Rate My Team!

Sorry in advance for subpar neatness i recently dislocated my pinkie so my typing is ehhh.

Team List: Empoleon, Vaporeon, Flygon, Rotom-H, Celebi, Scizor

Anti-Lead Empoleon @ Chople berry
252 hp/238 SpAtk/20Def
Aqua Jet
Grass knot
Purpose is to take out many of the common leads such as azelf or aero by surfing then aqua jetting not giving them a chance for more than one move and generally they taunt so they are completely wasted and then setting up stealth rocks at a later time.

Standard Wish Vaporeon @ leftovers
188hp/252 Def/68spe
HP Electric
Generally plays a support role and is a good waller with the lame wish/protect combo and acts as a great counter to Gyarados

Scarf Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Stone Edge
Good revenge killer and can sponge the electric weakness of my first 2 pokes useful to bring in uturn on the switch into a counter

BulkySD Scizor @ lifeorb
252hp/76 Atck/176 SpD/4 Speed
Swords dance
bullet punch
Switch in on a choiced opponent or a dragon move such as outrage and hes bulky so he can take the damage with ease SD up and wreak havoc. also my only priority move on the team.

Physical wallCalmmind Celebi @ leftovers
Calm mind
leech seed
Great physical wall bring him in leech seed on the switch and calm mind/recover also use to eat status because of natural cure

Rotom-H @ choice scarf
Bring him alot of people expecting the burn instead of scarf so it works to my advantage and i usually try to cripple one of the persons walls with trick or it works as a good RKer and walls Scizor.

I have played several(at least 15) matches on shoddy i would say probably winning 60-75% of them i havent actually kept track but any suggestions or comments would be welcome as long as they are constructive ive played pokemon for a while so im not and idiot but at the same time im not a pro thats why im here.
tmfw said:
Anti-Lead Empoleon @ Chople berry
252 hp/238 SpAtk/20Def

LeadApe close combat can never OHKO empoleon, making chople berry unnecessary. Shuca isn't a good idea either, since LeadTran earth power manages even less.

The spread I would recommend would be:
252 HP / 156 Spa / 12 Def / 88 Spe, with mystic water.

Infernape close combat: 83.87% - 98.92%
Metagross earthquake: 70.43% - 83.33%
Heatran earth power: 52.69% - 62.37%

Surf VS metagross: 51.1% - 60.16%
Grass knot + aqua jet VS swampert: 94.76% - 112.72%

On the whole, you don't seem to have a decent check against DD salamence, especially since LO scizor can't effectively revenge kill it, and flygon can't outspeed it. An option would be to give celebi HP ice instead of leech seed, since it will survive an LO fire blast and KO back.
Seconding the suggestion to remove chople berry.

Scarf gengar gives this team nightmares since it can KO or 2KO each of your pokemon with a set of shadow ball, thunderbolt, and HP fire. Scizor can't revenge kill it since bullet punch doesn't KO, and flygon doesn't outspeed it. A possible solution to this problem is to give scizor a choice band. This also helps with your DD mence weakness.
thanks your exactly right about the problems with DD mence and scarf Gengar ill switch scizor to a CB. is mystic water really the best option for empoleon?
is mystic water really the best option for empoleon?

Uh.. mystic water on lead empoleon is generally the best option. As mentioned, chople/shuca berry aren't necessary given empoleon's decent defensive stats and heavy EV investment.

Surf VS metagross (with mystic water): 51.1% - 60.16%
Surf VS metagross (without mystic water): 42.31% - 50.27%
Grass knot + aqua jet VS swampert (with mystic water): 94.76% - 112.72%
Grass knot + aqua jet VS swampert (without mystic water): 93.75% - 111.22%

So.. you do miss out a 2HKO on metagross, and swampert stands a higher chance of surviving. It's really up to you though. Lum berry would be a fine alternative, as is leftovers if you want to use empoleon in the later stages of the battle to tank hits a little.
tinky said:
The spread I would recommend would be:
252 HP / 156 Spa / 12 Def / 88 Spe, with mystic water.

Sorry, empoleon needs 92 EVs in speed to outspeed all lead metagrosses. 4 EVs should be shifted from SpA to Spe for that. Also, empoleon should just grass knot + surf swampert, as its higher speed makes aqua jet unnecessary.
