XY OU Rate my Mega altaria team

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    Luna (Sylveon) (F) @ Leftovers
  2. Ability: Pixilate
  3. EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpD
  4. Bold Nature
  5. - Hyper Voice
  6. - Wish
  7. - Protect
  8. - Heal Bell
I wanted good cleric that will help my team not being suck with status problems. Sylveon can survive many situation from physical and special attacks. it cannot kill much (darks and dragons almost only) but is always good pick to take some this that your team is weak. Many pokemons might kill sylveon and some of this team pokemons. I have 220 on def beacuse this way sylveon survives from physical attacks and cannot be killed so easily. 36 SpD will cover special attacks a lot and wont be ohkoed so
easily on that side.

Weakness: Scizor and fast prankster tauners (sableye,liepard)

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    Kumo (Altaria) (F) @ Altarianite
  2. Ability: Cloud Nine
  3. EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
  4. Adamant Nature
  5. - Return
  6. - Earthquake
  7. - Dragon Dance
  8. - Roost
I wanted good dragon dancer and with good stats. I came up with altaria and its mega from (i havent seen them much at ou tho). Altaria is cute and mega form have awesome stats. Fairy/dargon type gives you good advantage against some types and ofc without MAltaria you can dodge earthquakes from mold breakers too. Altaria is just too good not have in team (i've been notice this) but you need play very carefully with this beaty.

Weakness: all steel types (team can cover many other weakness) and gengar


  1. Anivia (Skarmory) (F) @ Rocky Helmet
  2. Ability: Sturdy
  3. EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spe
  4. Impish Nature
  5. - Brave Bird
  6. - Stealth Rock
  7. - Roost
  8. - Whirlwind
Skarmory i dont need much explain. Everyone knows purpose of skarm.
Shortly: Skarmory usually enters the battle as a counter to physical attackers such as Mega Pinsir/beedrill. Roost should be used liberally, to restore Skarmory to full health, as this lets it avoid 2HKOs from some of the stronger attackers in the tier. As a general rule, when in doubt, use Whirlwind. Not only is it a great scouting move, but it also gets you out of unexpected situations, such as when facing Garchomp or Tyranitar sets that utilize Fire Blast. Stealth Rocks is good entry hazard and you should use it always when you have opening for that. Otherwise use whirlwind if you are afraid of setup. Like sylveon and mew, this pokemon is weak for fast taunters like sableye/liepard.

Weakness: Rotom, heatran and some scarf fire types and ofc Charizard weakness is high.


Momo (Mew) item: leftovers
  1. Ability: Synchronize
  2. EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
  3. Careful Nature
  4. - Will-O-Wisp
  5. - Taunt
  6. - Knock Off
  7. - Roost

Mew is mostly usage as stall breakers and breaks high walls (ferro,chansey etc. The Speed EVs allow Mew to outspeed max Speed pokemons (mega heracross as easy example). The rest is invested in HP and SpD so that Mew can take special attack hits beacuse mew can allready take many physical attacks without Def ev's. Spread of 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe with a Careful nature, utilizing enough Speed investment to outspeed and burn Bisharp and max Speed Jolly Tyranitar before they can attack, and Special Defense investment that lets it tackle Stealth Rock Landorus. Leftovers is the item of choice and provides passive recovery.

Weakness: LO/specs gengar, Bisharp (if cannot burn before bish attacks) and all bug


  1. Wash Machine (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers
  2. Ability: Levitate
  3. EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 40 Spe
  4. Bold Nature
  5. - Hydro Pump
  6. - Volt Switch
  7. - Pain Split
  8. - Will-O-Wisp
Physical defensive rotom counters talonflame as example. EV spread give good combination for defensive and offensive play. Speed EV's gives this pokemon outspeed many other rotoms (that arent scarfed) beacuse it seems very usual people use only 4 on speed and either 252 on def or SpD with 252 HP. Will-o helps vs many dangerous physical attackers (like scizor or bisharp). Pretty much with mew this pokemon can do a lot for team.


