immunity. Offensive support from the likes of Spikes Golisopod, dual screens Xatu, and Healing Wish Celebi is also appreciated to help facilitate a late-game Salazzle sweep.

Other Options

Nasty Plot sets can use Focus Sash and Dragon Pulse instead of Toxic to make Salazzle incredibly bothersome for common revenge killers such as Choice Scarf Mienshao and Flygon to reliably deal with. A set with the moves Substitute / Toxic / Protect / Flamethrower and Black Sludge is good at crippling the opposition and letting Salazzle scout foes. Choice item sets are workable thanks to Salazzle's great natural Special Attack and Speed, but it lacks good coverage moves beyond its STAB attacks and Dragon Pulse and dislikes locking into moves such as Toxic and Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Water-types**: Despite Salazzle being able to cripple them, foes like Mantine and Vaporeon are effective walls versus it and can KO it with Scald. Offensively, Inteleon is faster and easily OHKOes Salazzle with Hydro Pump, while Starmie can tank a single hit and OHKO in return.

**Dragon-types**: Dragalge dislikes its longevity being hampered by Toxic and Knock Off but is an otherwise great Salazzle check; Guzzlord takes more damage from Sludge Wave but similarly offensively threatens Salazzle.

**Rock-types**: Gigalith walls Salazzle with ease and only cares about being afflicted with Toxic poison or hit by Knock Off. Diancie, despite its Poison neutrality, can defensively answer Salazzle and OHKO it with Diamond Storm. Choice Scarf Tyrantrum, so long as it lands Head Smash, easily OHKOes Salazzle.

**Ground-types**: Gastrodon, especially with cleric support, is impossible for Salazzle to break through, while Mudsdale can take on Salazzle so long as the latter lacks boosts. Flygon can consistently switch into and revenge kill Salazzle so long as it lacks Dragon Pulse.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732]]
Last edited:
Salazzle's access to useful utility moves and its great natural power and Speed make it a premier offensive Pokemon in NU. Despite having difficulty bypassing common Water-types, Salazzle is fantastic at luring in and crippling them with Toxic and Knock Off, which enables itself or teammates to deal with them later more easily. Additionally, Nasty Plot sets give Salazzle great power and the ability to bypass checks like Mudsdale and Guzzlord with boosted attacks. Despite all of this, Salazzle is still vulnerable to being revenge killed by faster Pokemon like Inteleon, Choice Scarf Flygon, and Choice Scarf Mienshao. Furthermore, if Pokemon like Gastrodon and Mantine are paired with a cleric, then Salazzle can have great trouble making meaningful progress against them.

I'd like to see the defensive typing highlighted more. Resisting fighting types in a pinch and quad resisting fairy in sylv meta is pretty big and has some other notable resistances. Ofc its bulk is bad but those resistances often come up handy in games. You can mention the bad bulk as a negative.

name: Offensive
move 1: Flamethrower
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Knock Off / Nasty Plot
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Corrosion
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off is great for decreasing the longevity of switch-ins such as Gastrodon, Mantine, and Dragalge, as well as removing Flygon's Choice Scarf. Alternatively, Nasty Plot gives Salazzle a better chance to bypass checks such as Goodra, Guzzlord, and Diancie from higher amounts of HP. If using Nasty Plot, Fire Blast can be considered over Flamethrower for greater damage.

Salazzle's ability to cripple defensive Water-types is greatly appreciated by cleaners like Flygon, Inteleon, and Shell Smash Blastoise, which may otherwise struggle to bypass such foes. Similarly, teammates like Rotom-C, Guzzlord, and Escavalier that heavily pressure bulky Water-types are helpful to have to get Salazzle in a position to clean more quickly. Salazzle struggles to bypass common Dragon-types like Guzzlord, Dragalge, and Tyrantrum, so checks like Sylveon, Copperajah, and Bronzong are necessary; Copperajah and Bronzong are both also great checks to Psychic-types like Celebi and Indeedee-F, and the latter also provides a crucial Ground immunity.

Other Options

Nasty Plot sets can use Focus Sash and Dragon Pulse instead of Toxic to make Salazzle incredibly bothersome for common revenge killers such as Choice Scarf Mienshao and Flygon to reliably deal with. A set with the moves Substitute / Toxic / Protect / Flamethrower and Black Sludge is good at crippling the opposition and letting Salazzle scout foes. Choice item sets are workable thanks to Salazzle's great natural Special Attack and Speed, but it lacks good coverage moves beyond its STAB attacks and Dragon Pulse and dislikes locking into moves such as Toxic and Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Water-types**: Despite Salazzle being able to cripple them, foes like Mantine, Gastrodon, and Vaporeon are effective walls versus it and can KO it with Scald. Offensively, Inteleon is faster and easily OHKOes Salazzle with Hydro Pump, while Starmie can tank a single hit and OHKO in return.

