ORAS OU RMT - Charizard X Hyper Offense

Hello everyone!

I've been playing around for a while now trying to figure out hyper offense. This style of play has always interested me the most. I really wanted to figure out the roles I need on my team and fill them all with pokemon I really like. So obviously not all of these are perfect.


Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Flare Blitz / Fire Punch?
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake

Ever since XY came out Charizard X has not only been my new favorite poke, but hes been a vicious ou sweeping threat. So my goal has been to build a great team to support him. My goal with him is to be my late game sweeper. His coverage makes it where really only fairies give him trouble. Remove the fairies, Win the game. His bulk almost always allows him to set up, and with only +1 hes won whole games for me.

Not much I really think needs to be changed with him. I am up in the air between flare blitz and fire punch however. Im not sure if the risk of recoil damage is worth it to a late game sweeper


Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Ability: Rough Skin
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock

My next role I searched for was a lead. I knew whatever i picked it was going to be a suicide lead. I liked the idea of as much offense as possible so i took a stealth rock suicide lead. I went with Garchomp because he hits super hard, and has similar checks to charx. He seems to be a good lure to threats to my team, and if they dont bring out a check he usually at least takes 1 down with him.

I could go with a lead with screens or that helps me set up, but idk if I want to loose the offense he brings.


Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Iron Tail
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance

One of my next choices was for a fairy check. I chose Lucario because he was one of my favorite types that fit in this category. Hes also very useful as a revenge killer with his extreme speed. another very simple setup. Theres not much to say about him really. Hes far from perfect but I doubt he leaves the team since hes one of the 2 that i wanted to build this team around.


Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake/ Fire punch / thunder punch
- Dragon Dance

One of the suggestions Ive found while studying Hyper Offense was to stack pokemon with similar checks and counters. They say you do this so your second sweeper has a better chance of beating the threat, and hopefully eliminating any chance of the team beating it. Im not sure if this is still true but he seems to be very helpful in battle.

He almost always gets to set up, he hits like a truck, has priority with extreme speed, and has great coverage. I am currently using earthquake, but because i have so many earthquakes on my team ive been thinking of switching it to fire punch for hitting steel, and things that avoid EQ, or thunder punch for the bulky waters that also seem to give me trouble.


Excadrill @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin

Another kinda straight forward choice I think. I really needed a Spinner. he also checks the steel/fairy types that give my dragons trouble. Hes also a decent back up sweeper if necessary. Really not alot to say about him. Im not sure how I could change his set that would help, and not sure if there is another spinner that would be better. i could use a defoger, but would that be better? It seems more people block that now then spinning.


Bisharp @ Black Glasses
Ability: Defiant
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

And speaking of defogging, I wasn't sure what roles would be important left, so i decided to block people chance to get rid of my rocks. They really help clinch some ko's. Bisharp is great because he is yet another counter to the threats to my dragons. He also greatly helps with some teams because of knock off. We have trouble dealing with some defensive threats without it. more priority also doesn't seem to hurt.

Now I know this team is far from perfect, but its what I have so far. A lot of the choices on this were based off things i read on guides to hyper offense and whatnot. Therefor I'm not sure how this holds up and high levels on the boards. I'm willing to change most of it besides Charizard and Lucario.

Here are some of the thought processes that went into making the team.

~Stacking Physical Attackers, to overwhelm teams with few high Def pokemon.
~Stacking Pokemon with similar checks and counters, to break through teams that only carry a few checks to my team
~Patching one half of the teams weaknesses with the other. (Dragon and steel compliment eachother this way)
~Little to no switching pokemon

When I play this team I almost always send out Chomp first. Set up rocks and try to destroy at least 1 if not more pokemon. If they have a fairy type I try to set up with Lucario or Bisharp to hopefully get rid of them, opening my dragons to sweep. If not I bring in Dragonite to set up and soften the team up. I try to identify hazard setters and defoggers to make sure I don't waste Excadrill or Bisharp. I try to save Charizard for last.

There are a few things that still give me trouble. I seem to run into a lot of teams stacked with physical def Pokemon. Especially the bulky water or fairy types. Also I'm not sure if I should add in some mixed or special attackers, or different coverage moves.

Some changes I was thinking about.
~Haxorus instead of Dnite, better fairy coverage while keeping the same checks as charx
~Removing Excadrill for a defogger instead
~Removing Bisharp. IDK what for exactly.
~Other Fairy/steel/water conters

