⏮ 2018 | Spreadsheet | Discord | 2020 ⏭
Signups | Rosters | Round 1 | Round 2 | Semifinals | Finals
The hybrid individual/team tournament is back in the form of RoA Olympics 4. Once again, it will feature the same tiers as RoA Olympics 2 & 3.
Tiers featured:
6x Ubers tiers: RBY Ubers / GSC Ubers / ADV Ubers / DPP Ubers / BW Ubers / ORAS Ubers
6x OU tiers: RBY OU / GSC OU / ADV OU / DPP OU / BW OU / ORAS OU
6x UU tiers: RBY UU / GSC UU / ADV UU / DPP UU / BW UU / ORAS UU
2x Legendary tiers: DPP LC / ORAS Doubles OU
Tournament Format
There will be a mini tournament for each tier (all in the same thread this time), all of which will have 16 spots, 1 spot for each team. All of these mini tournaments will be single elimination, first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) every round and players who progress through 2-3 rounds will represent their teams in 3rd-1st place finals to determine who receives gold, silver and bronze medal sprites - with gold worth 3 points, silver worth 2 points and bronze worth 1 points to a team in the overall standings. Pairings will be random each round. There will also be a generous deadline each round with minimal extensions.
Final 16 teams are: Americas, Argentina, Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Europe, France, German Confederation, Independent Olympians, India, Italy, Latin America, Mediterranean, Spain, UK, USA East, USA Midwest.
Each team will have 10 players and each player can be picked for a maximum of 3 tiers. 2 tiers per player is average (20 tiers) while players playing less than 3 tiers can be substituted in as long as the maximum tiers they play is still 3. Substitutions are only available in round 1 and must be from the roster of 10. You cannot sub-in a player that you have subbed out of another tier. Captains can play.
The overall winning team will get to display a blue and green
RoA Olympic Trophy in their signatures, while the 1st, 2nd and 3rd individuals in each of the minitours will get to display
Captains: [AME] Lord Thorx, [ARG] ElectricityCat, [ASA] Mister Tim, [BRA] Shakur, [EUR] Djokra, [FRA] Wenderz, [GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120, [IDP] Lasen, [IND] Eseque, [ITA] Pais, [LA] Sadlysius, [MED] SamuelBest, [SPA] xJoelituh, [UK] Diophantine, [EAS] Sprinkles, [MWS] Mannat
Round 1 matches played: 148/160 (92.5%)
RBY Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ITA]Laroxyl ‹0-2› [ARG] Drypato8
[UK]HSOWA ‹0-2› [EUR] tjdaas
[IDP]Mr.378 ‹0-2› [MWS] Nails
[ASA] Hipmonlee ‹2-0› [FRA]Winkata
[LA]Aishia ‹0-2› [SPA] Ranshiin
[EAS]Finchinator ‹0-2› [GEC] Lusch
[AME]AnimeroDaniel ‹0-2› [MED] Averardo
[IND] parivard ‹*A-0› [BRA]Caetano93
RBY OU: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA] ErPeris ‹2-1› [IND]So Noisy
[UK]Jytcampbell ‹0-2› [MED] SMB
[IDP] Exiline ‹2-0› [LA]Zwein
[FRA]Winkata ‹1-2› [MWS] Nails
[ARG]AugustRadburn ‹0-2› [GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120
[ASA] Mister Tim ‹2-1› [EUR]Djokra
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-0› [EAS]Ophion
[BRA]Thiago Nunes ‹0-2› [SPA] Ranshiin
RBY UU: 8/8 (100%)
[UK] HML am ‹2-0› [EUR]tjdaas
