NU RBY NU Cup - Round 2


from the river to the sea
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus

Art by Gravity Monkey

Hosted by ClairDeLuna and phoopes

Welcome to the RBY NU Cup, one of the tournaments in this year's NU Classic! This year, the NU Classic is part of the NU Circuit, so you're able to earn points toward the NU Circuit Playoffs.

Tournament Rules:
  • General Tournament Rules:
  • This will be a single elimination, best of three tournament.
  • All tournament games must be played on Pokemon Showdown!, and replays are required for all rounds. It is preferable to play on Smogtours and if players disagree on which server to play on, Smogtours is the default.
  • Each round will last one week. If you and your opponent are unable to schedule despite both players making an effort, extensions of up to 3 days may be granted. If one player fails to attend a scheduled time or does not make a genuine effort to schedule, an activity win may be awarded to the other player at the tournament host's discretion. If neither player makes an effort to schedule, the host may "coinflip" the win, awarding it at random. Please schedule publicly so as to ensure activity wins are judged correctly. See the Tournament Scheduling Guidelines for further information.

Activity awarded to Melbelle over lilnog due to lack of response.

All remaining matches will be coinflips due to lack of sufficient scheduling effort on both ends, those being:
Wemm  vs  King Billu
Danny  vs  Inder
Estarossa  vs  S1nn0hC0nfirm3d


Round 2 deadline is Sunday September 4 at 11:59PM GMT-7.
Extensions should be requested by no later than Wednesday August 31 at 11:59PM GMT-7.

Round 2 Matches
 vs  DugZa
Danny  vs  Louna
Ubo  vs  nicole7735
 vs  Cam
Wazza37  vs  Estarossa
 vs  MultiPokemon
May  vs  eifo
 vs  Oathkeeper
Melbelle  vs  Ara
I-Deepblue-I  vs  chub
 vs  toytean
emma  vs  phoopes
Frrf  vs  Crokodil13
Lialiabeast  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Jase Duken  vs  PandaDoux
 vs  ewisko
Daydream Lover  vs  patboiii
MrSoup  vs  InfernoDragon
YBW  vs  hobo21
BugCatcherBoat  vs  txitxas
theBigbrother17  vs  ArcticBreeze
martinvtran  vs  Wemm
Serpi  vs  Ice Yazu
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  Ctown6

Good luck, have fun, contact me if you need anything!
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In case tags didn't work gonna try it one more time, please let me know if you see the tag because I should be able to:

Unowndragon  vs  DugZa
Danny  vs  Louna
Ubo  vs  nicole7735
Crunter  vs  Cam
Wazza37  vs  Estarossa
AM  vs  MultiPokemon
May  vs  eifo
SOMALIA  vs  Oathkeeper
Melbelle  vs  Ara
I-Deepblue-I  vs  chub
BT89  vs  toytean
emma  vs  phoopes
Frrf  vs  Crokodil13
Lialiabeast  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Jase Duken  vs  PandaDoux
royzin  vs  ewisko
Daydream Lover  vs  patboiii
MrSoup  vs  InfernoDragon
YBW  vs  hobo21
BugCatcherBoat  vs  txitxas
theBigbrother17  vs  ArcticBreeze
martinvtran  vs  Wemm
Serpi  vs  Ice Yazu
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  Ctown6
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In case tags didn't work gonna try it one more time, please let me know if you see the tag because I should be able to:

Unowndragon  vs  DugZa
Danny  vs  Louna
Ubo  vs  nicole7735
Crunter  vs  Cam
Wazza37  vs  Estarossa
AM  vs  MultiPokemon
May  vs  eifo
SOMALIA  vs  Oathkeeper
Melbelle  vs  Ara
I-Deepblue-I  vs  chub
BT89  vs  toytean
emma  vs  phoopes
Frrf  vs  Crokodil13
Lialiabeast  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Jase Duken  vs  PandaDoux
royzin  vs  ewisko
Daydream Lover  vs  patboiii
MrSoup  vs  InfernoDragon
YBW  vs  hobo21
BugCatcherBoat  vs  txitxas
theBigbrother17  vs  ArcticBreeze
martinvtran  vs  Wemm
Serpi  vs  Ice Yazu
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  Ctown6

For someone unbadged, only the first 5 tags will work. After that, any tags for people won't.
Unowndragon  vs  DugZa
Danny  vs  Louna
Ubo  vs  nicole7735
Crunter  vs  Cam
Wazza37  vs  Estarossa
AM  vs  MultiPokemon
May  vs  eifo
SOMALIA  vs  Oathkeeper
Melbelle  vs  Ara
I-Deepblue-I  vs  chub
BT89  vs  toytean
emma  vs  phoopes
Frrf  vs  Crokodil13
Lialiabeast  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Jase Duken  vs  PandaDoux
royzin  vs  ewisko
Daydream Lover  vs  patboiii
MrSoup  vs  InfernoDragon
YBW  vs  hobo21
BugCatcherBoat  vs  txitxas
theBigbrother17  vs  ArcticBreeze
martinvtran  vs  Wemm
Serpi  vs  Ice Yazu
OranBerryBlissey10  vs  Ctown6
For someone unbadged, only the first 5 tags will work. After that, any tags for people won't.

I previously ran a tour and was given the ability to tag people. It also worked week 1. I'll message some people and figure it out before next week, thanks AM for tagging this week.
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Act check:
Ara vs Melbelle - Melbelle offered a time that wasn't responded to
I-Deepblue-I vs chub - no public scheduling, coinflip without proof of scheduling
BT89 vs toytean - BT89 offered a time that wasn't responded to
Frrf vs Crokodil13 - one sided contact
Wemm vs martinvtran - both contacted but please work out a time ASAP or it's a flip
Ctown6 vs OranBerryBlissey10 - Ctown offered a time that wasn't responded to

To those who have not responded or finished scheduling please do so soon or you may get act called/coinflipped. Thanks!