  1. Lucifer (M) @ Life Orb
  2. Ability: Levitate
  3. EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
  4. Timid Nature
  5. - Psyshock
  6. - Draco Meteor
  7. - Defog
  8. - Roost
I had hard time pick between latias and latios but i wanted try latios as my LO special sweeper.

Lets start with Roost: As smogon say: Roost increases Latios's longevity drastically, making it a more reliable switch-in to the Pokemon it's supposed to check, such as Keldeo and Landorus.

psyshock is very good against any poison pokemon (except two poison/dark pokemons). This helps a lot vs mega venusaur, gengar and many annoyish poison type. it can even deal with special defensives sylveon and very weak defensive pokemons + ability hit fighting.

Draco Meteor: Smogon tells evrything: Draco Meteor is Latios's main STAB attack and is capable of OHKOing many offensively oriented Pokemon, including Landorus, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Medicham. Due to its high Base Power, it also gives Latios the ability to act as a wallbreaker, dealing significant damage to quite a few defensively oriented Pokemon, such as Landorus-T, Alomomola, Slowbro, and specially defensive Gliscor.

Defog: Team would be weak to hazards if i wouldnt have this pretty move. Even tho it removes even hazards that skarm got in, it doesnt matter when you need get rid of annoying hazard, that otherwise weakens your other pokemons. Defog is hazard removal and thats all (be careful vs bisharps tho. Otherwise you are pretty much dead).

My biggest weak for whole team is scizor/Mezor, Marde (mega gardevoir), greninja and ofc small gengar weakness.

I appereciate help and helping get rid of highest weaknesses to make team more better and less weakness than it has now.

Some of explanation is from smogon website.

Pictures are from google.
your team doesnt provide any form of offensive pressure and it only backs up mega alt by having skarm. so first thing i noticed is that you lose to gengar easily the biggest threatbto your team heatran is a good mon over skarm since it beats ferro scizor and skarm. You already have rotom as a check to talon and mamo but now you kinda need a revenge killer so i suggest banded dnite or bisharp since you lose to mega slowbro you should also put thunder bolt over roost in lati to prevent that mega from setting up on lati. Your team also likes bisharp so put life orb low kick bisharp since its a nice wall breaker and beats other bisharps out there.
Okay I don't brave bird may be the best for skarmory because when you use brave bird it would make sturdy useless and your putting EVs into speed so your hoping it can out speed SOMETHING I think you should go for something like drill peck so you still have good attack and won't deactivate sturdy
your team doesnt provide any form of offensive pressure and it only backs up mega alt by having skarm. so first thing i noticed is that you lose to gengar easily the biggest threatbto your team heatran is a good mon over skarm since it beats ferro scizor and skarm. You already have rotom as a check to talon and mamo but now you kinda need a revenge killer so i suggest banded dnite or bisharp since you lose to mega slowbro you should also put thunder bolt over roost in lati to prevent that mega from setting up on lati. Your team also likes bisharp so put life orb low kick bisharp since its a nice wall breaker and beats other bisharps out there.

well, when i put heatran in team is full. theres no spot anymore for bisharp :P
One thing about Rotom is people run 44 speed EVs to outspeed max speed Azu, your set speed ties which isn't good enough, the only benefit your set has is being able to get off a slow Volt Switch if facing another Rotom, in which case you might as well just run standard max HP and Def if you really want to do that. Regardless, I'd rather suggest you just run standard 44 Speed.
I'd also advise a bulkier set for Alt, a full offensive EV spread like that is best suited to DD three attacks set, which doesn't suit a team like this. Try Jolly EVs: 248 HP / 56 Atk / 204 Spe, this gives you some helpful extra bulk and still lets you outspeed fast attackers like Mega Lop after one DD. It's a set that gives you good offensive and defensive potential which suits your team and Mega Alt in general.
Lastly, Sylfeon and Altaria on the same team is kind of a waste, I'd advise Chansey as a suitable replacement. It forms the good ol' Skarm-Chans core and still provides you with a solid cleric. You can either run her as a Wish-passer, or slap Toxic/T-Wave on with Soft Boiled, though since you already have recovery on all your other team members, I'd say Toxic/T-Wave is the best option.
Hope this helped.

Chansey (F) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell
- Toxic / Thunder Wave
- Seismic Toss