**Dragon-types**: Dragalge dislikes its longevity being hampered by Toxic and Knock Off but is an otherwise great Salazzle check; Guzzlord takes more damage from Sludge Wave but similarly offensively threatens Salazzle. Choice Scarf Flygon can easily revenge kill Salazzle with Earthquake.

**Rock-types**: Gigalith walls Salazzle with ease and only cares about being afflicted with Toxic poison or hit by Knock Off. Diancie, despite its Poison neutrality, can defensively answer Salazzle and OHKO it with Diamond Storm. Choice Scarf Tyrantrum, so long as it lands Head Smash, easily OHKOes Salazzle.

Idk if you can include Mudsdale in that last section and make it 'stealth rock users' or a separate section for Ground-types.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Red = delete
Purple = comment
Blue = add

nice job :toast:

Salazzle's access to useful utility moves and its great natural power and Speed make it a premier offensive Pokemon in NU. Despite having difficulty bypassing common Water-types, Salazzle is fantastic at luring in and crippling them with Toxic and Knock Off, which enables itself or teammates to deal with them later more easily. Additionally, Nasty Plot sets give Salazzle great power and the ability to bypass checks like Mudsdale and Guzzlord with boosted attacks. Salazzle also possesses a very convenient defensive typing, which helps it avoid being revenge killed by Choice Scarf Mienshao First Impression Golisopod (you mention scarf shao as a check just after this, so to avoid contradictions, Goli fits better here. This also makes Salaz stand out from Starmie and Zoroark) and take on Sylveon. Despite all of this, Salazzle is still vulnerable to being revenge killed by faster Pokemon like Inteleon, Choice Scarf Flygon, and Choice Scarf Mienshao. Furthermore, if Pokemon like Gastrodon and Mantine are paired with a cleric, then Salazzle can have great trouble making meaningful progress against them. Salazzle's bulk is also poor, which makes it difficult for Salazzle to make the most of its typing defensively.

name: Offensive
move 1: Flamethrower
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Knock Off / Nasty Plot
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Corrosion
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off is great for decreasing the longevity of switch-ins such as Gastrodon, Mantine, and Dragalge, as well as removing Flygon's Choice Scarf. Alternatively, Nasty Plot gives Salazzle a better chance to bypass checks such as Goodra, Guzzlord, and Diancie from higher amounts of HP. If using Nasty Plot, Fire Blast can be considered over Flamethrower for greater damage (against what? I'd mention the OHKO chance for Mudsdale, as that's the only significant +2 calc I found between the two).

Salazzle's ability tendency (Small nitpick; any status user can cripple waters, but Salaz has a tendency to do so as waters are often forced to switch in vs it, and that interaction should be stressed here at least to some degree) to cripple defensive Water-types is greatly appreciated by cleaners like Flygon, Inteleon, and Shell Smash Blastoise, which may otherwise struggle to bypass such foes. Similarly, teammates like Rotom-C, Guzzlord, and Escavalier that heavily pressure bulky Water-types Gastrodon and Vaporeon (specifics; you mentioned these only generally last time) are helpful to have to get Salazzle in a position to clean more quickly. Salazzle struggles to bypass common Dragon-types like Guzzlord, Dragalge, and Tyrantrum, so checks like Sylveon, Copperajah, and Bronzong are necessary; Copperajah and Bronzong are both also great checks to Psychic-types like Celebi and Indeedee-F, and the latter also provides a crucial Ground immunity.

(Mention how general offensive support teammates like Spikes Golisipod, dual screens Espeon, and Lunar Dance Cresselia / Healing Wish Celebi facilitate Salazzle's sweeping attempts)

Other Options

Nasty Plot sets can use Focus Sash and Dragon Pulse instead of Toxic to make Salazzle incredibly bothersome for common revenge killers such as Choice Scarf Mienshao and Flygon to reliably deal with. A set with the moves Substitute / Toxic / Protect / Flamethrower and Black Sludge is good at crippling the opposition and letting Salazzle scout foes. Choice item sets are workable thanks to Salazzle's great natural Special Attack and Speed, but it lacks good coverage moves beyond its STAB attacks and Dragon Pulse and dislikes locking into moves such as Toxic and Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Water-types**: Despite Salazzle being able to cripple them, foes like Mantine and Vaporeon are effective walls versus it and can KO it with Scald. Offensively, Inteleon is faster and easily OHKOes Salazzle with Hydro Pump, while Starmie can tank a single hit and OHKO in return.

**Dragon-types**: Dragalge dislikes its longevity being hampered by Toxic and Knock Off but is an otherwise great Salazzle check; Guzzlord takes more damage from Sludge Wave but similarly offensively threatens Salazzle.

