UU Ribombee


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Ribombee is an effective Sticky Web setter thanks to its blistering Speed, decent offensive potential, and ability to threaten common Defoggers like Salamence and Rotom-W in addition to other leads like Krookodile. It's also immune to secondary effects thanks to Shield Dust; this makes it impossible for Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi to antilead it, and its access to Skill Swap means that not even Hatterene can prevent it from getting its entry hazard up. As a result, Ribombee is a cornerstone on Sticky Web teams, setting itself apart from competition like Shuckle. It can struggle with certain hazard removers that resist Moonblast, though; examples include Rotom-H, Moltres, and Tentacruel. It can also give free turns to the likes of Substitute + Toxic Aegislash and Autotomize Celesteela, though they dislike being hit by Stun Spore.

name: Lead
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Skill Swap
move 4: Stun Spore
item: Focus Sash
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is a powerful STAB attack that hits common entry hazard control options like Salamence and Rotom-W quite hard. It also nails threats like Keldeo and Zarude quite hard. Skill Swap is primarily used to bypass Hatterene's Magic Bounce, but it can have bonus effects like removing Beast Boost from Nihilego or Sheer Force from Nidoking, opening up Ribombee's teammates a bit. Stun Spore prevents Ribombee from being dead weight against Steel-types like Aegislash, Jirachi, and Celesteela. It also cripples setup sweepers like Gyarados and Galarian Slowbro that try to take advantage of Ribombee while also paralyzing wallbreakers like Nihilego and Nidoking. Focus Sash is used to prevent Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Lycanroc-D from OHKOing Ribombee immediately.

Thundurus-T is an exemplary Pokemon that takes full advantage of Sticky Web support&mdashit's brutally powerful and very difficult to revenge kill outside of Lycanroc-D. Krookodile can provide an excellent Stealth Rock user to pair with Ribombee's Sticky Web, acting as a great check to the likes of Lycanroc-D and Nihilego when their Speed has been dropped. Necrozma is also a good option for a Stealth Rock setter that can pressure common Defoggers with its strong Meteor Beam and Photon Geyser, OHKOing the likes of Moltres and Tentacruel. Keldeo becomes even scarier than usual when backed up by Sticky Web support, and its good defensive typing and generally solid bulk allow it to act as a soft check to Pokemon that typically annoy these teams like Entei and Mamoswine. Teammates that can handle rain teams, such as Gyarados and the aforementioned Keldeo, are also very important due to the playstyle's naturally solid matchup against other forms of hyper offense. Other generally good Pokemon that take advantage of Sticky Web include Buzzwole, Entei, and Nidoking, all of which can put huge pressure on the Steel-types that try to take advantage of Ribombee.

Other Options

A Heavy-Duty Boots pivot set using Moonblast, Bug Buzz, Psychic, and U-turn can act as a passable threat that keeps Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo in check, but it's too weak and frail to be worth it most of the time. Quiver Dance is an option, but Ribombee's inability to touch common Steel-types like Aegislash and Celesteela makes it a hugely unreliable sweeper. A set with Sticky Web, Moonblast, Imprison, and Defog can allow Ribombee to keep its Sticky Web up against Pokemon like Rotom-H and Moltres, but it's hugely gimmicky and is complete fodder for Hatterene.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Aegislash, Celesteela, and Jirachi wall Ribombee permanently and can KO it with their STAB attacks or use it as setup fodder, though they all hate Stun Spore, particularly Choice Scarf variants of Jirachi.

**Poison-types**: Nidoking, Amoonguss, and Tentacruel all take little damage from Moonblast and can slam Ribombee hard with their STAB moves. Tentacruel can also use Rapid Spin in Ribombee's face before KOing it with Sludge Bomb, making it impossible for Ribombee to get its entry hazard up.

**Fire-types**: Rotom-H, Moltres, and Entei take very little damage and can threaten Ribombee easily in return. The former two can clear its Sticky Web with Defog, while Entei poses a general threat to Sticky Web teams thanks to its powerful Extreme Speed.

