Rate My Team please!

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This is my first OU team. So any constructive criticism and ratings would be nice!
Thanks in Advance!

Azelf@Focus Sash
Jolly Nature
252Atk, 252Spe, 6HP
-Stealth Rock

I choose Flamethrower over Psychic in case Scizor tries to come in.

Scizor@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
252Atk, 248HP, 8Spe
-Bullet Punch

Really strong U-turns and Bullet Punch.

Gyarados@Life Orb
Jolly Nature
252Spe, 252Atk, 6Def
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

My main sweeper. Jolly to out speed non scarfed Jolteons.

Heatran@Choice Scarf
Flash Fire
Naive Nature
252Spe, 252Sp Atk, 6Atk
-Earth Power
-Hidden Power Electric

Another good sweeper. Helps on other Scizor, and any Electric Types. My best counter for Gyarados after a dragon dance( I think it out speeds, but I'm not sure).

Volt Absorb
Timid Nature
252Spe, 252Sp Atk, 6Hp
-Hidden Power Grass
-Baton Pass

Nice in conjunction with my Gyarados. Allows me to usually pass a sub to Gyarados with good prediction. Also works well with my next pokemon thanks to Volt Absorb.
Only good counter for Swampert (Though he only does about 75% of Swampert's health and dies afterwards)

Water Absorb
Bold Nature
188HP, 252Def, 68Spe
-Ice Beam

Works well with Jolt and Heatran. Nice wish support for the whole team. Only Counter to Salamence and other DDing Dragons.
run hp ice on heatran instead of electric... hits both salamence an gyra

also might more info about all the poke... a mod might look it up if you dont.

gyra has a huge weakness to a rotom aswell... and unles yoou run a shadow ball on jolteon... it hill not be able to last long...even if you switch into a thunderbolt... zapados woould be a problem as well.... also scizor is not going to switch in on a azelf untill later in the game so flame thrower would only be usefull then... run a rotom your self inplace of jolt... bulky imune to ground and rotom c can learn leaf storm to rid yourself of swampert.
Well, I personallly use Azelf, and without Fire Blast you will not be able to OHKO Metagross leads and they would be able to SR. I also used Jolteon and can only see it as a Stall for me, and to wall Electric types, to replace I would use Electrive. However you spell it! If you predict right it can become an instant win for you! Vaporeon is good. :D I would only stick with one choiced pokemon because what if those are your last two? O man, your screwed. You could replace one for a wall or Baton Passer, that gives ups for your Gyrados or a dual screen to allow Gyrados to set up by itself but with life orb that might now work.

More description please. You have to state why its on your team and role, etc.
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