**Rock-types**: Gigalith walls Salazzle with ease and only cares about being afflicted with Toxic poison or hit by Knock Off. Diancie, despite its Poison neutrality, can defensively answer Salazzle and OHKO it with Diamond Storm. Choice Scarf Tyrantrum, so long as it lands Head Smash, easily OHKOes Salazzle.

**Ground-types**: Gastrodon, especially with cleric support, is impossible for Salazzle to break through, while Mudsdale can take on Salazzle so long as the latter lacks boosts. Flygon can consistently switch into and revenge kill Salazzle so long as it lacks Dragon Pulse.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Looks good as always boss. Only a handful of suggestions on my end. QC 2/2!
amcheck add remove

Salazzle's access to useful utility moves, and its great natural powerSpecial Attack, and its high Speed make it a premier offensive Pokemon in NU. Despite having difficulty bypassing common Water-types, Salazzle is fantastic at luring in and crippling them with Toxic and Knock Off, which enables itself or teammates to deal with them later more easily. Additionally, Nasty Plot sets give Salazzle great power and the ability to bypass checks like Mudsdale and Guzzlord with boosted attacks. Salazzle also possesses a very convenient defensive typing, which helps it avoid being revenge killed by Golisopod's First Impression and take on Sylveon. Despite all of this, Salazzle is still vulnerable to being revenge killed by faster Pokemon like Inteleon, Choice Scarf Flygon, and Choice Scarf Mienshao. Furthermore, if Pokemon like Gastrodon and Mantine are paired with a cleric, then Salazzle can have great trouble making meaningful progress against them. Salazzle'sIts bulk is also poor, which makes it difficult for Salazzle to make the most of its typing defensively.

name: Offensive
move 1: Flamethrower
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Knock Off / Nasty Plot
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Corrosion
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Set Details

Knock Off is great for decreasing the longevity of switch-ins such as Gastrodon, Mantine, and Dragalge, as well as removing Flygon's Choice Scarf. Alternatively, Nasty Plot gives Salazzle a better chance to bypass checks such as Goodra, Guzzlord, and Diancie from higher amounts of HP. If using Nasty Plot, Fire Blast can be considered over Flamethrower for greater damage and a chance to 2HKO Mudsdale.

Salazzle's tendency to cripple defensive Water-types is greatly appreciated by cleaners like Flygon, Inteleon, and Shell Smash Blastoise, which may otherwise struggle to bypass such foes. Similarly, teammates like Rotom-C, Guzzlord, and Escavalier that heavily pressure Gastrodon and Vaporeon are helpful to have to get Salazzle in a position to clean more quickly. Salazzle struggles to bypass common Dragon-types like Guzzlord, Dragalge, and Tyrantrum, so checks like Sylveon, Copperajah, and Bronzong are necessary; Copperajah and Bronzong are both also great checks to Psychic-types like Celebi and Indeedee-F, and the latter also provides a crucial Ground immunity. Offensive support from the likes of Spikes Golisopod, dual screens Xatu, and Healing Wish Celebi is also appreciated to help facilitate a late-game Salazzle sweep.

Other Options

Nasty Plot sets can use Focus Sash and Dragon Pulse instead of Toxic to make Salazzle incredibly bothersome for common revenge killers such as Choice Scarf Mienshao and Flygon to reliably deal with. A set with the moves Substitute / Toxic / Protect / Flamethrower and Black Sludge is good at crippling the opposition and letting Salazzle scout foes. Choice item sets are workable thanks to Salazzle's great natural Special Attack and Speed, but it lacks good coverage moves beyond its STAB attacks and Dragon Pulse and dislikes locking into moves such as Toxic and Knock Off.

Checks and Counters

**Water-types**: Despite Salazzle being able to cripple themWater-types, foes like Mantine and Vaporeon are effective walls versus itat walling and can potentially KOing it with Scald. Offensively, Inteleon is faster and easily OHKOes Salazzle with Hydro Pump, while Starmie can tank a single hit and OHKO in return.

**Dragon-types**: Dragalge dislikes its longevity being hampered by Toxic and Knock Off but is an otherwise great Salazzle check;, while Guzzlord takes more damage from Sludge Wave but similarlyalso offensively threatens Salazzle.

**Rock-types**: Gigalith walls Salazzle with ease and only cares about being afflicted with Toxic poison or hit byor having its item removed with Knock Off. Diancie, despite its Poison neutrality, can defensively answer Salazzle and OHKO it with Diamond Storm. Choice Scarf Tyrantrum, so long as it lands Head Smash, easily OHKOes Salazzle should it successfully land a Head Smash.

**Ground-types**: Gastrodon, especially with cleric support, is impossible for Salazzle to break through, while Mudsdale can take on Salazzle so long as the latter lacks boosts. Flygon can consistently switch into and revenge kill Salazzle, so long asassuming it lacks Dragon Pulse.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [Ho3nConfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
couldn't find anything to change so i'll give the okay to upload with just this, 1/1 :blobthumbsup:
