Pet Mod Regional Variants (Submission Slate)


Intentional Femboy Penguin
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Approved by Ludicrousity

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Hello, and welcome to Regional Variants! This Mod's premisse is based around the concept of Alolan Forms. The rules goes as it follows:

Slating and Voting rules:

- You may submit for any legal line you’d like. This includes Branched Evos, Except for Eevee and Tyrogue. Any other branched evo line will count as a single submission (So feel free to make a whole Ralts line, for an example).

- You may submit for up to 6 lines per slate. Two people may make a regional variant of the same evolutionary line as long as they are different from eachother

- You may vote for up to 7 lines per slate.

[B]New Typing[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]New Abilities[/B]:
[B]New Stats[/B]:
[B]New Moves[/B]:
[B]Removed Moves[/B]:


New Typing: One may shift it around as much as desired. The evolutionary family must share at the least one typing, unless only the evolved form is recieving a Regional Variant (Akin to Cubone).

New Abilities: Must keep the same amount of abilities as the original or less. They must be already-existing abilities.

New Stats: Net change must equal 0. No more than +/- 30 in any single stat. You cannot increase a Pokemon's higher attack/defense if the difference between both attacks/defense is more than 50. For example, Tauros has an attack "gap" of 60 (100 - 40), so you can't add to its higher Attack stat. You can deduct from it, however, to put toward other stats. Also, try not to go too crazy with boosting already powerful stats; Just because you can make a Tyranitar forme with 164 base Attack doesn't mean you should. You may swap a Pokemon's stats before modifying them, but the gap rule still applies to the new higher stat.

New/Removed Moves: You cannot add more moves than you remove unless you're adding a dual type to a single typed Pokemon. Then you can double the new moves total. If you're just adding a secondary type to a single-typed Pokemon, you can add 10 moves for free. No new moves can be created. Please do note that Sketch is banned from being added to a Pokémon.

Mega Evolution Rules:
-The sum of the stat modifications brought on by Mega Evolution must equal +100.
-You may add no more than 100-(Base Stat Total/10 (rounded up)) to a single stat.
-A Mega Evolution does not need to share a type with the entirety of its line, but it must share one with its base form. (For an example, Mega Altaria doesn’t share any types with Swablu, but it does with base Altaria)

The rules on Flavour are the following:
- You may not give Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon or UBs regional variants. Those will recieve their own special slates

- You may not make a regional variant for a Pokémon based around on the region it debuted. For an example, it would not make sense for Bisharp to get an Unovan Form, since it already is from Unova. The only exception to this rule is Gumshoos due to it not being originally from Alola, and the Crawdaunt line for simillar reasons.

- Justify the changes done. Explain why the Pokémon has changed types and learned the moves it does. Also please explain how it would look in this new forme.

- An evolutionary line must be entirely based on the same region. In other words, please don’t make a Kalonese Riolu evolve into a Hoennian Lucario. The only exception to this rule is with Kantonian / Johtonese forms evolving into one another due to the regions being right next to one another

The name of each region's variants go as it follows:

Kanto - Kantonian
Johto - Johtonian
Hoenn - Hoennian
Sinnoh - Sinnoan
Unova - Unovan
Kalos - Kalosian
Alola - Alolan
Galar - Galarian
Ultra Space - Ultra

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@Yung Dramps


Feel free to submit, and have fun!

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The following Pokémon lines already have alolan forms due to carrying over from the past threads. Do not submit an Alola Form for these:

Kanto Starters, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Nidoran (Both), Cleffa, Igglybuff, Zubat, Oddish, Paras, Mankey, Growlithe, Bellsprout, Ponyta, Magnemite, Gastly, Shellder, Krabby, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Goldeen, Staryu, Taurus, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Sylveon (But not eevee), Kabuto, Porygon, Dratini, Johto Starters, Hoothoot, Chinchou, Yanma, Murkrow, Gligar, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Swinub, Delibird, Skarmory, Miltank, Johto Beasts, Larvitar, Tailow, Wishmur, Cacnea, Zangooze, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Lileep, Tropius, Chingling, Luvdisc, Bagon, Beldum, Regi Trio (Not Gigas), Starly, Bidoof, Budew, Shieldon, Drifloon, Gible, Skorupi, Mantyke, Unova Starters, Munna, Pidove, Woobat, Cottonee, Petilill, Archen, Ducklett, Karrablast, Elgyem, Litwick, Cubchoo, Cryogonal, Shelmet, Rufflet, Vullaby, Heatmor, Durant, Deino, Larvesta, Fletchling, Clauncher, Helioptile, Amaura, Goomy, Noibat

Geodude also has an Unovan Form
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Pokémon: Snorlax-Sinnoh
New Typing: Ghost/Normal
Abilities: Pressure, Thick Fat, Shadow Tag (obviously banned)
Stats: unaltered
New Moves: Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Glare, Miracle Eye, Dark Pulse, Phantom Force, Will-O-Wisp, Nightmare
Removed Moves: none

Design: Snorlax's eyes are stitched shut with no way to be opened. Its belly is completely covered by a giant black and red eye similar to Giratina's eyes. Its skin adopts a faded dark gray, and its belly and face become black.
Every 50 years, Giratina contaminates a piece of fruit or a jar of honey with its dark powers. Most Pokemon are receptive to the menacing aura and ignore the forbidden fruits; all except for the overly gluttonous Munchlax. Upon consuming the fruit or honey, the poor creature's fate is sealed. In a period spanning several weeks or months up until its evolution, Munchlax's succumbs to Giratina's power like a virus. Every day that passes, it steadily loses grip on its consciousness, with Giratina taking control of the husk. Upon being forcibly evolved by it, Snorlax is totally consumed by the virus. It has no free will and doesn't move, eat or sleep, instead serving as a vessel from which Giratina gazes upon the world through the eye on its stomach. This eye can also be turned into a portal to the Distortion World; the uses of this feature are unknown.
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Salazzle (Johtonese):
New Typing: Poison/Dragon
New Abilities: Oblivious / Merciless
New Stats: 68/54/60/121/60/117
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Outrage, Focus Blast
Removed Moves: Overheat, Flame Charge, Fire Blast
Flavor/Design: Salazzle but more scales, ig


Toxapex (Hoennian):
New Typing: Poison/Electric
New Abilities: Corrosion / Water Veil / Regenerator
New Stats: 50/53/152/53/152/35
New Moves: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: Scald, Surf, Liquidation, Water Pulse
Flavor/Design: Toxapex but yellow instead of blue


Solrock (Kalonese):
New Typing: Fire/Steel
New Abilities: Sheer Force
New Stats: 90/105/95/55/85/30
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Metal Burst, Meteor Mash, Autotomize, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Psyshock, Magic Coat, Cosmic Power, Heal Block, Psywave
Flavor/Design: Solrock but its "rays" are armored while its "head" is brighter orange and glowing


Lunatone (Kalonese):
New Typing: Dark/Fairy
New Abilities: Sheer Force
New Stats: 90/55/85/105/95/30
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Night Daze, Taunt
Removed Moves: Power Gem, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Polish
Flavor/Design: Lunatone but its eyes glow yellow and its body is a much darker bronze


Artist: Darksilvania
Pokémon: Johtonese Banette
New Typing: Ghost/Fairy
New Abilities: Dancer | Cursed Body | Serene Grace
New Stats: 64/105/55/63/63/105 (455)
New Moves: Fiery Dance, Petal Dance, Zen Headbutt, Bouncy Bubble, Icy Wind, Play Rough
Removed Moves: Foul Play, Will-o-Wisp, Sucker Punch, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Throat Chop, Torment

Pokémon: Johtonese Mega Banette
New Typing: Ghost/Fairy
New Abilities: Protean
New Stats: 64/115/75/93/83/125 (555)

Flavor/Design: Ecruteak City, home of the Ghost-type Gym and the Ecruteak Dance Theater. One day, the Kimono Girls of the Dance Theater received beautiful plush dolls dressed in beautiful kimono. However, as with all toys, they were discarded when the Kimono Girls grew up. These dolls would end up becoming possessed by the ghosts of Ecruteak City and turning into Banettes. This happens all around the world, but the ones in Ecruteak City were different. They were special, they looked pretty and knew how to dance. But more importantly, they hated the fact that they were substituted with Eevee and its evolutions. They attempted to master moves of the same types as the Eeveelutions. They knew Electric and Dark, but needed Grass, Fire, Water, Psychic, Ice and Fairy. They attempted to look prettier and do less evil things. It was no use. The Kimono Girls still liked Eeveelutions more than the Banettes. This is how the Johtonese Banette were born.
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Woohoo! This is back! Dunno if I'm allowed to reserve, but going to do so anyway. If not ignore this

Sinnoan Poochyena line (Ice / Steel) (Snowpoint City. Husky based, adapted to live and climb snowy mountains)
Alolan Paras line (Bug/Psychic) (Had to adapt to survive, by growing psychedelic mushrooms on it's back it makes itself look more like Morelull, to ward off predators)
Alolan Mincinno line (Dark/Normal) (Hung around Po Town, and grew knowledgeable of Team Skull stealing. Learned from them and became thieves.

Might come up with more when I actually make my post
Just a question; are Pokemon Let's Go's exclusive moves are allowed? I know that Partner Pikachu and Partner Eevee aren't legendaries but their signature moves aren't part of the true mainline games yet. I asked it because Cookie Butter put Bouncy Bubble among with Banette's other new moves. I just want to be sure no mistakes are made.
Just a question; are Pokemon Let's Go's exclusive moves are allowed? I know that Partner Pikachu and Partner Eevee aren't legendaries but their signature moves aren't part of the true mainline games yet. I asked it because Cookie Butter put Bouncy Bubble among with Banette's other new moves. I just want to be sure no mistakes are made.
While they are allowed, you have to make sure the mon isn't broken with it and that the lore gives it a reason to learn the move (in this ase, banette is justified by attempting to look like the eeveelutions)

Pokemon: Bellsprout (Johtonese)
New Typing: Grass/Psychic
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Trace
New Stats: 50/65/35/80/30/40

Pokemon: Weepinbell (Johtonese)
New Typing: Grass/Psychic
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Trace
New Stats: 65/70/50/105/45/55

Pokemon: Victreebel (Johtonese)
New Typing: Grass/Psychic
New Abilities: Psychic Surge / Trace
New Stats: 80/75/50/120/65/100

New Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Confusion, Mystical Fire, Calm Mind, Focus Blast
Removed Moves: Sludge Bomb, Acid, Clear Smog, Belch, Thief, Poison Jab
Flavor/Design: Years of meditating inside the Sprout Tower has given the Bellsprouts of Johto the ultimate Psychic power. The Sages must be really proud.


Pokémon: Ponyta (Sinnoan)
New Typing: Fire/Ice
New Abilities: Adaptability / Run Away (Slush Rush)
New Stats: 50/65/60/85/60/90

Pokémon: Rapidash (Sinnoan)
New Typing: Fire/Ice
New Abilities: Adaptability / Run Away (Slush Rush)
New Stats: 65/80/75/100/75/105

New Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Freeze Dry, Ice Ball, Powder Snow, Hail
Removed Moves: Overheat
Flavor/Design: The increasingly cold weather of Sinnoh has frozen the flames of Ponyta. The Ponyta have adapted the ice to their body to prevent melting and dousing their flames. Deep inside, its fire still burns. Always.

Pokémon: Abra
New Typing: Psychic
New Abilities: Inner Focus / Synchronize (Magic Guard)
New Stats: unaltered
Flavor/Design: The people of Unova brought Abra to their region to increase Pokemon diversity. These Abra went on to stay on Cold Storage and Dragonspiral Tower where native Vanillite are located.


Pokémon: Kadabra (Unovan)
New Typing: Psychic/Ice
New Abilities: Gluttony / Snow Cloak (Magic Guard)
New Stats: unaltered
New Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Freeze Dry, Ice Ball, Powder Snow, Hail, Hyper Voice
Flavor/Design: Upon evolution, Kadabra becomes fond of eating Vanillite with its spoon. Overconsumption of Vanillites has frozen its insides.


Pokémon: Alakazam (Unovan)
New Typing: Psychic/Ice
New Abilities: Thick Fat / Snow Cloak (Magic Guard)
New Stats: unaltered
New Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Freeze Dry, Ice Ball, Powder Snow, Hail, Hyper Voice
Flavor/Design: Alakazam has now gone fat due to excessive eating. With two spoons, Alakazam can now even manage to gobble a Vanilluxe in one minute!


Pokémon: Mega-Alakazam (Unovan)
New Typing: Psychic/Ice
New Abilities: Refrigerate
New Stats: 55/60/85/155/105/140
New Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Freeze Dry, Ice Ball, Powder Snow, Hail, Hyper Voice
Flavor/Design: After a reflection on its health and ethical reasoning, Mega Alakazam decided to stop eating Vanillite and chose a healthier diet. However, Mega Alakazam's body is still incredibly cold, making it hard to move.​
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Pokemon: Hoennian Crabominable
New Typing: Rock/Fighting
New Abilities: Heatproof / Iron Fist / Rock Head
New Stats: 97/132/67/62/67/53 (+10 Spe, -10 Def)
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Head Smash, Power Gem, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Rock Blast, Rock Throw
Removed Moves: Avalanche, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Hail, Ice Beam, Ice Hammer, Ice Punch, Icy Wind
Flavor/Design: Crabrawlers and Crabominable have moved to the peak of Mount Chimney in Hoenn. In response to the heat of the volcano, the Crabominable shed their fur that they grew while living on the cold Mount Lanakila. The Crabominable eat mainly rocks on the mountain, though they sometimes go down the mountain to take Lava Cookies from the local towns and cities.

In terms of design, imagine Crabominable without the white fur and you would have Hoennian Crabominable


Pokemon: Alolan Ditto
New Typing: Normal/Poison
New Abilities: Imposter / Beast Boost
New Stats: 73/23/23/73/23/73 (BST: 288) (+25 HP, -25 Atk, -25 Def, +25 SpA, -25 SpD, +25 Spe)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Recover, Nasty Plot, Toxic, Hidden Power
Removed Moves: N/A
Flavor/Design: An experiment by the Aether Foundation to make Ditto permanently transform into a Ultra Beast was a success, but not in the way they wanted. The DNA of a Nihilego was inserted into this Ditto, and the DNA caused Ditto to melt into a pile of goop. Ditto was technically an Ultra Beast, but not the Nihilego that the Aether Foundation wanted. Ditto was now partly an Ultra Beast, and began to roam the wild, creating offspring, and living among the rest of the pokemon in peace. The Aether Foundation did not go after the Ditto because they were busy focusing on another experiment.

Imagine Ditto but bigger, more purple, and sort of melting and dripping.
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Unovan Ponyta.png
Unovan Rapidash.png


Pokémon: Unovan Ponyta
New Typing:

New Abilities: Cursed Body / Hustle (Speed Boost)
New Stats: 50 / 55 / 55 / 105 / 55 / 90 (Swapped Sp. Atk with Atk, -10 atk, - 10 sp def, +20 sp atk)
New Moves: Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Curse, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak
Removed Moves: Headbutt

Flavor: Old legends tells that Unovan Ponyta are cursed spirits of those who, when alive, were traitors of any sort. Due to their nasty actions, they were doomed into becoming a headless steed upon death. These Ponyta run around rural areas, emiting loud cries that can be heard miles away
(Origin: "The Headless Mule")

Unovan Ponyta.png
Unovan Ponyta-Shiny.png


Pokémon: Unovan Rapidash
New Typing:

New Abilities: Cursed Body / Flame Body (Speed Boost)
New Stats: 65 / 70 / 70 / 115 / 70 / 110 (Swapped Sp. Atk with Atk, -10 Atk, - 10 Sp Def, +15 Sp Stk, +5 Speed)
New Moves: Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Curse, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak
Removed Moves: Headbutt

Flavor: Unovan Rapidash are nocturnal creatures. They are still very mysterious and not much is known about them, since they usually avoid human contact. Their loud cries can be heard during late night and dawn.

