UU Reuniclus [QC 3/3 GP 2/2]


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Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10% and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, makes it extremely difficult to switch into, and its coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and often relies on prediction. It is also prone to getting overwhelmed by offensive teams, which give it very few chances to use Recover. Psychic is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist common attacks and is weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means Reuniclus is often forced into using Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. Furthermroe, Focus Blast and Thunder's poor accuracies make using an attack that isn't Psychic a gamble. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former has more expansive coverage and a better defensive typing, while the latter is faster, generating momentum with U-turn and progress with Knock Off. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and can ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic nails threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant or immune to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Slowking, and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Excadrill, Hydreigon, and Zarude. Recover increases its longevity to give it more wallbreaking opportunities; Reuniclus can have several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of its drawbacks due to Magic Guard. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence while hitting as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage that threatens a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Spikes Skarmory, and Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon, in particular, can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz can also check Dark- and Ghost-types, including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late-game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good alongside Reuniclus due to how much pressure it puts on the opposing team, allowing its teammates to clean up after.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment make Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning traditional checks like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb sets can take switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission, but this set still struggles into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost its defenses and potentially snowball enemy teams, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself apart from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that turns its horrible Speed stat into an advantage. However, it usually isn't favored, as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack up chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage from the latter two.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine, and Keldeo can force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover against offensive teams as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB move and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [dex, 277988]]
Last edited:
Amateur check, please defer to QC, this is a really really really excellent piece of writing as indicated by my minimal notes (I'm not just being lazy I swear!)

add in red
delete in green
comments in purple

View attachment 432196
  • Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that can either serve as a win condition for bulkier teams or a slow, bulky wallbreaker with good longevity.
  • It has access to solid coverage in Focus Blast to beat Zarude, Hydreigon, and Excadrill, and Thunder to beat bulky Water- and Flying-types including Slowking, Primarina, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela.
  • Reuniclus' bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage.
  • It's ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon which provide giving it more opportunities to trade with opposing Pokemon and more chances to set up with Calm Mind. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. I don't think Magic Guard helps trade that much, and in any case, the more important point is ignoring toxic so I put down two common examples
  • Reuniclus can also take advantage of the combination of Trick + Sticky Barb to wear down opposing Dark- and Steel-types like Zarude and Scizor to set up with Calm Mind for an end game sweep. The added chip damage from Sticky Barb can also open up other teammates, such as Swords Dance Scizor, Zygarde-10%, and Nihilego.
  • Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Flying-type freely pivoting in.
  • Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. you could also mention you're weak to common attacks like uturn and knock if you want
name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Paragraph 1
  • Psychic is Reuniclus' main attacking move, due to its solidly high Base Power, letting it hit as hard as possible. Psyshock is another option that allows Reuniclus to threaten Assault Vest Tangrowth and Chansey.
  • Thunder as coverage allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Psychic-type resists such as Celesteela and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Slowking and Primarina.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, Excadrill, and Scizor.
  • Recover lets it increase its longevity and restore lost HP to give it more breaking opporunities.
  • Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard.
  • Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity.
  • The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost.

Paragraph 2
  • Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss and Cobalion.
  • Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can pivot in on Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz that would otherwise give Reuniclus a hard time, as well as threaten Chansey, which takes negligible damage from Focus Blast. It can also absorb Knock Off, which Reuniclus hates.
  • Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence.
  • Entry hazards are heavily appreciated as Reuniclus is usually never strong enough to KO most Pokemon in one hit. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good hazard setters for Reuniclus.
  • Pivots, such as Rotom-W and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely, due to Reuniclus' mediocre defensive typing and only slightly above average bulk. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Shadow Ball from Chandelure. i don't think it's right to call reun's bulk mediocre
  • Various late game cleaners, such as Choice Specs Hydreigon and and Nihilego, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up. personally i think scarf hydreigon is better here but idk
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Focus Blast / Trick
move 4: Recover
item: Colbur Berry / Leftovers / Sticky Barb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe


