Approved by Molk
Credit to Zebraiken for coming up with this idea, thanks for providing the concept and thread structure~
Also thanks to Molk for helping out a bunch, without him this post wouldn't be here atm.
Named after our very own venerable moderator Theorymon, this thread is primarily a thinking exercise, designed to help you understand how to think about and deal with new metagames and threats. None of the situations that will be discussed in this thread are guaranteed to happen, if they ever will at all. We're just going to talk about this kind of stuff just for the fun of it and to improve our discussion and thinking abilities, cool?
Here's how it's gonna work. I'm going to come up with a reasonable change to the RU metagame, and you guys discuss the aftereffects of this change, how it will affect the meta, some interesting sets you might use to combat this new change, any plausible counters, anything that you can think of to talk about this new potential change. This change could be anything from new DW abilities being released to UU drop-downs - even changes to the moves or abilities that current Pokemon have could be discussed. I'll also provide several questions to work off of (though you can make your own theories as well!), so hopefully it should be easy to just jump in and start discussing. I'm gonna give you guys an example or two of what's good and what's bad, just for clarification..
This poster may be making some valid points, but it's an incredibly negative post and doesn't show any innovative thought or any different view points on this possibility, other than repeating the same sentiment over and over again. While Tornadus may definitely be broken in RU, that's not the intended purpose of the thread. Please keep this in mind!
Can you tell the difference between these two contrasting posts? Example 2 is providing innovative theories on the impact of Tornadus, which is more important than stating the brokenness of the Pokemon. He/she mentioned threats that wasn't previously mentioned, that being Stunfisk and Lanturn and also discusses the general impact of the Pokemon on the current metagame. Remember, this thread isn't about discussing what would be broken and what wouldn't; it's about expanding your thought about the possibilities of the future metagame.
Here are some ground rules that I want everyone to abide by when suggesting stuff to talk about:
I'll start off the discussion with some theorymonning of my own! Don't forget to think of things like "What effect will this have on the metagame?", "Will it significantly alter usage stats or outclass something to the point where it becomes a rare threat?", "What would rise up to counter or check this new threat?", "What playstyles and teammates would this new possibility fit in with?", "Will its other sets become superior with this new addition?", among other things you can think of yourself! So here we go:
What if Escavalier got U-Turn? Escavalier, despite being a powerhouse, often struggles with a lack of effective move options outside of Megahorn/Iron Head/Pursuit, making it rather one dimensional. U-Turn could turn this around and allows it to escape its counters (notably Magneton, who has a harder time trapping Escavalier due to the threat of U-turn), scout switch ins, and grab momentum for its teammates, as well as possibly giving Escavalier a few more play options aside from simply spamming Megahorn. Escavalier's U-turn would be especially powerful, factoring in STAB and its incredible base 135 Attack stat. It'll put a major dent in anything that's not Steelix or 4x Bug resistant, ensuring that Escavalier still poses a significant offensive threat even though its not using the more powerful Megahorn. The fact that Escavalier has an extremely low Speed stat also benefits its usage of U-turn; allowing a teammate to come in without it taking an incoming hit from the opponent's pokemon. Escavalier's excellent Bug/Steel typing further augments the usefulness of U-turn, allowing it to force a significant amount of switches, making it incredibly easy to maintain your advantage at any given time by simply U-turning out. So what do you think of U-turn Escavalier? Would it significantly affect the way people use Escavalier? How would it affect the metagame, if at all?
What if Lanturn got Recover? Lanturn's main flaw is that it's easily worn down over the course of the match by repeated attacks and entry hazards, with the addition of Recover to Lanturn's movepool, it'd finally have a way to reliably heal off all this residual damage aside from Restalk and Leftovers, making it much better at its job. Furthermore, the combination of Heal Bell and Recover would Lanturn into a powerful and resilient cleric, surviving throughout the entirety of the match to restore the status of itself and its teammates again and again. Aside from this, Recover would make Lanturn even better at walling the various threats in the RU tier it currently checks, such as Moltres, Magmortar, Rotom-F, Blizzspammers, Manectric, and Rotom-N, among others. So what're your thoughts on Recover Lanturn? How much would it affect the playstyle of Lanturn, if it all? What about its usage as a defensive Pokemon?
