All Gens Retro Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Player Signups

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PS! Username: practor 007
Nation: greece
Formats played: SS
Foreseen Inactivity: can'tplay between 8:30-2:45 gmt +3
Last edited:
PS! Username: Stampi
Nation: Brazil
Formats played: SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, GSC OU, RBY OU
Foreseen Inactivity: No
View attachment 654664
Hosted by Akeras, bern, and GraveBee

The Retro Cup of Pokemon features all oldgen OU tiers. That means RBY OU, GSC OU, ADV OU, DPP OU, BW OU, ORAS OU, SM OU and SS OU. Each team will be required to have 8 players and 4 substitutes. Team formation and qualification priority will be given to RCoP 2023 qualifiers, then any WCoP teams not in RCoP, then completely new teams.

Qualifying rounds will be created if there are more than 16 team entrants. Qualifying rounds will be organized in a round robin and a playoff, with the specifics depending on the number of teams present. After that, for the first round of the main event, players will be randomly assigned into four groups of four for each generation, with the top 8 teams with the most collected wins proceeding to the Playoffs - an 8-team single elimination bracket where teams will face head to head.

Asia - Fluore + Trade
Brazil - Rewer + Hyogafodex
Canada - 1yr + Elfuseon
China - Slowpoke Fan + Sawra
Europe - lolebruh + Heika
France - BlazingDark + Hyssou
Germany - QWILY + Ewin
India - TDR + skimmythegod
Italy - Amaranth + -Howkings
Oceania - mad dawg + Batzi
Spain - SEROO + Lhions
United Kingdom - HSOWA + LORD SAGIS
US Northeast - emma + ?
Afrabs - Suzuya + yovan33321
Alps (Austria + Switzerland) - elednb + Drachenkeule
Bangladesh - feen + Xboy
Chile + Argentina - Lazuli + ziloXX
Greece - Solo Laddering + nikitas
Guatemala - oh the guilt + Togeflyyy
Latin America - One Last Kiss + Gtcha
Mexico - Mrbanana45 + JeoZ
Portugal - Beleth + Frixel
US Central - BeeOrSomething + Deezcastforms
US West - RufflesPro + Smudge
USSR - Egor + Coupe de Boule
Venezuela - Caesarr + JesusGameplays2

Rules on Eligibility: If you're currently listed on a team in the World Cup of Pokémon Eligibility Spreadsheet, you're locked to said team (if you're team is aggregated to a bigger team, like Benelux, you're locked to the aggregation unless it becomes separate teams again); if you're NOT on that spreadsheet, you may play for any NATIONAL team for which you have IP records as proof of residence (if said national team doesn't exist, you may play for the continental one).

Sign up with the following format:
[B]PS! Username[/B]:
[B]Formats played[/B]:
[B]Foreseen Inactivity[/B]:

Deadline to sign up for qualifiers is Sunday, August 18th, at 11:59pm (GMT-4).
Deadline to sign up for the main event is Sunday, September 8th, at 11:59pm (GMT-4).
FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR REGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS! Username: deadly_justice04
Nation: India
Formats played: OU
Foreseen Inactivity: nO
PS! Username: CyberOdin
Nation: República Dominicana
Formats played: Adv OU - Dpp OU.
Foreseen Inactivity: No
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