Registering on mobile

Ok this is incredibly frustrating, as a guest on mobile version- I couldn't find the option to make a account anywhere until I made a random name as a guest then register appeared so I changed username to Zeona then tried to register. The password chosen is automatic, I couldn't change it at all so I figure my iPhone would save it and I can change the password to easier one when I manually try to change password. Nope. iPhone automatically saved the new password without even asking me and now I can't log in Zeona and no way to reset password whatsoever. Mobile version need to be improved greatly.. if anybody have an idea for how I can reset my "registered" username's password please tell me- otherwise I honestly would not use this at all until password reset etc are implemented. Only reason I still have to use this for now is because of a Pokemon tournament going on in my discord server. Zeona 2 I guess.. sigh.
Ok I found a solution for iPhone- dunno about Android though. iPhone's password setting has "recently generated password" so was able to retrieve the original password and finally changed it. Whew now I can use Zeona for tournament. But yeah please improve mobile version, in particular less disconnection every time I go off website to get on discord to plan rounds etc
The password chosen is automatic
This is not something showdown does, so it sounds like your iphone did that.
no way to reset password whatsoever
We try to minimize the amount of personal information we store, as a result we don't ask for an email or anything. To reset your password, you need to follow the instructions here: . I will agree that we could likely include a link to that from the login form to make it easier to find.
in particular less disconnection every time I go off website to get on discord to plan rounds etc
Showdown uses a websocket connection between your client (phone, computer whatever) and the server. This is a two-way connection that allows the server to send messages to your client (eg: chat messages, what happened on a turn during the battle, etc). When you close the browser on your phone to open discord, that connection is interrupted. Theres a short grace period to re-open it and re-establish the connection, but generally what happens is you disconnect because the connection times out when you do that. This is not something we can change sorry.