Art by Blazenix">Blazenix
⏮ 2018-19 | [Signups | Finals] | 2020-21 ⏭
RoA Championship is the final tournament in the RoA Tournament calendar that invites top achievers in old generations.
7 divisions return: 6 to determine the best in each of the individual OverUsed tiers of every old generation (1-6), plus a combined RoA division where all old gen OverUsed tiers are played.
The RoA division will feature a sextuple round robin (all old gen OU tiers played against one another), while the other divisions will simply consist of a double round robin. Each win earns 1 point, each draw earns ½ a point. In the case of tiebreaks, smaller round robins will follow, with the same number of battles. If 2 players are joint first, there'll be a first-to-2-wins match in each division apart from the RoA division, which will instead have a first-to-3½ points match (3 wins and a draw) with tiers not repeated for draws. In the very unlikely event this match will be 3-3, the division who plays all their battles first (or most battles) will be the deciding tier. This tier will be repeated until a win results.
If a division exceeds 8 players, the players will be shuffled (equal proportions) into 2 groups will be determined at random. The overall winner will be determined by a playoff between the two group winners, using the tiebreak rules.
Signature Prizes
The winner of the RoA Division will earn the right to display
, while the winners of the other divisions can display
The following are allowed to sign up for each division:
A player qualifies if there was a tie for 1st place and the other player(s) already qualified by another means; failing that, the 1st place player with the positive record against the other 1st place player(s) in the relevant tournament qualifies. If the top players did not face each other in the tournament they qualified for, or it was a tie, a play-in is necessary.
Added Major League qualifications at a later date.
Signups will last 2 weeks, at which point the round robins will be formed.
Their size will be exclusively based on who signs up. There are no backups. Let me know of any mistakes.
⏮ 2018-19 | [Signups | Finals] | 2020-21 ⏭
RoA Championship is the final tournament in the RoA Tournament calendar that invites top achievers in old generations.
7 divisions return: 6 to determine the best in each of the individual OverUsed tiers of every old generation (1-6), plus a combined RoA division where all old gen OverUsed tiers are played.
The RoA division will feature a sextuple round robin (all old gen OU tiers played against one another), while the other divisions will simply consist of a double round robin. Each win earns 1 point, each draw earns ½ a point. In the case of tiebreaks, smaller round robins will follow, with the same number of battles. If 2 players are joint first, there'll be a first-to-2-wins match in each division apart from the RoA division, which will instead have a first-to-3½ points match (3 wins and a draw) with tiers not repeated for draws. In the very unlikely event this match will be 3-3, the division who plays all their battles first (or most battles) will be the deciding tier. This tier will be repeated until a win results.
If a division exceeds 8 players, the players will be shuffled (equal proportions) into 2 groups will be determined at random. The overall winner will be determined by a playoff between the two group winners, using the tiebreak rules.
Signature Prizes
The winner of the RoA Division will earn the right to display
The following are allowed to sign up for each division:
RoA Division (✓ = 7/11)
Lavos(), SoulWind (), HSA (), Astamatitos (), Earthworm (), Excal (), BKC (), McMeghan (), Ranshiin (), Hyogafodex (), Pohjis () , shawyu 1313 ()
RBY OU Division (✓ = 5/12)
Exiline (), Alexander. (), SoulWind (), Hipmonlee (), SMB (), Heroic Troller (), Lusch (), MetalGro$$ (), Amaranth (), EB0LA (), Ranshiin (), The Quasar ()
GSC OU Division (✓ = 4/8)
Century Express (), HSA () Chill Shadow (), HML am (),Lavos(), FriendOfMrGolem120 (), Googly (), Djokra (), TSR ()
ADV OU Division (✓ = 4/7)
Lavos(,) McMeghan (), Gilbert arenas (), Sadlysius (), Golden Sun (), Astamatitos (), Plas (), Winterains ()
DPP OU Division (✓ = 8/11)
Honor (), BKC (), SoulWind (), Vay (), Excal (), Jimmy Turtwig (), Hyogafodex (), fatty (), byronthewellwell (), Arch€r (), So Noisy ()
ORAS OU Division (✓ = 3/11)
Empo (), Corckscrew (), Bobby Dagen (), BK (), Zycross (), Trosko (), Nintendi (), xray (), Pohjis (), Lopunny Kicks (), Altina ()
RoA Division
Smogon Classic Champion
Smogon Tour Champion (only 2/6 old gens)
RoA Room Champion
MLRoA Champion
Indigo Plateau Champion
RoA Ladder Champion
RoA Tour Champion
RoA Standard Champion
RoA Division Champion
World Longest Tournament Diamond Champion (on hiatus)
Single Old Gen OU Divisions
Past Gen Champion
Global Champion
Classic Cup Champion
Seasonal Champion
World's Longest Tournament Gold (on hiatus)
SPL Top Record in a tier
WCoP Top Record in a tier
RCoP Top Record in a tier (on hiatus)
RoAPL Top Record in a tier
MLRoA Top Record in a tier
RoAFC Top Record in a tier
RoA Ladder Top in a tier
RoA Olympic Gold in a tier
RoA Tour Top Record in a tier (not recorded)
Smogon Tour Top Record in a tier (complement not recorded)
Single Old Gen OU Divisions
Added Major League qualifications at a later date.
Signups will last 2 weeks, at which point the round robins will be formed.
Their size will be exclusively based on who signs up. There are no backups. Let me know of any mistakes.
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