Remember that good discussion here (and in other threads) could help put you on the way to your very own ~Community Contributor~ badge. Discuss away! :)
Credit to Zebraiken for coming up with this idea, thanks for providing the concept and thread structure~
Also thanks to Molk for helping out a bunch, without him this post wouldn't be here atm.
Named after our very own venerable moderator Theorymon, this thread is primarily a thinking exercise, designed to help you understand how to think about and deal with new metagames and threats. None of the situations that will be discussed in this thread are guaranteed to happen, if they ever will at all. We're just going to talk about this kind of stuff just for the fun of it and to improve our discussion and thinking abilities, cool?
Here's how it's gonna work. I'm going to come up with a reasonable change to the RU metagame, and you guys discuss the aftereffects of this change, how it will affect the meta, some interesting sets you might use to combat this new change, any plausible counters, anything that you can think of to talk about this new potential change. This change could be anything from new DW abilities being released to UU drop-downs - even changes to the moves or abilities that current Pokemon have could be discussed. I'll also provide several questions to work off of (though you can make your own theories as well!), so hopefully it should be easy to just jump in and start discussing. I'm gonna give you guys an example or two of what's good and what's bad, just for clarification..
Topic: Tornadus drops to RU
example1 said:Tornadus would be incredibly broken in RU, its simply too strong for RU to handle at the moment. It's combination of raw power, versatility and speed would completely tear apart the RU metagame. After certain threats are gone, Tornadus is capable of Hurricane spamming its opponent to death. Tornadus 2HKO's every relevant mon in the tier with the exception of Stunfisk and Lanturn, which are easily worn down anyways, and if this wasn't bad enough Tornadus can even set up a win condition with its teammates with a quick, Prankster boosted Tailwind or Rain Dance, ensuring that it leaves its mark even if it goes down over the course of the match. Tornadus would be immediately banned upon dropping to RU, otherwise this tier would be a wasteland. It would also be disastrous to almost every RU playstyle, wrecking them without mercy, creating yet another negative effect on the metagame. All in all, Tornadus would be an extremely hazardous Pokemon to have in RU, creating a worse metagame for everyone (not that it matters, it'd be immediately banned.)
This poster may be making some valid points, but it's an incredibly negative post and doesn't show any innovative thought or any different view points on this possibility, other than repeating the same sentiment over and over again. While Tornadus may definitely be broken in RU, that's not the intended purpose of the thread. Please keep this in mind!
example2 said:There aren't very many hard counters available to Tornadus in RU in the current metagame. I'd imagine Lanturn and possibly even Stunfisk will probably rise sharply in usage, as they're some of the only Pokemon that can reliably counter Tornadus, avoiding the 2HKO from Hurricane or Acrobatics and then use an Electric move such as Discharge or Volt Switch to deter it. Anything else being able to scare it out is a stretch of the imagination; Rhydon might be able to do a decent job, but it's weak to Focus Blast :(. I can kind of imagine Tornadus used alongside stuff like Ludicolo, which switches in on and eliminates most of the checks that Tornadus has and can both set up and abuse the rain that Tornadus loves. Speaking of which, I think that Rain Teams would be particularly excellent in this metagame, as Ferroseed, Roselia and other Grass- and Electric-types that Rain Abusers such as Ludicolo, Kabutops, and Seismitoad usually have to work around would be on the down-swing thanks to the presence of Tornadus, who can threaten them with a powerful Hurricane. Furthermore, Tornadus can set up Rain itself in a pinch thanks to Prankster.
Can you tell the difference between these two contrasting posts? Example 2 is providing innovative theories on the impact of Tornadus, which is more important than stating the brokenness of the Pokemon. He/she mentioned threats that wasn't previously mentioned, that being Stunfisk and Lanturn and also discusses the general impact of the Pokemon on the current metagame. Remember, this thread isn't about discussing what would be broken and what wouldn't; it's about expanding your thought about the possibilities of the future metagame.
Here are some ground rules that I want everyone to abide by when suggesting stuff to talk about:
Rules said:1. try to avoid suggesting obviously broken changes, any posts breaking this rule will be deleted/edited immediately. Something like Pure Power Gallade or Kyurem-W dropping to RU would be unacceptable as a post, for example.