Unovan Rapidash.png
Unovan Rapidash-Shiny.png

Sinnoan Rowlet.png
Sinnoan Dartix.png
Sinnoan Decidueye.png


Pokémon: Sinnoan Rowlet
New Typing:

New Abilities: Snow Cloak (Slush Rush)
New Stats: Unchanged
New Moves: Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Ice Ball, Frost Breath, Icy Wind, Hail, Ice Shard, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Aurora Beam, Camouflage
Removed Moves: Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Pledge, Giga Drain, Leafage, Grass Knot, Leaf Blade, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Worry Seed

Flavor: Lots of Alolan tourists enjoy visiting Sinnoh. The cold region offers a nice contrast to the tropical islands they come from. Long ago, a trainer began to raise a bunch of Alolan Pokémon in Sinnoh, among those, rowlets. However, with time, the climate started to affect the species, since it was too cold for them to survive. Eventually, newer generations of Rowlets appeared with different looks. This form is much more active during the day, and albeit a bit smaller than Alolan Rowlets, measuring 0.2 M tall, it has thicker plumage to survive the cold.
Sinnoan Rowlet.png
Sinnoan Rowlet-Shiny.png


Pokémon: Sinnoan Dartix
New Typing:

New Abilities: Snow Cloak (Slush Rush)
New Stats: 78 / 80 / 70 / 52 / 70 / 70 (Swap Sp. Atk with Speed, -5 Def, +5 Atk)
New / Removed Moves: Same as Rowlet

Flavor: Since Rowlet doesn't qualify as a starter in the Sinnoh region, it has to live in the wild. With this, it developped more survival insticts, such as self-defense and hunting. It is much more agile than it's Alolan counterpart. It now has it's eyes always open, and a plumage on its face to prevent snowstorms of blocking its vision.
Sinnoan Dartix.png
Sinnoan Dartrix-Shiny.png


Pokémon: Decidueye
New Typing:

New Abilities: Sniper (Slush Rush)
New Stats: 78 / 117 / 75 / 80 / 70 / 110 (Swap Speed with Sp Def, -20 Sp Atk, +10 Atk, + 10 Speed)
New Moves: Same as Rowlet + Destiny Bond
Removed Moves: Same as Rowlet + Frenzy Plant

Flavor: Decidueye is a dangerous hunter. It camouflages itself, shooting frosty arrows at whoever it is hunting, freezing its prey solid. Only then it gets close to attack. During snowstorms, however, is where it is most dangerous: It uses the heavy winds of the snowstorms to rapidly glide and catch prey who are blinded by the snow.
Sinnoan Decidueye.png
Sinnoan Decidueye-shiny.png

Sinnoan Slowking.png


Pokémon: Sinnoan Slowbro
New Typing:

New Abilities: Poison Heal / Regenerator (Dry Skin)
New Stats: 95 / 120 / 110 / 55 / 80 / 30 (Swap Atk and Sp Atk, -20 Sp. Atk, +10 Atk)
New Moves: Leech Life, Knock Off, Crunch, Roost, U-Turn
Removed Moves: Zen Headbutt, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick Room, Future Sight

Mega Stats: 95 / 170 / 110 / 75 / 110 / 30 (+50 Atk, +20 Sp. Atk, +30 Sp. Def)
Mega Ability: Dark Aura

Flavor: While fishing for a shellder, Slowpoke's tail was instead biten by a Gliscor. This resulted in a different evolution, into a Sinnoan Slowbro. These creatures are nocturnal, and much more aggressive than their kantonian counterparts.

Sinnoan Slowking.png


Pokémon: Sinnoan Slowking
New Typing:

New Abilities: Poison Heal / Analytic (Dry Skin)
New Stats: 95 / 45 / 110 / 110 / 110 / 30 (-30 Atk, +20 Def, +10 Sp. Atk)
New Moves: Leech Life, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, U-Turn
Removed Moves: Surf, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Brine

Flavor: Much like Slowbro, this is a result of Gliscor attacking Slowpoke. However, every once in a while, the Slowpoke is able to resist the transformation, and control it. It becomes the more calm and calculated Sinnoan Slowking, which still is as dangerous as Slowpoke, but not as savage.

Design: Gains fangs, paler skin, the frill becomes a cape, has fang marks in its tail.

Hoennian Cubone.png


Pokémon: Hoennian Cubone
New Typing:

New Abilities: Rock Head / Defiant (Reckless)
New Stats: 50 / 50 / 35 / 40 / 50 / 95 (Swap Speed and Def)
New Moves: Stone Edge, Head Smash, Feather Dance, Revenge, Pursuit, Soft-Boiled, Peck, Drill Peck, Odor Sleugh, Beat Up


Pokémon: Hoennian Marowak
New Typing:

New Abilities:Rock Head / Defiant (Reckless)
New Stats: 60 / 85 / 75 / 15 / 75 / 110 (swap Def and Speed, -30 spa, +30 def, - 5 sp def, +5 atk)
New Moves: Same as Cubone + Wide Guard (Since Marowak naturally gets Stone Edge)

Flavor/Design: After years of being hunted down by birds, Marowak and Cubone decided to attack back. By learning how to use the rocky mountains at their favour, they easly took down a lot of birds quite easily. They use the skull of their defested enemy as a helmet, and wear feathers on their body as a sign of victory, carrying around a drumstick of the defeated birds

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- You may not make a regional variant for a Pokémon based around on the region it debuted. For an example, it would not make sense for Bisharp to get an Unovan Form, since it already is from Unova. The only exception to this rule is Gumshoos due to it not being originally from Alola.

Pokémon: Alolan Gumshoos
New Typing:

New Abilities: Keen Eye / Strong Jaw / Pixilate (HA)
New Stats:
Yungoos: 48 / 60 (-10) / 30 / 30 / 30 / 55 (+10) [253 BST]
Gumshoos: 78 (-10) / 105 (-5) / 55 (-5) / 55 / 55 (-5) / 70 (+25) [418 BST]
New Moves: Play Rough, Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun (+5)
Removed Moves: Payback, Pursuit, Torment, Stomping Tantrum, Revenge, Thief (-6)
Flavor/Design: After years of staying in Alola, the Yungoos have assimilated to the region of Alola and, in an unexpected turn of events, actually coexist with local species. Are they still predatory? Of course, but they aren't nearly as violent as they once were, both towards other Pokemon and humans. Their newly formed personality allows them to befriend Pokemon they can't compete with like local Crawbrawler and Lillipup in order to team up and find food. These personality changes make Gumshoos a much more viable option for a pet or even guard Pokemon as well.

Alolan Yungoos and Gumshoos have much paler fur compared to invasive Yungoos/Gumshoos (the brown parts are close to blonde, the blonde parts are white), likely due to being in the sun more. Their faces are also neutral instead of perpetually frowning at rest and they are a bit shorter as well.

Ability Flavor-
Keen Eye: Less aggressive version of Stakeout, flavor-wise
Pixilate: Shows how Yungoos/Gumshoos fully adapted to their new home and personality (which changed them to Fairies)

Pokémon: Unovan Goldeen & Seaking
New Typing:

New Abilities: Swift Swim / Poison Point / Poison Touch (HA)
New Stats:
Goldeen: 45 / 77 (+10) / 65 (+5) / 30 (-5) / 40 (-10) / 63 [320 BST]
Seaking: 80 / 102 (+10) / 75 (+10) / 55 (-10) / 70 (-10) / 68 [450 BST]
New Moves: Acid, Acid Armor, Gunk Shot, Belch, Gastro Acid, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Sludge (+9)
Removed Moves: Aqua Ring, Captivate, Bounce, Psybeam, Natural Gift (-5)
Flavor/Design: Man kids in Unova do silly things. One of these silly things is have their parents go catch them a Goldeen, let them have it as a pet, then when it suddenly stops moving, instead of asking their parents to take it to a Pokemon Center, the kids flush their thought to be passed on Pokemon down their toilets. Contrary to popular belief, all drains lead to sewers, in this case the sewers of Casteila City where the abandoned Goldeen reside now. After many generations of Goldeen and Seaking grew up in the barely inhabitable water, they adapted to its toxicity and learned to harness it. In doing so, they became toxic, both poisonous and in their personality. Any trainer that comes across a Unovan Goldeen has to work extra hard to befriend it for this reason.

Design-wise, these creatures are much smaller than normal Goldeen/Seaking (normal Goldeens are two feet long, so they wouldn't fit down toilet drains), are a paler white and dark green in color (think Shiny Kantoian Grimer), and Unovan Seakings have longer front teeth.

The ability flavor should be pretty obvious.

