All Gens Retro Cup(s) of Pokémon

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Old Gen Tournaments Calendar

Retro Cup of Pokémon (RCoP) is a team tournament closely based off of World Cup of Pokémon that pits together nations in old generation OUs that aren't featured in the WCoP of the same year. It was first created in 2017, as a response to the lack of RBY representation in that year's WCoP. In 2020, the second edition came about as a consequence of WCoP going full current gen.

The tournament consists of single elimination stages, which include qualifying and rounds after 1. Round 1 consists of round robin groups where players within them play a specific old gen OU and earn points for their team, in the hopes their team makes it to the top 8 playoff stage.

Winning this tournament will allow you to display
in your signature.

If you have the top record in a gen's main OU tier in this tournament, you can display
in your signature.

Retro Cup Of Pokémon 2021 (Signups Open)

June 7th: Retro Cup of Pokémon [1, 2, 3]

We will announce the signups for each tournament on this thread so hopefully you won't miss entering.
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Why does this run along the same time as the actual WCoP? I find it hard to believe that many are gonna take this seriously since most the people that would be playing will likely be in the actual WCoP anyway.

Similar reason Premier Leagues start close to SPL, to attract players who have just finished or didn’t make it in the tournament. Like the first RCoP, it will start after WCoP’s first round at least.
Similar reason Premier Leagues start close to SPL, to attract players who have just finished or didn’t make it in the tournament. Like the first RCoP, it will start after WCoP’s first round at least.
Close to, but not during. I really think you should reconsider the timing. Looking at the smogon official tours schedule, it would probably be best to have this during autumn
Playing 2 games per week is not that hard if you do sign up for both. Either way it's different gens completely. Some players only play old gens anyway and won't play the regular WCOP, which is now CG OU only. This is an old gens tour not cg, so it has a different crowd too so I don't think it matters if the two tours overlap. I think this is cool too, just so people can spectate both, as if nothing ever changed.
Playing 2 games per week is not that hard if you do sign up for both.
People don't just load up a random team to play their official tournament games. They prepare and test.
Either way it's different gens completely. Some players only play old gens anyway and won't play the regular WCOP, which is now CG OU only.
Emphasis on "some". I can bet most WCoP teams will have their old old gens players play CG OU simply out of wanting to play an official tournament.
so it has a different crowd
Look at Classic sign-ups and OST/Smogon Tour signups and playoffs. There's plenty of overlap.
I don't think it matters if the two tours overlap.
People won't care about this because they're too busy caring about WCoP.

FTR I think this is a wonderful idea in theory, Lutra. I just think that you could time this better. There aren't any team tournaments going on in the autumn, and if you really want it to try and match WCoP, you could at least wait until after it's done. People aren't really going to care about this much besides your RoA room goons that won't be playing in WCoP, which is a small minority of people compared to those that would probably play this tournament if it were at different time. You're just going to get every team fielding their B team besides maybe some prominent dogmatic old gens players, so the quality of games isn't going to be great at worst, and at best they'll be incredibly one-sided and boring.
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