AAA RegenVest Manaphy [DONE]

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RegenVest (Manaphy) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD or 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Alluring Voice / Energy Ball

Manaphy leverages a great defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and incredible utility moves including the coveted Scald to be among the tier's premier RegenVest users. Manaphy is able to comfortably switch in and scout dangerous special attackers like Scream Tail, Azelf, and Gholdengo and, when running the more physically bulky spread, powerful wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Great Tusk. Knock Off is notable for threatening decent damage against Gholdengo and removing key items like Assault Vest and Heavy-Duty Boots from would-be switch-ins like opposing Manaphy, Iron Moth, and Moltres. While obviously used for slow pivoting, U-turn is also able to threaten an OHKO on Meowscarada, which would otherwise switch in easily. Alluring Voice is the most common final move for its ability to threaten Latios, Zamazenta, and non-Throat Chop Roaring Moon, but Energy Ball is an option to smack opposing Manaphy, Swampert, and Primarina. An EV spread with full Defense investment is the most common spread, turning Manaphy into a potent mixed wall that can check Cinderace, Great Tusk, and non-Choice Band Roaring Moon while still acting as a solid secondary check to special wallbreakers like Deoxys-S, Primarina, and Gholdengo; it can also choose to run a full Special Defense-invested set to more solidly check these nuclear special attackers.

RegenVest Manaphy is renowned for being able to sturdy up the defensive backbone of almost any team style, but balance and bulky offense teams tend to benefit the most from its presence. Manaphy is excellent at taking hits from powerful wallbreakers like Roaring Moon, Primarina, and Gholdengo and pivoting out with U-turn, so frail wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Sandy Shocks, and Deoxys-S naturally appreciate its ability to eat a hit then bring them in damage-free. Similarly, Manaphy can be an asset to slower wallbreakers like Ceruledge and Primarina that appreciate its hit-taking capability. Corviknight is the most classic pairing with Manaphy, with both defensive and specially defensive sets able to shore up Manaphy's less-invested stat. If running physically defensive Manaphy, a sturdier check to powerful Choice Band users like Roaring Moon, Zamazenta, and Meowscarada is necessary; consider Skarmory, Great Tusk, or especially Pecharunt as a teammate. Similarly, any RegenVest Manaphy set appreciates a Steel-type special wall like Heatran, Iron Treads, or specially defensive Gholdengo that can help versus threats like Zapdos, Sheer Force Deoxys-S, and Latios. Manaphy is especially vulnerable to getting worn down by entry hazards and being overwhelmed by foes if it loses its Assault Vest, so hazard removers like Iron Treads, Corviknight, and Great Tusk are mandatory teammates, with the latter two doubling as Knock Off absorbers.

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Other Options

Level 99 Manaphy is a tempting option, guaranteeing a slower U-turn against opposing standard RegenVest Manaphy, but it is generally not worth having an overall less bulky Manaphy. RegenVest Manaphy can afford to use a different EV spread than the maximized ones here if looking to survive specific rolls. A physically defensive set with 200 Speed EVs may be considered to outspeed and better check Ceruledge, but it is usually not worth losing the slower U-turn or the extra bulk investment. Dazzling Gleam is interchangeable with Alluring Voice; the former checks Throat Chop Roaring Moon, and the latter dissuades setup sweepers and hits Substitute users. Psychic is an option in the final moveslot to dissuade Iron Moth and Pecharunt from switching in while still hitting Zamazenta, whereas Ice Beam can be used to hit Zapdos and Desolate Land Landorus, but the other options are generally considered better. Alternatively, a physically defensive Regenerator set with Rocky Helmet and Take Heart is an option to act as a bulky wincon while still checking physical attackers, but this Manaphy set is easily forced out by special attackers without a boost and may struggle to find setup opportunities. Tail Glow sets may consider running Primordial Sea and Weather Ball for the additional power and being able to hit Desolate Land users, but this set becomes extremely slow and easier to switch around or pressure out. Tail Glow sets can also consider running Scald, trading some damage for additional utility and the chance to burn something before fainting, but the drop in power isn't worth sacrificing for. Hydro Pump is another option on these sets for additional power, notably 3HKOing Empoleon after a Tail Glow boost, but the reduced PP and accuracy is usually not worth it. Alternatively, hyper offense teams can run a potent set with Fluffy, Unaware, or an immunity ability alongside Take Heart, Acid Armor, and Stored Power to muscle through checks like even opposing RegenVest users, Heatran, and Empoleon after enough boosts.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-type Moves**: Zapdos, Sandy Shocks, and Pokemon with Electric-type moves like Deoxys-S, Latios, and Gholdengo are often able to muscle through non-Motor Drive Manaphy even with an Assault Vest and maximum Special Defense investment.

