All Gens Retro Cup of Pokemon 2021: Finals [22T/154P Won by Italy]

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⏮ 2020 | Spreadsheet | Discord

Signups | Qualifying | Round 1 | Tiebreaker | Round 2 | Semifinals | Finals


Retro Cup of Pokémon features all tiers absent from the World Cup of Pokémon. That means this year, it will be an RBY OU, GSC OU, ADV OU, DPP OU, BW OU, ORAS OU and SM OU tournament. Each national team is required to have 7 players, plus exactly 3 substitutes. This tournament will feature 16 teams in the first round, with team formation and qualification priority given to RCoP 2020 qualifiers, followed by WCoP teams that were not in RCoP, followed by completely new teams (that aren't supernations/rest-of-the-world). The latter rest-of-the-world will only be allowed if there are less than 16 teams. Qualifying rounds will be created if there are more than 16 entrants, in a similar way to WCoP. For the first round, players will be randomly assigned into 4 groups of 4 for each generation (×7), with the top 8 teams with the most wins collected proceeding. The seeding tiebreak will be the highest ranking points (6 points for sole 1st, 4 points for sole 2nd and 2 points for sole 3rd, shared between spots if necessary) within the group, just like WCoP and then randomization as the secondary tiebreak. The qualifying rounds and round 2 matches will be full 7 vs 7 man matchups. RBY OU will be first-to-2-wins, (best of 3 excluding ties), while the rest will be first-to-1-win.



Argentina (3-4) Italy
mixwell, ziloXX | Amaranth
RBY OU: ziloXX ‹0-2› Amaranth [Replays:
1, 2]
GSC OU: Raichy ‹vs› Oibaf [Replays:
ADV OU: Kyundai ‹vs› fran17 [Replays:
DPP OU: ElectricityCat ‹vs› hellpowna [Replays:
BW OU: Abejas ‹vs› Raiza [Replays:
ORAS OU: Enzonana. ‹vs› Kebab mlml [Replays:
SM OU: ACR1 ‹vs› Niko [Replays:

Play first-to-1 win in every tier except RBY (first-to-2-wins), and post your wins/losses and replays.

Deadline: Sunday August 15th, 11:59 PM EDT (GMT -4) / 5:59 AM CEST

As always, good luck and have fun

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First of all, congrats Italy for winning RcoP, especially to my good friend Pais , deserved king

Argentinos, estoy orgulloso de todos ustedes y su desempeño en general en esta RcoP, que el final no opaque lo que fue este tour por nuestra parte, pienso que en ningun momento fuimos realmente superados por ningun otro equipo, hay que seguir trabajando para lograr dejar de cometer errores propios que nos cuesten nuestras partidas, y entonces, estoy seguro que vamos a poder ganar este y muchos otros torneos más.

Como ya varios sabian, al menos aqui en smogon y mientras wcop siga con su formato actual, planeaba que este sea mi ultimo tour con Argentina, pero estoy seguro que van a venir jugadores que van a hacerlo mucho mejor que yo y cuentan con todo mi apoyo para lo que necesiten, vamos que estoy seguro que en poco tiempo vamos a poder ganar muchos torneos más <3 VAMOS ARGENTINA
Mis queridos amigos, antes de todo me gustaria agradecerles por estos años increibles y inolvidables que he pasado con todos ustedes, sin exageración digo que me cambio la vida todos estos momentos, me acuerdo que cuando empezamos eramos simplesmente un grupo de amigos pandorianos que se convertió en un equipo competitivo y por eso quiero seguir competiendo con todos ustedes.
En los proximos meses voy empezar mi segunda oficina, lo que me dejara extremadamente ocupado a un punto en que tendré que eligir entre dos sueños mios, ser campeón con la Argentina o ser campeón de mi provincia en el Ajedrez ya que no puedo dedicarme a más de que uno. He pensado por lo que pasamos en no jugar más ajedrez enserio(quien me conoce sabe cuanto me encanta el ajedrez), por eso necesito tener una charla con cada uno para saber el nivel de dedicación que cada uno tiene la intención de dar para que Argentina sea un equipo campeón, como van hacer para mejorar su nivel, si van seguir algun plan de entrenamiento propuesto? En los proximos dias tendre charlas individuales con todos, igual agradezco a todos más una vez

un gran saludo

Well done Team Italy. Thank you for giving me the chance to play and luckily with a nice score.
I want to congratulate with Team Argentina, ziloXX has formed a nice group of people and some of you is already talented enough to have success on big stage. I hope you'll have some good performance in future tournaments like next wcop or rcop.

Edit: also a huge s/o to Tricking that sometimes helped me with preparation to compensate my poor sm and oras knowledge
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Congrats Italy, what an insane tournament it has been, despite we've lost this final I'm still so happy for you bois Amaranth, Niko, Pais, well deserved!

I also wanna thank a lot to Team Argentina (APA), it has been an incredible journey since I joined your party for that RoA Olympics tour back in 2018, never thought this team would turn into my Smogon family and it was turning into a beautiful and competitive project with such crazy and great players, I feel so glad and fortunate of being part of this process and I'm confident on this team achieving great things in a short-term. Thanks a lot for accepting me as one of yours and giving me the chance of dreaming with this title, I'm really sorry and I'll admit it is kinda frustrating for me that things have come to an end this way, ruining the confidence you've put on me as a player because of a bad game (using one of my all-time favourite mons turned to be an awful choice) and that I was subsecquently denied the chance to make this whole process count on the finals and giving it all for the team that gave me such great moments the last couple years.

Anyways, this all made me think it is time for me to take a step aside from the team that gave me the best phase in my whole Smogon journey, and letting the new players to take over my place.

A toda la pibada de APA, los quiero banda, gracias por todo capos <3

Tricking bn fratello mio
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