[MWS] EB0LA ‹2-1› [ASA]Hipmonlee
[MED]SamuelBest ‹0-2› [GEC] Lusch
[FRA] Souw ‹2-0› [ARG]AugustRadburn
[LA] ZDen ‹2-1› [BRA]Thiago Nunes
[EAS] gorgie ‹2-0› [ITA]Laroxyl
[AME]Lord Thorx ‹1-2› [SPA] Sceptross
[IND]Mikaav ‹0-2› [IDP] Fille
GSC Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[MED]Oibaf ‹0-2› [ITA] shine on district
[FRA] BIHI ‹2-0› [SPA]Eeveeto
[ARG]SM Larvitar ‹0-2› [MWS] TSR
[ASA] Earthworm ‹2-0› [UK]Diophantine
[GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120 ‹2-0› [BRA]Ahmad Alfatih
[EAS]Sabella ‹0-2› [LA] ZDen
[AME]AnimeroDaniel ‹0-2› [IDP] Mr.378
[EUR] ilesaural ‹2-1› [IND]OminousDraco
GSC OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA] Sceptross ‹2-1› [ITA]shine on district
[MWS]marilli ‹0-2› [AME] Lord Thorx
[FRA]Staxi ‹0-2› [EUR] Djokra
[ARG]((AugustRadburn)) ziloXX ‹2-1› [BRA] Ahmad Alfatih
[ASA]Kekbreon ‹1-2› [UK] HML am
[GEC]Descending ‹1-2› [MED] Oibaf
[EAS]Misterioussaint ‹0-*F› [IDP] Mr.378
[IND] OminousDraco ‹2-1› [LA]Raichy
GSC UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[MWS]marilli ‹1-2› [ARG] ziloXX
[MED]Oibaf ‹0-2› [LA] Raichy
[FRA]Souw ‹1-2› [SPA] xJoelituh
[GEC]choolio ‹0-2› [IND] OminousDraco
[EAS]Misterioussaint ‹1-2› [UK] Diophantine
[AME]Ampha ‹0-2› [ITA] shine on district
[EUR] Alkione ‹*A-0› [IDP]kaori
[BRA]HaxBro.K ‹0-2› [ASA] Earthworm
ADV Ubers: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ITA]Terracotta ‹0-2› [IDP] Exiline
[MWS]fatty ‹0-2› [ASA] Earthworm
[MED]Averardo ‹0-2› [SPA] SoulWind
[FRA] LaBalladeDesCieux ‹2-1› [EUR]Cynara
[LA]Jhonx~ ‹0-*F› [GEC] Melle2402
[AME] Wamr ‹2-0› [UK]Hamhamhamham
[IND] Dj Breloominati♬ ‹2-0› [EAS]dream
[BRA] Thiago Nunes ‹2-0› [ARG]Fachero2003
ADV OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA] xJoelituh ‹*A-0› [UK]Stockings
[IDP] Exiline ‹2-1› [ITA]hellpowna
[ASA] Lord Ninjax ‹2-0› [ARG]MegaLucario
[LA] Sadlysius ‹2-0› [FRA]Hiro'
[EAS]Ophion ‹1-2› [BRA] Shakur
[AME] roystopror ‹2-0› [MWS]fatty
[IND]Gyslexic Duy ‹0-2› [GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120
[EUR]Heika ‹0-2› [MED] SamuelBest
ADV UU: 8/8 (100%)
[SPA] Eeveeto ‹2-0› [ITA]TheRam
[MWS]innovamania ‹0-2› [EAS] gorgie
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [UK]Diophantine
[FRA]zSpxdes ‹0-2› [IND] parivard
[ASA]Mister Tim ‹0-2› [GEC] esche
[AME] Ampha ‹2-0› [ARG]MegaLucario
[EUR] Cynara ‹2-0› [MED]SamuelBest
[BRA] Ren-chon ‹2-0› [LA]Sadlysius
DPP Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA]Terracotta ‹0-2› [BRA] CaCaTuA
[SPA] SoulWind ‹2-0› [MED]H.M.N.I.P
[FRA] LaBalladeDesCieux ‹2-0› [AME]Wamr
[ARG]mamawebos rodriguez ‹1-2› [MWS] TSR
[ASA] byronthewellwell ‹2-1› [IDP]absdaddy
[GEC] ((neomon)) Descending ‹1-2› [LA] Zwein
[EAS]Sprinkles ‹1-2› [UK] Cam
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-1› [IND]Mikaav
DPP OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA] Sinkyr ‹2-0› [ITA]umbreon098
[MWS] Mannat ‹2-0› [EUR]jcbc
[MED] H.M.N.I.P ‹2-1› [EAS]Sprinkles
[IDP]absdaddy ‹0-2› [AME] Tenshinhan
[FRA] SaltyFrenchGuy ‹2-0› [ARG]Drypato8
[GEC]neomon ‹1-2› [LA] Haru
[IND] So Noisy ‹*A-0› [UK]SOMALIA
[BRA] Shakur ‹2-1› [ASA]byronthewellwell
DPP UU: 6/8 (75.0%)
