One of the minor gripes in a lot of recent caps is really the roles discussion, when its placed, and how much hold it has over the rest of the process. In CAP 32 we were sorta forced to have a relatively early role discussion, as the concept provided very little direction in terms of the resulting product's playstyle, and then had a vote on a specific role for the CAP to fulfill. This was a good decision at the time, as the project was in danger of having a directionless and difficult ability stage, however, similarly, by holding a vote we were essentially committing to that direction, as doing otherwise would be going against shown community consensus.
- Role Discussion is generally held early on in the process
- Role Discussion ends with a single role identified as our primary
- Role Discussion is concluded with a vote, which makes it difficult to change based on future information
- Role Discussion should be held early on in the process
- Role Discussion should end with an ordered list of a small number of roles to aim for
- If a vote is held to conclude Role Discussion, we should have an ordered list of roles that we should sit between
- Role Discussion should only be employed when necessary, rather than always
- Role Discussion should be held early on in the process
- Role Discussion should end with a single role being selected by discussion
- Role Discussion should not end with a vote
- Role Choice should be revisited after sufficiently large choices are made that may conflict with the original choice
- Role Discussion should only be employed when necessary, rather than always