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Project Rate of the Month V1: February

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Rate of the Month
Welcome to Rate of the Month! This is a project that looks to bring quality individual rates into the spotlight and recognize the hard work of unbadged raters. Here's how works:
  • Every month, official Team Raters will be paying close attention to the RMT forum and reading the rates posted in their respective tiers.
  • A few will be chosen that the RMT staff feel exemplify the qualities of an excellent rate.
  • These rates will be posted in this thread, along with a paragraph explaining how and why the particular rate won. This will allow aspiring raters to gain an idea of what constitutes high-quality rates, and hopefully incorporate those aspects into their own rates.
  • Official Team Raters are eligible to win, but unbadged raters will have priority.
So what's in it for the winners? Well, they will earn a place in the Hall of Fame, which will be kept in the OP of every thread, and will earn more consideration for the Ladybug
and Team Rater
badges. Also, after gaining three places in the Hall of Fame, a rater will be eligible to earn voice status in the RMT room on PS! on the condition that they've shown an interest in getting involved.

We hope that this project will encourage people to put more effort into their rates and become better and more experienced raters, which will increase the quality as well as quantity of rates in the forum. Good luck to you all!
January - vsomani, Simia (SM OU)
February - Simia (SM OU)
Congrats to Simia for winning the RotM award for February! His rate for this balanced team is excellently structured and encapsulates the key qualities we look for in our official TRs. He starts off by identifying the key threats to the team in Hawlucha, which is able to easily set up on half the team, and Celesteela, whose typing and bulk makes it difficult for the team to break through.

His first major change for the team is to replace Tapu Lele with Tapu Koko, which provides a solid offensive check to Hawlucha, a reliable switch-in to Zapdos thanks to Roost, and goes a long way towards resolving the team's Celesteela problems. He also puts forward an optional change of Kartana over Tornadus-T, which has good offensive synergy with Mega Medicham and provides the team with speed control to make up for the loss of Lele.

Simia wraps up with two minor changes - Knock Off over Thunder Wave on Ferrothorn, which is a neat little way to make it easier to deal with bulky walls, and a more efficient defensive spread for Landorus-T to make it a more effective check to the likes of Zygarde.
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