- Written by: [[Lilburr, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Twilight, 344575], [Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Lumari, 232216]
Last edited:
- Ribombee is an effective Sticky Web setter thanks to its blistering Speed, decent offensive potential, and its ability to threaten common Defoggers like Salamence and Rotom-W. also add how it can beat common enemy leads like krookodile
- It's also immune to secondary effects thanks to Shield Dust; this makes it impossible for Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi to anti-lead it, and its access to Skill Swap means that not even Hatterene can prevent it from getting its hazard up.
- As a result, Ribombee is a cornerstone on Sticky Web teams, setting itself apart from competition like Shuckle and Slurpuff. (slurpuff is no longer ranked)
- It can struggle with certain hazard removers that resist Moonblast, though; examples include Rotom-H, Moltres, and Tentacruel.
- It can also give free turns to the likes of Substitute + Toxic Aegislash and Autotomize Celesteela, though they dislike being hit by Stun Spore.

name: Lead
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Skill Swap
move 4: Stun Spore
item: Focus Sash
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
- Moonblast is a powerful STAB attack that hits common hazard control options like Salamence and Rotom-W quite hard. add how it also can nail common threats like zarude, thundurus, and keldeo for great damage
- Skill Swap is primarily used to bypass Hatterene's Magic Bounce, but it can have bonus effects like removing Beast Boost from Nihilego or Sheer Force from Nidoking, opening up Ribombee's teammates a bit.
- Stun Spore prevents Ribombee from being dead weight against Steel-types like Aegislash, Jirachi, and Celesteela. add how it cripples setup sweepers like gyarados and galarian slowbro who can set up on ribombee with little fear
-talk about focus sash and how it lets jirachi live a hit from Choice Scarf Jirachi and Lycanroc-D's Accelrock to get up webs no matter what

Paragraph 2
- Thundurus-T is an exemplary Pokemon that takes full advantage of Sticky Web support - it's brutally powerful and very difficult to revenge kill outside of Lycanroc-D. could make this point both thundurus-t and azelf since that mf is a menace at +2 :), up to you whether you want to keep it just thundy or add azelf as well
- Krookodile can provide an excellent Stealth Rock user to pair with Ribombee's Sticky Web, acting as a great check to the likes of Lycanroc-D and Nihilego when their Speed has been dropped. add necrozma here about being able to pressure defoggers with meteor beam as well as stack hazards and act as a sweeper on webs
- Keldeo becomes even scarier than usual when backed up by Sticky Web support, and its good defensive typing and generally solid bulk allow it to act as a soft check to Pokemon that typically annoy these teams like Entei and Mamoswine.
- Teammates that can handle rain teams, such as Gyarados and the aforementioned Keldeo, are also very important due to the playstyle's naturally solid matchup against other forms of hyper offense.
- Other generally good Pokemon that take advantage of Sticky Web include Buzzwole, Necrozma, (LO buzz is amazing on webs and pretty much destroys the steel-types. Necro does it as well but buzzwole is a way better example here) Entei, and Nidoking, all of which can put huge pressure on the Steel-types that try to take advantage of Ribombee.

Other Options

A Heavy-Duty Boots pivot set can act as a passable threat that keeps Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo in check, but it's too weak and frail to be worth it most of the time. Quiver Dance is an option, but Ribombee's inability to touch common Steel-types like Aegislash and Celesteela makes it a hugely unreliable sweeper. A set with Sticky Web, Moonblast, Imprison, and Defog can allow Ribombee to keep its Sticky Web up against Pokemon like Rotom-H and Moltres, but it's hugely gimmicky and is complete fodder for Hatterene. (yeah being fodder for hatterene is a no no, I'd just cut it. Plus, assuming the rotom doesn't click toxic it can stall out defog PP with webs PP on the main set anyway)

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Aegislash, Celesteela, and Jirachi wall Ribombee permanently and can KO it with their STAB attacks or use it as setup fodder, though they all hate Stun Spore, particularly Choice Scarf variants of Jirachi.

**Poison-types**: Nidoking, Amoonguss, and Tentacruel all take little damage from Moonblast and can slam Ribombee hard with their Poison-type STAB. Sludge Bomb (king doesnt run sludge bomb so changed to poison-type STAB). Tentacruel can also use Rapid Spin in Ribombee's face before KOing it with Sludge Bomb, making it impossible for Ribombee to get its hazard up.

**Fire-types**: Rotom-H, Moltres, and Entei take very little damage and can threaten Ribombee easily return. The former two can clear its Sticky Web with Defog, while Entei poses a general threat to Sticky Web teams thanks to its powerful Extreme Speed.