[MWS] fatty ‹2-0› [AME]Tenshinhan
[IDP]Chill Shadow ‹0-2› [GEC] esche
[FRA]zSpxdes ‹1-2› [MED] H.M.N.I.P
[ARG]TopLel TopKek ‹0-2› [EAS] Donphantastic
[ASA] Lord Ninjax ‹2-1› [IND]Gyslexic Duy
[LA] Raichy ‹2-0› [SPA]Sinkyr
[EUR] jcbc ‹*A-0› [UK]Hamhamhamham
[BRA]HaxBro.K ‹0-*A› [ITA] hellpowna
DPP LC: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA]IoSonoNeon ‹0-2› [EUR] Alkione
[MED] fran17 ‹2-0› [ASA]MultX
[FRA] Wabane ‹2-0› [SPA]Real FV13
[GEC]neomon ‹0-2› [MWS] Nails
[EAS] Yami ‹2-0› [LA]Haru
[AME]Ampha ‹0-2› [IDP] absdaddy
[IND]Eseque ‹1-2› [ARG] TopLel TopKek
[BRA]Spl4sh ‹0-2› [UK] HSOWA
BW Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA]Raiza ‹0-2› [GEC] Melle2402
[SPA]Chano ‹1-2› [MED] Micaiah
[MWS] maroon ‹2-1› [BRA]CaCaTuA
[IDP]Lasen ‹0-2› [IND] parivard
[FRA]LaBalladeDesCieux ‹1-2› [UK] Cam
[LA] Aishia ‹2-0› [AME]Endill
[EAS] Insult ‹2-1› [ARG]alenpa
[EUR] Cynara ‹2-1› [ASA]CKW
BW OU: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA] Raiza ‹2-0› [GEC]xray
[SPA] SoulWind ‹2-1› [FRA]Frrf
[MWS]Mannat ‹1-2› [UK] DKM
[ARG]alenpa ‹0-2› [IDP] Fille
[LA]-PkmTrainerBlue- ‹1-2› [BRA] Caetano93
[EAS] Insult ‹2-1› [EUR]ilesaural
[AME]Bloody alfa ‹0-2› [ASA] phosphor
[IND]sand1234 ‹1-2› [MED] Empo
BW UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[ITA] Lopunny Kicks ‹2-0› [IND]Dj Breloominati♬
[SPA] Real FV13 ‹2-0› [IDP]Chill Shadow
[UK]SOMALIA ‹0-*F› [ASA] Mister Tim
[ARG]alenpa ‹0-2› [MED] Empo
[LA] ZDen ‹2-0› [MWS]innovamania
[GEC]choolio ‹1-2› [EUR] bugzinator
[AME] Endill ‹2-0› [FRA]zSpxdes
[BRA] ((Ren-chon)) Randomnick ‹1-2› [EAS] Finchinator
ORAS Ubers: 8/8 (100%)
[ITA]Terracotta ‹1-2› [GEC] Melle2402
[UK]Cam ‹1-2› [EUR] Mysterious M
[MED] Micaiah ‹2-1› [FRA]Staxi
[IDP] Lasen ‹2-0› [LA]Jhonx~
[ASA]byronthewellwell ‹1-2› [MWS] Vulpix03
[EAS] ((dream)) Insult ‹2-0› [IND] Mikaav
[AME] Wamr ‹2-0› [ARG]Portrait or Ruin
[BRA]Hec ‹0-2› [SPA] Garay oak
ORAS OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA] Chano ‹2-1› [IDP]Skysolo
[UK] Jytcampbell ‹2-1› [AME]Flamita
[MWS]Vulpix03 ‹1-2› [ITA] Lopunny Kicks
[ARG] MegaLucario ‹*A-0› [FRA]Hiro'
[ASA]Kekbreon ‹1-2› [BRA] Spl4sh
[GEC] xray ‹2-1› [MED]-Niko-
[IND]AquaFinity ‹1-2› [LA] xImRaptor
[EUR]Alumn ‹0-2› [EAS] Sabella
ORAS UU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[MED]Kebab mlml ‹0-2› [UK] Hamhamhamham
[ASA]Egor ‹1-2› [FRA] Souw
[LA] Aishia ‹2-0› [MWS]innovamania
[GEC]Erzengel ‹1-2› [IDP] Skysolo
[EAS]Donphantastic ‹1-2› [SPA] Garay oak
[AME]Flamita ‹0-2› [ITA] Lopunny Kicks
[IND] Dj Breloominati♬ ‹2-0› [ARG]mamawebos rodriguez
[EUR] bugzinator ‹*F-0› [BRA]Hec
ORAS Doubles OU: 7/8 (87.5%)
[SPA]tenzai ‹1-2› [ARG] mamawebos rodriguez
[UK]Poison Adhesive ‹0-2› [MED] SMB
[MWS]qsns ‹0-*A› [ASA] Egor
[FRA]Frrf ‹0-2› [AME] LightScreener
[GEC]Lohgock ‹0-2› [ITA] umbreon098
[EAS] Yami ‹2-1› [EUR]Djokra
[IND] King Leo V ‹2-0› [IDP]kaori
[BRA] ((Randomnick)) HaxBro.K ‹1-2› [LA] Kiichikos
Pairings done by the Smogon Bracketmaker
Play a first-to-2 wins (bo3 wins) versus your opponent in the correct tier and report the score you won or lost by (2-x).
Round 1 Deadline: 05:59AM EST / 11:59AM CET Sunday September 29th