Hoennian Slowbro:

New Abilities: Vital Spirit / Competitive / Swift Swim
New Stats: 95 / 75 / 40 / 110 / 80 / 100 | 490 BST (Switched Def and Spe, +10 SpA, -10 Spe)
New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Volt Switch, Hydro Pump
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Psyshock, Slack Off

Flavor/Design: When Slowbro was first introduced to Hoenn to have their tails illegally harvested, the gangs of the region thought they would make some easy money. But when the Slowbro saw the vast water of Hoenn, it awoke an ancient competitiveness that had been buried by years of laziness. They started training themselves to swim faster, and eventually went so fast that static charge in the air became part of their bodies. Unfortunately, they lost their psychic abilities when focusing on physical fitness so much. Eventually, they escaped their captors, but not without developing an almost unhealthy obsession about Speed.

Mega Hoennian Slowbro

New Ability: Compound Eyes
New Stats: 95 / 75 / 70 (+30) / 140 (+30) / 80 / 140 (+40) | 590 BST

Flavor/Design: When a Slowbro becomes the fastest swimmer in it's group, it becomes the target of all the other Slowbro's. Because of this, it becomes much more aware of it's surroundings and always be on it's guard. It becomes a better swimmer and fighter because of all the pressure mounted on it as the fastest swimmer.
Sinnoan Poochyena


Snow Cloak / Tough Claws / (Fur Coat)
Poochyena Stats -
45 (+10) / 55 / 35 / 20 (-10) / 30 / 35

Level Up
Level 1 - Tackle
Level 4 - Growl
Level 7 - Icicle Spear
Level 10 - Bite
Level 13 - Howl
Level 16 - Ice shard
Level 19 - Swagger
Level 22 - Ice Fang
Level 25 - Snatch
Level 28 - Hail
Level 31 - Avalanche
Level 34 - Work Up
Level 37 - Crunch
Level 40 - Retaliate
Level 43 - Take Down
Level 46 - Icicle Crash

TM 01 - Work Up
TM 05 - Roar
TM 06 - Toxic
TM 07 - Hail
TM 10 - Hidden Power
TM 12 - Taunt
TM 13 - Ice Beam
TM 17 - Protect
TM 18 - Rain Dance
TM 21 - Frustration
TM 27 - Return
TM 32 - Double Team
TM 41 - Torment
TM 42 - Facade
TM 44 - Rest
TM 45 - Attract
TM 66 - Payback
TM 70 - Aurora Veil
TM 79 - Frost Breath
TM 87 - Swagger
TM 88 - Sleep Talk
TM 90 - Substitute

Move Tutor
Low Kick
Iron Tail
Iron Head
Super Fang

Egg Moves
Fake Out
Sucker Punch
Poison Fang
Throat Chop
Sleep Talk
Play Rough
Me First
Thunder Fang
Powder Snow

-Sand Attack, + Powder Snow
-Odor Sleuth, +Growl
-Leer, +Ice Shard
-Assurance, +Ice Fang
-Scary Face, +Snatch
-Embargo, +Hail
-Taunt, +Avalanche
-Yawn, +Work Up
-Sucker Punch, +Retaliate
-Play Rough, +Icicle Crash
-Sunny Day, +Hail
-Taunt, +Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball, +Aurora Veil
-Thief, + Frost Breath
-Embargo, Low Kick
-Snarl, Iron Head
-Dark Pulse, + U-Turn
-Confide, +Fake Out
-Covet, +Superpower
-Foul Play, +Throat Chop
-Hyper Voice, +Recover
-Snore, +Agility
-Spite, +Hyper Fang
-Uproar, + Double Edge
-Astonish, + Wild Charge
-Fire Fang, +Dig
-Yawn, + Icicle Spear
In Sinnoh, Poochyena were originally brought over as pets. A few people would take them up to Snowpoint City. However, Poochyena's bodywas not used to such cold weather. They slowly adapted over time becoming more husky-like, and adapting to the cold. So much so that they became Ice types, with much thicker, but whiter fur.

Dex Entry 1 - Poochyena are well know for using their white fur to hide in the snow. They use this camouflage to steal items from victims, then take it back to their owner.
Dex Entry 2 - Poochyena often eat snow to freeze their teeth. They use this to try and freeze any prey they come across. As such, snow is often stuck in their fur.

Sinnoan Mightyena



Snow Cloak / Tough Claws / (Fur Coat)
Mightyena Stats -
80 (+10) / 100 (+10) / 70 / 40 (-20) / 70 (+10) / 60 (-10)

Level Up
Evolution - Iron Head
Level 1 - Thunder Fang
Level 1 - Psychic Fang
Level 1 - Hone Claws
Level 1 - Metal Claw
Level 1 - Tackle
Level 4 - Growl
Level 7 - Powder Snow
Level 10 - Bite
Level 13 - Howl
Level 16 - Ice shard
Level 20 - Swagger
Level 24 - Ice Fang
Level 28 - Scary Face
Level 32 - Hail
Level 36 - Avalanche
Level 40 - Work Up
Level 44 - Crunch
Level 48 - Retaliate
Level 52 - Iron Head
Level 56 - Icicle Crash

TM 01 - Work Up
TM 05 - Roar
TM 06 - Toxic
TM 07 - Hail
TM 08 - Bulk Up
TM 10 - Hidden Power
TM 12 - Taunt
TM 13 - Ice Beam
TM 17 - Protect
TM 18 - Rain Dance
TM 21 - Frustration
TM 26 - Earthquake
TM 27 - Return
TM 32 - Double Team
TM 41 - Torment
TM 42 - Facade
TM 44 - Rest
TM 45 - Attract
TM 65 - Shadow Claw
TM 66 - Payback
TM 67 - Smart Strike
TM 68 - Giga Impact
TM 70 - Aurora Veil
TM 75 - Swords Dance
TM 79 - Frost Breath
TM 87 - Swagger
TM 88 - Sleep Talk
TM 90 - Substitute

Move Tutor
Low Kick
Iron Tail
Iron Head
Super Fang
After Poochyena adapted to be more like huskies to be able to live in the snow, the next step was clearly to be able to scale glaciers and climb mountains. That way they were able to travel up and down the mountain much easier. Their feet adapted to the change, and the claws became steel, able to dig into the glaciers and rock. Their teeth also hardened to the point they became as hard a steel too. Their fur is slightly longer, but much thicker. However, from the outside, it looks a lot smoother.

Dex Entry 1 - Mightyena uses it's sharp claws to clamber up glaciers. It's sharp teeth can rip though solid rock.

Mightyena-Sinnoh @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Protect
- Avalanche

Mightyena-Sinnoh @ Leftovers
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Iron Head

Mightyena-Sinnoh @ Choice Band
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Icicle Crash
- Iron Head

Mightyena-Sinnoh @ Darkinium Z
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Snatch
- Icicle Crash
- Iron Head

Unovan Paras


Illusion / Tinted Lens / (Dazzling)
Paras Stats -
55 (+20) / 25 (Swapped with SpA, -20) / 55 / 90 (Swapped with Atk, +20) / 55 / 5 (-20)

Added Moves - Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick Room, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling Gleam (+7)

Removed Moves - Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Fell Stinger, Grassy Terrain, Natural Gift (-7)

After being exposed to leftover Dream Mist from one of Prof. Fennel's experiments, Paras's DNA was manipulated. Over time, the mushroom's on it's back developed psychedelic abilities. At first it wasn't able to control them correctly, and would commonly convulse after attempting to use them aggressively. Over time, their legs grew weaker. However, to compensate, they gained the ability to manipulate psychic areas, which made the weak speed less of a hindrance. They also slowly got more defensive, as their bright colours didn't allow camouflage.

Dex Entry 1 - Paras use the mushrooms on it's back to manipulate the opponent. If hit by the spores, the enemy sees bright colours.

Unovan Parasect


Illusion / Tinted Lens / (Dazzling)
Parasect Stats -
80 (+20) / 15 (Swapped with SpA, -30) / 55 / 100 (Swapped with Atk, +30) / 55 / 5 (-20)

Added Moves - Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick Room, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Bug Buzz (+8)

Removed Moves - Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Fell Stinger, Grassy Terrain, Natural Gift, Solar Beam (-8)

Upon evolution the three mushrooms on Paras's back merge together to make one much larger mushroom, which then grows it's own mushrooms. It uses the large mushroom to defend itself, and the smaller ones to shoot spores which cause opponents to either sleep or hallucinate, both of which can be detrimental.