**Desolate Land Users**: Aside from Knock Off, most Manaphy sets lack any effective tools against Desolate Land users like Iron Moth, Moltres, and Heatran, giving them free switch-in opportunities to either set up entry hazards or threaten Manaphy with Solar Beam.

**Grass-types**: Even the most physically defensive Manaphy sets can't reliably deal with Meowscarada or the Ogerpon formes, and Hisuian Electrode is a major annoyance for any spread.

**Passive Damage**: Without Take Heart, Manaphy is extremely vulnerable to passive damage in the form of Toxic from Iron Moth, Pecharunt, or Mandibuzz. Likewise, Manaphy is worn down extremely quickly by entry hazards set by the likes of Great Tusk, Skarmory, and Scream Tail.

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will look over once this is implemented, lemme know if you have questions
RegenVest (Manaphy) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD or 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Alluring Voice / Energy Ball

Manaphy leverages a great defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and access to solid id prefer something like incredible here cause scald knock and uturn are all incredible moves and there isnt any other pokemon that has access to those moves excluding mew utility moves to be among the tier's premier RegenVest users. Manaphy is able to comfortably switch in and blanket check dangerous special attackers like Scream Tail, Azelf, and Gholdengo and, if running the more physically bulky spread, powerful wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Ceruledge, and Psyshock Latios. polt still does a billion and tbolt also does quite a bit, cinder and offensive tusk are better options, also mention scald Knock Off is notable for, on top of threatening decent damage against Gholdengo and Desolate Land Ceruledge, feels a bit niche removing key items like Assault Vest or Heavy-Duty Boots from switch-ins like opposing Manaphy, Iron Moth, and Moltres. U-turn, while obviously used for slow-pivoting, is also able to threaten an OHKO on Meowscarada that would otherwise switch in for free. Alluring Voice is the most common final move for its ability to threaten Latios, Zamazenta, and non-Throat Chop Roaring Moon, but Energy Ball is an option to smack opposing Manaphy, Swampert, and the rare Water Absorb Garganacl. very rare indeed, id probably replace this with empol or prim but mana and pert alone are probably good enough A spread with full Defense investment is the most common, turning Manaphy into a potent mixed wall that can check Cinderace, Great Tusk, and non-Choice Band Roaring Moon while still acting as a solid secondary check to special wallbreakers like Deoxys-S, Primarina, and Gholdnego; it can also choose to run a full Special Defense-invested set to more solidly check these nuclear special attackers. is this rly necessary? you kind of already mention at the beginning what the defensive spread does