2.Leave base stats, typing, and everything else alone. This is an exercise about moves and abilities, not anything else.
3.Give a brief explanation of why this move / ability would logically be usable on said Pokemon. This does not mean "i think it would be cool lololol". This does mean knowing the context of the move / ability that you want to add (ie. Quiver Dance tends to be found on Bug-type Pokemon with wings etc) and not just slapping moves on just because of their competitive nature. The goal here is semi-realism and discussing what would happen if Pokemon x got move y, not "let's see if we can make Pokemon x broken!!". I.E, no "charizard would be so cool with magic guard omg id use it a lot"
4.Post at least a little bit about what you think would change in the new metagame because of Pokemon x receiving move/ability y. I don't want you guys making posts that just say "LOL WHAT IF FLAREON GOT FLARE BLITZ THAT WOULD BE COOL" and leaving it at that.
5.Don't bring up more than one or two new ideas per post. Even if you can think of a million bajillion awesome new ideas for moves and Pokemon, realize that everyone else needs to have a chance to give their input, too. Of course, you will have the opportunity of posting these at another point in the thread, as long as you yourself are willing :).
6. Don't forget that everyone else wants to have their ideas talked about, too. If you see someone's post that has been ignored, give 'em a response. Remember, it doesn't have to be a 10 page essay!
7. Try to think outside of the box, not simply boosting moves or new coverage moves. If you're struggling to think of something that might be worth talking about, respond to someone else's thoughts and come back later. If you are unsure whether or not what you have to say is worth saying, post it anyway; having a few questions answered and talked about is better than having a dead thread.
I'll start off the discussion with some theorymonning of my own! Don't forget to think of things like "What effect will this have on the metagame?", "Will it significantly alter usage stats or outclass something to the point where it becomes a rare threat?", "What would rise up to counter or check this new threat?", "What playstyles and teammates would this new possibility fit in with?", "Will its other sets become superior with this new addition?", among other things you can think of yourself! So here we go:
What if Escavalier got U-Turn? Escavalier, despite being a powerhouse, often struggles with a lack of effective move options outside of Megahorn/Iron Head/Pursuit, making it rather one dimensional. U-Turn could turn this around and allows it to escape its counters (notably Magneton, who has a harder time trapping Escavalier due to the threat of U-turn), scout switch ins, and grab momentum for its teammates, as well as possibly giving Escavalier a few more play options aside from simply spamming Megahorn. Escavalier's U-turn would be especially powerful, factoring in STAB and its incredible base 135 Attack stat. It'll put a major dent in anything that's not Steelix or 4x Bug resistant, ensuring that Escavalier still poses a significant offensive threat even though its not using the more powerful Megahorn. The fact that Escavalier has an extremely low Speed stat also benefits its usage of U-turn; allowing a teammate to come in without it taking an incoming hit from the opponent's pokemon. Escavalier's excellent Bug/Steel typing further augments the usefulness of U-turn, allowing it to force a significant amount of switches, making it incredibly easy to maintain your advantage at any given time by simply U-turning out. So what do you think of U-turn Escavalier? Would it significantly affect the way people use Escavalier? How would it affect the metagame, if at all?
What if Lanturn got Recover? Lanturn's main flaw is that it's easily worn down over the course of the match by repeated attacks and entry hazards, with the addition of Recover to Lanturn's movepool, it'd finally have a way to reliably heal off all this residual damage aside from Restalk and Leftovers, making it much better at its job. Furthermore, the combination of Heal Bell and Recover would Lanturn into a powerful and resilient cleric, surviving throughout the entirety of the match to restore the status of itself and its teammates again and again. Aside from this, Recover would make Lanturn even better at walling the various threats in the RU tier it currently checks, such as Moltres, Magmortar, Rotom-F, Blizzspammers, Manectric, and Rotom-N, among others. So what're your thoughts on Recover Lanturn? How much would it affect the playstyle of Lanturn, if it all? What about its usage as a defensive Pokemon?
Remember that good discussion here (and in other threads) could help put you on the way to your very own ~Community Contributor~ badge. Discuss away! :)