Signups | Rosters | Round 1 | Round 2 | Semifinals | Finals
The hybrid individual/team tournament is back in the form of RoA Olympics 4. Once again, it will feature the same tiers as RoA Olympics 2 & 3.
Tiers featured:
6x Ubers tiers: RBY Ubers / GSC Ubers / ADV Ubers / DPP Ubers / BW Ubers / ORAS Ubers
6x OU tiers: RBY OU / GSC OU / ADV OU / DPP OU / BW OU / ORAS OU
6x UU tiers: RBY UU / GSC UU / ADV UU / DPP UU / BW UU / ORAS UU
2x Legendary tiers: DPP LC / ORAS Doubles OU
Tournament Format
There will be a mini tournament for each tier (all in the same thread this time), all of which will have 16 spots, 1 spot for each team. All of these mini tournaments will be single elimination, first-to-2-wins (bo3 wins) every round and players who progress through 2-3 rounds will represent their teams in 3rd-1st place finals to determine who receives gold, silver and bronze medal sprites - with gold worth 3 points, silver worth 2 points and bronze worth 1 points to a team in the overall standings. Pairings will be random each round. There will also be a generous deadline each round with minimal extensions.
Final 16 teams are: Americas, Argentina, Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Europe, France, German Confederation, Independent Olympians, India, Italy, Latin America, Mediterranean, Spain, UK, USA East, USA Midwest.
Each team will have 10 players and each player can be picked for a maximum of 3 tiers. 2 tiers per player is average (20 tiers) while players playing less than 3 tiers can be substituted in as long as the maximum tiers they play is still 3. Substitutions are only available in round 1 and must be from the roster of 10. You cannot sub-in a player that you have subbed out of another tier. Captains can play.
The overall winning team will get to display a blue and green