- Written by: [[Lilburr, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
good job QC 1/3
add remove comment


- Ribombee is an effective Sticky Web setter thanks to its blistering Speed, decent offensive potential, and its ability to threaten common Defoggers like Salamence and Rotom-W in addition to other leads like Krookodile.
- It's also immune to secondary effects thanks to Shield Dust; this makes it impossible for Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi to anti-lead it, and its access to Skill Swap means that not even Hatterene can prevent it from getting its hazard up.
- As a result, Ribombee is a cornerstone on Sticky Web teams, setting itself apart from competition like Shuckle.
- It can struggle with certain hazard removers that resist Moonblast, though; examples include Rotom-H, Moltres, and Tentacruel.
- It can also give free turns to the likes of Substitute + Toxic Aegislash and Autotomize Celesteela, though they dislike being hit by Stun Spore.

name: Lead
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Skill Swap
move 4: Stun Spore
item: Focus Sash
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Paragraph 1
- Moonblast is a powerful STAB attack that hits common hazard control options like Salamence and Rotom-W quite hard. It also nails threats like Keldeo and Zarude quite hard.
- Skill Swap is primarily used to bypass Hatterene's Magic Bounce, but it can have bonus effects like removing Beast Boost from Nihilego or Sheer Force from Nidoking, opening up Ribombee's teammates a bit.
- Stun Spore prevents Ribombee from being dead weight against Steel-types like Aegislash, Jirachi, and Celesteela. It also cripples setup sweepers like Gyarados and Galarian Slowbro who try to take advantage of Ribombee.
- Focus Sash is used to prevent Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Lycanroc-D from OHKOing Ribombee immediately.

Paragraph 2
- Thundurus-T is an exemplary Pokemon that takes full advantage of Sticky Web support - it's brutally powerful and very difficult to revenge kill outside of Lycanroc-D.
- Krookodile can provide an excellent Stealth Rock user to pair with Ribombee's Sticky Web, acting as a great check to the likes of Lycanroc-D and Nihilego when their Speed has been dropped. Necrozma is also a good option for a Stealth Rock setter that can pressure common Defoggers with its strong Meteor Beam. Probably worth noting Necro can OHKO the hazard removal ribombee can't like Moltres and Tentacruel
- Keldeo becomes even scarier than usual when backed up by Sticky Web support, and its good defensive typing and generally solid bulk allow it to act as a soft check to Pokemon that typically annoy these teams like Entei and Mamoswine.
- Teammates that can handle rain teams, such as Gyarados and the aforementioned Keldeo, are also very important due to the playstyle's naturally solid matchup against other forms of hyper offense.
- Other generally good Pokemon that take advantage of Sticky Web include Buzzwole, Entei, and Nidoking, all of which can put huge pressure on the Steel-types that try to take advantage of Ribombee.

Other Options

A Heavy-Duty Boots pivot set can act as a passable threat that keeps Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo in check, but it's too weak and frail to be worth it most of the time. Is this set running U-turn, if so specify that Quiver Dance is an option, but Ribombee's inability to touch common Steel-types like Aegislash and Celesteela makes it a hugely unreliable sweeper. A set with Sticky Web, Moonblast, Imprison, and Defog can allow Ribombee to keep its Sticky Web up against Pokemon like Rotom-H and Moltres, but it's hugely gimmicky and is complete fodder for Hatterene.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Aegislash, Celesteela, and Jirachi wall Ribombee permanently and can KO it with their STAB attacks or use it as setup fodder, though they all hate Stun Spore, particularly Choice Scarf variants of Jirachi.

**Poison-types**: Nidoking, Amoonguss, and Tentacruel all take little damage from Moonblast and can slam Ribombee hard with their STAB moves. Tentacruel can also use Rapid Spin in Ribombee's face before KOing it with Sludge Bomb, making it impossible for Ribombee to get its hazard up.

**Fire-types**: Rotom-H, Moltres, and Entei take very little damage and can threaten Ribombee easily return. The former two can clear its Sticky Web with Defog, while Entei poses a general threat to Sticky Web teams thanks to its powerful Extreme Speed.

