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 Random Battles Community Survey: Gen 8 Revamp (CLOSED)

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A Cake Wearing A Hat

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Random Battle Lead
The Random Battles Development Council has not been able to decide whether to revamp Gen 8 into the new system Gen 9 Random Battles uses or not; input from who we've polled so far has been quite mixed, and we need to cast a wider net! This is where you come in.


What does a revamp mean? It means we'll be using the new system described in detail in this thread, instead of what Gen 8 is now.
What will this information be used for? The council will take the information contained in your responses and use it to make an educated opinion when we council vote once again at the end of the survey period.
Do I need to be good at laddering or something for this? No. You do not need to have a good GXE to be considered. You in fact don't even have to like Gen 8 Rands. The first set of questions is merely to obtain data we can use to sort various demographics' opinions. Your submission will matter so long as it is sincere.

This survey will be open until April 14th at 11:59 PM GMT.
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Hey! Just to update anyone who's listening, we collected and analyzed all of your responses (Thank you so much for helping!) and had another council vote on the matter.

We have ultimately decided not to revamp Gen 8 Random Battle. This was a divisive issue, so we still didn't have a clear answer, and we went with our gut with a 4-3 majority.
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