Dex Entry 1 - Parasect takes energy from the mushrooms attached to it's back. Each of them contains a brain that can control Parasect if the main one is destroyed.


Parasect-Unova @ Leftovers
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Spore
- Psychic
- Bug Buzz

Parasect-Unova @ Psychic Seed
Ability: Illusion
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic Terrain
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Bug Buzz

Parasect-Unova @ Leftovers
Ability: Dazzling
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spore
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Psychic
- Bug Buzz

Also, if anyone wants to use the fade thing, there is a link here.

I'll also leave the colours I'm going to use for versions:
Red: #FF1111
Blue: #1111FF
Yellow: #FFD733

FireRed: #FF7327
LeafGreen: #00DD00

Gold: #DAA520
Silver: #C0C0C0
Crystal: #4FD9FF

HeartGold: #B69E00
SoulSilver: #C0C0E1

Ruby: #A00000
Sapphire: #0000A0
Emerald: #00A000

Omega Ruby: #CF3025
Alpha Sapphire: #1768D1

Diamond: #9CD5F6
Pearl: #E7A9A8
Platinum: #999999

Black: #444444
White: #E1E1E1

X: #6376B8
Y: #ED5540

Sun: #F1912B
Moon: #5599CA

Ultra Sun: #E35627
Ultra Moon: #1f62A3
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Pokémon: Hoenn Voltorb
New Typing:

New Abilities: Static/Volt Absorb (Drizzle)
New Stats: 50 (+10)/55 (+25)/45 (-5)/30 (-25)/55/95 (-5)
New Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Liquidate, Scald
Removed Moves: Discharge, Zap Cannon, Taunt, Charge Beam, Volt Switch

Flavor/Design: It's a Dive Ball! That's what it is, a Volt Orb in Dive Ball disguise. It's a dive ball and Hoennian because that's the generation Dive Balls were born.


Pokémon: Hoenn Electrode
New Typing:

New Abilities: Static/Volt Absorb (Drizzle)
New Stats: 70 (+10)/80 (+30)/65 (-5)/50 (-30)/55/145 (-5)
New Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Liquidate, Scald
Removed Moves: Discharge, Zap Cannon, Taunt, Charge Beam, Volt Switch

Flavor/Design: It's a Dive Ball! That's what it is, a Electrode in Dive Ball disguise. It's a dive ball and Hoennian because that's the generation Dive Balls were born. Just like classic Voltorb to Electrode, Hoenn Electrode has its Pokemon pattern upside down and yes I know Drizzle is a bit extreme, but I think thematically the idea of making rain to be as Dive Ballish as possible does great favors.


Pokémon: Alolan Mareep
New Typing:

New Abilities: Fluffy (Intimidate)
New Stats: Attack and Special Attack switched
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: Most Electric moves., Light Screen

Flavor/Design: With splotchy dark fur, this evil Mareep probably came across some dark influence, likely from some dark dimension with Ultra Beasts or... something. Its fur is very fluffy.


Pokémon: Alolan Flaafy
New Typing:

New Abilities: Fluffy (Intimidate)
New Stats: Attack and Special Attack switched
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Nasty Plot, Zing Zap, Nuzzle, technically it gets back all the normal Flaafy available electric moves except Thunder Punch
Removed Moves: All Punch moves, Brick Break, Light Screen, Mega Kick
This Flaafy has no punch. Instead, it stays quadruped and has lots of fur bursting with electricity. Lots of dark fur and some yellow patches, practically Mareep colored fur. Being without arms, this Flaafy has lots of black fur on its pink body and yellow fur remnants of its Mareep days, as it is too dark and stubborn to shed its fluffyness but the fur simply is creating too much spark.


Pokémon: Alolan Ampharos
New Typing:

New Abilities: Fluffy (Intimidate)
New Stats: Attack and Special Attack switched
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Nasty Plot, Earth Quake, Zing Zap, Nuzzle
Removed Moves: All Punch moves, Dragon Pulse, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Bulldoze, Light Screen, Mega Kick
Evolution Method: Level Up Alolan Flaaffy with a happiness under 40.
Flavor/Design: Becoming even more fluffy, the only hints of Ampharos left are its iconic glowing tail (now a black light glow) and its face, otherwise it has all the fur it had in its previous stage.


Pokémon: Mega Alolan Ampharos
New Typing:

New Abilities: Tough Claws
New Stats: Attack and Special Attack switched
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Crunch, Nasty Plot, Earth Quake, Zing Zap, Nuzzle
Removed Moves: All Punch moves, Dragon Pulse, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Bulldoze, Light Screen
Flavor/Design: While maintaining its fluffy body, it still has its gorgeous hair, although it's dark purple instead of white. It's still fabulous, but comes across the front of the face of Amphy like an Emo git! Same goes for the tail which is also purple with black glowing dots. Otherwise it looks the same and is quadrupedal. It also gains claws hence the ability.


Pokémon: Kalosian Druddigon
New Typing:

New Abilities: Magic Guard/Sheer Force (Intimidate)
New Stats: 87(+10)/120/90/60/90/38 (-10)
New Moves: Head Smash, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Stone Edge, Coil, Dragon Rush
Removed Moves: Superpower, Power Up Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw, Slash, Night Slash, Hone Claws, Scratch
Flavor/Design: A magical Gargoyle statue in this France land with lots of castles and Cathedrals... or it should if it's Pokémon France. They're magic golems too. Scary golems, but they have no fists. In fact their upper claws seem fused to their sides, leaving most claw moves unavailable as well
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Pokémon: Unovan Shuckle
New Typing:

New Abilities: Sturdy / Heatproof / Bulletproof (HA)
New Stats: 50 / 200 / 200 / 10 / 40 / 5 (Swapped Atk with SpD, +30 HP, -30 Atk, -30 Def, +30 SpD)
New Moves: Heavy Slam, Iron Defense, Amnesia, Slack Off
Removed Moves: Sticky Web, Struggle Bug, Infestation, String Shot, Sweet Scent, Power Trick
Flavor: WIP


Pokémon: Hoennian Quagsire
New Typing:

New Abilities: Intimidate / Water Bubble / Multiscale (HA)
New Stats: 95 / 85 / 85 / 65 / 35 / 65 (Swapped Spe with SpD)
New Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Hydro Pump, Bubble
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Dig, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Ancient Power, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm
Flavor: WIP


Pokémon: Sinnoan Volbeat
New Typing:

New Abilities: Illuminate / Swarm / Aerilate (HA)
New Stats: 65 / 43 / 65 / 105 / 47 / 105 (Swapped SpA with SpD, -30 Atk, -10 Def, +20 SpA, +20 Spe)
New Moves: Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Fly
Removed Moves: Mud-Slap, Zen Headbutt, Giga Drain
Flavor: WIP


Pokémon: Kalonese Linoone
New Typing:

New Abilities: Speed Boost / Gluttony / Quick Feet (HA)
New Stats: 78 / 70 / 71 / 30 / 71 / 100 (+10 Def -20 SpA +10 SpD)
New Moves: Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Fire Fang, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Heat Wave
Removed Moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Surf, Whirlpool, Water Pulse
Flavor: WIP
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drawing probably coming soon or something
Pokémon: Unovan Goomy
New Typing:

New Abilities: Limber / Corrosion (Gooey)
New Stats: 70 / 40 / 75 / 25 / 70 / 20 (300)

Removed Moves (from Unovan Goodra): Megahorn, Gunk Shot, Gyro Ball, Spikes, Smart Strike, Metal Sound, Pin Missile, Metal Burst

Flavor/Design: Several Goomy were brought into Unova to be pets, but they escaped and ran throughout the city. Forced to live off of trash and scrap, their bodies became even gooier and more poisonous, and by the time they evolved, they had developed metallic spikes from all the scrap they consumed.

drawing probably coming soon or something
Pokémon: Unovan Sliggoo
New Typing:

New Abilities: Limber / Corrosion (Gooey)
New Stats: 93 / 65 / 113 / 53 / 93 / 35 (452)

Removed Moves (from Unovan Goodra): Megahorn, Gunk Shot, Gyro Ball

Flavor/Design: Several Goomy were brought into Unova to be pets, but they escaped and ran throughout the city. Forced to live off of trash and scrap, their bodies became even gooier and more poisonous, and by the time they evolved, they had developed metallic spikes from all the scrap they consumed.