RegenVest Manaphy is renowned for being able to sturdy up the defensive backbone of almost any teamstyle, but balance and bulky offense teams tend to benefit the most from its presence. Manaphy is excellent at taking hits from powerful wallbreakers like Roaring Moon, Primarina, and Gholdengo and pivoting out with U-Turn, so frail wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Sandy Shocks, and Deoxys-S naturally appreciate its presence. Similarly, Manaphy can also be an asset to slower wallbreakers like Ceruledge and Primarina that appreciate its hit-taking capability. Corviknight is the most classic pairing with Manaphy, with both defensive and specially defensive sets able to shore up Manaphy's less-invested stat. If running physically defensive Manaphy, a more sturdy check to powerful Choice Band users like Roaring Moon, Zamazenta, and Meowscarada is necessary; consider Skarmory, Gholdengo Great Tusk, or especially Pecharunt as teammates. Similarly, any RegenVest Manaphy spread appreciates a Steel-type special wall like Heatran, Iron Treads, or specially defensive Gholdengo that can help versus threats like Zapdos, Sheer Force Deoxys-S, and Latios. Manaphy is especially vulnerable to getting worn down by entry hazards and to being overwhelmed by foes if it loses its Assault Vest, so hazard removers like Iron Treads, Corviknight, and Great Tusk are mandatory teammates, with the latter two doubling as Knock Off absorbers.

Other Options

Level 99 Manaphy is a tempting option, guaranteeing a slower U-turn against opposing Manaphy, but this is generally not worth having an overall less bulky Manaphy. RegenVest Manaphy can afford to use a different EV spread than the maximized ones here, if looking to live specific rolls. A speedy physically defensive set with 200 Speed EVs may be considered to outspeed and better check Ceruledge, but this is generally not worth losing the slower U-turn or the extra bulk investment. Dazzling Gleam is largely interchangeable with Alluring Voice, with the former better checking Throat Chop Roaring Moon and the latter dissuading setup sweepers and hitting foes like Zamazenta through Substitute. Psychic is an option in the final moveslot to dissuade Iron Moth and Pecharunt from switching in while still hitting Zamazenta, while Ice Beam can be used to hit Zapdos and Desolate Land Landorus, but the other options are generally considered better. Alternatively, a physically defensive Regenerator set with Rocky Helmet and Take Heart is an option to act as a bulky wincon while still checking physical attackers, but is easily forced out by special attackers without a boost and may struggle to find setup opportunities.

Tail Glow sets may consider running Primordial Sea and Weather Ball over a Speed amplification ability for the additional power and being able to hit Desolate Land users, but this set becomes extremely slow and somewhat easy to switch around or pressure out. Tail Glow sets can also consider running Scald, trading some damage for additional utility and the chance to burn something before fainting, but the drop in power isn't worth sacrificing. Hydro Pump is another option on these sets for additional power, notably 3HKOing Empoleon after a Tail Glow, but this is generally not worth the reduced PP and accuracy. Alternatively, hyper offense teams can run a potent crit-me-not set with Fluffy, Unaware, or an immunity ability alongside Take Heart, Acid Armor, and Stored Power to muscle through even checks like opposing RegenVest users, Heatran, and Water Absorb Iron Treads Empoleon after enough boosts. make sure to remove the space in between paragraphs, oo should not be two paragraphs, also you might wanna consider cutting down some wording cause this is a lot of just oo

Checks and Counters

Zapdos and other Electric-type moves Electric-type Move Users: Zapdos and other Electric-type-move users like Deoxys-S, Latios, and Gholdengo are often able to muscle through non-Motor Drive Manaphy even with an Assault Vest and maximum Special Defense investment, while also threatening to stop Manaphy from fighting back with Paralysis. feels unnecessary when zapdos is the only mon this is even likely to para mana, also mention shocks somewhere

Desolate Land users:
Aside from Knock Off, most Manaphy sets lack any effective tools against Desolate Land users like Iron Moth, Moltres, and Heatran, giving them free switch-in opportunities to either set up hazards or threaten it with Solar Beam.

Ogerpon-Formes and Meowscarada Grass-types: Even the most physically defensive Manaphy sets can not reliably deal with these Grass-type wallbreakers. mention the above grass types as well as helectrode

