Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Semifinals

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ggs iberia.

Just wanted to give a quick shoutout post ;

nicole7735 - I have no words to describe you! You have been truly the glue and the god of this team with the amount of work you have put in this tour for the past few months. From the scouts, to the teams, to the post-game analysis, to the anchoring of all us together - it was truly inspiring and one of the reasons that we got so far in the first place. I knew I would be able to relearn RBY again from the moment you pm'd me before the tour - so thank you as a team and individually too.

Hipmonlee - The goat, your skillset is something to be admired of and to be doing this for the past what 20 years or something? The amount of rby mechanics and philosophical rby sh*t you've taught me that I sometimes don't ever understand, you're amazing. Your record was great and I would love to see you joining us again next year.

Batzi - The co-manager, though you didn't play a game (fck rby (no i'm jk) ), you were still a great presence in the cord and I loved our talks we had each time - looking forward to being with you in rcop bro.

Wazza37 - MAN no wonder you're called GODza - you absolutely smashed it this tour! Despite this loss, you were one of the reasons we even made it this far. My fondest memory was the qf game you just clutched up for us, seeing you just pull up and absolutely demolish the opponents so effortlessly was genuinely inspiring bro I can't wait to see how you improve over the next few years youre truly amazing.

SpoiledBerries - You were amazing and I love to see that enthusiasm you brought to our team each time, you literally learnt RBY in like a month and i'm happy with that win you brought for us. I can't wait to team up with you again in the future as we both grow in RBY.

ImposterOCE - Some of the wins you brought for us were insane and got me freaking out, and just like berries, the enthusiasm you had with us was also one of the reasons the cord was so lively. Seeing you improve as a player this tour was truly nice and thanks for teaming with me

Arx_MD - Man even though you weren't drafted it was amazing having you in the cord with us and supporting us the whole journey, can't wait to have you alongside us next year!

mad dawg - Legend, that's it, thanks for sticking in the cord with us.

Drifting Exotic64 ChrisPBacon Brammi - Though you guys weren't active that much, still a pleasure being teammates none the less so thank you.

I know this is only the semis or whatever - but this tour was genuinely a great learning opportunity and fun environment for me and meant a lot towards me. Can't wait teaming up again with you guys, hope we all stick around with some rby.

Lgi ocn!
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