Gen 1 RBY NU Resources

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RBY NU Viability Rankings

January 2025 RBY NU Viability Rankings

01 :mr._mime: Mr. Mime
02 :charizard: Charizard

03 :venomoth: Venomoth
04 :fearow: Fearow
05 :poliwrath: Poliwrath

06 :seadra: Seadra
07 :moltres: Moltres
08 :magneton: Magneton
09 :blastoise: Blastoise
10 :raticate: Raticate
11 :kabutops: Kabutops

12 :arcanine: Arcanine
13 :poliwhirl: Poliwhirl
14 :aerodactyl: Aerodactyl

15 :porygon: Porygon
16 :golduck: Golduck
17 :gastly: Gastly
18 :graveler: Graveler
19 :nidoking: Nidoking
20 :venusaur: Venusaur
21 :wigglytuff: Wigglytuff

22 :exeggcute: Exeggcute
23 :dragonair: Dragonair

24 :kingler: Kingler
25 :primeape: Primeape
26 :rapidash: Rapidash
27 :scyther: Scyther
28 :staryu: Staryu

After the 2024 UU Viability Rankings update, RBY NU shifted drastically, with Aerodactyl, Venusaur, and Victreebel dropping into the tier and Clefable, Ninetales, Electrode, and Golem rising to UU. Since then, the NU council unbanned Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, and Golduck, and OU reclaimed Victreebel in their Viability Rankings update. As a result, NU has no current Viability Rankings. Below is a very general summary of some Pokemon known or expected to be relevant in the tier, ordered alphabetically. This is subject to change heavily as the metagame is explored.

High Viability - Pokemon you are likely to encounter frequently in NU games that are well-regarded by the playerbase.
:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl
:Blastoise: Blastoise
:Charizard: Charizard
:golduck: Golduck
:Moltres: Moltres
:Mr. Mime: Mr. Mime
:poliwhirl: Poliwhirl
:poliwrath: Poliwrath
:Raticate: Raticate
:Seadra: Seadra
:Venomoth: Venomoth

Mid Viability - Somewhat common Pokemon with defined niches that help with specific matchups or team compositions.
:Arcanine: Arcanine
:gastly: Gastly
:Kabutops: Kabutops
:magneton: Magneton
:Nidoking: Nidoking
:Fearow: Fearow
:venusaur: Venusaur

Low Viability - Pokemon with some current use or use in the prior metagame but currently lacking in usage and/or meta exploration.
:Abra: Abra
:dragonair: Dragonair
:Exeggcute: Exeggcute
:Kingler: Kingler
:Pinsir: Pinsir
:Porygon: Porygon
:Primeape: Primeape
:Rapidash: Rapidash
:scyther: Scyther
:slowpoke: Slowpoke
:staryu: Staryu
:Wigglytuff: Wigglytuff
As of April 9th, 2023, here are the official viability rankings for RBY NU; please note that these rankings are outdated due to new rises and drops. Pokemon that have dropped into the tier since then are designated at the top as "NEW" and were not ranked on the last VR. Pokemon that were banned since the last VR due to rising to UU are marked in bold red:

:aerodactyl: Aerodactyl
:golduck: Golduck
:poliwrath: Poliwrath
:poliwhirl: Poliwhirl
:venusaur: Venusaur
:victreebel: Victreebel - rose back to OU May 16, 2024

:Clefable: 1. Clefable
:Mr. Mime: 2. Mr. Mime

:Blastoise: 3. Blastoise
:Charizard: 4. Charizard
:Venomoth: 5. Venomoth

:Golem: 6. Golem
:Nidoking: 7. Nidoking

:Raticate: 8. Raticate
:Moltres: 9. Moltres
:Kabutops: 10. Kabutops
:Kingler: 11. Kingler
:Wigglytuff: 12. Wigglytuff

:Seadra: 13. Seadra
:Electrode: 14. Electrode
:Exeggcute: 15. Exeggcute
:Ninetales: 16. Ninetales

--- NU/PU Cutoff Line ---


:Fearow: 17. Fearow
:Rapidash: 18. Rapidash
:Porygon: 19. Porygon

:Pinsir: 20. Pinsir
:Abra: 21. Abra
:Arcanine: 22. Arcanine
:Primeape: 23. Primeape
:Sandslash: 24. Sandslash
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RBY NU Sample Teams - Semi-Outdated
Ruins of Alph Samples

AerodactylVenomothMr. MimeKabutopsMoltresRaticate
Aero Lead + Kabu by Sabelette

MagnetonAerodactylRaticateCharizardMr. MimePoliwhirl
Mag Lead Fast Spam by TG2513

ArcanineCharizardMoltresVenomothMr. MimePoliwrath
Fire Spam by Sabelette

ArcanineVenusaurMr. MimePoliwrathKabutopsMoltres
Double Fire+Water + Grass by Maris Bonibell

Mr. MimeCharizardAerodactylVenomothBlastoiseMagneton
Mime Lead + Magneton by TG2513

Mr. MimeCharizardVenomothRaticateKabutopsMoltres
Mime Lead Fast Spam + Kabu by Shellnuts

Mr. MimeKabutopsPoliwrathRaticateFearowMoltres
Mime Lead Double Flying + Water by Tree69420

CharizardAerodactylRaticatePoliwrathVenomothMr. Mime
Zard Lead Fast Spam + Wrath by Tree69420

CharizardAerodactylBlastoiseGastlyMr. MimeRaticate
Zard Lead + Blastoise + Gastly by Tree69420

CharizardGolduckKabutopsMr. MimeVenusaurSeadra
Zard Lead Waterspam + Venusaur by Teh

VenomothAerodactylRaticateCharizardMr. MimeGolduck
Relatively Fast Spam by Sabelette

VenomothMr. MimeBlastoiseRaticateMoltresAerodactyl
Moth Lead + Good Stuff by Sabelette

VenomothAerodactylMr. MimePoliwrathMoltresRaticate
Moth Lead + Poliwrath by Teh
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