Captains: [AME] Lord Thorx, [ARG] ElectricityCat, [ASA] Mister Tim, [BRA] Shakur, [EUR] Djokra, [FRA] Wenderz, [GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120, [IDP] Lasen, [IND] Eseque, [ITA] Pais, [LA] Sadlysius, [MED] SamuelBest, [SPA] xJoelituh, [UK] Diophantine, [EAS] Sprinkles, [MWS] Mannat
Round 1 matches played: 148/160 (92.5%)

[ASA] Hipmonlee ‹2-0› [FRA]
[IND] parivard ‹*A-0› [BRA]

[ITA] ErPeris ‹2-1› [IND]
[IDP] Exiline ‹2-0› [LA]
[ASA] Mister Tim ‹2-1› [EUR]
[AME] Lord Thorx ‹2-0› [EAS]

[UK] HML am ‹2-0› [EUR]
[MWS] EB0LA ‹2-1› [ASA]
[FRA] Souw ‹2-0› [ARG]
[LA] ZDen ‹2-1› [BRA]
[EAS] gorgie ‹2-0› [ITA]

[FRA] BIHI ‹2-0› [SPA]
[ASA] Earthworm ‹2-0› [UK]
[GEC] FriendOfMrGolem120 ‹2-0› [BRA]
[EUR] ilesaural ‹2-1› [IND]

[SPA] Sceptross ‹2-1› [ITA]
[IND] OminousDraco ‹2-1› [LA]

[EUR] Alkione ‹*A-0› [IDP]

[FRA] LaBalladeDesCieux ‹2-1› [EUR]
[AME] Wamr ‹2-0› [UK]
[IND] Dj Breloominati♬ ‹2-0› [EAS]
[BRA] Thiago Nunes ‹2-0› [ARG]

[SPA] xJoelituh ‹*A-0› [UK]
[IDP] Exiline ‹2-1› [ITA]
[ASA] Lord Ninjax ‹2-0› [ARG]
[LA] Sadlysius ‹2-0› [FRA]
[AME] roystopror ‹2-0› [MWS]

[SPA] Eeveeto ‹2-0› [ITA]
[IDP] Chill Shadow ‹2-0› [UK]
[AME] Ampha ‹2-0› [ARG]
[EUR] Cynara ‹2-0› [MED]
[BRA] Ren-chon ‹2-0› [LA]

[SPA] SoulWind ‹2-0› [MED]
[FRA] LaBalladeDesCieux ‹2-0› [AME]
[ASA] byronthewellwell ‹2-1› [IDP]
[GEC] ((
[EUR] Mysterious M ‹2-1› [IND]

[SPA] Sinkyr ‹2-0› [ITA]
[MWS] Mannat ‹2-0› [EUR]
[MED] H.M.N.I.P ‹2-1› [EAS]
[FRA] SaltyFrenchGuy ‹2-0› [ARG]
[IND] So Noisy ‹*A-0› [UK]
[BRA] Shakur ‹2-1› [ASA]

[MWS] fatty ‹2-0› [AME]
[ASA] Lord Ninjax ‹2-1› [IND]
[LA] Raichy ‹2-0› [SPA]
[EUR] jcbc ‹*A-0› [UK]

[MED] fran17 ‹2-0› [ASA]
[FRA] Wabane ‹2-0› [SPA]
[EAS] Yami ‹2-0› [LA]

[MWS] maroon ‹2-1› [BRA]
[LA] Aishia ‹2-0› [AME]
[EAS] Insult ‹2-1› [ARG]
[EUR] Cynara ‹2-1› [ASA]

[ITA] Raiza ‹2-0› [GEC]
[SPA] SoulWind ‹2-1› [FRA]
[EAS] Insult ‹2-1› [EUR]

[ITA] Lopunny Kicks ‹2-0› [IND]
[SPA] Real FV13 ‹2-0› [IDP]
[LA] ZDen ‹2-0› [MWS]
[AME] Endill ‹2-0› [FRA]
[BRA] ((

[MED] Micaiah ‹2-1› [FRA]
[IDP] Lasen ‹2-0› [LA]
[EAS] ((
[AME] Wamr ‹2-0› [ARG]

[SPA] Chano ‹2-1› [IDP]
[UK] Jytcampbell ‹2-1› [AME]
[ARG] MegaLucario ‹*A-0› [FRA]
[GEC] xray ‹2-1› [MED]

[LA] Aishia ‹2-0› [MWS]
[IND] Dj Breloominati♬ ‹2-0› [ARG]
[EUR] bugzinator ‹*F-0› [BRA]

[EAS] Yami ‹2-1› [EUR]
[IND] King Leo V ‹2-0› [IDP]
[BRA] ((
Pairings done by the Smogon Bracketmaker
Play a first-to-2 wins (bo3 wins) versus your opponent in the correct tier and report the score you won or lost by (2-x).
Round 1 Deadline: 05:59AM EST / 11:59AM CET Sunday September 29th
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