Paragraph 1
  • Calm Mind allows Reuniclus to serve as a bulky wincon on a variety of teams, with its great bulk allowing it to live most hits and Magic Guard to ignore passive damage, making it extremely hard to KO after a few boosts. This set also is a fearsome stall breaker because it ignores Toxic and sets up on most defensive Pokemon like Chansey and Hippowdon.
  • Psyshock instead of Psychic trades power for the ability to beat other Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Galarian Slowbro.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit Dark- and Steel-types including Zarude, Excadrill, and Cobalion. Colbur Berry lets Reuniclus stay in on Dark-types, take a hit, and hit back for massive damage.
  • Leftovers gives it a form of passive recovery and further improves its longevity and staying power over the course of a long game.
  • Trick is an option over Focus Blast which, combined with Sticky Barb, allows Reuniclus to cripple Dark- and Steel-types and make it easier for its teammates to wallbreak, and also opens up Reuniclus for a late game sweep.
  • 8 Speed EVs allow Reuniclus to outspeed base 30's including Amoonguss, Galarian Slowbro, Hatterene, and Slowking. pretty sure we have a policy against speed creep,not to mention, hatt is base 29
Paragraph 2
  • Calm Mind Reuniclus fits on balance teams that value its great longevity and ability to threaten a bevy of good Pokemon with its Psychic- + Fighting-type coverage.
  • Pokemon that can take care of Slowking, including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Tangrowth, are all good partners, as Slowking is a massive roadblock for Reuniclus. Although Slowking is setup fodder, it can safely pivot into a reliable Slowking check like Choice Band Scizor. Personally I'd just delete the bullet, Slowking isn't really a problem for reun, it's fodder. I guess it can pivot into something but because Colbur, the pivoting gives reun 2 free boosts which usually fucks up all it's checks, so I have to make references to CB Scizor which isn't even common
  • When using Trick + Sticky Barb, Pokemon that appreciate Mandibuzz, Slowking, and Scizor being worn down are great to use alongside Reuniclus. Zygarde-10%, Zarude, and Keldeo all value the aforementioned walls being worn down, allowing them to break through them with ease.
  • Pokemon that can punish Zarude trying to revenge kill are also greatly appreciated as teammates, those Pokemon being Skarmory, Cobalion, and Hydreigon, the former two being able to setup entry hazards that further support Reuniclus as well.

Other Options
  • Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity. kekkity
  • Assault Vest + Regenerator lets Reuniclus tank things it would otherwise crumble to, including Hydro Pumps from Keldeo, Hurricanes from Moltres and Salamence, and Earth Power Sludge Wave from Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Its Future Sight is also stronger than Galarian Slowbro's, another common user of Assault Vest. Reuniclus also has access to Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Zaarude and Mandibuzz, who would like to switch in on Future Sight. While this set does have some desireable traits, Galarian Slowbro has a valuable secondary STAB in the Poison-type, allowing it to threaten and wall more of the meta, including Tangrowth, Primarina, and Hatterene.

Checks and Counters

**Fast and Strong Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Due to Reuniclus' awful speed tier, fast Due to Reuniclus' Psychic typing, Dark-types including Hydreigon and Zarude are all extremely threatening for it to go up against. Knock Off is also particularly dangerous for it, as Reuniclus hates losing its item. They do take massive damage from Focus Blast though and struggle vs Colbur Berry. Psychic typing is what causes the dark weakness, not the low speed.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Pokemon with high attacking power, including Scizor, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip prior to setting up with Calm Mind.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and stave it off with ease. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder on Life Orb sets and Chansey is fodder for Calm Mind sets however.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
  • Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful can either serve as a win condition for bulkier teams or a slow, bulky wallbreaker with good longevity.
  • It has access to solid coverage in Focus Blast to beat Zarude, Hydreigon, and Excadrill, and Thunder to beat bulky Water- and Flying-types including Slowking, Primarina, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. I feel you can just reword to "Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela."
  • Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage.
  • It's ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon. which provide more chances to set up with Calm Mind. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into.
  • Reuniclus can also take advantage of the combination of Trick + Sticky Barb to wear down opposing Dark- and Steel-types like Zarude and Scizor to set up with Calm Mind for an end game sweep. The added chip damage from Sticky Barb can also open up other teammates, such as Swords Dance Scizor, Zygarde-10%, and Nihilego.
  • Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type Flying-type freely pivoting in. also emphasize how it gets especially overwhelmed against more offensive teams that give it little chances to recover
  • Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, including the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence.
name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock see below comments
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Paragraph 1
  • Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. due to its solid Base Power, letting it hit as hard as possible. Psyshock is another option that allows Reuniclus to threaten Chansey and Assault Vest Tangrowth. phys def av tang actually gets hit harder by psychic, you don't really hit anything else with psyshock
  • Thunder as coverage allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Psychic-type resists such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, Excadrill, and Scizor.
  • Recover lets it increase its longevity and restore lost HP to give it more breaking opportunities.
  • Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard.
  • Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards and sand and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity.
  • The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost, as well as avoiding a 2HKO from Tangrowth's Knock Off and Nihilego's Sludge Bomb. you technically always avoid the 2HKO considering knock will do less after the item is gone, the nihi mention is fine but cut the tang part
Paragraph 2
  • Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory Cobalion.
  • Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can pivot in on Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz that would otherwise give Reuniclus a hard time, as well as threaten Chansey, which takes negligible damage from Focus Blast. It can also absorb Knock Off, which Reuniclus hates, and counter Scizor.
  • Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence.
  • Entry hazards are heavily appreciated as Reuniclus is usually never strong enough to KO most Pokemon in one hit. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good hazard setters for Reuniclus. say what Pokemon hazards wear down for it. also talk about other benefits, like Hippowdon softening up Tangrowth with Toxic and Skarmory being an excellent Scizor counter. move this point after the cobalion point as well for better flow.
  • Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely, due to its mediocre defensive typing and only slightly above average bulk. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure.
  • Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon and and Nihilego, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing them other breakers to clean up.
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Focus Blast / Trick
move 4: Recover
item: Colbur Berry / Leftovers / Sticky Barb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe


Paragraph 1

  • Calm Mind allows Reuniclus to serve as a bulky sweeper on a variety of teams, with its great bulk allowing it to live most hits and Magic Guard to ignore passive damage, making it extremely hard to KO after a few boosts. This set is also a fearsome stallbreaker because it ignores Toxic and sets up on most defensive Pokemon like Chansey and Hippowdon.
  • Psyshock instead of Psychic trades power for the ability to beat other Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Galarian Slowbro.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit Dark- and Steel-types including Zarude, Excadrill, and Cobalion.
  • Colbur Berry lets Reuniclus stay in on Dark-types like Zarude, take a hit, and hit back for massive damage.
  • Leftovers gives it a form of passive recovery and further improves its longevity and staying power over the course of a long game.
  • Trick is an option over Focus Blast which, combined with Sticky Barb, allows Reuniclus to cripple Dark- and Steel-types and make it easier for its teammates to wallbreak, and also opens up Reuniclus for a late game sweep.
Paragraph 2
  • Calm Mind Reuniclus fits on balance teams that value its great longevity and ability to threaten a bevy of good Pokemon with its Psychic- + Fighting-type coverage.
  • When using Trick + Sticky Barb, Pokemon that appreciate Mandibuzz, Slowking, and Scizor being worn down are great to use alongside Reuniclus. Zygarde-10%, Zarude, and Keldeo all value the aforementioned walls being worn down, allowing them to break through them with ease.
  • Pokemon that can punish Zarude trying to revenge kill are also greatly appreciated as teammates, those Pokemon being Skarmory, Cobalion, and Hydreigon, the former two being able to setup entry hazards that further support Reuniclus as well.
yeah CM is pretty mid and outclassed by glowbro so we're nuking this, sorry for the inconvenience. move CM to OO and talk about both regular CM and CM + Trick + Sticky Barb there

Other Options
  • Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.
  • Assault Vest + Regenerator lets Reuniclus tank things it would otherwise crumble to, including Hydro Pump from Keldeo, Hurricane from Moltres and Salamence, and Sludge Wave from Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Its Future Sight is also stronger than Galarian Slowbro's, another common user of Assault Vest. Reuniclus also has access to Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Zarude and Mandibuzz, who would like to switch in on Future Sight. While this set does have some desirable traits, Galarian Slowbro has a valuable secondary STAB in the Poison-type, allowing it to threaten and wall more of the meta, including Tangrowth, Primarina, and Hatterene. This set also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey who have access to Teleport to retain momentum as well as the ability to heal themselves without needing to switch out.
Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast and Reuniclus can survive an attack if it has a Colbur Berry. bring up mandibuzz who can pivot into most of its attacks and chip it with U-turn and bring in a wallbreaker, though mention it hates Thunder. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Scizor, Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip prior to setting up with Calm Mind and forced into Recover. scizor is a sweeper / utility mon rather than wallbreaker so moved it with the Knock off mons. also reword this to reflect how CM isn't a set anymore.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and stave it off with ease. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder on Life Orb sets and Chansey is setup fodder for Calm Mind sets. Still, they can take a hit and use Teleport to bring in a dangerous wallbreaker to force Reuniclus out.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
QC 2/3 add remove comment, make sure to write this up
A bit of a spoiler but we're nuking CM as it doesn't get much use and Galarian Slowbro is just better. Please adjust accordingly.
  • Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful can either serve as a win condition for bulkier teams or a slow, bulky wallbreaker with good longevity.
  • It has access to solid coverage in Focus Blast to beat Zarude, Hydreigon, and Excadrill, and Thunder to beat bulky Water- and Flying-types including Slowking, Primarina, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. I feel you can just reword to "Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela."
  • Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage.
  • It's ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon. which provide more chances to set up with Calm Mind. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into.
  • Reuniclus can also take advantage of the combination of Trick + Sticky Barb to wear down opposing Dark- and Steel-types like Zarude and Scizor to set up with Calm Mind for an end game sweep. The added chip damage from Sticky Barb can also open up other teammates, such as Swords Dance Scizor, Zygarde-10%, and Nihilego.
  • Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type Flying-type freely pivoting in. also emphasize how it gets especially overwhelmed against more offensive teams that give it little chances to recover
  • Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, including the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence.
name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock see below comments
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Paragraph 1
  • Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. due to its solid Base Power, letting it hit as hard as possible. Psyshock is another option that allows Reuniclus to threaten Chansey and Assault Vest Tangrowth. phys def av tang actually gets hit harder by psychic, you don't really hit anything else with psyshock
  • Thunder as coverage allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Psychic-type resists such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, Excadrill, and Scizor.
  • Recover lets it increase its longevity and restore lost HP to give it more breaking opportunities.
  • Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard.
  • Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards and sand and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity.
  • The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost, as well as avoiding a 2HKO from Tangrowth's Knock Off and Nihilego's Sludge Bomb. you technically always avoid the 2HKO considering knock will do less after the item is gone, the nihi mention is fine but cut the tang part
Paragraph 2
  • Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory Cobalion.
  • Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can pivot in on Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz that would otherwise give Reuniclus a hard time, as well as threaten Chansey, which takes negligible damage from Focus Blast. It can also absorb Knock Off, which Reuniclus hates, and counter Scizor.
  • Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence.
  • Entry hazards are heavily appreciated as Reuniclus is usually never strong enough to KO most Pokemon in one hit. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good hazard setters for Reuniclus. say what Pokemon hazards wear down for it. also talk about other benefits, like Hippowdon softening up Tangrowth with Toxic and Skarmory being an excellent Scizor counter. move this point after the cobalion point as well for better flow.
  • Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely, due to its mediocre defensive typing and only slightly above average bulk. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure.
  • Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon and and Nihilego, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing them other breakers to clean up.
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Psyshock
move 3: Focus Blast / Trick
move 4: Recover
item: Colbur Berry / Leftovers / Sticky Barb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe


Paragraph 1

  • Calm Mind allows Reuniclus to serve as a bulky sweeper on a variety of teams, with its great bulk allowing it to live most hits and Magic Guard to ignore passive damage, making it extremely hard to KO after a few boosts. This set is also a fearsome stallbreaker because it ignores Toxic and sets up on most defensive Pokemon like Chansey and Hippowdon.
  • Psyshock instead of Psychic trades power for the ability to beat other Calm Mind users like Hatterene and Galarian Slowbro.
  • Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit Dark- and Steel-types including Zarude, Excadrill, and Cobalion.
  • Colbur Berry lets Reuniclus stay in on Dark-types like Zarude, take a hit, and hit back for massive damage.
  • Leftovers gives it a form of passive recovery and further improves its longevity and staying power over the course of a long game.
  • Trick is an option over Focus Blast which, combined with Sticky Barb, allows Reuniclus to cripple Dark- and Steel-types and make it easier for its teammates to wallbreak, and also opens up Reuniclus for a late game sweep.
Paragraph 2
  • Calm Mind Reuniclus fits on balance teams that value its great longevity and ability to threaten a bevy of good Pokemon with its Psychic- + Fighting-type coverage.
  • When using Trick + Sticky Barb, Pokemon that appreciate Mandibuzz, Slowking, and Scizor being worn down are great to use alongside Reuniclus. Zygarde-10%, Zarude, and Keldeo all value the aforementioned walls being worn down, allowing them to break through them with ease.
  • Pokemon that can punish Zarude trying to revenge kill are also greatly appreciated as teammates, those Pokemon being Skarmory, Cobalion, and Hydreigon, the former two being able to setup entry hazards that further support Reuniclus as well.
yeah CM is pretty mid and outclassed by glowbro so we're nuking this, sorry for the inconvenience. move CM to OO and talk about both regular CM and CM + Trick + Sticky Barb there

Other Options
  • Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.
  • Assault Vest + Regenerator lets Reuniclus tank things it would otherwise crumble to, including Hydro Pump from Keldeo, Hurricane from Moltres and Salamence, and Sludge Wave from Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Its Future Sight is also stronger than Galarian Slowbro's, another common user of Assault Vest. Reuniclus also has access to Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Zarude and Mandibuzz, who would like to switch in on Future Sight. While this set does have some desirable traits, Galarian Slowbro has a valuable secondary STAB in the Poison-type, allowing it to threaten and wall more of the meta, including Tangrowth, Primarina, and Hatterene. This set also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey who have access to Teleport to retain momentum as well as the ability to heal themselves without needing to switch out.
Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast and Reuniclus can survive an attack if it has a Colbur Berry. bring up mandibuzz who can pivot into most of its attacks and chip it with U-turn and bring in a wallbreaker, though mention it hates Thunder. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Scizor, Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip prior to setting up with Calm Mind and forced into Recover. scizor is a sweeper / utility mon rather than wallbreaker so moved it with the Knock off mons. also reword this to reflect how CM isn't a set anymore.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and stave it off with ease. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder on Life Orb sets and Chansey is setup fodder for Calm Mind sets. Still, they can take a hit and use Teleport to bring in a dangerous wallbreaker to force Reuniclus out.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
QC 2/3 add remove comment, make sure to write this up
A bit of a spoiler but we're nuking CM as it doesn't get much use and Galarian Slowbro is just better. Please adjust accordingly.
implemented! :blobthumbsup:
Notes regarding this
- Don't use comments like "which X hates" or "which gives it a hard time". It just goes without saying considering you're talking about checks and answers so it ends up feeling like fluff more than an emphasis on your point and cuts into the flow.
- Also I noticed you mentioned Thunder 2HKOing Celesteela in the teammates section, that sort of information is better in the first paragraph of the set comments not the second though I understand why you did it like that

I'll take a peek again and check it again to be safe since I did put down quite a bit
View attachment 432196

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to Recover. Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, including being weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence.