- Written by: [[Lilburr, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
2/3 write this up
Maybe throw in a mention on Stun Spore's ability to cripple foes like Nidoking and Nihilego. Excellent analysis, 3/3.
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/1

Ribombee is an effective Sticky Web setter thanks to its blistering Speed, decent offensive potential, and its ability to threaten common Defoggers like Salamence and Rotom-W in addition to other leads like Krookodile. It's also immune to secondary effects thanks to Shield Dust; this makes it impossible for Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi to anti-lead antilead it, and its access to Skill Swap means that not even Hatterene can prevent it from getting its entry hazard up. As a result, Ribombee is a cornerstone on Sticky Web teams, setting itself apart from competition like Shuckle. It can struggle with certain hazard removers that resist Moonblast, though; examples include Rotom-H, Moltres, and Tentacruel. It can also give free turns to the likes of Substitute + Toxic Aegislash and Autotomize Celesteela, though they dislike being hit by Stun Spore.

name: Lead
move 1: Sticky Web
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Skill Swap
move 4: Stun Spore
item: Focus Sash
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is a powerful STAB attack that hits common entry hazard control options like Salamence and Rotom-W quite hard. It also nails threats like Keldeo and Zarude quite hard. Skill Swap is primarily used to bypass Hatterene's Magic Bounce, but it can have bonus effects like removing Beast Boost from Nihilego or Sheer Force from Nidoking, opening up Ribombee's teammates a bit. Stun Spore prevents Ribombee from being dead weight against Steel-types like Aegislash, Jirachi, and Celesteela. It also cripples setup sweepers like Gyarados and Galarian Slowbro who that try to take advantage of Ribombee (RC) while also paralyzing wallbreakers like Nihilego and Nidoking. Focus Sash is used to prevent Pokemon like Choice Scarf Jirachi and Lycanroc-D from OHKOing Ribombee immediately.

Thundurus-T is an (?) exemplary Pokemon that takes full advantage of Sticky Web support—it's brutally powerful and very difficult to revenge kill outside of Lycanroc-D. Krookodile can provide an excellent Stealth Rock user to pair with Ribombee's Sticky Web, acting as a great check to the likes of Lycanroc-D and Nihilego when their Speed has been dropped. Necrozma is also a good option for a Stealth Rock setter that can pressure common Defoggers with its strong Meteor Beam and Photon Geyser, OHKOing the likes of Moltres and Tentacruel. Keldeo becomes even scarier than usual when backed up by Sticky Web support, and its good defensive typing and generally solid bulk allow it to act as a soft check to Pokemon that typically annoy these teams like Entei and Mamoswine. Teammates that can handle rain teams, such as Gyarados and the aforementioned Keldeo, are also very important due to the playstyle's naturally solid matchup against other forms of hyper offense. Other generally good Pokemon that take advantage of Sticky Web include Buzzwole, Entei, and Nidoking, all of which can put huge pressure on the Steel-types that try to take advantage of Ribombee.

Other Options

A Heavy-Duty Boots pivot set using Moonblast, Bug Buzz, Psychic, and U-turn can act as a passable threat that keeps Pokemon like Zygarde-10% and Keldeo in check, but it's too weak and frail to be worth it most of the time. Quiver Dance is an option, but Ribombee's inability to touch common Steel-types like Aegislash and Celesteela makes it a hugely unreliable sweeper. A set with Sticky Web, Moonblast, Imprison, and Defog can allow Ribombee to keep its Sticky Web up against Pokemon like Rotom-H and Moltres, but it's hugely gimmicky and is complete fodder for Hatterene.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Aegislash, Celesteela, and Jirachi wall Ribombee permanently and can KO it with their STAB attacks or use it as setup fodder, though they all hate Stun Spore, particularly Choice Scarf variants of Jirachi.

**Poison-types**: Nidoking, Amoonguss, and Tentacruel all take little damage from Moonblast and can slam Ribombee hard with their STAB moves. Tentacruel can also use Rapid Spin in Ribombee's face before KOing it with Sludge Bomb, making it impossible for Ribombee to get its entry hazard up.

**Fire-types**: Rotom-H, Moltres, and Entei take very little damage and can threaten Ribombee easily in return. The former two can clear its Sticky Web with Defog, while Entei poses a general threat to Sticky Web teams thanks to its powerful Extreme Speed.

- Written by: [[Lilburr, 481709]]
- Quality checked by: [[Monky25, 515132], [Twilight, 344575], [Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]