Pokémon: Unovan Goodra
New Typing:

New Abilities: Limber / Corrosion (Gooey)
New Stats: 115 / 90 / 150 / 80 / 110 / 55 (600) (Various stats swapped and moved. Too many to count. BST remains at the psuedo 600.)
New Moves: Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Acid Armor*, Poison Tail*, Venoshock, Venom Drench, Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Megahorn, Smart Strike, Rapid Spin, Metal Sound, Metal Burst, Curse, Pin Missile, Gunk Shot
*previously exclusive as Egg Moves.
Removed Moves: Absorb, Power Whip, Aqua Tail, Bubble, Dragon Breath, Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Draco Meteor, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Superpower, Rain Dance

Flavor/Design: Several Goomy were brought into Unova to be pets, but they escaped and ran throughout the city. Forced to live off of trash and scrap, their bodies became even gooier and more poisonous, and by the time they evolved, they had developed metallic spikes from all the scrap they consumed.
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Pokemon: Sinnoan Forretress
New Typing: Bug/Rock
New Abilities: Solid Rock/Skill Link
New Stats: 75/100/110/50/80/50
New Moves: Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Pin Missile, Bullet Seed, U-Turn, Rock Throw
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Heavy Slam, Volt Switch, Zap Cannon, Autotomize
Flavor/Design: Near Stark Mountain, natural predators of Pineco (bird Pokemon) aren't as prevalent, and instead Fire types are more common. This led to Pineco evolving to be able to fight back against them. Now a Bug/Rock type, it has more Atk and Sp. Def, but less Def. It also has Solid Rock and Skill Link as abilities, with access to Rock Blast, Pin Missile, and Bullet Seed.


New Typing: Dark/Fairy
New Abilities: Illusion/Run Away/Justified
New Stats: 65/100/60/105/60/75
New Moves: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight
Removed Moves: Hex, Curse, Torment
Flavor/Design: The people of the region feared the horrible disasters seemingly brought on by Absol. And so, over time, they began to hunt Absol down, trying to remove the species from the region entirely. However, as it turns out, the Absol of the region managed to survive by developing the power to create illusions, similarly to Zoroark. They hid themselves away in secluded places, like forests and caves, and they became nothing more than a bygone myth to the people. Their seclusion further developed them into mystical beings that have mastered both shadows and light.

Mega Typing: Dark/Fairy
Mega Ability: Magic Bounce
Mega Stats: 65/120/60/145/60/115
Mega Flavor: When its trust in humankind is finally reestablished, Kantonian Absol can acheive a form that enhances its mystic powers even further. While similar to a normal Mega Absol in many ways, a Kantonian Mega Absol can fill its "wings" with power and acheive flight for several minutes. In fact, it seems that a lot of its power has been placed into its wings, leading them to be not only larger and capable of releasing powerful blasts of energy, but also even softer than those of a normal Mega Absol.



Pokemon: Kalonese Ralts
New Typing: Normal/Fairy
New Abilities: Normalize/Anticipation/Klutz
New Stats: 28/25/25/25/25/70
New Moves: Flail, Feint, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: All Psychic Moves (EXCEPT for Rest and Calm Mind), Destiny Bond, and Draining Kiss
Flavor/Design: Due to the disaster involving the weapon created by AZ leading to widespread death, the empathic Gardevoir and Gallade within the region fell into states of despair. To make matters worse, any Ralts that was born died of sadness. The only survivors of the species were those born without their horns, which allow them to utilize those empathic abilities. However, due to not possessing their horns, they also lost access to their psychic abilities. Without the ability to Teleport, they were forced to put their efforts into running away from danger.


Pokemon: Kalonese Kirlia
New Typing: Fairy/Fighting
New Abilities: Pixilate/Anticipation/No Guard
New Stats: 38/45/45/45/45/60
New Moves: Aura Sphere, Flail, Volt Switch, Mat Block, Play Rough, Feint, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Meditate
Removed Moves: All Psychic Type Moves (EXCEPT Calm Mind, Rest, and Heal Pulse), Destiny Bond, and Draining Kiss
Flavor/Design: The lack of affinity for psychic powers led to Ralts becoming more used to a balance between physical and mental training. In fact, this allowed for new potential to awaken within them. Once they evolved, they began to practice using physical combat to help them unlock their mental capabilities once again. Today, Kirlia look at Gardevoir for inspiration to train their minds and bodies, for they one day might be able to have such precise mental control. They are quite surprised to meet Kirlia from other regions though, who demonstrate Psychic techniques not even Kalonese Gardevoir have been able to remaster.


Pokemon: Kalonese Gardevoir
New Typing: Fairy/Fighting
New Abilities: Pixilate/Anticipation/No Guard
New Stats: 68/70/80/120/85/95
New Moves: Aura Sphere, Volt Switch, Play Rough, Vacuum Wave, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Feint, Meditate, Flail, Mat Block, Counter
Removed Moves: Destiny Bond, Healing Wish, Magic Coat, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Draining Kiss, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hypnosis, Magic Room, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wonder Room
Flavor/Design: The Gardevoir of Kalos evolve from Kirlia who have perfected the martial art developed by their kind long ago. One who watches a battle involving a Kalonese Gardevoir would observe it using sharp motions to summon powerful energies, which it would then use to attack the foe. These energies feel like punches and kicks. Thusly, it can fight like it would at close range at any distance. They can even use this technique to replicate some of the psychic abilities they were unable to use as a Ralts. The Gardevoir of Kalos are usually a lot more boisterous than the more elegant regular Gardevoir, but they often get along with them rather nicely.


Pokemon: Mega Kalonese Gardevoir
Mega Typing: Fairy/Fighting
Mega Ability: Pixilate
Mega Stats: 68/100/95/150/95/110
Flavor/Design: Upon Mega Evolving, Kalonese Gardevoir can utilize their martial art to more effect, being stronger both mentally and physically. Unlike regular Mega Gardevoir, which has a large gown, the helmet piece of Kalonese Mega Gardevoir develops into what looks like long, flowing hair. The way it flows while Gardevoir fights makes it look almost like an elegant dance.


Pokemon: Kalonese Gallade
New Evolution Method: Male Kalonese Kirlia only, level up while holding Metal Coat at night
New Typing: Fairy/Steel
New Ability: Sturdy/Overcoat
New Stats: 68/125/105/65/75/80
New Moves: Aura Sphere, Flail, Volt Switch, Mat Block, Play Rough, Meditate, Smart Strike, Iron Head, Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Sacred Sword
Removed Moves: Destiny Bond, Close Combat, Focus Punch, Low Kick, Quick Guard, Rock Smash, Draining Kiss, and Psychic type moves (excluding Psycho Cut, Rest, Calm Mind, and Heal Pulse)
Flavor/Design: Many of the Ralts and Kirlia of old could not practice mental fortitude, due to their circumstances preventing them from thriving. As such, they grew much differently from other Kirlia. Their normally frail bodies toughened, becoming as hard as metal armor. Only the male Kirlia were able to take advantage of this, by evolving into a strong, fully armored Gallade. These Gallade helped protect others of their kind, and contributed greatly to the survival of the Kalonese Ralts line. Today, Kalonese Gallade are used as guards to important locations, and for important people.


Pokemon: Mega Kalonese Gallade
Mega Typing: Fairy/Steel
Mega Ability: Pixilate
Mega Stats: 68/165/125/65/95/100
Flavor/Reasoning: The Gallade held by only the most elite of guards and knights is allowed to Mega Evolve. These Gallade have taken the time to steel both their bodies and minds to acheive their maximum potential. Upon Mega Evolving, they will guard those that they trust until the bitter end, and with their powerful visage lead the lower rank Gallade to a swift victory.


