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Implemented Reformatting OSDT to a swiss format

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The TD team is looking to adjust the format of the OSDT tournament from a single elimination tournament, to a swiss format. Unlike OLT, this swiss format is meant to match the one used in VGC tournaments.

The format for this tournament will involve x number of rounds with a 16 or 32 player cutoff for players. The cutoff will not only depend on individual record, but also opponent win percentage. What this means is that if 2 players are 6-2, and one started 6-0 into 6-2, with the other having gone from 0-2 to 6-2, then that means the first player faced undefeated opponents through the first 6 rounds, while the second player will have faced opponents with the minimum number of wins to remain in the tournament. This grants us a method to consider a player's strength of schedule as criteria for entry to playoffs. Players in playoffs will be seeded according to their individual record, and then their opponent win percentage. An example of a swiss tournament in this format can be found below:
Starting with 256 players

Round 1:
0-0 = 128 vs 128

Round 2:
1-0 = 64 vs 64
0-1 = 64 vs 64

Round 3:
2-0 = 32 vs 32
1-1 = 64 vs 64
0-2 = 32 vs 32

Round 4:

3-0 = 16 vs 16
2-1 = 48 vs 48
1-2 = 48 vs 48
0-3 = 32 (dropped, 224 remaining)

Round 5:

4-0 = 8 vs 8
3-1 = 32 vs 32
2-2 = 48 vs 48
1-3 = 48 (dropped, 176 remaining)

Round 6:

5-0 = 4 vs 4
4-1 = 20 vs 20
3-2 = 40 vs 40
2-3 = 48 (dropped, 128 remaining)

Round 7:

6-0 = 2 vs 2
5-1 = 12 vs 12
4-2 = 30 vs 30
3-3 = 40 (dropped, 88 remaining)

Round 8:

7-0 = 1 vs 1
6-1 = 7 vs 7
5-2 = 21 vs 21
4-3 = 30 (dropped, 58 remaining)

As of Round 9:

8-0= 1
7-1 = 8
6-2 = 28

From here it's possible to take a top cut of 32 out of 37, or Round 9 can occur with the 8-0 player having a week off. If a top cut is not done here, then we get the following:

8-0 = 1 (bye)
7-1 = 4 vs 4
6-2 = 14 vs 14

As of Round 10:

8-0 = 1
8-1 = 4
7-2 = 18

From here a top cut of 16 out of 23 players is possible, and playoffs would start afterwards.
Additionally, we would like to enforce replays to be posted every round. This is standard across other tournaments in the DOU circuit and can be adapted here as well. Finally, there will be no extensions in this tournament. Unlike single elimination tournaments, every potential extension would result in 2 players from different brackets waiting for the result of an unfinished series. Extensions would cause an increasing number of delays and would affect brackets/pairings as those are generated based upon player records.

In summary, we are proposing the following:

- Reformat OSDT from single-elimination to a swiss format
- Replays are mandatory from the very beginning
- There will be no extensions

The purpose behind these changes are to enhance the quality and competitiveness of the tournament. For now, this is a proposal, and we would like to see discussion supporting or opposing it, or any other suggestions to improve the OSDT tournament.
As a newish DOU player and a longer vgc player, I would really like to endorse swiss with replays for a couple of reasons

Its Obvious that the Old Format Wasn't Working
While most members of the community would agree that top 16 onward most of the top members of the community were in the tour, it lacked a lot of hype. Even the finals, while the matchup was between the top 2 players from last year wasn't super hyped like finals of other officials. I think the new format with swiss/top cut would better build hype with there being good mus every round, and them not necessarily being a death sentence to one of the players.

Metagame Development
It is no secret that more games and more replays = more ideas and new teams created. It would create a more competitive tournament if new techs are came up with and new metagame defining teams are built.

The Format in General is Good
Swiss in general is a really cool type of format which results in really cool matchups where one player isn't necessarily eliminated. It also makes winning less rng dependent, as losing one or two sets to really bad hax doesn't even eliminate one from playoff contention. It gives every player a fairer chance, encourages more games, and is a cool format

Not really sure about the no extensions thing but thats by the discretion of the TOs. I would like to reiterate that I am really in favor of this style of tour, but if I could suggest one thing it would be to remove resistance based top cuts. By resistance, I mean dropping people who have the same record because their losses were earlier. For someone to play from an 0-2 to 6-2 just to not cut on resistance is tough, and there is no way to truly judge how difficult a run is. I think the x-2 players in question should play against similar low resistance players with the same record until top cut is decided. Just like stour play-ins,(instead of basing it on win percentage in this case) you would allow everyone who has met the requirements for playoffs to have a chance to make it in.
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Really love this proposal, Swiss is definitely the superior tournament format for this type of thing.

I do want to ask, is it necessary to drop players that are out of the running to make top cut? One of the benefits of a Swiss tour is that everyone is guaranteed a number of games (in the hypothetical example of 256 players, everyone would get 8 rounds). This allows all entrants to play a lot of sets against similar strength competition as players are playing against others who have similar records.

A common complaint from newer players to the tour scene is that in many tournaments they get to play 2-3 rounds and then they’re eliminated and have to wait weeks until the next tour begins. Swiss ideally eliminates this, as they’re able to play many more sets than a standard elimination tournament. Something like OSDT that will attract many players new to the format would benefit those players best by guaranteeing them more than a couple of rounds.

There’s really only two downsides:
1. It requires more effort from the host. If this is the main reason for dropping players, then I understand completely as hosting is a thankless job, but as long as a tournament host is willing then we can go forward with this.

2. Activity calls on players that are eliminated from contention. There absolutely will be some players that decide to quit once they can no longer make top cut, but I think we can get through this by asking players who no longer wish to play to state that they are dropping the tournament, and also by dropping any player that has at 2 activity calls performed on them.
Swiss = good. We shouldn't seed the one official doubles trophy tour, but also want to avoid scenarios where the second best player gets knocked out round 1 because they lost to the best player.

Mandatory replays = very good. I've said this over and over again but a lack of replays kills tournament hype, limits spectating, and hurts metagame development. Several rounds of OSDT went by last year without anybody even noticing.
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