JVG - By far the MVP. It's not even close. You constantly did an ungodly amount of work to strive to make everyone the best they can be, hard carrying the prep by a country mile and playing practice games and refining play even in lower tiers where you didn't know that much about. You are the goat. I can’t wait to see you play again next year. Thank you for always being my friend and having faith in me.
Ctown - You didn’t get to be around as much as any of us liked, especially yourself, due to IRL, but you were a great captain to have around. Whether it was us jokingly bashing you, you being a drunkard, or us praising you for being great and winning even with jank, it was a blast. Thank you giving me the chance to play for you and try and prove myself.
Acetyl - You have an amazing work ethic and drive to get better. You try a lot. And it definitely showed in your play. You have a ton of promise, and you were a fantastic teammate.
Torchic - NU was not your tier, but in Ubers you balled out. You were a huge help with our NU even when you weren’t playing the tier yourself. And of course, I can’t forget the Torchic quips of pure wisdom that made us laugh. I’m glad we got to play together again. Torchics forever.
Tarvold - For the good of the team (and the insistence of JVG), Tauros for once saw a usage rate of more than 50% by you, though whether that ended being good or bad, we will never know. Jokes asides, the game didn’t always give it to you, but you played your best and you have amazing fundamentals. I wish you the best in circuit champs. Go kick ass.
UD - You are the UU goat. We never had a doubt in you. Your record showed 3-2, but all of us see a 5-0. Always played amazingly. I hope we get to team again and that the rest of your UUSD turns brighter.
Tyler - You didn’t talk much, but you were a hard carry. Rands legend. Maybe one day you will venture into OU…
Bohrier - You only got to start one week, but you were always helping with NU and you were a fun presence. Hope to see you do well and get better next year.
Enigami - Second time teaming with you, and it was just as fun as the first, albeit without the team success. It didn’t go as well for you this time, but it doesn’t detract from my belief that you are an insanely capable player and a good guy to be around. Hope to see you next ALTPL!
Gastlies - I’m sure it was an unsatisfying tour for you, but you are still one of the best PU players, a solid OU player, and a very fun person. Go show off in circuit champs.
Diannie - You clutched up hard for us in terms of filling out the PU and NU slots when other players were down a little, and you put in the work to try and win. I hope you are able to see success.
Tim - Cloyster man, USSR hax showed up big time.

You are a funny jokester and a good player, it was nice to team with you.
Egor - The troll. We were all very happy to have you along with us for the ride after certain events happened, and you were a huge part of helping make the tour as fun as it was. Maybe next RBYPL you can even play too
Dawn - The memer. You basically don’t play RBY at all but you were a fun sarcastic joker to have around and helped brighten the mood. Now all that’s left is for JVG and I to brainwash you and then turn the CEO into the next RBYenius….
Shock - You don’t do anything but ADV, but you helped us a lot with doing scouting despite that, and you were good to talk to. I look forward to your future RBY career.
Ainz - Didn’t join until week 3/4 (idr), but it was funny to have you around (especially after all the Ainz Tree and Ainz Cat stuff), but you provided some useful insight and you are always a funny and nice guy. Now, play RBY when…
Zerkas - You basically did nothing but it was fun to annoy you looool
el genio.
I’m kinda running out of words so sorry if I was redundant. Thank you all, I’m happy we got to team together. Next year will be our year, I’m sure of it.
Putting this many Ainz Trees takes a lot of attachments looool