- Could add that the accuracy on its coverage moves aren't very great, which leads it to being inconsistent.

- Mention its competition, Galarian Slowbro is also a resilient bulky psychic type but has more options for overwhelming its checks and counters with status and better coverage like flamethrower for Scizor. Azelf also because it's faster and generates more momentum with U-turn and can fit Knock Off on its set unlike Reuniclus. End it by mention Reuniclus's advantage, that it has more immediate strength than Azelf and Galarian Slowbro with Life Orb while being unaffected by sand and hazards

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to hit OHKOes common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, Excadrill, and Scizor. not really the biggest fan of this mention, the accuracy can bite you harder in comparison to the others cause you don't immediately murk them and Scizor has roost as it forces you out usually Recover lets it increase its longevity to give it more breaking opportunities. id like a mention about how many opportunities it can get, like being super easy to get in front of mons like skarmory and slowking Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards and sand and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoid a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz that would otherwise give Reuniclus a hard time, as well as threaten Chansey, which takes negligible damage from Focus Blast. It can also absorb Knock Off, which Reuniclus hates, and counter Scizor. Entry hazards are heavily appreciated as Reuniclus is usually never strong enough to KO most Pokemon in one hit; Celesteela, for example, is never OHKOed by Thunder, but it is KOed after Stealth Rock damage.
252+ SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Celesteela: 237-281 (59.5 - 70.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Celesteela: 237-281 (59.5 - 70.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Thunder vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Celesteela: 330-390 (98.5 - 116.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

For Future reference please double check calcs to make sure you don't mess anything up

Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon and Chansey. this is how we expect stealth rock mentions to be like if you cannot find notable KOes, wearing down checks so its easier to outlast them is another route you can take Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely, due to its mediocre defensive typing and only slightly above average bulk. not really the type of reasoning I wanna see when regarding a wallbreaker, I would prefer if you mentioned that they give Reuniclus an easy entry on a Pokemon like Amoonguss, Hippowdon or Nihilego, you already mention something about mandi checking certain mons for Reuniclus so I would also like to see something for rotom-w and zarude if you can, just try to not make it overloaded. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up. you have to be more specific here, mention specific Pokemon that Reuniclus breaks for these Pokemon. You already mentioned Amoongus, Cobalion, and Skarmory so probably mention other Pokemon like nihilego and Celesteela

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb, but this set still thuds into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest + Regenerator lets Reuniclus tank things it would otherwise crumble to, including Hydro Pump from Keldeo, Hurricane from Moltres, and Sludge Wave from Nidoking. Its Future Sight is also stronger than Galarian Slowbro's, another common user of Assault Vest. Reuniclus also has access to Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Zarude and Mandibuzz, who would like to switch in on Future Sight. While this set does have some desirable traits, Galarian Slowbro has a valuable secondary STAB in the Poison-type, allowing it to threaten and wall more of the meta, including Tangrowth, Primarina, and Hatterene. This set also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey who have access to Teleport to retain momentum, as well as the ability to heal themselves without needing to switch out. this is a LOT to go over for something in OO, try cutting this down into something like "Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina while setting itself from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off for Mandibuzz and Zarude." Make the next sentence stating that while it does have this Glowbro still has a better offensive presence with its coverage and also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey as a really bulky pivot and that the latter two have teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item. and that it does massive damage

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip that forces it into using Recover more often. I guess but its more that its speed tier is so bad that it's hard to find chances to recover if it does hit that low.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport stave it off with ease. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder. They can still take a hit and use Teleport to bring in a dangerous wallbreaker to force Reuniclus out.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Thanks for implementing this quickly
View attachment 432196

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to Recover. Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, being weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy compitition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage. I'd call Glowbro harder to overwhelm with straight up damage with its typing and ability to put more into bulk evs.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase its longevity to give it more breaking opportunities, (AC) . Reuniclus can easily use Recover against having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking that don't immediately threaten it. same sort of mistake I was telling you before from the last check Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards and sand and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoid a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help ewar wear down threats like Hydreigon, (AC) and Chansey, (AC) and opposing Hippowdon. so I ran the calc while Reuniclus with Hippowdon, its not bad but since hippo is faster and does some decent damage with eq, you wanna get some help wearing it down Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela Salamence, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up.

