RU RU Ladder Tour - Playoffs - Round 1


Welcome to the official RU ladder tour (RULT), where qualified ladder players will get a chance to compete amongst themselves to earn points for the RU Circuit Playoffs. We are now starting the playoffs phase, where the 16 qualified players will battle each other in a single elimination bracket to see who wins the whole thing!!!!!!! This is a Type B tournament.

  • General tournament rules to follow can be found -> here <-
  • Games will be played in as a SS RU Bo3 series.
  • Match-ups are randomized and not based on seeds.
  • This tournament will be single elimination.
  • Play on Pokémon Showdown! Main or on the tournaments' server, your games will not count if you don't follow this rule.
  • Replays are required, if you don't post them / if they aren't public, your games will not count.
Round 1 Pairings:

vs ProDigeZz
pattek vs Mac3
toinha vs hjkhj
vs Sensei Axew
tlenit vs Cirlo
mind gaming
vs Alpha Rabbit
TheFranklin vs Punny
vs yovan33321

Round 1 will end on Sunday, August 1st 2021.
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~ :Darkrai: Do I Really Need to Introduce Myself ? Let's do it just in case ! My name is Mellow. I have won many competitions and won many battles in almost all existing formats. My goal is to understand all the techniques possible and to be the N ° 1 in all tier possible to play even if this dream seems impossible I would never know the disappointment and the rangaine. I am also an artist and by passion for beautiful things I have to embellish and highlight the things that are close to my heart and what better to show the whole world the power of my friends in passionate fights as I saw the day in the world of art and replays ! :darkrai: ~


:Gengar: Where there is Light. There is also darkness. :Gengar:
:Gengar: Where there are replays. There will be me.

:Cresselia:What a great way to introduce myself. With that, welcome everyone to this edition of RUTL and in order to prevent replays from being scattered all over the place, you will be integrated into a board to be illuminated. :Cresselia:

:Blastoise-Gmax: Keep in mind that you are the best 16 and that your opponents all have a very high level so do not underestimate them. Some are better known than others, but beware of surprises. Just because a cake has a beautiful design doesn't necessarily mean good. :Blastoise-Gmax:

:Tentacruel: So this presentation ends, give the best of yourself and fight with honor. The world is watching you dear RULT champions. The stage is now yours ! :Tentacruel:


:Xurkitree: Round 1 :Xurkitree:

Feliburn">Feliburn vs ProDigeZz | Game 1 - Game 2 :Heracross: - :Lucario:

pattek vs Mac3">Mac3 | Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 :Cobalion: - :Doublade: - :Steelix:

toinha vs hjkhj">hjkhj | Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 :Umbreon: - :Weezing-Galar: - :Umbreon:

Lunala">Lunala vs Sensei Axew | Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 :Gardevoir: - :Registeel: - :Steelix:

tlenit vs Cirlo">Cirlo | Game 1 - Game 2 :Polteageist: - :Golurk:

mind gaming">mind gaming vs Alpha Rabbit | Game 1 - Game 2 :Weezing-Galar: - :Umbreon:

TheFranklin vs Punny">Punny | Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 :Necrozma: - :Stakataka: - :Obstagoon:

Nat">Nat vs yovan33321 | Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 :Ninetales-Alola: - :Xurkitree: - :Crobat:


:Dragonite: This will leave an eternal mark on all future players who one day discover this relic and your names will be forever marked in Pokémon history ! Together ! let us write down our eternal youth and show them our power ! :Dragonite:

:BW/Gengar: Thank You for Playing RU Ladder Tour - Playoffs - Round 1 :BW/Gengar:

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predicts because feli begged for it:

Feliburn vs ProDigeZz (65-35): Feli rigged the pairings, I'm sure he can rig this match too.
pattek vs Mac3 (40-60): Pattek spammed stall during the qualification so that is an instant bold on mac who can build and play any playstyle.
toinha vs hjkhj (55-45): Didn't really see any of them play during qualificaitons, so not too familiar with either of them. I give a slight edge to toinha for previous tour performances.
Lunala vs Sensei Axew (45-55): This is my favorite match up from round 1. Both are good builders so I expect this to be decided in the battle. I'll give a slight edge to sensei.
tlenit vs Cirlo (55-45): I expect some some heat/weird sets from tlenit that give them an edge in the battles.
mind gaming vs Alpha Rabbit (40-60): Gonna have to bold my rupl testing buddy here. Mind gaming obviously is a very competent player, but rabbit should be more familiar with the tier.
Nat vs yovan33321 (65-35): Nat is clearly the better player here. Unless yovan can outprep in the builder, they will have a hard time beating nat, who hopefully treats us with some heat.
I didn't beg... MORE PREDICTS:

pattek vs Mac3 - I think Mac3 is more on top of the meta and can get better teams than pattek, however, he's been on some arifeen shit lately in terms of aggro playing, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up overpredicting and getting himself in a bad spot, as pattek is a more calm player and less prone to taking risks like that. However, I'll also say I think Mac3 is more experienced, so even if he got himself in a bad spot, I'm sure he could still be in contention to winning any game in this series.

toinha vs hjkhj - I trust toinha more in terms of playing + building than hjkhj. I think hjkhj could end up using more annoying teams to deal with but shouldn't be anything more solid that what good old hero signal can build.

