Other Tiers RBY Modded Formats Hub


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(Approved by phoopes)
RBY Modded Formats Hub
All non-legacy formats are able to played at dragonheaven.herokuapp.com

Welcome to the RBY Modded Formats Hub! This thread contains information on a large variety of modded formats for RBY, including frequently updated mods as well as defunct ones. This thread also aims to act as a place for people to discuss the metagames of any of the listed mods. If you want to include a mod in this post, please message me on Smogon or Discord.

Important Links

:chansey: Kanto Expansion Pak :sandy_shocks:
Kanto Expansion Pak is a solomod created by Plague von Karma which aims to create a metagame that is familiar, yet different to standard OU with the inclusion new Pokémon, types, and moves. True to the mod's name, every mon present in base RBY has been left untouched, allowing the new additions to feel distinct. Since the mod is balanced around keeping most former OU mons viable, powercreep is very minimal. If you enjoy the dynamics of OU yet want to try something new, this mod is the perfect choice!


:tyranitar: Burgundy Version :armaldo:
RBY Burgundy Version is an active pet mod that aims to improve RBY through mechanical changes and new additions, yet to remain faithful to the core RBY experience. This is done through a variety of changes, such as the legalization of Tradebacks moves, removal of annoying mechanics like the 1/256 miss chance, and the introduction of new Pokémon like Tyranitar, Abomasnow, and Talonflame. Every slate, everyone (including you!) can submit changes and vote for new additions, which will get included in the mod.


:magearna: Modern Gen 1 :giratina:
A wise philosopher once asked: "What would happen if we ported Gen 9 National Dex to RBY? lmao." This mod is the result. Every Pokémon and move is ported directly into the RBY engine (which a few slight changes to not make the game instantly break.) This is also the only format that is fully playable on the main Showdown! server. To keep the spirit of RBY, things like field effects, items, and abilities aren't present. Special Attack and Special Defence are also separated stats for every non RBY mon. While not the standard RBY experience, all these changes lead to a chaotic, fast-paced metagame with a ton of depth.


:ursaring: Johtomons :miltank:
The spiritual successor to RBY 251. This mod adds combines the world of Johto and Kanto with the introduction of all Johto Pokémon into the RBY engine. With the introduction of the Dark and Steel types, altered movesets, and the addition of some signature moves from GSC, this mod seamlessly combines the two generations. Normal types are just as powerful with the introduction of Ursaring and Miltank, and Tyranitar acts as the perfect Psychic-type counter with it's Dark typing and amazing stats. Overall, physical attackers are incredibly powerful in this mod.


:gengar: Glitch OU :starmie:
If you've ever been on the internet, you've definitely heard of MissingNo, the posterchild of videogame glitches. What many don't know is that RBY has a metric ton of glitched Pokemon just like MissingNo! Due to the amount of absurdly broken glitchmons, every glitchmon with a BST of over 650 is banned from use. Amnesia and Sleep Power were also banned for having too wide of a distribution. While this tier hasn't been through much development, people who are interested in RBY glitches should absolutely try this out!


:yveltal: FutureProofing :tapu_koko:
The aim of this pet mod is very simple; each slate a new Dark/Steel/Fairy-type Pokémon or move is submitted and adapted to RBY with the changing of its typing, stats, etc. This allows for the introduction of mons that would otherwise be ineligible for inclusion in RBY mods that don't want to add new typings. While this mod had a fair bit of testing at the beginning, near the end it slowed down and is now on hiatus. If you're interested in reviving this, feel free to contact one of the council members and let them know!