252+ SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Psychic vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Hippowdon: 207-243 (49.2 - 57.8%) -- 58.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
8 Atk Hippowdon Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Reuniclus: 153-180 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb, but this set still thuds into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport.. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Thanks for implementing this quickly
View attachment 432196

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to Recover. Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, being weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy compitition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage. I'd call Glowbro harder to overwhelm with straight up damage with its typing and ability to put more into bulk evs.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase its longevity to give it more breaking opportunities, (AC) . Reuniclus can easily use Recover against having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking that don't immediately threaten it. same sort of mistake I was telling you before from the last check Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards and sand and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoid a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help ewar wear down threats like Hydreigon, (AC) and Chansey, (AC) and opposing Hippowdon. so I ran the calc while Reuniclus with Hippowdon, its not bad but since hippo is faster and does some decent damage with eq, you wanna get some help wearing it down Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela Salamence, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up.

252+ SpA Life Orb Reuniclus Psychic vs. 252 HP / 216 SpD Hippowdon: 207-243 (49.2 - 57.8%) -- 58.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
8 Atk Hippowdon Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Reuniclus: 153-180 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb, but this set still thuds into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage, practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport.. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
implemented ty, GP Team
amcheck, tried not to change much though add remove (AC) = add comma; (AP) = add period


Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, (AC) as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to Recover. Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, being weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition compitition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster, (AC) generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase its longevity to give it more breaking opportunities, having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards, (AC) and sand, (AC) and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threatening Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for provide Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb, but this set still thuds into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage. (AP) , practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored, (AC) as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
amcheck, tried not to change much though add remove (AC) = add comma; (AP) = add period


Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, Magic Guard, allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, (AC) as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into. Reuniclus does have some jarring flaws, in that it However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to Recover. Psychic-type is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks, being weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition compitition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster, (AC) generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase its longevity to give it more breaking opportunities, having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards, (AC) and sand, (AC) and absorb status, giving it more utility and longevity. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives lives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threatening Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Skarmory for provide Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus, due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb, but this set still thuds into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage. (AP) , practically flipping the script versus offensive teams. However, it usually isn't favored, (AC) as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

added everything besides this one: ...Skarmory for provide Spikes...

I think removing "for" makes it a bit awkward but that's just what I thought; you can tell me your reasoning but I won't change it for now. Thanks, implemented everything else! :blobthumbsup:
add remove comment suggestion

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. (this sentence felt a bit out of place since you're already talking abt reuni's bulk before, so i moved it to where you talk abt its power as an attacker) Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability (RC) Magic Guard (RC) allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into, (RP) (AC) and its coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant often relies on prediction, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to use (ig this could be a case where you can use a move as a verb, but we want to avoid that if possible) Recover. Psychic is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks (RC) being and is weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its Reuniclus is often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is Focus Blast and Thunder's accuracies are also fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster, generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to can ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing nails threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant or immune to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking Slowking, and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Excadrill, Hydreigon, and Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase increases its longevity to give it more wallbreaking opportunities, having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards, sand, and status, giving it more utility and longevity. (the reader already knows that magic guard is reuni's ability and that it lets it avoid passive damage, that was stated in the previous paragraph. be careful with fluff) The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb (since it's the only set, you don't need to specify) Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threatening threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Spikes Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other (it's been a bit since you mentioned other dark-type so this isn't needed) Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types,(AC) including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late-game (AH) cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus (RC) due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up. pressure it puts on the opposing team, allowing its teammates to clean up after.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes make Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb (this might be redundant, but i'm not sure so i'll leave it up to you or the next GPer), but this set still thuds struggles into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats its defenses and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself apart from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. (also feel like this is fluff but would check with qc if this is necessary) However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage. However, it usually isn't favored, as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage from the latter two. (tang does 30% max and i wouldn't call that massive)

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to use Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB move and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2]]
Overall this is nicely written, just be careful with redundancy and you'll be fine.