Pokemon: Kalonese Milotic
New Typing: Poison/Dragon
New Abilities: Intimidate/Corrosion/Oblivious
New Stats: 95/95/84/100/115/51
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Dragon Hammer, Gunk Shot, Poison Tail, Clear Smog, Draco Meteor, Gastro Acid, Crunch, Scary Face
Removed Moves: Aqua Tail, Water Gun, Water Sport, Disarming Voice, Hydro Pump
Flavor/Design: The cocoon of the Pokemon Yveltal once slept at the bottom of a cavern lake. Most of the fish Pokemon within the lake died off, but one species was able to survive: Feebas. However, the essence of death took its toll on the small fish, and when it evolved, it was no beautiful serpent, but rather a corrupted monster. It couldn't bear the sight of itself or others like it, and so it lived in the dark waters to hide away. However, when the species was finally noticed by some cave explorers, they were quickly relocated, and the cave was barred off. Modern day descendants of these Milotic are nowhere near as terrifying as their ancesters, but they retain several traits from them, including false eyes on their tails, markings like those of Feebas, and a second mouth on their tail.
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Pokémon: Kantonian Remoraid and Octillery
New Typing:

New Abilities:
Sturdy / Sniper / Sheer Force (Hidden)
New Stats: Unchanged
New Moves:
As Remoraid:
Ember, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Eruption, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Flash Cannon, Magnet Bomb, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball (10)
As Octillery:
Ember, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Eruption, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Magnet Bomb, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Wild Charge (12)
Removed Moves:
As Remoraid:
Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Hydro Pump, Soak, and Water Spout (5)
As Octillery:
Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Hydro Pump, Soak, Water Spout, and Wring Out (6)
Flavor/Design: A mad scientist in Kanto performed extensive cybernetic modifications on a group of Remoraid to make them into better weapons. These Remoraid escaped to the wild - and thanks to the twisted Lamarckian nightmare that is Pokémon biology, they passed these traits onto their offspring. Thankfully, their nature as aquatic Fire-types has held them back from becoming truly invasive. They're a metallic grey, with glowing red where normal Remoraid is darker and where Octillery has yellow. They look mechanical and even more gun-like than before.​


Pokémon: Johtoese Charizard
New Typing:
As Charmander and Charmeleon:

As Charizard:

New Abilities: Justified / Guts
As Mega Charizard X: Tough Claws
As Mega Charizard Y: Mold Breaker
New Stats: Switch Atk and SpA
New Moves:
High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Aura Sphere, Low Kick, Superpower, Cross Chop, Hammer Arm, Sky Uppercut, Low Sweep, Wake-Up Slap, Mach Punch, Karate Chop, Double Kick, Vacuum Wave (16)
Removed Moves:
Blast Burn, Ember, Fire Blast, Fire Fang, Fire Pledge, Fire Punch, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Incinerate, Inferno, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp (16)
Flavor/Design: Kantonian Charizard have a strict code of honor, refusing to use their fire against foes that are too weak. Johtoese Charizard have an even stricter one, refusing to use fire at all, and instead going down the path of martial arts. Their body is a darker reddish-brown, their arms are a little less thin, they're a little less fat, and the flame on their tail is made of aura instead of fire.​

Pokemon: Kantonian Cryogonal
New Typing:

New Abilities: Levitate
New Stats: 80 / 50 / 115 / 105 / 50 / 115 (Swap Def and SpD, -20 Def, +10 SpA and Spe)
New Moves: Eruption, Fire Blast, Inferno, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Lava Plume, Burn Up, Sunny Day, Overheat, Scald, Clear Smog
Removed Moves: Aurora Beam, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Aurora Veil, Hail, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Mist, Sheer Cold
Flavor: Over time, Cryogonal were introduced into the Seafoam Islands, where they naturally thrived near the surface of the caves. However, Cinnabar Island's volcano eruption made the environment unbearably hot. While most Cryogonals moved deeper underground, a select few managed to adapt to the heat, eventually moving into the volcano itself and becoming a superheated flame contained within its glasslike shell. While the original Cryogonals deep within the caves still exist, almost all Cryogonals in Kanto are those that live within the Cinnabar volcano.


Pokemon: Unovan Spinirak
New Typing:

New Abilities:
Volt Absorb / Forewarn | Download (HA)
New Stats: 40 / 60 / 45 / 30 / 45 / 30 (+5 Def, -10 SpA, +5 SpD)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Shift Gear, Gyro Ball, Tri Attack, Thunder Wave, Wild Charge, Charge Beam
Removed Moves: Bug Bite, Lunge, Megahorn, Pin Missile, Rage Powder, Struggle Bug, Twineedle, X-Scissor
Flavor: Team Plasma's scientists modifed Spinirak en masse in order to test their theory of weaponizing Pokemon. These mass produced creatures were predominantly used for spying purposes, but several developed mutations in their programming and went rogue. These rogue Spiniraks are a common sight in industrial areas where it feeds off of electricity.

Pokemon: Unovan Ariados
New Typing:

New Abilities:
Volt Absorb / Initimidate | Download (HA)
New Stats: 70 / 90 / 75 / 50 / 75 / 40 (+5 Def, -10 SpA. +5 SpD)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Shift Gear, Gyro Ball, Tri Attack, Thunder Wave, Wild Charge, Charge Beam
Removed Moves: Bug Bite, Lunge, Megahorn, Pin Missile, Rage Powder, Struggle Bug, Twineedle, X-Scissor
Flavor: While Team Plasm never created any Unovan Ariados, rogue Unovan Spinirak that grew strong enough further mutated into Unovan Ariados. These dangerous machinations can often be seen devouring metal structures, which they then use to create steel-silk webs. These webs cover the entire swath of a Unovan Ariados colony's territory and attach to several sources of electricity. Anyone unfortunate to step on these webs will be instantly electrocuted by the powerful currents that run along the webs that Ariados feed on. What happens after the victim is paralyzed by the web is typically a swift and efficient death, with the body left to rot. Because of this it's not difficult to avoid to an Unovan Ariados colony, if only due to the scent.


Pokemon: Kantonian Shuckle
New Typing:

New Abilities:
Sticky Hold / Long Reach | Huge Power (HA)
New Stats: 50 / 40 / 200 / 10 / 200 / 5 (+30 HP, +30 Atk, -30 Def, -30 SpD)
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Crunch, Bite, Night Slash, Punishment, Pursuit, Leech Life, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang.
Removed Moves: Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Sand Tomb, Rock Polish, Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Ancient Power
Flavor: Shuckle's typical diet consists of berries, but general berry rarity forced Shuckle to find a new food source. This new food source was none other than the blood of other Pokemon, which Shuckle rapidly adapted to consume with its hooked claws and large circular mouth in place of eyes, which it found no need for when it spent most of its time latched onto other Pokemon. These parasites are a common site latched onto Slowbro, who are pay no mind to the blood sucking. If ever threatened, this Shuckle variant is much more capable than a Johtonese Shuckle, slashing at anything that approaches with its claws and delivering a powerful bite if close enough.
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Kantonese Woobat/Swoobat:
New Typing:

New Abilities: Swarm / Unaware / Simple (HA)
New Woobat Stats: 65 / 35 / 23 / 65 / 63 / 72 (-20 Def, +20 Sp.Def, -10 Attack, +10 Sp.Atk)
New Swoobat Stats: 67 / 47 / 35 / 87 / 75 / 114 (-20 Def, +20 Sp. Def, -10 Attack, +10 Sp.Atk)
BST: 425
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Silver Wind
Removed Moves: Acrobatics, Knock Off, Defog
Flavor/Design: The courting Pokemon, Swoobat and Woobat were brought to the Kanto region in order to spread positive vibes and happiness after a difficult time for the Kantonese people. They were an instant hit but took up residence in Kanto's forests, where they developed the ability to manipulate their ultrasonic waves to scare away predators using a massive buzz in order to maintain their privacy. They took on many of the characteristics of Bug types, with their wings holding a beautiful light green design in the mould of a Butterfree, and having dark green fur around their neck.
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Kanto has strict rules to make sure nobody brings Pokemon from other regions in there. Some idiot however, failed to read those and somehow got away with bringing in a few Hoenn mons. They also escaped and did the weird stuff mons do outside of their regions.


Pokémon: Treecko-Kanto
New Typing:

New Abilities: Blaze / No Guard
New Stats: 50 (+10) / 40 (-5) / 50 (+15) / 70 (+5) / 60 (+5) / 40 (-30)
New Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Incinerate, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Fire Pledge, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Morning Sun, Leech Life, Flame Charge, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere
Removed Moves: Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Absorb, Grass Pledge, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Worry Seed, Cut,
Flavor/Design: This ended up on Cinnabar, and couldn't defend itself with the volcano and all. So it becomes a fire-type, mostly becomes red (lighter green looks like orangy-red, and darker green looks like maroon) and lights its tail on fire (cause other kanto-based fire-types have something on fire).


