Rate.....The DOUBLE DRAGON team! :P

This is a SHODDY team, which will be used on the pokemon battling simulator Shoddy Battle.

After realising Magnezone resists Dragon, Ice and Rock, I realised it was a perfect back up pokemon for my two favourite dragons, Garchomp and Salamence. So, without further ado, here they are:

Preview of team:


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/152 Atk/8 Def/96 SDef
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Hypnosis
- Explosion
- Gyro Ball
- Stealth Rock

My lead. Certainly one of the best leads in the current metagame. While great for taking out certain pokemon which trouble my team, or are unexpectedly Scarfed, Banded etc. (Explosion say wut?), it's also a great sleeper. It sets up rocks, and can do some hefty damage with Gyro Ball on the faster pokemon. Great lead.


Jolteon (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Filler/ Baton Pass

SpecsJolt is an amazing pokemon in itself. He's able to do some major damage, and usually ends up taking out a couple of guys. I love how many people expect T Bolts, only to be hit with a Specs'd Shadow Ball. A beauty.


Garchomp (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Claw
- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake

Mr. Broken himself. ScarfChomp is a magnificent late game sweeper, outspeeding the majority of the MetaGame and finishing them off with STAB Outrage, Dragon Claw and Earthquake, with the extra Fire Blast for Bronzong, Skarmory and Forretress. So broken, I just had to take advantage of him.


Salamence (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 120 Atk/136 Spd/252 SAtk
Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Brick Break
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Claw
- Flamethrower

MixMence is an absolute beast. Whether it's suprising Blissey with Brick Break, suprising Skarmory, Forretress and Bronzong with Flamethrower, or just unleasing major damage with Draco Meteor and Dragon Claw, MixMence is regardlessly a major force to deal with, and sometimes, isn't too easy to take down.


Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Tri Attack
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Ice]

The main hope for dragons everywhere. Resisting the team's main dragons' weaknesses, it's provides real support for the team, while also being a pain to take down. I opted for a more bulky set, as switching in to various attacks, can damage him severely, and with no reliable form of recovery, he needs them. I opted for Tri Attack because I couldn't think of much else. Thunder Wave could be a viable move, but it may not benefit the team too much.


Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Softboiled

And finally, Mrs. OU. The Queen of OU, as it were. I opted for max Def/HP because I wanted it to be bulky. This CAN counter Garchomp, although it needs it to switch in on it, to even hit it with an Ice Beam.

Meh, just rate. Constructive critisicm is accepted, negative critisicm will be ignored etc.
Your magnezone is sort of... weird. Attack EVs with no physical attack?

I would give it a few Speed EVs to outspeed Metagross. Its about 176, iirc. Replace flash cannon and tri attack with Substitute and Magnet Rise.
After a quick look through of you team, one obvious thing to point out is that either Garchomp needs Fire Fang, or his nature needs to be changed to Naughty or Lonely.

I don't care much for Mix Mence personally, I would go either with Physical or Special, never both in my opinion.

Magnezone needs some speed EV's to outspeed common threats such as Metagross. Plus, no substitute or magnet rise on Magnezone makes it pointless.

Specs Jolteon is pretty cool.

Your Bronzong set-up is good, consider Earthquake?

Blissey, good.
IDK, Mamoswine could be a problem here. Choice Band Ice Shard stops the dragons, Earthquake destroys Magnezone w/o Magnet Rise, and Blissey takes heavy damage from a CB Earthquake, and also Jolteon would have to OHKO in order to not die. It is up to you to decide on a counter, as Bronzong works, but better options could incude Gyarados or Cresselia. There is another potential weakness as well- with no spinner status can cripple your team with the rising popularity of Toxic Spikes, or Spikes hurts Magnezone and Jolteon a lot. Also, CBWeavile can come in on the Dragons (Ice Shard) for a revenge kill, does a large amount of damage to Blissey and Magnezone (Brick Break) and is only stopped by Bronzong. Gyarados could stop both of these threats, and with two electric absorbers you wouldnt have to worry about his weaknesses.