GP 1/2
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Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. (this sentence felt a bit out of place since you're already talking abt reuni's bulk before, so i moved it to where you talk abt its power as an attacker) Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability (RC) Magic Guard (RC) allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, make it extremely difficult to switch into, (RP) (AC) and its coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and is often prediction reliant often relies on prediction, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being very easily overwhelmed against offensive teams, which give it very little chances to use (ig this could be a case where you can use a move as a verb, but we want to avoid that if possible) Recover. Psychic is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks (RC) being and is weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means its Reuniclus is often forced into clicking Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. The accuracy on Reuniclus's moves is Focus Blast and Thunder's accuracies are also fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychic. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checks and a better defensive typing, and the latter being faster, generating more momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and has the ability to can ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm with passive damage.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic is Reuniclus's main attacking move, nailing nails threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant or immune to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Mandibuzz, and Slowking Slowking, and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Excadrill, Hydreigon, and Zarude, and Excadrill. Recover lets it increase increases its longevity to give it more wallbreaking opportunities, having several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of the drawbacks due to its ability, Magic Guard. Magic Guard also allows Reuniclus to ignore all other forms of passive damage like entry hazards, sand, and status, giving it more utility and longevity. (the reader already knows that magic guard is reuni's ability and that it lets it avoid passive damage, that was stated in the previous paragraph. be careful with fluff) The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hit as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Life Orb (since it's the only set, you don't need to specify) Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threaten a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threatening threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Spikes Skarmory for Spikes, and the aforementioned Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon in particular can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on other (it's been a bit since you mentioned other dark-type so this isn't needed) Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being heavily overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types,(AC) including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late-game (AH) cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good to use alongside Reuniclus (RC) due to how much damage it is usually forcing versus the opposing team, allowing other breakers to clean up. pressure it puts on the opposing team, allowing its teammates to clean up after.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment makes make Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning staples like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can put switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission by giving them a Sticky Barb (this might be redundant, but i'm not sure so i'll leave it up to you or the next GPer), but this set still thuds struggles into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost both ends of its defense stats its defenses and potentially snowball enemy teams who fail to stop it before it accumulates too many boosts, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself apart from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off to cripple Mandibuzz and Zarude. (also feel like this is fluff but would check with qc if this is necessary) However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that makes its horrible Speed stat an advantage. However, it usually isn't favored, as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus to go up against, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack on chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage from the latter two. (tang does 30% max and i wouldn't call that massive)

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine and Keldeo can all force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take unwanted chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to use Recover as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB move and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2]]
Overall this is nicely written, just be careful with redundancy and you'll be fine.

View attachment 447857GP 1/2

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, (remove comma) yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, (add comma) Magic Guard, (add comma) allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, makes it extremely difficult to switch into, and its coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and often relies on prediction, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being overwhelmed againstgetting overwhelmed by offensive teams, which give it very littlefew chances to use Recover. Psychic is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks and is weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means Reuniclus is often forced into clickusing Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. Furthermore, Focus Blast and Thunder's accuracies are also fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychicpoor accuracies make using an attack that isn't Psychic a gamble. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checkss more expansive coverage and a better defensive typing, and the latter beingwhile the latter is faster, generating momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus and progress with Knock Off. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and can ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic nails threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant or immune to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Slowking, and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Excadrill, Hydreigon, and Zarude.. Recover increases its longevity to give it more wallbreaking opportunities, having; Reuniclus can have several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of theits drawbacks due to Magic Guard. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hitwhile hitting as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threatenhat threatens a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Spikes Skarmory, and Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon, (add comma) in particular, (add comma) can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types, including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late-game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good alongside Reuniclus due to how much pressure it puts on the opposing team, allowing its teammates to clean up after.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment make Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning stapletraditional checks like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can putsets can take switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission, but this set still struggles into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost its defenses and potentially snowball enemy teams, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself apart from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that maketurns its horrible Speed stat into an advantage. However, it usually isn't favored, as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack onup chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage from the latter two.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine, (add comma) and Keldeo can force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover against offensive teams as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB move and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2dex, 277988]]

Reuniclus is a versatile Pokemon that serves as a slow, (remove comma) yet bulky and powerful wallbreaker with good longevity. Reuniclus's bulk allows it to trade with common Pokemon such as Moltres, Salamence, and Zygarde-10%, and KO them with enough prior chip damage. Its ability, (add comma) Magic Guard, (add comma) allows it to completely ignore passive damage, such as Toxic from Chansey and Hippowdon, as well as sand damage from the latter. Magic Guard also negates Life Orb recoil, which, in tandem with its high natural Special Attack stat, makes it extremely difficult to switch into, and its coverage options in Focus Blast and Thunder are able to wipe out checks like Zarude, Hydreigon, Mandibuzz, and Celesteela. However, Reuniclus is terribly slow and often relies on prediction, having to click the right move so it does not risk a Dark- or Steel-type foe freely pivoting in. It is also prone to being overwhelmed againstgetting overwhelmed by offensive teams, which give it very littlefew chances to use Recover. Psychic is also a fairly mediocre defensive typing because it doesn't resist most common attacks and is weak to the omnipresent Knock Off and U-turn, which means Reuniclus is often forced into clickusing Recover more than it would like to, further limiting its offensive presence. Furthermore, Focus Blast and Thunder's accuracies are also fairly inconsistent, making it a gamble every time it clicks something other than Psychicpoor accuracies make using an attack that isn't Psychic a gamble. Reuniclus also faces heavy competition from Pokemon like Galarian Slowbro and Azelf; the former having more coverage to beat its checkss more expansive coverage and a better defensive typing, and the latter beingwhile the latter is faster, generating momentum with U-turn, and able to fit Knock Off in its moveset, unlike Reuniclus and progress with Knock Off. Reuniclus is stronger than both, however, and can ignore passive damage like sand and entry hazards, making it harder to overwhelm.

name: Life Orb + 3 Attacks
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Thunder
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Recover
item: Life Orb
ability: Magic Guard
nature: Modest
evs: 188 HP / 32 Def / 252 SpA / 36 SpD