Pokémon: Grovyle-Kanto
New Typing:

New Abilities: Blaze / No Guard
New Stats: 70 (Swap with Speed, -25) / 50 (-15) / 65 (+20) / 90 (+5) / 80 (+15) / 50 (Swap with HP)
New Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Incinerate, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Fire Pledge, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Morning Sun, Leech Life, Flame Charge, Dark Pulse, Vaccum Wave, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb
Removed Moves: Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Absorb, Grass Pledge, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Worry Seed, Leaf Blade, Cut,
Flavor/Design: Wip :(


Pokémon: Sceptile
New Typing:

New Abilities: Blaze / No Guard
New Stats: 90 (Speed swap, -30) / 70 (-15) / 80 (+15) / 120 (+15) / 110 (+25) / 60 (HP swap, -10)
New Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Incinerate, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Fire Pledge, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, Morning Sun, Leech Life, Flame Charge, Dark Pulse, Vaccum Wave, Aura Sphere, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Blast Burn
Removed Moves: Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Absorb, Grass Pledge, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Worry Seed, Leaf Blade, Cut, Frenzy Plant
Flavor/Design: Still wip :(


Pokémon: Torchic-Kanto
New Typing:

New Abilities: Torrent / Aerilate
New Stats: 70 (+25) / 40 (-20) / 50 (+10) / 60 (-10) / 50 / 40 (-5)
New Moves: Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Whirlpool, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Water Pledge, Water Sport, Rain Dance, Hail, Icy Wind, Hyper Voice
Removed Moves: Ember, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Heat Wave, Overheat, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Fire Pledge, Incinerate, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Cut, Rock Smash, Seismic Toss
Flavor/Design: A wip :(


Pokémon: Combusken-Kanto
New Typing:

New Abilities: Torrent / Aerilate
New Stats: 90 (+30) / 50 (Defense swap, -10) / 70 (Attack swap, -15) / 80 (-5) / 65 (+5) / 50 (-5)
New Moves: Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Whirlpool, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Water Pledge, Water Sport, Rain Dance, Hail, Icy Wind, Aqua Jet, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Hyper Voice, Roost, Feather Dance, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Liquidation, Tailwind
Removed Moves: Ember, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Heat Wave, Overheat, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Fire Pledge, Incinerate, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Cut, Rock Smash, Bulk Up, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Power-Up-Punch, Seismic Toss, Double Kick, Dynamic Punch, Sky Uppercut, Vaccum Wave, Flare Blitz
Flavor/Design: Still one of those wips


Pokémon: Blaziken-Kanto
New Typing:

New Abilities: Torrent / Aerilate
New Stats: 120 (Attack swap) / 60 (HP swap, -20) / 90 (+20) / 110 / 80 (+10) / 70 (-10)
New Moves: Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Whirlpool, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Water Pledge, Water Sport, Rain Dance, Hail, Icy Wind, Aqua Jet, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Hyper Voice, Roost, Feather Dance, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Liquidation, Tailwind, Hydro Cannon, Energy Ball
Removed Moves: Ember, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Heat Wave, Overheat, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Fire Pledge, Incinerate, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Cut, Rock Smash, Bulk Up, Focus Punch, Power-Up-Punch, Seismic Toss, Double Kick, Dynamic Punch, Sky Uppercut, Vaccum Wave, Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Blast Burn
Flavor/Design: Still one of those wips

there's also gonna be a Grass/Rock Swampert, a Ground/Fairy Aggron, and a Steel Ralts that evolves into a Steel/Electric Gardevoir or a Steel/Bug Gallade
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Pokemon: Johtonese Rapidash
New Type:

New Abilities: Unburden / Flash Fire | Aerilate (HA)
New Stats: 65 / 100 / 70 / 70 / 80 / 115 ( -10 SpA. +10 Spe )
New Moves: Defog, Roost, Acrobatics, Air Slash
Removed Moves: Drill Run
Flavor: Much like Johto's legendary trio, Rapidash like to run like the wind throughout the Johto region. As a result of their ability Flash Fire, and chance encounters with certain legendary pokemon, a population of Rapidash living in the plains around Ecruteak city absorbed enough Sacred Fire to undergo genetic mutation. I think Aerilate is a justified ability as it will start out as normal horse ( as Ponyta ) and then sprout wings as it evolves, much like how Pinsir to M-Pinsir or Bagon to Salamence involve non-flying to flying transitions ( there's a similar convention with Pixilate pokemon as well ). Note the slight hint of rainbow colors in the fire!
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Big WIPs


Pokémon: Kantonian Joltik
New Typing:

New Abilities: Hustle / Unnerve | HA: Swarm
New Stats: 50 HP / 57 Atk / 50 Def / 47 SpA / 50 SpD / 65 Spe (Swap Attack and Special Attack stats)
New Moves: Bite, Crunch, Taunt, Embargo, Dark Pulse, Torment, Foul Play, Fling, U-turn, Switcheroo, Knock Off (+11)
Removed Moves: Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Discharge, Electro Web (Total: 10)

Flavor/Design: Migrating to Kanto via latching onto traversing Pokemon, once Joltik arrived in Kanto, it was faced with a dilemma - its usual source of feeding wasn't reliable. With no major cities to leech electricity from, Joltik searched other ways to feed. With a surplus of nocturnal bugs in Kanto, and its main predators the birds all fast asleep, Joltik shook off its electrical leeching lifestyle and became an active nocturnal predator, either pouncing on prey or entrapping them with silk.

Pokémon: Kantonian Galvantula
New Typing:

New Abilities: Hustle / Intimidate | HA: Swarm
New Stats: 70 HP / 97 Atk / 60 Def / 77 SpA / 60 SpD / 108 Spe (Swap Attack and Special Attack stats)
New Moves: Bite, Crunch, Taunt, Embargo, Dark Pulse, Torment, Foul Play, Fling, U-turn, Switcheroo, Knock Off, Night Slash, Hone Claws (+13)
Removed Moves: Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Discharge, Electro Web, Thunder (Total: 11)

Flavor/Design: Kantonian Galvantula are now potent active hunters, who are known for frequently chasing down anything it considers edible. These Pokemon are so ferocious, that they can and will hunt and capture young Pidgey and Spearow if insects are not enough! These Pokemon will also hunt in packs during the night to take down prey a single Galvantula couldn't take down alone. they use their pedipalps to hold down prey while their sharp fangs apply paralyzing venom.


Pokémon: Johtonese Charjabug
New Typing:

New Abilities: Steelworker
New Stats: Same as Regular
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Gyro Ball, Metal Burst, Magnet Bomb, Metal Sound (Total: 6)
Removed Moves: Thunderbolt, Charge, Wild Charge, Spark, Discharge (Total: 5)

Flavor/Design: Originally brought over from Alola to serve as natural batteries for campers in the wilderness, Charjabug became fascinated with the surplus of Iron ore in the region. They began to feed on the ore, and they eventually adopted this into their physiology, especially their now ironclad armour. Now Johtonese Charjabug frequent mining spots, and are used by miners to locate where the richest source of iron ore are located.

Pokémon: Johtonese Vikavolt
New Typing:

New Abilities: Levitate
New Stats: 77 HP / 43 Atk / 100 Def / 135 SpA / 75 SpD / 70 Spe (-27 Atk, +10 Def, -10 SpA, +27 Spe)
New Moves: Iron Head, Gyro Ball, Metal Burst, Magnet Bomb, Metal Sound, Steel Wing, Smart Strike (Total: 7)
Removed Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Charge, Wild Charge, Spark, Discharge, Zap Cannon (Total: 7)

Flavor/Design: With a sleek metallic coat, Johtonese Vikavolt could not rely on its wings alone for propulsion. So they adapted the ability to use pressurized gases from within their body to zip around their metallic frames. They feed on insects, but they still need to consume iron ore to maintain their metallic coats.



Pokémon: Sinnoan Litleo
New Typing:

New Abilities: Rivalry / Unnerve | HA: Slush Rush
New Stats: 62 HP / 40 Atk / 58 Def / 73 SpA / 54 SpD / 82 Spe (-10 Atk, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Ice Fang, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Hail
Removed Moves:



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