Gen 3 RoA Community's Choice Ladder April 2020: ADV UUBL

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We're doing 5 days per stage this time around. Voting is broken up into two stages:
  • Generation Voting - The first stage, where we vote for which gen will be featured in the upcoming ladder. All that you need to do is react to the corresponding post which will be: "RBY", "GSC", "ADV", "DPP", "BW", "ORAS", or "SM"
  • Format Voting - The second stage, where we vote for a particular format of the winning generation. Options will include traditional formats like NeverUsed and Little Cup, but also wilder picks like Balanced Hackmons and STABmons. The process will be the same with tiers being posted and you react to the one you want to play the most.
  • A new rule being added is that tiers will have a cooldown period after winning, which will be 3 months.
  • Shoutout to OMs for the inspiration for the new format of voting
  • Another new rule: If we catch wind of you advertising a format/otherwise encouraging voting of one format, that format will be removed from voting
  • Tiers on cooldown after recent wins: 1v1, Monotype
The gen and then format with the most reactions will win! The other rotationals for next month will be BW UU and an ADV NU.

We are now onto ADV Format voting!

RoA Staff is a proxy account please don't ban
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