Ok this is incredibly frustrating, as a guest on mobile version- I couldn't find the option to make a account anywhere until I made a random name as a guest then register appeared so I changed username to Zeona then tried to register. The password chosen is automatic, I couldn't change it at all so I figure my iPhone would save it and I can change the password to easier one when I manually try to change password. Nope. iPhone automatically saved the new password without even asking me and now I can't log in Zeona and no way to reset password whatsoever. Mobile version need to be improved greatly.. if anybody have an idea for how I can reset my "registered" username's password please tell me- otherwise I honestly would not use this at all until password reset etc are implemented. Only reason I still have to use this for now is because of a Pokemon tournament going on in my discord server. Zeona 2 I guess.. sigh.