Approved by the Pet Mods mods



Looking at some of the new Pokemon, the stuff they bring to the meta are quite insane: Gholdengo's Good as Gold, Maushold's Population Bomb, and almost every new signature introduced! What if Kanto Pokemon were given this treatment? In this Pet Mod, we will redesign the competitive functions of the Kantonian Pokemon after a Paldean counterpart.
- Every slate, 3 or 4 Kanto Pokemon are chosen with Paldean counterparts for each
- Every Kanto Pokemon will have a ruleset on what its signatures can be based on its counterpart; this affects typing and the overall viability of the move or ability
- One submission per Kanto Pokemon will be added per slate by normal voting rules
- Anything about the Kanto Pokemon can be changed (except in the case of starters and other special Pokemon)! However, you must still keep in mind the flavor of the original Pokemon when both making the signature and adjusting everything else about the Pokemon
- If a Gen 9 signature is slated, you may just give the Kanto Pokemon the signature unchanged (ex. Giving Charizard Torch Song)
- You may NOT use signature abilities from Gen 9 that are not slated (ex. Giving Charizard Flower Trick along with whatever other signature)
- If the Kanto and Paldea Pokemon have a different length of evolutionary line (ex. Slowbro and Tatsugiri), you may use any member of the evolution family
- Designing the pre-evolutions are optional. If you do not do it, the council will
Submissions for a single Pokemon might look like:

Pokemon: Charizard
Counterpart: Skeledirge
Ability: Blaze / Technician
Stats: 113 / 99 / 68 / 119 / 75 / 60
Movepool Adjustments:
+Defog, Draco Meteor, Scale Shot, U-turn
Roaring Rampage |
| Physical | 60 | 100 | 16 | Raises Attack by 2, lowers Speed by 1.
A ruleset for multiple Pokemon might look like:


- Must have exactly ONE Fire-type custom move (about as strong as Fire Lash, Apple Acid)
- Must be a Fire-type
- Must have Blaze as its primary ability

Pokemon: Charizard
Counterpart: Skeledirge

Ability: Blaze / Technician
Stats: 113 / 99 / 68 / 119 / 75 / 60
Movepool Adjustments:
+Defog, Draco Meteor, Scale Shot, U-turn
Roaring Rampage |

A ruleset for multiple Pokemon might look like:

- All Pokemon must share ONE type
- All Pokemon must have all the same abilities
- All Pokemon must have ONE signature move EACH that is of the shared type (about as strong as Close Combat, Oblivion Wing)
Battle Format:
- Gen 9 NatDex, Kanto Pokemon ONLY
- No Megas, Z-moves, Dynamax (Please note how Terastalization is legal!)
- BANS: Mewtwo

NOTE: Golbat, Primeape, Onix, Lickitung, Rhydon, Chansey, Tangela, Seadra, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, and Porygon will NOT be compatible with Eviolite.
Here's a list of all the counterparts that will be slated. Thanks for all the help with this, Pet Mods people!


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