All Gens RoA Battle of the Week(s) Mk. II [12. RBY OU: Lutra vs. gene]


is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
op partially stolen from BKC
The past generations are always rather unloved in tournaments and other events on here, so watching a good match of a past gen's metagame has become almost a rarity. So here i present the second run of the Ruins of Alph Battle of the Week(s).

What is the point of this thread?
The point of this thread is to make good matches visible for everyone in the community. Newer players can pick up a couple of things from veteran players. Experienced players can show off their creativity in teambuilding and battling skills. Everyone likes to watch a good match of pokemon after all.

How does this work?
Stage 1 voting: First we will decide on a metagame that is played. Everyone can nominate one metagame and after roughly 2,5 days the metagame with the most nominations is picked for the current cycle. The format of the vote is pretty simple: [Generation] [Tier]. (whether you use ADV, RSE or Gen 3 for example does not matter, it should just be clear what tier you mean).
Stage 2 voting: After the generation has been set everyone can nominate 3 players he wishes to participate in this. The order does not matter. The 2 players with the most nominations will then have to face off. This stage will last for roughly 2,5 days too. About the players you nominate: you can basically nominate everyone who you think is willing to play the chosen metagame. If you nominate players who are inactive or have no interest in playing the chosen tier/generation they might not battle.
Don't take the 2,5 days thing too exact, the whole voting stage takes 5 days and i will try to make the seperation somewhen in the middle.

Battle: This one explains itself, as soon as the two players and the metagame are chosen they should agree on a time and get the battle done. The format of the battle is up to the players. If you want to do one match, a best of 3 series or whatever is something the players can agree on. Since the point of this project is that people get to watch the battles it'd be nice to announce the time and place of the battle on here. We also have an irc channel (#ruinsofalph on synIRC) where players and spectators can conveniently meet. Posting a replay or a log of the battle should ensure even people who missed the battle can watch it. Also, both participants will be encouraged to share their thoughts about the battle and talk about things such as crucial turns in the battle, when the battle was won and lost, and anything else they feel might be important for us to know. The 2 participants in the battle that cycle will be ineligible to be voted for in the voting for the next cycle's battle.
From experience i can say that the battles will probably take some time to happen, so the provided time for the battle will be 5 days. Please try to get the battle done in that time, after 5 days i will start the next cycle.
Q: But Bedschibaer, 5 days + 5 days does not equal a week?!
A: I do realize that, that is why i will call it cycles. I called it Battle of the weeks because the name is convenient and everyone knows what it's about, battle of the cycle would sound dumb.

Misc Info:
There are a couple of key things to keep in mind. First, and foremost, please don't spamvote. As the main goal of this thread is to help newcomers better understand what goes through the minds of experienced players in battle, it would be detrimental to pit 2 people who don't have much OU experience against each other. The other is important as well to ensure we aren't forced to skip battles. If your name ends up on the 10-person ballot when the 2nd phase voting begins and you know you won't be available for the battle that week, please post in this thread to say so. We understand if things come up, but it will run smoother if we know on the front end so all the voters know what's going on and if someone won't be available for the battle that week. And as a final note, please don't vote for yourself during any voting phase. It's community driven, so other members of the community should want to see you battle, not just yourself!

Matchup History
ADV OU: BKC vs. Floppy
DPP OU: WhiteQueen vs. TV-Rocka
GSC OU: Conflict vs. Mr.E (get this done anytime you nerds)
RBY OU: Isa vs. marcoasd
DPP UU: JabbaTheGriffin vs. Oglemi
DPP Ubers: Iris vs. Iconic (game 1, game 2)
BW RU: Hot N Cold vs. Heist
DPP UU: smurf. vs. IronBullet93
GSC OU: Isa vs. idiotfrommars
BW OU: McMeghan vs. Jirachee (game 1, game 2)
All Gens OU: BKC vs. Floppy (game 1, game 2, game 3, game 4, game 5)
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