Hey everyone! this is my first gen 9 uu team I've made I have had relative success with it so far on the ladder around 1350 elo but I am aware that I lack hazard control.
Each pokemon's current role-
Politoed- Rain setter, set up deterrent. - Obviously being one of the few drizzle mon's allowed in the tier its most important role is to set up rain, it sucks that its been nerfed so much since previous gens with no access to scald. I realized in the paste it has surf however I have been running whirlpool over it. But I still have found it as a mildly successful pokemon gets in sets up rain is decently bulky and perish trps other bulky mons or perish song to deter a set up user.
Barraskewda- Speedy attacker. Enough said really, pretty much the same thing since it was popular in ou, the only reason that I have heavy duty boots over a damage boosting item is due to the lack of hazard control currently on this team.
Thundurus- Fast utility. - Thundurus also able to set up rain with priority rain dance and spread paralysis along with still being able to deal decent damage with weather ball and wildbolt.
Scizor- setup sweeper/ wallbreaker- we've seen swords dance scizor be popular for years and this doesn't really stray far from the norm at all reliably strong mon with decent bulk and priority.
Pecharunt- Defensive wall- Pecharunt is on this team to soak up physical attacks spread poison and help pivot with partying shot its just such a strong mon in this tier.
Hydrapple- Special wall- Av hydrapple is so much fun. I find that its helped me deal with serperior a lot however I have contemplated fickle beam over draco.
Thats all that I have please let me know what you think of the team!
Each pokemon's current role-
Politoed- Rain setter, set up deterrent. - Obviously being one of the few drizzle mon's allowed in the tier its most important role is to set up rain, it sucks that its been nerfed so much since previous gens with no access to scald. I realized in the paste it has surf however I have been running whirlpool over it. But I still have found it as a mildly successful pokemon gets in sets up rain is decently bulky and perish trps other bulky mons or perish song to deter a set up user.
Barraskewda- Speedy attacker. Enough said really, pretty much the same thing since it was popular in ou, the only reason that I have heavy duty boots over a damage boosting item is due to the lack of hazard control currently on this team.
Thundurus- Fast utility. - Thundurus also able to set up rain with priority rain dance and spread paralysis along with still being able to deal decent damage with weather ball and wildbolt.
Scizor- setup sweeper/ wallbreaker- we've seen swords dance scizor be popular for years and this doesn't really stray far from the norm at all reliably strong mon with decent bulk and priority.
Pecharunt- Defensive wall- Pecharunt is on this team to soak up physical attacks spread poison and help pivot with partying shot its just such a strong mon in this tier.
Hydrapple- Special wall- Av hydrapple is so much fun. I find that its helped me deal with serperior a lot however I have contemplated fickle beam over draco.
Thats all that I have please let me know what you think of the team!