rate me please

my team is:

ambipom@life orb
brick break
aerial ace
scout and physical sweeper

electivire@choice scarf
adamant/motor drive
ice punch
fire punch
physical sweeper

careful/thick fat
random/estmated ev spread that accomadates to it
body slam
sleep talk
special wall

starmie@expert belt
timid/natural cure
ice beam
rapid spin
special sweeper/spinner

gengar@life orb
focus blast
destiny bond
special sweeper

lucario@salac berry
jolly/inner focus?
close combat
extreme speed
sword dance
physical sweeper

please give any suggestions that come to mind

Double-hit should always be used over Return on Ambipom, since it has 2 more Base Power and breaks Subs.

It looks like Starmie and Gengar both do the same thing on this team except Starmie has the added support move. I suggest you replace one of them with a Physical-wall that can has a good Fighting-type resistance to cover Lucario/Snorlax/Ambipom.
Double-hit should always be used over Return on Ambipom, since it has 2 more Base Power and breaks Subs.

It looks like Starmie and Gengar both do the same thing on this team except Starmie has the added support move. I suggest you replace one of them with a Physical-wall that can has a good Fighting-type resistance to cover Lucario/Snorlax/Ambipom.

I need both or more than one in case of a physical wall
I've had incidences where my gengar saved me from pokemon like tangrowth
Why doesn't Ambipom have Fake Out? Come on. STAB Technician Fake Out is the only reason to use Ampibom. It's better than Aerial Ace since a STAB Return has 153 power, while a supereffective Aerial Ace only has 120 power.

That said, please list all of your Pokemon's ability. We want to know that you have the best abilities for your team.

And you don't even have Natures listed. Those things are very important, please make sure you've included all of those things before making a team. Otherwise, your thread might even get locked.
Why doesn't Ambipom have Fake Out? Come on. STAB Technician Fake Out is the only reason to use Ampibom. It's better than Aerial Ace since a STAB Return has 153 power, while a supereffective Aerial Ace only has 120 power.

That said, please list all of your Pokemon's ability. We want to know that you have the best abilities for your team.

And you don't even have Natures listed. Those things are very important, please make sure you've included all of those things before making a team. Otherwise, your thread might even get locked.
sorry, don't really know what to do here
just signed up
I'll be editing my post now

also, I don't like fake out cause it only works on the 1st turn
true fake out does only work on the 1st turn but that guaranteed flinch can help out if you face a focus sash starter, stopping them and negating the sash at the same time

use it in place of aerial ace, STAB return (or even Double Hit for sub breaking) is stronger then super effective Aerial Aces
Enough with the altered fonts, sizes, colors and shit. Can ANYONE type normally?

And why do you have HP EVs on Life Orb Gengar?

Starmie won't last long enough without sufficient bulk and Recover. Just use Surf/Spin/Recover/whatever, with 236HP / 56SpAtk / 216Spd as the EVs on Starmie.

Wish support can suffice
Use the standard Life Orb EV set on Gengar if you're using him: 136 Atk / 156 SpA / 216 Spe. OHKOs Blissey with Explosion>Destiny Bond if you're having trouble with her (which, by the looks of all those physical pokes, you shouldn't).