So what do you think? What can I do to better this team? Thank you all for taking the time.
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Hey Ketsu, this is an interesting team. A few things jump out to me about this team:
  1. Adamant SD Bisharp. This set has uses but it can hurt your ability to check things like Altaria before a Dragon Dance or beat Lando-T/Gliscor/Rotom-W after an SD boost if they run any speed.
  2. Nothing really likes switching into Keldeo. Specs in particular can put in work if SR is up. M-Gardevoir can also get a KO every time that it switches in.
  3. Not sure what the Excadrill EVs and set exactly accomplishes. It also misses coverage against things like Talonflame (for example, it really wants Rock Slide, SD + Spin leaves it hurting.)
  4. Also this team has a pretty tough matchup against bulky Chomp, as although a lot of things can KO it on your team it can be very frustrating to spin against it.
I recommend a few smaller changes to help address these concerns:
  1. Jolly > Adamant on Bisharp. This allows you to potentially outspeed a great deal more things (Lando T, tank chomp if you need to, and faster rotom-w, as well as potentially tying with breloom and outspeeding adamant mega scizor)
  2. Latias > DNite. This really helps with opposing Keldeo, and can help with Thundurus without Knock Off (altho it is becoming much more common). I'll include the set below. Right now Thundurus can potentially OHKO everything with SR up with the exception of CharX, which is a shaky check with rocks. also it can't afford to take twave. In addition, four physical 'mons is a tad redundant, plus Dnite isn't too effective with all the Fairies running around and dependence on Outrage. Healing Wish support can also be clutch in combination with Char or Luke. Dropping Dracos can be useful as well.
  3. CB Scizor > Excadrill. This gives you slightly better options against Mega Gardevoir, taking about 40-45% from a Hyper Voice. Hazard control can be covered by latias instead. Scizor provides a pivot that can be used to gain momentum, and Excadrill's sweeping capability and resistances are better covered by Scizor on this team. Additionally, although there's significant pressure on most opposing sweepers to keep them from setting up, Scizor's Bullet Punch can provide a means of picking off a weakened sweeper like Mega Altaria at +1/+1 or Belly Drum Azu.
That's about all that I've got. It's a solid team that you've got there, but a few pivots here and there would help its ability to maintain momentum significantly.

Bisharp @ Black Glasses
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance

Latias (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Defog / Healing Wish
- Psyshock
- Draco Meteor
- Roost

Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Pursuit
Good to see a "proper" HO team for once, not just regular offense labeled as HO. I'm going to disagree with the above user on his points, especially Latias and CB Scizor. Mainly because a spinner>Defogger on offense as Rocks on opposing side are crucial and the nature of this team discourages preservation of your lead for too long. And CB Scizor will be giving away momentum whenever it uses anything but U-Turn. That being said, I'm going to address some issues:

- Large number of offensive threats with the right combination of power, speed/prio and bulk such as Mega Lopunny, Mega Diance, Keldeo etc can run through this team. You can't send out anything to deal with threats safely.
- Mega Sab/Quag stall.
- The defensive synergy of your sweepers is kinda lacking which makes set up harder.

Changes I suggest are, LO Starmie over Excadrill (Hydro, Thund, Ice, Spin), DD Lum Gyarados with Taunt over DD Nite and SD Taunt Talonflame with Max Attack and Max HP over Lucario. First of all, Starmie over Excadrill provides you with a more reliable spinner due to added speed and acts as a fast attacker letting you revenge threats like Mega Diancie, Serperior and checks Keldeo. The combination of DD Zard-X, SD Taunt Talonflame, DD Taunt Gyarados and SD Bisharp has a much better type synergy for constant set up. These sweepers also have the right checks and counters to overload them. For example, with your current line up, a bulky ground walls Zard-X, Slowbro walls Lucario and Excadrill (Excadrill can't damage Slowbro enough due to regenerator) and a 3rd defensive mon which isn't even a physical wall such as Clefable easily handles Dnite. Quagsire completely shuts down your entire team except Exca and Lucario, which is why Quagsire stall easily wins vs this. With the new suggested changes ( I know 3 is a lot but their roles are basically same) you can comfortably take on and overload almost any combination of walls while checking previous exceptionally dangerous threats like Keldeo and Mega Lopunny. The 2 taunt users help a lot to break unaware mons, the biggest threat to HO and enables extra set up vs several mons on your common balance builds. [Gyara now sets up on Skarm, Talon sets up on Gliscor etc]. Hope this helps!
I really like some of the changes you all suggested. I like the jolly bisharp but I agree with heated line that the other two aren't for my team.

I like a lot of the suggestions you made for my team heated. My only wonder is can I make it work with lucario on my team? Maybe loose the bisharp instead? How important is the defog blocking? Does the coverage change that much?
Defog blocking isn't a necessity at all. However, Bisharp is just too good and too valuable as a set up sweeper alone which is why I would advise against replacing it. It's provides ability to wall break, threaten a sweep, revenge threats with an extremely powerful priority and crucial coverage all in 1 slot. Lucario can definitely work, but the catch is that the team match up issue gets worse. Since the Lucario can "take on" a very small pool of pokemon reliably to make them non threats. For example, Talonflame helps you beat big threats like Mega Lopunny, keldeo, Mega Venusaur, Zard X lets you take on Mega Manetric, Skarmory, Mega Scizor, Gyara provides a valuable water resist and can set up vs Keldeo and break stall. Compared to these mons, Lucario has a very little utility. If you still want to use it, I would suggest what threats you want to leave uncovered and base your team according to that.
Hello! I have to say, Charizard X is the best Mega in OU! (in my opinion) And I find it really cool how you have 3 Dragon Types and 3 Steel Types! But one thing I noticed is that your fastest Pokemon is Garchomp. A Scarfer might be necessary on your team, to outspeed threats like Tornadus, Weavile, and Alakazam. Excadrill seems like the most likely candidate, but locking it into Rapid Spin doesn't seem like a very good idea. Garchomp is your Stealth Rocker, so that's a no too. Maybe replace Lucario for Scarf Magnezone? You do have a weakness to Azumarill and Keldeo, and you can trap things like Skarmory and Ferrothorn. Also, I agree on the fact that Bisharp should be Jolly. You outspeed a lot more things as Jolly, and you don't miss out on many more kills than Adamant.

Hope you find this useful!