Tournaments RBY Low Tier Circuit Championship (Won by Sabelette)

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Art by grape tylenol
Welcome to the inaugural Low Tier Circuit finals! 8 of the top low tiers players across Ubers, UU, NU, and PU will compete for the championship in a BO5, Single Elimination Tournament. The seeds are as follows:

1. MrSoup
2. Sabelette
3. Ice Yazu
4. Torchic
5. YBW
6. phoopes
7. nicole7735
8. royzin

Round 1
MrSoup vs royzin
vs nicole7735
Ice Yazu vs phoopes
vs YBW

Tournament Rules:
  • General Tournament Rules:
  • This will be a single elimination, best of five tournament.
  • The higher seed picks the tier for the first game, from Ubers, UU, NU, or PU. The loser of each game picks the next tier to be played. Tiers may not be repicked until all tiers have been played - if a match goes to game 5, the loser of game 4 may select any of these tiers for the final match.
  • All tournament games must be played on Pokemon Showdown!, and replays are required for all rounds. It is preferable to play on Smogtours - if players disagree on which server to play on, Smogtours is the default.
  • Each round will last one week. If you and your opponent are unable to schedule despite both players making an effort, extensions of up to 3 days may be granted. If one player fails to attend a scheduled time or does not make a genuine effort to schedule, an activity win may be awarded to the other player at the tournament host's discretion. If neither player makes an effort to schedule, the host may "coinflip" the win, awarding it at random. Please schedule publicly so as to ensure activity wins are judged correctly. See the Tournament Scheduling Guidelines for further information.

The deadline for the first round is Sunday, December 10 at 9pm GMT -8. Good luck and have fun to all competitors!
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MrSoup vs royzin - between rbypl, rising stars, and ltc Royzin has been killing it in tours lately so i trust him to continue his streak
Sabelette vs nicole7735 - most hype mu, if this was OU i'd give it to Nicole but Sabel is the lowtier queen
Ice Yazu vs phoopes - Yazu is a great player and phoopes threw slam so I think yaz has the edge here
Torchic vs YBW - pampu forever
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