you were wrongWeterpete vs Mr.Bossaru (wins on act)
Privacy Policy vs naere (Good at fornite)
Kaboom vs TRowePrice667 (helped me prep todd bonzales)
Zcarlett vs Teamo505
View attachment 571200
Romanian Tecnico vs Elian played well in todd
zeroouttathere vs MOHAMEDALL big zero fan
natu vs BlackKnight_Gawain experience in the tier
Alice Kazumi vs Shing experience in the tier
sahithu7uajdiscz vs HydreigonTheChild got a more normal name then the other
giove97 vs wesh papillon scl lc player pap
glowbrogang vs Cyril tbh Big fan
zastra vs Tack
Crenando24 vs shadowtime2000
RL vs Cawil Maxamad
Gamer1234556 vs Realmas
Gangsta Spongebob vs VTMagno adv lower tier main >
PoseidonWrath vs DreamyFleur wrath is very good
Vermillion Gangsta vs Bless i heard of bless before
tigershark/genius1 vs anique genius1 will be banned before the game is played
kmrt vs ElectricityCat my fav player to play in todd
seroo vs reggg The best adv lc player
glowbro is a deucer you can take him offRound 2:
TRowePrice667 vs sahithu7uajdiscz
shadowtime2000 vs tigershark/genius1
Quinn vs reggg
Zcarlett vs Elian
Bless vs Gamer1234556
wesh papillon vs PoseidonWrath
Cyril tbh vs RL
ElectricityCat vs Gangsta Spongebob
Mr.Bossaru vs BlackKnight_Gawain
Tack vs Shing
DreamyFleur vs Kaboom
Crenando24 vs seroo
Alice Kazumi vs Vermillion Gangsta
glowbrogang vs HydreigonTheChild
anique vs zeroouttathere
Micoy vs Privacy Policy
zastra vs natu
giove97 vs Weterpete
Cawil Maxamad vs Realmas
VTMagno vs Romanian Tecnico
kmrt vs Teamo505
Crenando shadowtime2000: flipped to shadowtime2000
zastra Tack: flipped to Tack
sahithu7uajdiscz HydreigonTheChild: flipped to sahithu7uajdiscz
Deadline is November 26th 11:59PM GMT-5
Replays are required!