Psychic nails threats like Hippowdon, Amoonguss, and Salamence. Thunder allows Reuniclus to severely threaten Pokemon resistant or immune to Psychic, such as Celesteela, Slowking, and Mandibuzz, whilst also hitting Primarina super effectively. Focus Blast allows Reuniclus to OHKO common Steel- and Dark-types including Excadrill, Hydreigon, and Zarude.. Recover increases its longevity to give it more wallbreaking opportunities, having; Reuniclus can have several opportunities to heal in front of passive walls such as Skarmory and Slowking. Life Orb is used to further bolster its wallbreaking potential, as it suffers none of theits drawbacks due to Magic Guard. The given EVs allow Reuniclus to further maximize its bulk in order to trade versus threats like Keldeo and Salamence and still hitwhile hitting as hard as possible. It also guarantees that Reuniclus survives Fire Blast from Azelf after a Nasty Plot boost and avoids a 2HKO from Nihilego's Sludge Bomb.

Reuniclus fits on bulky offense and balance teams that appreciate its solid offensive profile and coverage to threatenhat threatens a multitude of Pokemon, like Slowking, Amoonguss, and Skarmory. Cobalion is a solid partner for it, as it can switch into Dark-types like Zarude and Mandibuzz, as well as threaten Chansey. It can also absorb Knock Off and counter Scizor. Hippowdon, Nihilego, Spikes Skarmory, and Cobalion are all good entry hazard setters for Reuniclus, as they help wear down threats like Hydreigon, Chansey, and opposing Hippowdon. Hippowdon, (add comma) in particular, (add comma) can also soften up Tangrowth with Toxic, making it much easier to break through, while Skarmory can completely counter Scizor. Primarina can pivot in on Dark-types like Hydreigon, as well as prevent Reuniclus from being overwhelmed against the likes of Moltres, Keldeo, and Salamence. Pivots, such as Rotom-W, Zarude, and Mandibuzz, are appreciated to bring in Reuniclus safely against Pokemon like Amoonguss, Nihilego, and Hippowdon. Mandibuzz in particular can also check Dark- and Ghost-types, including Hydreigon, Zarude, and Chandelure. Rotom-W can stave off Moltres and Celesteela, while Zarude can deal with Chansey and Thundurus-T. Various late-game cleaners, such as Scizor, Raikou, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon, are good alongside Reuniclus due to how much pressure it puts on the opposing team, allowing its teammates to clean up after.

Other Options

Calm Mind sets with maximum Defense investment make Reuniclus a potent stallbreaker thanks to its immunity to Toxic, turning stapletraditional checks like Chansey and Hippowdon into setup bait. However, this set is largely outclassed by Galarian Slowbro, which has a more useful typing to set up more easily and greater offensive potency. Calm Mind + Trick + Sticky Barb is another set that can putsets can take switch-ins like Zarude and Scizor out of commission, but this set still struggles into Dark-types and requires extensive team support. Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and Acid Armor allow Reuniclus to boost its defenses and potentially snowball enemy teams, but this set is largely unreliable because it cannot touch Dark-types and Reuniclus will be a dead weight if it fails to safely boost. Assault Vest Reuniclus makes use of Regenerator by scouting powerful special attackers like Keldeo and Primarina, while setting itself apart from Galarian Slowbro with its access to Knock Off. However, Galarian Slowbro is usually better in this role as well, having much more of an offensive presence by virtue of its great coverage. As a defensive pivot, Assault Vest Reuniclus also faces competition from Slowking and Chansey, both being much safer options due to their access to Teleport. Offensive Trick Room Reuniclus is an option that maketurns its horrible Speed stat into an advantage. However, it usually isn't favored, as Reuniclus has to give up Recover to use Trick Room, severely cutting into its longevity.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types and Dark-type coverage**: Dark-types such as Hydreigon and Zarude are extremely threatening for Reuniclus, though they hate taking Focus Blast. Mandibuzz can pivot into most of Reuniclus's attacks and slowly rack onup chip damage with U-turn; it can't switch in on Thunder, though. Knock Off from Tangrowth, Scizor, and Diggersby is also particularly dangerous for Reuniclus, as it hates losing its item and taking massive damage from the latter two.

**Strong Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Chandelure, Mamoswine, (add comma) and Keldeo can force out Reuniclus to an extent, as it does not want to take chip damage that forces it into using Recover more often. Its terrible Speed makes it difficult to find chances to Recover against offensive teams as well.

**Special Walls**: Bulky special walls, including Slowking and Chansey, give Reuniclus an extremely hard time, as both can pivot in on its STAB move and use it for easy momentum into a dangerous threat with Teleport. However, Slowking in particular must be wary of Thunder.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [pokemonisfun, 56643], [Monky25, 515132], [Mystras Leoxses, 530118]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Band, 301217], [username2, userid2dex, 277988]]