Passive Damage:
Without Take Heart, Manaphy is extremely vulnerable to passive damage in the form of Toxic from Iron Moth, Pecharunt, or Mandibuzz. Likewise, Manaphy is worn down extremely quickly by entry hazards set by the likes of Great Tusk, Skarmory, and Scream Tail.
remove bold and add stars around the titles like this: **Desolate Land Users**:
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ready for a second look Gambit, elected to keep the highlighted section of the first paragraph since more elaboration on the difference between the spreads and how even physdef manaphy soft-checks special attackers is important. also got the go-ahead from UT to keep OO as two paragraphs since it would be particularly unwieldy as a single one and i don't find any of the information there worth cutting just for the sake of meeting that standard
mention scald and also when i said cut down some wording for oo i mean try to remove some extra or unnecessary wording/fluff

qc 1/2
i lied actually one paragraph is fine for oo with some of the fat trimmed off, good call
yk my colours
Manaphy leverages a great defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and access to incredible utility moves including the coveted Scald to be among the tier's premier RegenVest users. Manaphy is able to comfortably switch in and blanket check dangerous special attackers like Scream Tail, Azelf, and Gholdengo and, if running the more physically bulky spread, powerful wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Great Tusk this part should be rearranged since pdef is the first slash Knock Off is notable for, on top of threatening decent damage against Gholdengo, removing key items like Assault Vest or Heavy-Duty Boots from switch-ins like opposing Manaphy, Iron Moth, and Moltres moth and molt really hate knock so id hardly call then switchins fwiw so maybe add would-be before switchins, your choice though. U-turn, while obviously used for slow-pivoting, is also able to threaten an OHKO on Meowscarada that would otherwise switch in for free. Alluring Voice is the most common final move for its ability to threaten Latios, Zamazenta, and non-Throat Chop Roaring Moon, but Energy Ball is an option to smack opposing Manaphy, Swampert, and Primarina. A spread with full Defense investment is the most common, turning Manaphy into a potent mixed wall that can check Cinderace, Great Tusk, and non-Choice Band Roaring Moon while still acting as a solid secondary check to special wallbreakers like Deoxys-S, Primarina, and Gholdnego; it can also choose to run a full Special Defense-invested set to more solidly check these nuclear special attackers.

RegenVest Manaphy is renowned for being able to sturdy up the defensive backbone of almost any teamstyle, but balance and bulky offense teams tend to benefit the most from its presence. Manaphy is excellent at taking hits from powerful wallbreakers like Roaring Moon, Primarina, and Gholdengo and pivoting out with U-Turn, so frail wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Sandy Shocks, and Deoxys-S naturally appreciate its presence you might want to elaborate on this more - its not immediately obvious for newer players why mana is a good partner with just uturn. Similarly, Manaphy can also be an asset to slower wallbreakers like Ceruledge and Primarina that appreciate its hit-taking capability. Corviknight is the most classic pairing with Manaphy, with both defensive and specially defensive sets able to shore up Manaphy's less-invested stat. If running physically defensive Manaphy, a more sturdy check to powerful Choice Band users like Roaring Moon, Zamazenta, and Meowscarada is necessary; consider Skarmory, Great Tusk, or especially Pecharunt as teammates. Similarly, any RegenVest Manaphy spread appreciates a Steel-type special wall like Heatran, Iron Treads, or specially defensive Gholdengo that can help versus threats like Zapdos, Sheer Force Deoxys-S, and Latios. Manaphy is especially vulnerable to getting worn down by entry hazards and to being overwhelmed by foes if it loses its Assault Vest, so hazard removers like Iron Treads, Corviknight, and Great Tusk are mandatory teammates, with the latter two doubling as Knock Off absorbers.