Lunala vs Sensei Axew - HL of r1. I think Lunala is a better player lately than Sensei, who for some reason keeps winning shit in tiers other than RU, feli vibes???? Sensei has also been super out of the loop when it comes to building, he'll have to grind af in the builder if he wants to have a chance, tho I don't doubt he'll put up a fight. It'll come down to how motivated he can get to win, cause lookin at Lunala's recent performance in tours, I know there's a hunger there for dubs only.

tlenit vs Cirlo - I'm sorry to sound ignorant, but my knowledge on Cirlo is very limited, while tlenit has experience playing in more tours, so I'll bold him based off that.

mind gaming vs Alpha Rabbit - The germans have the technology, and mind gaming has always been a passive RU player at heart. Coming off a decent wcop showing, I think he's on top of his game rn. I think rabbit has the playing ability to win as well, but he just hasn't been as impressive or active lately, altho rabbit is known for building teams that can win out of nowhere, despite how ugly they might be. Should be a fun watch.

TheFranklin vs Punny - Another hl of this round, in terms of building teams I have them in a similar level, as both are v good, but in terms of playing and skill, punny is above franklin, coming off an RU open + slam playoffs win, it's hard not to predict punny to come on top. But never count franklin out, this man has been putting in work and I expect a v fun series.

Nat vs yovan33321 - I value nat as the more skilled player here. Normally, I'd say how the French players have annoying technology in the builder, but I know Nat can get grimmy like that too if she wanted to, so I can only gauge playing ability here and Nat takes it in that field.
Feli kept begging so here's even more predicts:

Feliburn vs. ProDigeZz
This match is highly dependent on whether or not Feliburn manages to remember how to open up his teambuilder and click "New Team" + "Add Pokémon". According to Feli himself, he has completely forgotten how to build, which is a massive disadvantage! RULT seems to have revived his ladder itch as he's back on the grind, and he regularly posts in RU discord about his laddering adventures. So there's hope that through the sheer number of games, he'll regain his teambuilding skills. But don't be surprised if he loads up his week 1 RUPL team.
pattek vs. Mac3
I'm 100% biased here, but I think mace will take this one home. Mac3 is constantly pushing forward with his builds, and I know as of late that he has been building like crazy. The only recent thing I know about pattek is that he used the Obstagoon + Vaporeon team that seemed like every other person used to ladder with and a stall team.

toinha vs. hjkhj
hjkhj is a ladder fanatic, having topped like half of the tiers' respective ladder (sometimes with multiple accounts), but I think toinha has the edge here with him having more tour experience. Also, being known mainly as a stall player is generally seen as a disadvantage, especially in the tiers with good stallbreakers like SS RU, as people will prep the hell-out of the matchup. Though one shouldn't make the mistake of thinking hjkhj is a one-trick pony because he builds/plays other playstyles about just as well as seen during the first cycle.

Lunala vs. Sensei Axew
Feliburn rigged this match, and he predicted Lunala to win, so it would be foolish to go against the grain here. I guess what I had written before is now null and void, but I'll still add that Sensei seems to have the motivation to tryhard, so if this wasn't scripted then he would've had a good shot at making it to round 2.

tlenit vs. Cirlo
Having had the honor of teaming up with tlenit in this RUPL (and RUWC), I know how creative he can be in the builder. His unusual picks often pay off and end up giving him the win. All I know about Cirlo is that they placed third in the first cycle by mainly using stall. So I'm going with what I know and bold tlenit.

mind gaming vs. Alpha Rabbit
I don't really have anything to say about mind gaming vs. Alpha Rabbit other than it was the other (confirmed) rigged matchup. But for the sake of writing a prediction, I'll go ahead give a slight edge to mind gaming.

TheFranklin vs. Punny
arce had an incredible showing these last two team tours, with him only suffering a single loss and going in total 11-1 (5-0 in RUWC and 6-1 in RUPL). However, it's impossible to not bold Punny. Not only has he also been crushing the last two team tours with a total record of 16-3, but he also made it to the finals of last year's circuit playoffs, won the two latest RU Opens, and won this year's Grand Slam. But this won't be a one-sided affair, as Franklin is one the toughest first-round opponents that Punny could've gotten. A highlight to say the least.

Nat vs. yovan33321
Nat is the overall better player, and I love the teams I saw her use to qualify. yovan is by no means a push-over with him previously making it to the finals of the latest RU Open, but I've not been a fan of the teams that I saw him ladder with, which were a bad Shuckle Sticky Web team and aqua stall (lmao).
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