Other Options

Level 99 Manaphy is a tempting option, guaranteeing a slower U-turn against opposing Standard RegenVest Manaphy, but this is generally not worth having an overall less bulky Manaphy. RegenVest Manaphy can afford to use a different EV spread than the maximized ones here, if looking to live specific rolls. A speedy physically defensive set with 200 Speed EVs may be considered to outspeed and better check Ceruledge, but this is generally not worth losing the slower U-turn or the extra bulk investment. Dazzling Gleam is interchangeable with Alluring Voice; the former checking Throat Chop Roaring Moon and the latter dissuading setup sweepers and hitting Substitute users. Psychic is an option in the final moveslot to dissuade Iron Moth and Pecharunt from switching in while still hitting Zamazenta, while Ice Beam can be used to hit Zapdos and Desolate Land Landorus, but the other options are generally considered better. Alternatively, a physically defensive Regenerator set with Rocky Helmet and Take Heart is an option to act as a bulky wincon while still checking physical attackers, but is easily forced out by special attackers without a boost and may struggle to find setup opportunities. Tail Glow sets may consider running Primordial Sea and Weather Ball for the additional power and being able to hit Desolate Land users, but this set becomes extremely slow and easier to switch around or pressure out. Tail Glow sets can also consider running Scald, trading some damage for additional utility and the chance to burn something before fainting, but the drop in power isn't worth sacrificing. Hydro Pump is another option on these sets for additional power, notably 3HKOing Empoleon after a Tail Glow, but this is generally not worth the reduced PP and accuracy. Alternatively, hyper offense teams can run a potent crit-me-not set with Fluffy, Unaware, or an immunity ability alongside Take Heart, Acid Armor, and Stored Power to muscle through even checks like opposing RegenVest users, Heatran, and Empoleon after enough boosts.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-type Move Users**: Zapdos, Sandy Shocks, and other Electric-type-move users like Deoxys-S, Latios, and Gholdengo are often able to muscle through non-Motor Drive Manaphy even with an Assault Vest and maximum Special Defense investment.

**Desolate Land users**: Aside from Knock Off, most Manaphy sets lack any effective tools against Desolate Land users like Iron Moth, Moltres, and Heatran, giving them free switch-in opportunities to either set up hazards or threaten it with Solar Beam.

**Grass-types**: Even the most physically defensive Manaphy sets can not reliably deal with Meowscarada or Ogerpon formes, while Hisuian Electrode is a major annoyance for any spread.

**Passive Damage**: Without Take Heart, Manaphy is extremely vulnerable to passive damage in the form of Toxic from Iron Moth, Pecharunt, or Mandibuzz. Likewise, Manaphy is worn down extremely quickly by entry hazards set by the likes of Great Tusk, Skarmory, and Scream Tail.
great work as always friend :blobnom: 2/2
RegenVest (Manaphy) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD or 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Alluring Voice / Energy Ball

Manaphy leverages a great defensive typing, solid mixed bulk, and access to incredible utility moves including the coveted Scald to be among the tier's premier RegenVest users. Manaphy is able to comfortably switch in and scout dangerous special attackers like Scream Tail, Azelf, and Gholdengo and, when running the more physically bulky spread, powerful wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Great Tusk. (AP) Knock Off is notable for (RC) on top of threatening decent damage against Gholdengo (RC) and removing key items like Assault Vest or and Heavy-Duty Boots from would-be switch-ins like opposing Manaphy, Iron Moth, and Moltres. U-turn, while While obviously used for slow-pivoting slow pivoting, U-turn is also able to threaten an OHKO on Meowscarada, (AC) which that would otherwise switch in for free. Alluring Voice is the most common final move for its ability to threaten Latios, Zamazenta, and non-Throat Chop Roaring Moon, but Energy Ball is an option to smack opposing Manaphy, Swampert, and Primarina. A An EV spread with full Defense investment is the most common spread, turning Manaphy into a potent mixed wall that can check Cinderace, Great Tusk, and non-Choice Band Roaring Moon while still acting as a solid secondary check to special wallbreakers like Deoxys-S, Primarina, and Gholdnego Gholdengo; it can also choose to run a full Special Defense-invested set to more solidly check these nuclear special attackers.

RegenVest Manaphy is renowned for being able to sturdy up the defensive backbone of almost any teamstyle team style, but balance and bulky offense teams tend to benefit the most from its presence. Manaphy is excellent at taking hits from powerful wallbreakers like Roaring Moon, Primarina, and Gholdengo and pivoting out with U-Turn (lowercase t) U-turn, so frail wallbreakers like Chien-Pao, Sandy Shocks, and Deoxys-S naturally appreciate its ability to eat a hit then bring them in damage-free. Similarly, Manaphy can also be an asset to slower wallbreakers like Ceruledge and Primarina that appreciate its hit-taking capability. Corviknight is the most classic pairing with Manaphy, with both defensive and specially defensive sets able to shore up Manaphy's less-invested stat. If running physically defensive Manaphy, a more sturdy sturdier check to powerful Choice Band users like Roaring Moon, Zamazenta, and Meowscarada is necessary; consider Skarmory, Great Tusk, or especially Pecharunt as teammates a teammate. Similarly, any RegenVest Manaphy set spread appreciates a Steel-type special wall like Heatran, Iron Treads, or specially defensive Gholdengo that can help versus threats like Zapdos, Sheer Force Deoxys-S, and Latios. Manaphy is especially vulnerable to getting worn down by entry hazards and to being overwhelmed by foes if it loses its Assault Vest, so hazard removers like Iron Treads, Corviknight, and Great Tusk are mandatory teammates, with the latter two doubling as Knock Off absorbers.

Other Options

Level 99 Manaphy is a tempting option, guaranteeing a slower U-turn against opposing standard RegenVest Manaphy, but this it is generally not worth having an overall less bulky Manaphy. RegenVest Manaphy can afford to use a different EV spread than the maximized ones here (RC) if looking to live survive specific rolls. A speedy physically defensive set with 200 Speed EVs may be considered to outspeed and better check Ceruledge, but this is generally it is usually not worth losing the slower U-turn or the extra bulk investment. Dazzling Gleam is interchangeable with Alluring Voice; the former checking checks Throat Chop Roaring Moon, (AC) and the latter dissuading dissuades setup sweepers and hitting hits Substitute users. Psychic is an option in the final moveslot to dissuade Iron Moth and Pecharunt from switching in while still hitting Zamazenta, while whereas Ice Beam can be used to hit Zapdos and Desolate Land Landorus, but the other options are generally considered better. Alternatively, a physically defensive Regenerator set with Rocky Helmet and Take Heart is an option to act as a bulky wincon while still checking physical attackers, but this Manaphy set is easily forced out by special attackers without a boost and may struggle to find setup opportunities. Tail Glow sets may consider running Primordial Sea and Weather Ball for the additional power and being able to hit Desolate Land users, but this set becomes extremely slow and easier to switch around or pressure out. Tail Glow sets can also consider running Scald, trading some damage for additional utility and the chance to burn something before fainting, but the drop in power isn't worth sacrificing for. Hydro Pump is another option on these sets for additional power, notably 3HKOing Empoleon after a Tail Glow boost, but this is generally not worth the reduced PP and accuracy is not worth it. Alternatively, hyper offense teams can run a potent crit-me-not set with Fluffy, Unaware, or an immunity ability alongside Take Heart, Acid Armor, and Stored Power to muscle through even checks like even opposing RegenVest users, Heatran, and Empoleon after enough boosts.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-type Move Users Moves**: Zapdos, Sandy Shocks, and other Electric-type-move users Pokemon with Electric-type moves like Deoxys-S, Latios, and Gholdengo are often able to muscle through non-Motor Drive Manaphy even with an Assault Vest and maximum Special Defense investment.

**Desolate Land Users**: Aside from Knock Off, most Manaphy sets lack any effective tools against Desolate Land users like Iron Moth, Moltres, and Heatran, giving them free switch-in opportunities to either set up entry hazards or threaten it Manaphy with Solar Beam.

**Grass-types**: Even the most physically defensive Manaphy sets can not can't reliably deal with Meowscarada or the Ogerpon formes, while and Hisuian Electrode is a major annoyance for any spread.

**Passive Damage**: Without Take Heart, Manaphy is extremely vulnerable to passive damage in the form of Toxic from Iron Moth, Pecharunt, or Mandibuzz. Likewise, Manaphy is worn down extremely quickly by entry hazards set by the likes of Great Tusk, Skarmory, and Scream Tail.

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